
s-foxHey cprofitt o/00:31
cprofitthey s-fox00:42
s-foxHow are you?00:43
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akgranercjohnston, you are rocking summit!  Go you!01:27
cjohnstonanyone around who is a sucker for punishment who wouldn't mind helping me test things?02:30
cjohnstonOk.. Anyone around who wants to check out something thats totally awesome?02:44
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akgranercjohnston, just tell them the coolness is the new summit features and they rock03:19
akgranersee how creative people can be with the session titles :-)03:19
cjohnstonI already saw03:19
akgranerhey the graner's keep it real would be an awesome talk03:20
cjohnstonyou cant have all week03:20
akgraneroh well there is that03:20
akgranerI can in your test session03:20
akgranercjohnston, it can be ars - akgraner reality summit :-P - that would be scary03:22
akgraneror funny as heck one of the two03:22
akgranerok I am going on 15 hours awake and I am getting punchy  - cjohnston let me know if you need anything else from me tomorrow - I'll find some time somewhere03:23
* akgraner wonders if she should finish her self-evaluation in this mood :-)03:24
cjohnstonhave a good night03:24
cjohnstonty for your help03:24
akgraneryw... catch you tomorrow03:26
cjohnstonHey all.. if you could please help me with testing new features in Summit: http://chrisjohnston.org/ubuntu/the-summit-scheduler-a-call-for-testing03:35
bkerensadocumentation freeze is not happening this week =s04:22
cjohnstonwe dont need no stinkin docs04:22
bkerensacjohnston: heh04:23
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dpmgood morning all07:27
dholbachgood morning08:08
s-foxHello o/11:10
s-foxHey cjohnston , up a bit early for you? On nights?11:12
cjohnstonno.. its 711:12
s-foxhmmm, maybe I got my timezones mixed up, ha11:13
czajkowskiDSt messes things up11:13
s-foxWe change this sunday11:14
s-foxCan't wait to be honest11:14
czajkowskicjohnston: where ona  wiki page do I list a uds activity planning ?11:19
cjohnstonnot really sure11:21
cjohnstonwhat type of activity?11:21
czajkowskievenign activity11:21
czajkowskiused to be w.u.c/uds-release11:21
czajkowskiand we could put stuff there wondered was it gonna be used11:21
cjohnstonTheres /UDS-Q11:22
czajkowskiaye which looks a bit odd seeing the header like that11:23
cjohnstonI don't know that I would put it right on that page11:23
cjohnstonI'm gonna work on that11:23
czajkowskiall the links dont exist11:23
cjohnstonjcastro has had run it looks like11:23
cjohnstonjust means noone has created them yet because noones gotten there11:23
AlanBellwhat is the event czajkowski?11:24
czajkowskicjohnston: can you create an evening activities page for me please as you have it open11:24
czajkowskiAlanBell: photo walk11:24
czajkowskifor photographers11:24
czajkowskijust planning it now11:24
AlanBellstarting where?11:24
czajkowskiAlanBell: am in the planning phase :)11:24
czajkowskiaka had the idea and now trying to work it out :)11:25
AlanBellmaybe talk to pleia211:25
AlanBellalthough that would mean it ends up in a zoo11:25
czajkowskijust creating a wiki page and can plan from there11:28
czajkowskithere used to be a wiki page under/UDS for evening events so it should be ok11:28
nigelbAlanBell: meanie :P11:34
* AlanBell loves pleia2's zoo pictures11:35
czajkowskithey are cute11:35
czajkowskiand the first thing we did when she visted me in dublin11:35
czajkowskiwas go to the zoo :)11:35
czajkowskicjohnston: thanks11:36
czajkowskibaffled why I cannot find the Uds-L page11:38
czajkowskifor events11:38
AlanBellwe are about due a release name for Q11:41
AlanBellMarch 7th was Oneiric11:41
sagaciAlanBell: amen, amen!11:45
cprofittI hope they choose the name I gave at UDS11:51
cprofittto be honest not that many Q animals11:51
quagga\o/ go Quagga for 12.10!11:52
* quagga tickles the pangolin 11:53
cprofittQuixotic Quetzal11:53
AlanBellsilly popey11:53
cprofittAlanBell: wrong letter... :-)11:54
cprofittAlanBell: did you see the device I posted on G+ yesterday?11:56
AlanBelldasher can be switch controlled, as can onboard now11:58
