
trubborIs there an "Alternate CD" for Lubuntu - in the same way that there is one for Ubuntu? I use the Ubuntu Alternate CD to install an LTSP server - would love to be able to do the same with Lubuntu!02:32
nuf0xxit is on the download page02:42
trubborThanks nuf0xx!!!02:55
bringok i have a problem booting lubuntu from a live CD03:24
bringcan anyone help?03:25
bringall quiet here03:26
holstein!ask | bring03:26
ubottubring: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:26
bringlubuntu freezes on boot03:27
bringfrom live CD03:27
bringi get strings of brackets like [56.00000] etc.03:27
bringthen stops03:27
holsteinbring: i would try nomodeset03:28
holsteini would try any of those options under the F6 menu03:28
bringon boot options?03:28
holsteinliterally wont hurt to try them all03:28
bringwhat is nomodeset?03:28
bringi did03:28
bringbut i don't get desktop03:28
bringi get the command prompt03:29
bringhow do i get the desktop03:29
holsteinbring: i would try those options from the F6 menu03:29
holsteinany of them... all of them for that matter03:29
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WespeHi y'all05:29
WespeDo you guys help out with PPC Lubuntu?05:34
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hosokahello all16:05
hosokanice to be here again.16:05
pederindihas lubuntu a manager for customize shortcuts?17:15
pederindior what use by default?17:15
pederindiat the moment I'm doing sudo apt-get install xbindkeys | source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts17:19
pederindiok, so it's solved! bye!17:30
lapionI have a "small" problem with pcmanfm19:51
lapionany time I change the background to not show a background image, hence to show a black ( or any other color) background pcmanfm restarts the desktop and I have to relogin19:52
holsteinand then all is good?19:55
holsteinits just when you are making a change lapion ?19:55
lapionany time I change from having an image as the background to having the background as a single color I have to login over, and things are back in the old19:56
holsteinhow are you making the changes?19:57
lapionif I edit the config file for pcmanfm manually I can not login19:57
holsteininteresting... i dont know about "hacking" pcmanfm personally... i usually suggest trying with another user account to isolate the .config files19:58
lapionfrom the preferences dialog of the background, and/or editing the file, makes no difference..19:58
holsteinnot sure if thats appropriate for your case though19:58
lapionholstein, going to try that20:00
lapionI forgot about the " isolate" possibility20:01
lapioneven on a "virgin" account I get the same problem, btw I am using natty20:09
lapionif I set the background to: "fill with background colour only" the desktop is killed20:11
lapionwell back to the old process hungry background image20:27
holsteinlapion: i suppose you could try it from a live CD... but it seems like that might just be a bug you can file21:08
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tatacan I install new video drivers on older lubuntu 10.0421:19
MrChrisDruifI guess so tata, but don't ask me how21:20
phillwtata: if they're from the ubuntu repos dated after 10.04 yoiu will need to add the repo to your allowed list, grab the ones you want & then remove the repo.21:22
phillwif the drivers are available as an ppa, it is a bit easier :)21:22
tataok, I ask because I have VIA chip set and Lubuntu 10.40 not support that21:24
phillwtata: which 'bit' of the driver do you need (i.e. what is not working at present)?21:26
hosokahello all21:53
hosokai was just wandering if it was necessary to get better quality sound if I change the Alsa into Pulse audio as per requirement of Skype21:54
hosokaI noticed the sound quality with windows was better then under linux and now seen that for linux they required the Pulse audio21:54
GalicjaGood evening!21:56
GalicjaI'm attempting to remove Lubuntu's "login manager", but can't seem to find the configuratin file or script which disables this. When I boot up my laptop, I want the boot process to end with the command line prompt, and I wish to type "startx" to invoke LXDE. How can I do this? Thanks.21:58

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