
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
beataStill stumped, re: Mouse cursor theme only changes over *some* parts of the screen. I wonder if I'm not missing something obvious. For example, over the menu bar of Pidgin's chat window, the cursor is default; however, over the menu bar of firefox it is (which I set in the manager) redglass.01:09
hythlodaeushey everyone. i'm with a bit of a problem here01:31
hythlodaeussearched the forums alerady, couldn't find a solution01:32
hythlodaeusi'm experiencing complete freezes at unspecified times01:32
hythlodaeusby complete freezes i mean, i'm unable to do anything. not even move the mouse around, and I eventually have to restart01:33
hythlodaeusbefore installing xubuntu i had vanilla ubuntu installed, and had the same problem01:33
hythlodaeuswhich makes me think it might be related with my partition's file system01:34
hythlodaeusi'm dual booting along with winxp01:34
hythlodaeusntsf filesystem01:35
ChapterNZHey all, New install of xubuntu on a HP Mini... Freezes when I shut down02:46
ChapterNZI remember having this issue before and I had to run something to unload one of my modules, possibly sound, before shutdown.. But can't remember what it might have been or what to do02:47
ChapterNZany pointers?02:47
orionsonofneptunanyone home05:28
max4menкто нить грит по русски?05:42
well_laid_lawnmax4men: is that greek?05:47
max4menwell_laid_lawn: no, russian05:54
max4menin general is a problem05:55
max4menhow to disable the scrolling in the console05:56
McGuyvermax4men: do you mean the scrollbar?05:58
grymax4men: http://i.imgur.com/1RrGS.png05:59
gry(This is the Edit -> Preferences (Править - Настройки) window screenshot of xfce4-terminal)06:00
max4meneh, seems wrong to question voiced (06:02
max4menwhen something is installed, you can not stop look at a single location06:03
max4menPAGE scroll down06:03
max4menhow to disable06:04
McGuyverEdit -> Preferences  -> uncheck scroll on output06:04
max4menMcGuyver: Thanks! I will learn English :)06:06
=== forestpiskie is now known as hobgoblin
imran-ukhi, i want to install xubuntu 12.04 on wifes ibm t30 laptop. is the mah-jong game included/available for it or does that need gnome? (i'm guessing no)09:47
TheSheep!find mahjong09:48
ubottuFound: xmahjongg, gnome-mahjongg, kdegames-mahjongg-data, kmahjongg, libkmahjongglib409:48
imran-ukTheSheep, sorry - trying to interpret that: so i can install gnome-mahjong and play it on xubuntu without having to run the gnome desktop env?09:49
imran-uki.e. i can play the mahjong game that comes with ubuntu 10.04/debian squeeze etc in the xfce env?09:50
TheSheepimran-uk: yes09:51
TheSheepimran-uk: it will install some gnome libraries for it, but it's not such a big deal09:51
imran-ukTheSheep, ok great, thank you09:51
xubuntu495hail friends10:52
knome"hey" ?10:53
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
imran-ukhmm, looks like the 12.04 beta1 installer is stuck at the "keyboard layout" screen, will try text install option if possible?11:13
imran-ukit's happened twice11:13
TobyKOk I am in some serious trouble. I wanted to attempt making my xubuntu desktop available in windows so I installed the package called tightvncserver. After having made several attempts to making my windows connect to my xubuntu desktop I decided I was spending too much time on this and just did an "apt-get remove lightvncserver"11:32
TobyKHowever, because lightvnc already changed some desktop settings I did a lightdm restart, BUT after that my UI was gone. I jump back to the login screen and when I try to login my nvidia driver tries to get the screen settings I guess but it fails and jumps back to the login screen11:33
TobyKI tried removing my xorg.conf and replacing it with a blank one, but that did not work either. Any idea as to what else I can do ?11:34
TobyKI think it's probably because my machine is trying to use another windows manager but it can't, but I'm not sure how this can be fixed11:34
TobyKSooo .. any of you have an idea? I'm not that advanced at linux, and I ran out of stuff that I knew I could try11:35
TobyKsorry, it's tightvncserver btw, not light*11:36
Kk2xmonad is broken on 12.04?11:42
Kk2cause i installed apt-get install xmonad, and after choose iit on gdm but doest worked :(11:43
