
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
dpmgood morning all07:28
elkyhi dpm, chasing up about the bot, seems nobody saw the messages from yesterday07:41
dpmhi elky, thanks for coming back to me. Yeah, someone told me jpds generally takes care of the bots, and he seems to be on holiday07:41
elkyhe has good timing with his holidays07:42
elkyalways when i try poke him about stuff :P07:42
elkydpm, I can get the bot I run for Mahara to join here, and when the ubot* shows up it can just be banned until I stop it joining07:47
dpmelky, I'm not sure I could follow the bit about banning ubot, but if that means we can get a bug bot working and the usual logging facility is not affected, that's all we need07:48
elkydpm, when the ubotu clone shows up, and maharabot is still here, you'll get 2 answers to each bug mention. you'd just need to ban the maharabot so it can't talk07:50
elkyotherwise the bots will... converse. rather repetitively :)07:51
dpmelky, I'm by no means an IRC pro - how can I ban the bot permanently? And which permissions do I need to do it?07:52
elkyyou'd just need to be able to op up and you do seem to be on the access list for that. then you'd just need to type /mode +b maharabot!*@*07:57
elkyerk, can't get to the vm it's running on, so that was a bad offer, sorry :(08:08
DJonesbug 209:15
DJonesok, that didn't work09:15
elkyprobably still needs that config09:16
elkywhich will be somewhere in that .conf09:16
DJonesYeah, just looking now09:16
DJonesbug 209:17
DJonesbug 123409:19
ukbotUbuntu bug 1234 in launchpad "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123409:19
twobottuxUbuntu bug 1234 in launchpad "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123409:19
twobottuxLaunchpad bug 1234 in launchpad "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released]09:19
ukbotLaunchpad bug 1234 in launchpad "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released]09:19
twobottuxLaunchpad bug 1234 in launchpad "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123409:19
ukbotLaunchpad bug 1234 in launchpad "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123409:19
DJoneselky? Seems to be alread a bug bot here09:20
sagacibug 10109:20
elkywell so there is...09:21
elkyi wonder who owns that09:21
elkyDJones, well, you learned things today :P09:21
DJonesThat shows up in alternate nicks using /whois & stalker09:22
DJonesI'll /part ukbot anyway to reduce channel spam09:22
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amithkkDJones: Sorry about that16:13
amithkkIt was not jrgifford16:13
amithkkIt was on his server16:13
amithkkWant me to remove him?16:13
amithkkelky: It was my bot16:14
twobottuxHi! I'm #ubuntu-translators's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:15
DJonesIt doesn't bother me, I was just getting one running after hearing it was missing, I would guess elky is the best person to check with16:15
amithkkThat was a crash16:15
amithkkubuntulog: help16:16
amithkkThat is not a bot?16:16
amithkkIm out, sorry if I spammed16:16
jokerdinodpm, server down :(17:26
dpmjokerdino, thanks for the heads up, yeah, I'm fixing it as we speak17:26
dpmthe server instance got nuked during a maintenance outage and I need to recreate it17:27
dpmit might take me a few mins17:27
jokerdinooh good to know that you are aware of the problem. thanks17:27
dpmyeah, it was unfortunate that it happened while I was away, so I couldn't fix it straight away :/17:29
jokerdinoi see. i will be happy to see it back again.17:31
jokerdinobtw, why is the number of messages keep fluctuating?17:31
jokerdinodoes it have to do with the change in priorities of the templates?17:31
dpmit's due to UI freeze break exceptions: as more get approved, every now and then they add new messages17:32
dpmor also due to bug fixes that make strings translatable that weren't before17:33
jokerdinoah, i see. that makes sense.17:33
dpmok, server back online, now I need some minutes more to recover the data from a backup ->
jokerdinowe are getting there!17:35
dpmjokerdino, ok, stats are back! :)18:15
jokerdinoi was just looking through them, thanks for your work :)18:16
dpmnp, I'm glad you find them useful18:18
dpmnow I can happily call it a day :)18:18
dpmsee you all tomorrow!18:18
jokerdinohave a nice day :)18:18

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