AlanBellup to recently the spacebar in onboard was mapped to 'e' so we don't think anyone has ever used it11:58
AlanBellin onboard you can activate scanning mode11:58
cprofittthis is the video that I saw the device in11:59
cprofittvery impressive what the young man is capable of11:59
cprofittthat device makes a huge difference for him11:59
cprofittThanks for the information on dasher and onboard12:01
AlanBellit was return https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/onboard/+bug/87738512:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 877385 in onboard "scanning layout has return mapped to "e"" [Undecided,Fix released]12:03
cprofittspace or return is kind of a major roadblock.12:06
popeycolour me unsurprised that kid uses apple12:08
cprofittwhy do you say that popey?12:08
popeybecause they get a11y right12:09
* cprofitt nods12:09
cprofittthat I agree with12:09
cprofittthough most of the setups we have in my district use Windows12:10
PendulumI think Windows tends to be more common used with 3rd party software, but for just plain works without too much extra software Apple tends to be better12:10
cprofittI was just typing that Pendulum12:11
PendulumSchools use Windows because they assume that that's what they kids will be using other places12:11
cprofittIn our cases we use Windows because of the cost -- and the familiarity of the staff with the Windows platform + third party tools12:12
PendulumAnd because, at least in my area, that's what they already have for computers12:12
czajkowskimy secondary school uses windows and linux12:12
czajkowskithey have classes using both12:12
cprofittwe have special trained people from our BOCES that handle all the a11y implementations12:12
Pendulumthe interesting thing is once you start putting in cost for 3rd party tools for a11y, I suspect Apple ends up cheaper than Windows12:12
czajkowskithey got a lot of help from the university to use linux with lectuers and TAs coming out to help which really helped12:13
cprofittczajkowski: that is great to hear... precious little Linux adoption in schools near me... except in the server room12:13
czajkowskinope we have programming class in 4th year in most schools12:14
czajkowskiand can now take computer modules up to our junior cert aka 15 year olds12:14
cprofittlocal schools around me used to do programming... but they dropped it... primarily because none of the teachers know how to program12:14
cprofittas a parent it bothers me greatly12:14
cprofittthey think teaching autocad and MS Office = computer science12:15
cprofittI did manage to help get a computer club formed at one of the two high schools in my district, and most of those kids use Linux and program arduinos12:18
cprofittI would prefer that some courses be taughts -- or programming integrated in to other courses like Physics / Chemistry / etc12:19
czajkowski*shrugs* you cant expect a teacher to teach everything, or they wont teach one thing correctly or fully12:21
czajkowskiso I dont expect teachers to teach programming, yes it'd be nice but I could see time better spent elsewhere12:21
cprofittczajkowski: who teaches the programming courses in your schools?12:23
czajkowskithe TAs from Unis who are studying masters12:24
czajkowskior past graduates who have completed uni and going back to teach in secondary schools mostly12:24
czajkowskito become a teacher as our degrees are in Bsc in computer science so once we do a grad dip we can teach in any secondary school12:25
cprofittah... that is a key difference from here12:25
cprofitthere people have to have a specific education degree to teach in any K-12 schools; they need to add a masters on to that, but without the education degree a masters degree doesn't qualify a person to teach in K-1212:26
cprofittand our K-12 education programs have no computer science certification12:26
czajkowskimany of my mates who did my course went on to do a 1 year course to become a teacher in schools and then teach computer stuff and usually one of their subjects that they would hae done to leaving cert12:26