imran-ukre frozen 12.04 beta1 install - anyone else seen this in dmesg "drm:drm_mode_getfb: *error* invalid framebuffer id"11:55
imran-ukmaybe there are some kernel params i can feed it to help?11:55
=== moylan1 is now known as moylan
knomeimran-uk, try #xubuntu-devel, somebody might be able to help you with that there. though i thought the freeze bug was fixed already...13:10
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
Marzatado you know how to print to correct scale? GIMP, Inkscape, gThumb can not do that.14:02
holsteinsometimes i make pdf's.. or i try and confirm the page size and resoution and all that14:06
ikoniaquiT: don't ask in here14:12
ikoniaquiT: you've just been told "no"14:12
quiTikonia,  dont get mad i just try to find solution14:19
ikoniaquiT: I'm not mad, and I've told you the solution, the answer is "no"14:20
DbVmay i ask how i can find out if my installation is xubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 ?14:25
ikoniaDbV: lsb_release. -a14:28
ikoniaDbV: lsb_release -a sorry14:28
DbVthank you14:28
Unknown__name agnwstos14:29
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:17
xubuntu848ok grazie mille e buona giornata15:17
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
xyttyHi there17:01
TheSheephi xytty, how's the weather in France?17:01
xyttyIt's quite sunny today, and that's pretty cool !17:03
TheSheepthe spring is coming finally17:04
xyttyBut I love winter... =/17:05
TheSheepso, you like xubuntu so far?17:05
xyttyYup, I've tested a lot of distribution and after all xubuntu is the fastest and the most usefull for me17:07
TheSheepthat's weird, there should be faster distros17:09
TheSheepbut less useful, of course17:09
kvarleyI'm not sure who it was, but when I asked about XUbuntu and the Ctrl+F4 shortcut to close browser tabs they said they also wanted to know.17:33
kvarleyAnyway, if they're about. You do Menu>Settings>Settings Manager>Window Manager go to the keyboard tab and scroll down to "Workspace 4" and either remove or change the shortcut from Ctrl+F4 to something else and that'll free up the shortcut for the browsers to use.17:34
kvarleyTheSheep's method also works17:34
xubuntu6how can i echo gui commands in the terminal?17:46
TheSheepxubuntu6: what are gui commands?17:48
xubuntu6well aren't commands are being sent in the background when i click a button? just wondering if there was a way to see these commands say when i open a program graphically or click a button in one those programs17:51
TheSheepnot really17:53
TheSheepwell, they are not the terminal commands17:53
TheSheepyou can see the system calls that the application makes with strace17:54
TheSheepjust do 'strace your_command' in a terminal, replace your_command with the program you want to run17:54
xubuntu6thanks will do!18:15
thermii have to criticize some things regarding gigolo19:08
thermiit's functions aren't implemented properly19:09
thermifor example, you can't access smb shares without editing some files yourself19:09
thermiand the version of gigolo in the repos is outdated19:09
thermilatest Version (July 31, 2010) is 0.4.119:10
thermibut in the repos is only 0.4.0 :<19:10
PiciIn lucid maybe.19:10
thermiwhat are you talking about now?19:11
thermithe first thing?19:11
Picithermi: The version of gigolo in 10.04 (lucid) is version 0.4.0-119:11
PiciAll the newer (supported) releases have 0.4.119:11
thermii'm currently running 10.04 on my desktop :p19:12
Bierceahaha now im in the right place19:44
Biercethis is xubuntu help right?19:44
Biercei accedintly went to debian first time19:45
Biercecan one of yall please help me get adobe flash player working19:45
Biercethe only thing it seems to work on is youtube19:46
Egup783Добрый вечер! А здесь Русские есть?19:46
knome!ru | Egup78319:46
ubottuEgup783: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:46
Biercedo yall speak english?19:47
TheSheepBierce: sure, why not19:51
TheSheepBierce: what is the error?19:52
Biercewell on firefox it says for my safty it prevented the old version of adobe from running...19:53
Biercewitch is the one i think i downloaded from the software center19:53
Bierceand the get flash commands ive been trying arnt working19:53
TheSheepwhich version of xubuntu is that?19:54
TheSheepand is firefox also from the repository?19:55
Bierceits default browser19:55
