
jbichadesrt: the gmenus in Unity are very nice \o/00:29
TheMusojbicha: What apps currently use it? I'd like to try for myself for a11y reasons.00:47
jbichaTheMuso: epiphany-browser gnomine gnotravex iagno mahjongg quadrapassel00:50
TheMusoOk epiphany it is then. :)00:50
TheMusoHrm epiphany uses clutter? For what?00:51
jbichaTheMuso: I don't think it needs clutter, but I heard that epiphany < 3.92 might have been broken with the latest webkit00:53
TheMusoAh haven't got a new enough indicator-appmenu yet.00:53
* TheMuso updates.00:53
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TheMusojasoncwarner_: Where can I file a bug against the piece of code responsible for generating that bug webpage?05:28
jasoncwarner_directly with kate, I think05:28
BigWGood Morning.05:28
jasoncwarner_I talked to her this morning b/c there were some without tags showing up in that list05:28
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Ok thanks, nothing quite so serious for me, just something to help me navigate that page a little better with Orca.05:29
jasoncwarner_oh, fair enough!05:29
jasoncwarner_are you having trouble with it?05:29
TheMusoNo problems at all, but if the sections like desktop et al were marked with header tags, I could use Orca's next heading/previous heading navigation commands to move between the different bug groups.05:30
TheMusoWithout having to go through an entire list of bugs for a particular team before getting to the next one.05:30
pittiGood morning05:52
didrocksgood morning06:18
pittibonjour didrocks06:30
didrockshey pitti, how are you?06:30
pittiquite fine, thank you!06:31
didrocksfever and tired definitively behind you?06:32
pittiabsolutely, yesterday was quite fine already06:32
RAOFHey didrocks, pitti!06:33
RAOFGood moring!06:33
didrocksgood evening RAOF ;)06:34
didrockspitti: good :)06:34
dupondjeGnome3 seems a bit broken today :(06:34
dupondjeWaarschuwing van vensterbeheer:Log level 8: gtk_style_context_save: assertion `GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context)' failed06:36
dupondjeWaarschuwing van vensterbeheer:Log level 8: meta_color_spec_render: assertion `GTK_IS_STYLE_CONTEXT (context)' failed06:36
dupondjeit gets flooded :)06:36
rickspencer3pitti, didrocks, RAOF good morning guys06:48
rickspencer3beta2! beta2!06:49
rickspencer3(freeze ;))06:49
pittihey rickspencer306:50
pittioh, right!06:50
didrocksbonjour rickspencer3!06:50
rickspencer3hey didrocks06:51
rickspencer3French Mafia testing going ok?06:51
didrocksrickspencer3: it's under way. We already spotted some annoying more issues06:51
rickspencer3didrocks, :(06:51
rickspencer3well ...06:51
didrockswith the compiz ABI break, we need a window of at least 5 hours of build06:51
didrocksso will be short!06:51
rickspencer3it's good that the testing works06:51
didrocksright, it's testing the testing :)06:52
jasoncwarner_hey rickspencer3 didrocks and pitti...morning, Europeans.07:02
pittihey jasoncwarner_07:02
rickspencer3hey jasoncwarner_07:02
didrockshey jasoncwarner_07:03
jasoncwarner_hey didrocks :) going to be a good day, right? right?  :)07:03
* didrocks crosses fingers :)07:04
didrocksjasoncwarner_: we already spotted regressions07:04
jasoncwarner_I'm using the time tested and very scientific method called "THE SECRET" to will the universe to do what I want07:04
didrocksso trying to keep people busy ;)07:04
didrocksheh :-)07:04
didrockslet's see if it works :p07:04
jasoncwarner_didrocks: did all the branches land that you wanted to land? I saw the recap email and it looked like only some landed07:04
jasoncwarner_didrocks: in the regressions, anything major?07:05
didrocksjasoncwarner_: hum, some still worrying and which deserve a fix before pushing07:06
jasoncwarner_didrocks: k...(pinging thumper)07:06
didrocksjasoncwarner_: I bother it before you! :p07:07
didrocksbut I guess he's not around yet07:07
jasoncwarner_yeah, I figure thumper tends to have like 10 pings right around this time....07:08
jasoncwarner_and first thing in my morning ;)07:08
jasoncwarner_I'm sure he hates having me in this TZ ;)07:08
jasoncwarner_hey didrocks how is compiz looking? we good to go on that?07:08
jasoncwarner_I know you need a new build, but are you waiting on anything there?07:08
didrocksjasoncwarner_: very good, I cherry-picked some other fixes from trunk yesterday07:09
didrocksjasoncwarner_: and it's a wonderful life on that side :)07:09