czajkowskiwow you need a masters to teach kids12:27
cprofittour teachers go through a 4 year undergrad program specifically in education - either elementary or secondary12:27
cprofittthey pick a certification area - math, science, english, foreign language, physical ed, etc12:28
cprofittthen they have to get a masters degree in education as well to remain a teacher12:28
cprofittbut a person with a doctorate in computer science would not be able to teach in K-12 unless they went back and completed a two year course in education12:29
cprofittand then if you applied to teach you would be put on the bottom rung as no other experience counts toward the salary scale -- that makes it rare that anyone elects to go in to teaching K-1212:30
cprofittczajkowski: sounds like your system works a bit better12:31
s-foxI am moving into teaching from an IT background12:31
cprofitts-fox: where are you?12:32
czajkowskiwe have something similar, although you also have to factor in the irish language, you need honours to become a primary teacher, one of the hardest courses to get into, it;s a 4 year degree, most secondary school teachers are either arts students who major in 2 subjects and then do a follow up h dip, or we do have specalised science and PE teachers.12:32
s-foxand I do have a degree in BSc12:32
s-foxcprofitt,  I will be teaching in Japan12:33
czajkowskimy mum wanted me to do the h dip after college, namely as in .ie we have 3 months summer hols12:33
czajkowskiwhich is good if you're a woman and wnat to have a family and still work12:33
czajkowskibut as much as I love kids, I think I'd strangle them :)12:33
s-foxI will be teaching adults, so not got that issue czajkowski  ;) haha12:34
cprofittour teachers get two months... nice gig if you can get it.12:34
czajkowskithey're even worse! they think they know it all12:34
czajkowskianother reason is it'a pensionable job and you cannot be fired12:34
czajkowskiI know about 3 of my mates are teaching in japan they did the TEFEL course and teach english over there12:35
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cjohnstonmhall119: jcastro you going to be able to jump on the call?14:00
mhall119cjohnston: what call?14:03
dholbachhey dpm15:08
dholbachdpm, if you have a bit of time can you check if the update-packaging-guide script still works? :)15:08
dholbachwe changed a few bits because of the i18n15:08
technovikingjcastro: stuart is looking at the logs, hopefully something soon15:25
dpmdholbach, on it15:28
dholbachdpm, just remember to set the environment variables if you run it manually ;-)15:29
dpmdholbach, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/893762/15:34
dholbachha, I thought it might break ;-)15:34
dholbachlet me check15:34
dholbachdpm, I fixed the bug in ~dholbach/+junk/update-packaging-guide15:59
dpmdholbach, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/893807/ - does the output on d.u.c look about right?16:03
dholbachdpm, yes for now it'll do - I'll check into re-adding the links - the HTML changed, so the regex etc needs to be changed too16:04
dpmdholbach, ok, cool, let me know when you want me to pull from bzr again16:06
* dholbach hugs dpm16:06
* dpm hugs back ;)16:07
dholbachdpm, another update pushed16:35
dpmdholbach, ok, pulled and updated output16:36
dholbachdpm, http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ looks much closer to the original now, doesn't it?16:36
dholbachadmittedly not as pretty16:37
dholbachbut for generated docs not too bad16:37
dholbachnext: i18n'ed version :-P16:37
jo-erlendI just got some interesting data from Norways biggest newspaper; http://ubuntuone.com/4ftiPYrQgmLA37SRjx47Vl17:00
jo-erlendthe number of visits is secret, but nonetheless.. VG.no is a site that everyone visits, so it's probably the very best data that can be found about Norway. He asked if I had an explanation for the sudden rise in June 2011. I see no other explanation than Unity by default. So I asked if Ubuntu is the major part of the reason. With a little bit of luck, he'll be able and willing to answer. :)17:04
