
seiflotfyhey guys12:04
elacheche_anishey seiflotfy12:09
seiflotfycongrats to you all12:09
elacheche_anisYeah.. Congratulations EgyParadox @ * :D I was so happy for you when I now about it :)12:12
elacheche_anisI'll try to inform my LoCo Team About that :D12:12
EgyParadoxthanks :D12:17
elacheche_anisEgyParadox, you're Ahmed Toulan, that's right?12:19
elacheche_anisOups.. Sorry EgyParadox X) thelinuxer is Ahmed X)12:24
=== EgyParadox_ is now known as EgyParadox
neo31hello folks :) mabrouk for egyptian team :)16:14
elacheche_anisneo31, you're late :p16:19
neo31enti tunisian team itlhha brou7ik16:20
neo31it's never too late16:20
=== Menopia is now known as Wazery

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