didrocksjasoncwarner_: it's still on the staging ppa for now07:09
didrocksbut there is an ABI break07:09
didrocksthat's why we need a solid window of 5 hours of upload/build07:10
didrockstimes for dependencies to build07:10
didrocksthen publish07:10
didrocksthen depends build…07:10
didrocksand so on ;)07:10
didrocksto not having a "zomg you broke the CD"07:10
RAOFdidrocks: You can't stage that in a PPA?07:11
RAOFThat worked pretty well for the X transition.07:11
didrocksRAOF: we have that in a ppa, but there is no dbgsym package built, pkgbinarymangler isn't as well, right?07:11
RAOFI'm not sure, actually.07:12
didrocksRAOF: will be nice next cycle with -proposed opened07:12
RAOFNot building the dbgsym packages would be annoying, and you'd obviously need a non-virtualised PPA.07:12
didrockshyperair: hey, btw, UNE doesn't exists anymore, no more need to move banshee .desktop file to /usr/share/une/applications07:13
didrocksRAOF: yeah, kind of late for this cycle to change the process I would say07:13
hyperairdidrocks: oh okay, thanks for the notice.07:13
RAOFdidrocks: Yeah, perhaps.07:13
didrockshyperair: no worry ;)07:13
didrocksRAOF: but definitively something on my list for next cycle (/me looks at -proposed)07:13
RAOFYeah, if -proposed is open then that's even better.07:14
pittididrocks: BTW, as we'll be frozen tomorrow, I'd appreciate if you could upload the new compiz galore to precise-proposed07:29
pittididrocks: we can accept it there, let evrything build, and move it to precise in one step, to avoid archive inconsistency for half a day again07:29
didrockspitti: to -proposed?07:29
pittididrocks: does that sound ok?07:29
didrocksit's opened?07:29
pittididrocks: well, technically it's open all the time07:29
pittididrocks: but you can't accept pacakges while precise is not frozen07:29
didrocksah ok ;)07:29
pittibut for beta-2 it will be, so bug 930217 doesn't hit07:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 930217 in launchpad "Make proposed pocket useful for staging uploads" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93021707:30
pittirickspencer3: ^ FYI07:30
didrocksbut that would mean that they will be accepted tonight?07:30
pittithat'll also be a real-world test drive for that approach07:30
pitticjwatson: ^ FYI as well07:30
didrocksat first (just after we are frozen)07:30
pittididrocks: ah, I thought you were planning an upload tomorrow07:30
pittididrocks: if you want to upload today, please go ahead07:30
pittiearlier >> test-driving07:30
didrockspitti: well, we don't know yet :)07:30
didrocksand I don't want to break if the release team isn't happy with a safer upload tomorrow07:31
didrocksright now, we have regressions I would prefer we won't let them enters07:31
pittiwhat I mean is: correct >> earlier >> test driving :)07:31
didrockswe'll know more in a couple of hours07:31
didrockswill keep you in touch07:32
rickspencer3thanks for the fyi pitti07:49
rickspencer3also, can I say, "pretty cool"07:49
rickspencer3that's a meaningful advance in our release process07:50
* rickspencer3 steps away07:51
tkamppeter_pitti, can you upload CUPS to Debian and Ubuntu? Thanks.07:56
jibelpitti, Sweetshark good morning.07:57
jibelpitti, Sweetshark I added a testcase to bug 916291 . I think we can find a smaller set of packages to reproduce the problem07:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 916291 in libreoffice "failed to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise: ERROR: Cannot determine language! - exit status 134" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91629107:58
jibelbut at least with this packages, the upgrade crashes systematically07:58
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pittijibel: bonjour! thanks for this08:01
didrocksRAOF: there has been no recent change in mesa/intel driver?08:02
brycehdidrocks, last change to mesa was the 17th, which was just a dependency tweak.  -intel hasn't received a change since the 15th of Feb.08:09
didrocksok, thanks ;)08:10
brycehdidrocks, mesa 8.0.2 was released yesterday and is on the docket but hasn't landed yet08:10
didrocksbryceh: we are seeing a crash in the driver right now08:10
brycehwhich driver?08:10
didrocksgetting the dbgsym stacktrace08:10
brycehah the mesa/intel driver08:10
brycehdidrocks, the main crash we've been seeing there is the intel_miptree_release() bug (#926379)08:11
didrocksok, it's the same :)08:11