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow17:29
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czajkowskidpm: hello!17:36
pleia2czajkowski: if we could collaborate on UDS events it would be nice (the California team has a lot of ideas already to fill up the usually 2 nights free :))17:36
dpmhi czajkowski17:36
czajkowskidpm: can you help get us on the right path to get this page translated please https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines17:36
czajkowskipleia2: cool just went looking under /UDS as thats where it ususally went17:36
pleia2I'll be leading a tourist group in SF Wednesday night, there is also a Debian dinner that night and possibly going to the supercomputers at NERSC17:37
pleia2yeah, we haven't linked it yet because it's still a couple months off and we wanted more details first17:37
czajkowskinods and also people have team dinners tue/wed also17:37
pleia2weds tends to be free and thursday for team dinners, so we're shooting for thursday night for some things for people who don't have team dinners17:38
pleia2(I'll be doing an Ubuntu Women dinner Thursday)17:38
dpmczajkowski, sure, I won't manage today, but will put it on my todo for tomorrow. For the future, though, do you think it would make sense to move these kind of pages to the LoCo portal? This way they'd have a more permanent home and translators would be able to translate them with Launchpad17:38
dpmmhall119, what do you think? ^17:39
czajkowskihmm interesting thought17:39
czajkowskiand yea tomorrow is grand for it17:39
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bkerensadpm: We are trying are best to get it done17:54
dpmhi bkerensa, I'm a bit out of context, what are you trying to get done?17:55
bkerensadpm: finish the doc work before freeze17:55
bkerensaor soon after if we get a exception17:55
dpmbkerensa, yeah, I've been chatting with jbicha and with skaet on #ubuntu-doc and #ubuntu-release17:56
mhall119dpm: think about which?18:03
dpmthe suggestion to move some wiki pages related to LoCo info to the loco portal ^^18:04
mhall119they won't be translatable unless they're in the code itself, which will make updates more cumbersome, but we can do it18:05
mhall119jbicha_: bkerensa: Can you  guys help me gather a list of people who contributed towards documentation for 12.04?19:11
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bkerensamhall119: I will see what I can do :)19:31
cjohnston /3919:34
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bkerensamhall119: I just pinged doc list to try and gather that and I will e-mail you a list when I have one together19:43
mhall119thanks bkerensa19:46
jbicha_bkerensa: the commit logs work too https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/precise/changes19:56
jbicha_and same for kubuntu-docs, server guide19:57
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popeyjcastro: network dropped20:32
jcastroyeah mine is pretty bad20:32
jcastropopey, can you post on the bug and say it sucked for me too?20:32
jcastrowrapping up this OMG bidness20:32
popeymine isnt bad, it dropped completely20:33
jcastrowell, certainly the kernel he gave me before this one was awesome20:33
jcastrothis has to be the crappy one I figure20:33
balloonsAlanBell, Daviey anyone.. can you tell me if it's possible to have etherpad's viewable via read-only without login? as it stands, we can't use the ubuntu pad to do generic public work as many people aren't a member of the team that allows them to access20:42
balloonsIf this isn't possible now, who can we talk to about changing it?20:43
AlanBellit isn't possible now, but I have a plan20:43
jbicha_balloons: maybe http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org20:43
AlanBellI will be adding such a method to the server that we will be using for UDS20:44
AlanBelljbicha_: that is running the same code, just a different theme20:44
balloonsAlanBell, awesome.. so by next UDS our etherpads will be publically viewable without login?20:44
AlanBellthe Ubuntu pad is stuck behind a reverse proxy that requires openid auth from everyone20:44