Bierceive already download libflashplayerx86.64.so and its on my desktop right now19:56
TheSheepyou might see if there is something on the wiki about it19:58
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:58
TheSheepalso the forums19:58
TheSheeppersonally I avoid flash in all forms, so can't really help much19:58
Biercethats really the only thing keeping from using xubuntu as my daily lol19:59
Bierceim dual booted on win719:59
TheSheepI'm sure it has to work somehow, otherwise we would have hundreds of people here asking about it20:00
bzrki copy the flash lib directly to the plugin dir20:00
bzrkeasiest way20:00
Biercedo the other altenantives work better20:01
bzrknone really did for me20:01
Biercehow would i do that lol]20:02
Biercei have the .so file on my desktop right now20:02
bzrkfor systemwide put it in /usr/lib/firefox%/plugins20:03
bzrkdont know the exact firefox% part, just look in /usr/lib20:03
bzrkfor user only .mozilla/plugins i think20:03
Bierceim about to try gnash right now20:04
Bierceim actually really digging xubuntu right now i tried ubu a while back but didnt really like it20:05
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Biercegnash seems to be working20:10
Biercei might just make this my daily after all20:15
Biercenow heres a question is i installed xubu using wubi is there away to make the partition bigger wubi would only let me go to30gigs20:16
TiktalikHow can I make an xubuntu LiveUSB?21:32
GridCubeuse unetboting21:32
Tiktalikunetbootin doesn't work for me, forgot to mention that21:34
w30Tiktalik, I like usb creator21:36
w30Tiktalik, actually it's usb-creator21:39
w30Tiktalik, it gives you the ability to create 4 gig of persistant storage so you cna save a few files or save some configure optins lke net connections21:42
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
urantherIs there a way to resolve the dependency hell when installing libasound2-plugin-equal?? http://i.imgur.com/yb57V.png21:59
GridCubeuranther, what happens when you do a " --no-install-recommends" on apt-get?22:06
urantherGridCube: http://pastebin.ca/2130992 fails with the same message22:10
GridCubeuranther, try this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/59318-package-problem-broken-dependency-more.html#post74232022:12
GridCubewithout the dist-upgrade ofcourse22:12
urantherGridCube: cool. lemme try..22:15
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
Tiktalikwell, I got it done22:19
Tiktalikanyway, now to wait for my new parts.22:19
urantherGridCube left... but same error :(22:24
urantherGridCube: apt-get clean, autoclean, update, upgrade, install ... didn't work :/22:31
GridCubeuranther, http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-multimedia-maintainers/2011-July/020323.html22:32
GridCubei dont know how that would help though22:33
knomehurrah for helpful advice :)22:33
knomeuranther, somebody in #ubuntustudio could know. :)22:34
knome(i'm not promising anything...)22:35
urantherone of the packages it wants me to remove is xubuntu-desktop :(22:35
GridCubeuranther, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsaequal/+bug/87582022:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875820 in alsaequal (Ubuntu) "Installation problem" [Undecided,Fix released]22:35
knomeuranther, and #ubuntu could work too22:35
knomeuranther, no problem, that's just a metapackage22:35
GridCubethat one... should help¿?22:35
knomeuranther, eg. removing that shouldn't remove anything.22:35
knomeuranther, just the metapackage22:35
knomewell, looks like it's fixed on 0.6-2... but how that helps, i don't know :)22:36
urantheroh ok. hm yea, how do I upgrade to that version?22:36
urantherI've already done update and everything22:36
knomeuranther, i suppose you'd have to upgrade to next distribution version22:36
urantherdist-upgrade shows nothing22:38
knomeuranther, well, 12.04 is not released yet22:39
knomeuranther, if it's a production machine, i'd say wait for a bit more than month, when it's out22:39
urantheroh ok22:39
urantherI'll go with that.. :P thanks guys22:40
knomenp, enjoy xubuntu22:40
GridCube:D that one did help!!22:40
uranthernow i'm interested in the changes of the new version22:52
knomeuranther, http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-xubuntu.html <- that should tell a lot22:52

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