brycehpretty much all the other mesa bugs we're tracking are random (non-crash) gunk - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa?field.tag=precise&field.tags_combinator=ALL08:12
didrocksbryceh: thanks for the link :)08:12
brycehdidrocks, I repro'd the bug on my own hardware using an instrumented mesa, and collected debug data.  Waiting for advice from upstream, but might dig in further if I have time.08:13
brycehanyway, nite.08:14
didrocksbryceh: have a good night! and thanks again ;)08:14
tkamppeterpitti, hi08:21
pittihello tkamppeter08:21
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload cups-filters and cups to Debian and Ubuntu? Thanks.08:22
pittiyes, at it; I'm currently updating my chroots08:22
pittididrocks: I feel really bad at pinging you, but I have to: does the new unity fix the resizing area again, or is that a gtk bug?08:44
pitti(bug 160311)08:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 160311 in metacity "Resizing windows by grabbing window borders is difficult" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16031108:44
didrockspitti: it fixes it08:44
pittifor 3D I mean (I know it has always been broken in 2d)08:44
pittididrocks: \o/08:44
didrockspitti: you had this only if you didn't install mutter08:44
didrockswhich is the case rarely isn't it? :p like just in the default install ;)08:44
didrocksyeah, will still be broken in 2d though08:45
pittididrocks: cheers!08:45
* didrocks goes back to this crash on startup…08:45
* pitti hugs didrocks, merci08:45
* didrocks hugs pitti back08:46
htorquebryceh: hi! can bug 926379 be related to those invalid writes (valgrinding compiz): http://paste.ubuntu.com/886919/ ?08:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 926379 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in intel_miptree_release()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92637908:46
htorquebefore opening a wishlist bug report: is the new GTK color picker just a stop gap? → http://img.xrmb2.net/images/709325.png08:47
htorque(the old one looked like this: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/620480.png)08:47
xclaessericotz, FYI the g-k update in gnome3 ppa did not fix my problem, still asking for the ssh password when I do "git pull"08:47
xclaesseoh and since last update, now in gnome-shell, windows decoration is just black bar08:48
ricotzxclaesse, have you tried to confirm your g-k problem with the ubuntu packages? (make sure to revert all g-k related packages)08:51
* pitti hugs seb12808:51
* seb128 hugs pitti08:52
didrockssalut seb12808:52
ricotzhello everyone08:52
seb128pitti, happy beta2 freeze day? ;-)08:52
seb128hey didrocks, ricotz08:52
pittihey ricotz, guten Morgen08:52
pittiseb128: and to you!08:52
seb128pitti, how are you today?08:52
pittiseb128: splendid, thanks! just a bit scared about how much stuff there is still to do..08:53
ricotzxclaesse, could to toggle the window-manager theme? when you are not using adwaita -- might be a graphics card driver problem if you are using a propritary one?08:53
seb128pitti, don't tell me!08:53
ricotzpitti, libreoffice natty amd64 build turned out well, /me added another builder to the "good" list ;)08:54
pittiricotz: yay! king it is08:54
xclaessericotz, it's intel chipset here08:54
xclaessericotz, changing theme does nothing08:54
ricotzxclaesse, hmm, any other x related ppas active?08:55
xclaessericotz, but I see there is a mutter update now, but that would remove gnome-shell... I guess I should wait for the update batch to be done08:55
ricotzxclaesse, ah, you are still on .90?08:55
ricotzbetter wait for .92 then08:55
xclaessegnome-shell is .90 yes08:55
xclaessericotz, oh, I see vuntz has that same problem actually08:57
xclaesseso that would be upstream08:57
vuntzxclaesse: look at your ~/.xsession-errors :-)08:57
ricotzon intel too?08:57
xclaessevuntz, ah, right, lots of warnings08:58
vuntzricotz: yes08:58
xclaesseswitching windows/workspace is also not smooth anymore08:59
xclaessemaybe related08:59
ricotzvuntz, didnt see it here08:59
ricotzbut i am on a newer mesa, i guess08:59
xclaessericotz, gnome-shell .92 is already uploaded?08:59
ricotzxclaesse, yes08:59
kelemengaborhi, could someone take a look at bug #943279? We have a brand new default VNC client without any translation templates, and that's rather ugly.09:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 943279 in remmina "Remmina i18n support problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94327909:01