balloonsand I can use it for other things outside of UDS for ubuntu work20:44
balloonscool.. thanks.20:45
balloonsglad to hear it20:45
AlanBellnormally there is a static read only link, I am extending it to do a live read only link20:45
AlanBelland you can use the comment facility without logging on20:45
AlanBellhave a play20:45
balloonsohh.. new theme.. new version?20:47
balloonslooks nice20:47
AlanBellit will be embedded in summit again, and it will know who you are from your summit login20:48
akgranerAlanBell, somewhere in there you should have inserting a "muahahaha" after the "I have a plan" - just sayin'20:49
jbicha_AlanBell: why is it stuck behind that openid thing? I have to reconnect all the time20:51
AlanBellyeah, sorry about that20:52
mhall119jbicha_: because when it wasn't, OMG linked to the session pads in their articles and a bunch of people started screwing them up20:52
jbicha_the ubuntu-uk one doesn't require the login20:52
AlanBellit was implemented about 12 hours before the start of the UDS before last20:52
AlanBellyeah, etherpad doesn't support openID at all so canonical sysadmins decided to put it behind a reverse proxy that requires auth20:53
jbicha_oh ok20:53
AlanBellI think it may have been less than 12 hours  in fact!20:55
AlanBellbut it was done by the time sabdlf stopped speaking20:55
jalcineI thought it was sadfl?20:55
cjohnstonballoons: what teams are they a member of that they dont have access?20:56
AlanBellsabdfl, I can't type20:56
jalcinelol but I've seen a lot of people use sabdfl .20:56
AlanBellyeah, pretty much everyone with a launchpad account should have access, if they don't there is a group for execptions20:56
cjohnstonI remember sitting in the lobby with jcastro adding thousands of people on Monday morning.20:57
AlanBellanyone in canonical, ubuntu members, any loco team, motu etc are already added20:57
jcastroIS was complaining about spam too20:58
jcastropeople were spamming it20:58
AlanBellthey were21:00
balloonsAlanBell, cjohnston .. I21:02
mhall119jcastro: I may have broken OMG21:02
balloonsas an example, https://launchpad.net/~cortman doesn't have access21:02
czajkowskimost people wer added to it21:03
czajkowskiso all locoteams21:03
czajkowskiubuntu members21:03
AlanBellyeah, well this cortman person is in no groups21:03
czajkowskiit was rare that peoople who wanted to interact with Ubuntu land were able to access the etherpad21:03
cjohnstonballoons: ask for ubuntu-testing to be members of ~ubuntu-etherpad21:03
czajkowskiwhat cjohnston said21:04
AlanBellit is unusual for people to not be in a loco team, but be sufficiently involved in the project to want to see UDS stuff21:04
cjohnstonballoons: I added the team, ask Pete or stgraber to approve it21:05
cjohnstonthen they will all be members21:05
balloonsahh.. that would be helpful, thank you21:06
czajkowskisweet that was painless21:06
cjohnstonAnyone willing to help me test out awesome new changes in Summit?21:06
jcastroanyone willing to stick a knife in me?21:07
jcastroyaaaaargh OMG!Ubuntu!21:07
cjohnstonthats how I feel about charms too21:07
mhall119jcastro: is it will WP/PHP that's failing?21:08
mhall119can you just juju add wordpress-omg now/21:08
jcastroapache, but not on the running one, it's running fine21:08
jcastrosomething else is the problem21:08
balloonscjohnston, you sure you invited?21:09
jcastrow're almost done with the omg charm21:09
balloonspete doesn't see anything21:09
cjohnstonlooks like he approved it21:10
balloonsnow he sees it21:10
cjohnstonadded 143 new members21:10
cjohnstonour team is 20,144 strong..21:10
balloonsi've got another one for you to add21:10
balloonsone sec21:10
czajkowskiballoons: get them all in one go21:11
balloonsyes.. it's another team :-)21:11
cjohnstonget someone to approve21:12
balloonswill do21:12
cjohnstonballoons has the power21:15
jcastrowell done21:15
jcastro"your problem now, welcome to the team!"21:15
balloonsi do?!?21:15
cjohnstonwhat he said21:15
cjohnstonthats prolly what jono told you when he hired you too21:16
* balloons whimpers.. no one told me anything about this!21:18
