
chrismsnzhey hads00:26
chrismsnzmay I PM you?00:26
chrismsnzworkmate Ben sent you an email earlier just want to ask you a few things :)00:57
hadschrismsnz: Sure, sorry for the delay.02:22
Atamiragood morning all21:45
Ghads: time out of sync? (re: Twitter)22:30
thumperit seems my root filesystem has been mounted read-only22:37
thumperhow do I change this?22:37
thumperor perhaps see why?22:37
Gmount -o remount,rw /22:37
Gand dmesg /var/log/syslog for why22:37
Gif the modules hiccup in a bad way, it's common to go read-only as a safety measure22:38
thumpermount: cannot remount block device /dev/sda1 read-write, is write-protected22:39
Guh oh22:39
ojwbjust flip the write protect tab...22:39
thumperhaha, very funny22:40
Gdid it go/stay read-only on boot, or did it just go read-only during operation?22:40
Gojwb: I had to think about that for a few moments...22:40
thumperI think it may have been on boot22:40
ajmitchthumper: disks going bad?22:40
Gthumper: take a peak at the output of 'dmesg' and smartctl22:40
thumperdmesg is full of mysql shitting itself22:41
thumpersmartctl isn't installed22:41
thumperand can't be because / is read only22:41
* thumper tries a reboot.22:41
thumperthat works for windows, right?22:41
Gthumper: got a LiveCD/USB handy?22:41
thumperhah, no22:41
ajmitchthumper: sure, it makes everything better22:42
ojwbnot everything, you're still running windows after the reboot22:42
Gthumper: does the BIOS show SMART data?22:42
ajmitchI'm sure you've got enough systems there to write a bootable usb stick22:42
thumperit is a little funny22:42
thumperas it is a single big disk broken up22:42
thumperso the machine is running fine... (ish)22:43
thumperthe dirs /var, /home, and /tmp are all different partitions22:43
thumpersorry, had a leading /22:43
thumperwhich confused irc22:43
Gthumper: and they all mounted fine?22:43
thumperthe seem to be working fine22:44
ajmitchso a disk error in one part of the disk shouldn't cause the whole disk to go r/o22:44
thumperis there a command to get a list?22:44
thumperso /home is mounted fine22:44
ajmitchdmesg probably shows a pile of errors22:44
Gyeah, dmesg is the best bet for reasons22:44
G'dmesg | grep -4 sda' :)22:45
Goh also, look for scsi instead of sda too22:45
thumperdoesn't say much22:47
thumperok rebooting...22:48
* ajmitch waits to see if thumper will come back :)22:49
Gajmitch: I wonder if we can collect on the bet? :)23:07
mwhudsonnot looking good is it?23:17
ajmitchpoor chap23:25
mwhudsoni lost three hard drives in six months back in 200923:32
mwhudsonthat was not a lot of fun23:32
ajmitchI should fix up my fun networking setup here, rsync between a VM on my laptop & my work desktop was going at ~300k/sec until I switched it to use ipv623:45

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