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:01
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:01
seb128how are you?09:01
pittihey chrisccoulson09:01
seb128kelemengabor, looking09:01
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, pitti, how are you?09:02
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks09:02
xclaessepff, ppa-purge to remove gnome3 ppa wants to remove all gnome packages... :(09:04
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks09:05
seb128chrisccoulson, btw did you plan to look at totem for the bug you pointed the other day? if not I will put on my list for today09:08
chrisccoulsonseb128, i might not be able to look at it today, as i've got a new firefox release to deal with09:08
seb128kelemengabor, btw thanks for all the work you put into those translation bugs09:08
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, I'm taking it, beta2 freeze is in 12 hours or so09:09
kelemengaborseb128: you are welcome :)09:09
Sweetsharkhmmm, is porter-armel down?09:25
* Sweetshark wonders if he killed the littlun with a libreoffice build.09:26
Sweetshark.oO(thanks aptitude for removing bzr, who needs that anyway in ubuntu development)09:28
xclaessericotz, FYI, I reverted all packages from gnome3 ppa to the version from precise, so I have g-k 3.2.2, and git pull still asking for the password09:42
xclaesseeven after restarting the session09:42
ricotzxclaesse, so something might be wrong with you setup09:44
ricotzxclaesse, could be useful to create a separate clean user profile to test/confirm with09:45
ricotzxclaesse, for me it is working fine here with ssh and gpg keys09:48
xclaessericotz, checking gnome-session-properties, and I don't see ssh agent started there10:05
xclaessericotz, shouldn't it include gnome-keyring something?10:05
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seb128xclaesse, we hide system services from the session properties dialog10:09
Sweetsharkpitti: can we get 3.5.1-1ubuntu1 into the distro now? all but armel succeeded building.10:15
SweetsharkI am trying to look into the armel thing, but the porter box seems to be down now.10:15
pittiSweetshark: what do you mean? it is already in precise10:15
Sweetsharkpitti: duh10:16
* Sweetshark takes his meds.10:16
xclaesseseb128, ah ok10:17
xclaessericotz, ah, mutter/gnome-shell updated now, and black bar is fixed :)10:17
xclaessevuntz, ^10:17
pittitkamppeter: FTR, sid is currently broken, need to wait a bit (pcre3)10:17
vuntzxclaesse: weird, I'm up-to-date and I see this; I might need to log out and log in again10:19
tkamppeterpitti, what does "pcre3" mean?10:37
tkamppeterpitti, should the packages be uploaded Ubuntu-only then?10:37
pittitkamppeter: Debian uploaded a bad pcre3 library yesterday, which pretty much breaks everything10:37
pittitkamppeter: a fix is already in place, but it still needs a couple of hours to land10:38
pittitkamppeter: if it's urgent, then you can do that10:38
tkamppeterpitti, it simply should go before beta2 freeze.10:38
pittitkamppeter: so better upload it now10:53
mandelcan anyone give me a hand with lighdm, I'm not able log in with my account (mandel) and I had to install gdm to be able to use my machine, my lightdm logs are the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894951/10:58
mandelyou will see that I can log as a guest which I used to su to my account which has sudo right and install gdm10:58
tkamppeterpitti, are you using a German or an English UI?11:05
pittitkamppeter: German11:05
tkamppeterpitti, can you enter the command "lpstat -r" and tell me the output?11:05
pitti$ lpstat -r11:06
pittischeduler is running11:06
tkamppeterpitti, do you have any German translated output from CUPS command line tools?11:07
tkamppeterseb128, hi11:07
seb128tkamppeter, hey11:07
pittitkamppeter: I don't; ./locale/cups_de.po does not actually have any translations11:07
pittitkamppeter: well, some, but only very few11:08
tkamppeterseb128, I assume that you have a French user interface. Can you run "lpstat -r" and post the output here?11:08
seb128tkamppeter, "scheduler is running"11:08
tkamppeterseb128, thanks.11:09
pittitkamppeter: see /usr/share/cups/locale/fr/cups_fr.po11:09
pittiit seems nobody really bothered to actually translate those11:10