cjohnstonwhat do you need to be told21:18
cjohnstonyou noticed a problem, mentioned it, i jfdi'ed it.. everything is better now21:19
jcastroyou're just new here and full of energy21:19
balloonscjohnston, I'm only kidding21:19
balloonsyes, as always ya'll have been great21:19
jcastroso we'll likely give you as much power as possible so when you do explode it's less work for us.21:19
balloonsask and I have recieved21:20
balloonsjcastro, good plan21:20
jcastrothen you'll be like "it all makes sense, no wonder jorge is an alcoholic."21:20
cjohnstonI can't be an alcoholic...21:20
czajkowskijcastro: so how is your day going :)21:20
cjohnstonI have to stop drinking every third day21:20
cjohnstonalthough, I am going to "World of Beer" tonight21:20
jcastro5 days of nothing but this OMG fire, soon though, soon we will be triumphant.21:21
czajkowskiclearly I missed the fire21:21
cjohnstonI have a list of stuff for you when your triumphant21:21
cjohnstonczajkowski: not omg21:21
cjohnstonwell, it may be up now, but it wasnt21:22
pleia2czajkowski: ok, updated /UDS-Q/OtherEvents with the details in my notes (and updated the california page so it's more complete, but it'll also get more fleshed out over these next few weeks21:32
pleia2the team is super excited to be the host area for this UDS, so it should be fun :)21:32
czajkowskipleia2: cool21:33
czajkowskipleia2: just need to add a line after the atttendees before the san fran tour21:34
czajkowskithat ok??21:34
czajkowskijust added a seperation bar21:36
pleia2we could combine the two if you want (not sure where you were intending to go photo-wise)21:36
czajkowskiwe didnt pick monday as usually something going on for folks, and tuesday not sure if we've a team thingy21:37
pleia2it's tricky because it'll be dark, so I'm not sure what to suggest21:37
czajkowskiaye tis fine one of the guys is big into photography so if we get 2-3 others it'll be fun21:37
czajkowskiso might be best if not too big a group anyways.21:37
czajkowskipleia2: how far is it from the venue to san fran ?21:38
pleia2about 15-20 minutes on transit21:38
czajkowskitransit = Bart?21:38
cjohnstonthe bart was actually fairly easy to use compaired to some of the others I have found21:39
pleia2and I'll have to check the exact price, it's going to be interesting ticket-wise for a bunch of people (in budapest the hungarian logo just bought a ticket book)21:39
pleia2cjohnston: yeah, public transit here is quite nice21:39
* jalcine waits for a UDS in New York.21:42
AlanBellczajkowski: the bridge and park by the bridge look like interesting places21:42
AlanBellPendulum was talking about the japanese tea gardens which might be photographable21:43
czajkowskigmb is woking on the route21:43
pleia2unfortunately the japanese tea garden isn't open at night (and that's a much longer trip, other side of the city near the ocean)21:43
greg-gthe ZOO!21:43
greg-gpleia2's favorite place21:44
pleia2that's not open at night either, I've told them they should have a special night open each month :)21:44
pleia2the california team is also putting together some "stuff to do if you're here on weekends" and we may be doing some touristing then too, much more to do during the day21:45
* greg-g nods21:45
pleia2I've pretty much blocked off all my time in the weekends around UDS for this ;)21:45
pleia2I'll also be doing an airport run at midnight on Saturday for at least one community member getting in super late21:46
cjohnstonups is finally here!21:46
AlanBellpleia2: so with the bart, would a $50 ticket be reasonable for a week?21:47
pleia2AlanBell: are yout taking it to/from the airport?21:48
greg-g's almost just SFO <-> oakland :/21:48
pleia2(and which airport?)21:49
AlanBellyeah, airport to SF, maybe a cable car or streetcar or something, then oakland then whatever mooching about we do during the week, then back to the airport21:49
pleia2https://bugs.launchpad.net/uds-project/+bug/929014 has prices for transit, from SFO it's $8.4021:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 929014 in uds-project "Add public transit options to travel page" [Wishlist,Confirmed]21:49
