
Guest23032What are some fun science-related things a tourist can do in Taiwan? 03:51
Guest23032AceLan acman ajneok AndrewLee billy3321 BV1AL byonk cataska chihchun cladamw coldman copyleft darkx dingyichen DreamerC ericpi ethan_tw ethinx forsto forsto FourDollars foxkaworus FredC freeflyi1g gaod Guest23032 03:52
Guest23032hardwalker hychen i3n legnaleurc kengyu KPXX mosesofmason  mrmoneyc n5mPoor nco71 needgem neoesque PeterWolf r0mb3r richliu rypervenche shang sl__ Stranger superbil Taiten987 tomcheng76 v1nc3ntlaw wobu ?03:53
forstomuseum of natural science in Taichung?03:54
Guest23032forsto: cool, anything else? =]03:55
Guest23032Much appreciated 03:55
forstonp, honestly, I can hardly come up with a second idea. :-/03:55
forstocan't grrr03:56
Guest23032forsto: also if i only speak english is there ANYTHING i can do there?03:56
forstoI believe they've taken care of that. You can check the English version of their official site. Here you are http://www.nmns.edu.tw/index_eng.html03:59
* forsto :)04:01
forstoGuest23032: it just comes to me there is an astronomical museum in Taipei. But I've never been there though. http://english.tam.taipei.gov.tw/04:04
Guest23032forsto: Thanks =]04:04
forstonp. 04:05
mosesofmasonGuest23032 ?04:06
Guest23032FredC: I could around lab tours at TW unis (I'm a physics grad student)04:17
Guest23032don't TW academics have at least a basic command of english?04:17
Guest23032I can arrange* 04:17
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ybrjkfc你的问候,从俄罗斯的Linux社区 :) Welcome to the Linux community to Russia ;)16:07
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