greg-gwait, I was wrong, it's ~$9 each way for SFO <-> Oakland21:50
pleia2AlanBell: cable car and street cars are a separate transit system :( you need MUNI tickets21:50
AlanBelloh I thought it was all on the rfid card thing21:50
pleia2AlanBell: ah, yes, you can get a clipper card21:50
pleia2AlanBell: but they don't work on Cable Cars yet, still need to do cash unless you have a monthly pass21:51
pleia2they work on street cars21:51
pleia2and each person needs to have a card, can't share21:51
balloonspleia2, I was looking at getting a clipper card.. anyway to get one in advance?21:52
pleia2balloons: yeah, and if you order online they are free :)21:52
pleia2(they will cost $5 is you buy them in person)21:53
AlanBellonly for the USA though21:53
AlanBellguess I can pick one up at SFO21:53
czajkowskiAlanBell: get it shopped to the hotel a few days before21:53
balloonscool.. I'll order mine and have it sent.. Thanks pleia221:53
AlanBelland pay the foreigner tax21:54
AlanBellczajkowski: doesn't help me get to the hotel!21:54
* czajkowski removes the ! key! 21:54
AlanBelland I am staying in SF on the saturday21:54
czajkowskinods as am I21:54
pleia2I should check if they sell them at SFO, I'll be there on Wednesday so I'll try to remember to check21:54
czajkowskibut am heading to the hotel to unwind21:54
AlanBellthat would be good pleia221:55
pleia2if not you can just get a bart ticket for that leg of the trip and buy a clipper card at a station later21:56
czajkowskipleia2: you could add a travel section on the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Q/  might make it easier to update for future conferneces rather than on the website21:56
pleia2czajkowski: ah, good idea, I keep sharing that silly bug report21:57
czajkowskipleia2: just makes sense to add content to the wiki for stuff like this and that way we can share and add stuff liek where to buy the card and update it as we find out21:58
czajkowskithen cjohnston can makr the bug invalid21:58
pleia2czajkowski: yeah, for the last couple cycles I had access to uds.ubuntu.com so I could add event info and stuff, but with this new site that went away21:59
pleia2so we're back to using the wiki, which we were trying to retire :\21:59
czajkowskiwhy we retiring the wiki21:59
czajkowskiit still has a use imo and it's community event as well21:59
cjohnstonpleia2: help us put it all into summit ;-)21:59
czajkowskiclosing off the wiki removes community being able to add and contribute things22:00
pleia2cjohnston: should I reassign the bug report to summit?22:00
cjohnstonyou should help us make summit able to handle that info22:00
pleia2oh yes, in my free time :)22:00
* czajkowski looks at her calendar 22:00
czajkowskiwhat free time22:00
cjohnstoni have three jobs now.. still find time to do it22:02
czajkowskiorgansing one conference, helping with another one and my community work leaves me friday and saturdays with no conf calls!22:02
pleia2AlanBell: my fiance was just checking on Clipper at SFO, doesn't look good, I'll come up with a scheme and put it on the wiki22:04
AlanBellok, thanks pleia222:04
pleia2anyway, I'm not even home right now (woo Philadelphia :D) and I have a dinner to get to, later all :)22:05
AlanBellhave fun o/22:05
czajkowskipleia2: toodles22:05
pleia2thanks for starting this stuff czajkowski, it's approaching fast!22:05
czajkowskipleia2: no bother :)22:06
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AlanBellballoons: we need to have a chat about the #u+1 channel at some point, can you pop into #ubuntu-irc when convenient please :)22:46
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* Pendulum makes mental note to order a Clipper Card in the next week or so23:40
Pendulum(I'm coming in a week before UDS to hang out and see non-Ubuntu friends)23:40
czajkowskino such thing as non ubuntu people23:54
Pendulumactually, to be fair one of them was the person who first mentioned Linux to me23:55
Pendulumbut I don't think he uses Ubuntu23:55

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