tkamppeterpitti, seb128, it is because of bug 960496, for me (using English UI) updating of the PPDs of existing print queues works, for some other users not.11:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 960496 in gutenprint "[Precise] [Regression] Cannot print on Epson CX3650" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96049611:10
pittitkamppeter: if I add a tranlation to /usr/share/cups/locale/de/cups_de.po, I get11:11
pitti$ lpstat  -r11:11
pittiSteuerprogramm läuft11:11
pittitkamppeter: i. e. the machinery is working, just all the translations are missing upstream11:11
pittitkamppeter: eek, how do PPDs depend on translated client messages? that sounds wrong11:12
didrockspitti: bug #916892, seems it can be the cause that unity doesn't show up usb keys on the launcher anymore?11:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 916892 in unity-distro-priority "gnome-disk-utility crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_device_get_object_path()" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91689211:13
tkamppeterpitti, if you look into the postinst script of cups, /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups.postinst, you see that before the PPD update is started, at first it is checked whether the scheduler is running, analysing output of "lpstat -r", during the update routine there is heavy use of CUPS command line toools.11:14
pittitkamppeter: it's running under LC_ALL=C, so that should work11:14
pittiif only programs would have something like an exit code, so that callers woudln't need to grep i18n'ed output11:15
tkamppeterpitti, I see now.11:15
tkamppeterpitti, the PPD updating part of the cups.postinst also checks with "ehich lpstat", "which llpinfo", and "which lpadmin" whether the command line tools are present. Can it happen that they are not present when cups gets configured?11:18
pittitkamppeter: no, as cups depends on cups-client11:19
pittidpm: hey David, how are you?11:23
dpmheya pitti, very well, thanks, yourself?11:24
pittidpm: quite fine, thanks!11:24
pittidpm: do you have an opinion about bug 961065 ?11:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 961065 in apport "[UIFE] Alert inappropriately refers to "program version" for internal errors" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96106511:24
pittidpm: I want to do an apport upload today before the freeze, either with or without that change11:24
dpmpitti, ok, it might be a bit of a pain to retranslate it, but I think it makes sense to do the change if it is to comply with the spec. I've commented on the bug.11:29
pittidpm: thanks11:29
dpmpitti, will you send a heads up to the translators list, or do you want me to send it?11:30
pittiwell, if you ask me like this... :)11:30
pittibut I guess I ought to do it as the uploader11:30
dpmha, wrong way of asking :)11:30
didrockspitti: bug #916892, seems it can be the cause that unity doesn't show up usb keys on the launcher anymore?11:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 916892 in unity-distro-priority "gnome-disk-utility crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_device_get_object_path()" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91689211:31
pittihm, there is no such program like "gnome-disk-utility"11:32
pittiI suppose someone tampered with the bug title11:32
pittididrocks: but yes, could be11:32
pittiTitle: compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_device_get_object_path()11:32
pittiah yes, that's more like it11:32
pittiit's on my radar, if I ever manage to get out of the mail/backlog/archive/bug swamp of this morning11:33
pittidpm: translators list is which exactly?11:33
didrockspitti: thanks :)11:33
dpmpitti, ubuntu-translators at lists dot u dot c11:34
pittidpm: sent, thanks11:37
dpmcool, thanks pitti11:38
dpmdoes anyone here know the remmina upstream developer? He/she's set the translations to open in Launchpad, which is not a very good idea wrt quality11:38
dpmpitti, while reading the e-mail on the translators list, I've noticed that on https://translations.launchpad.net/apport/trunk/+translations-settings you can set the import settings to "Import template files" instead of "Import template files and translations" - the latter setting is generally for new projects that need a one-off import of PO files, or for vcs imports11:46
pittidpm: sometimes I update po/de.po in the branch11:47
pittiand sometimes merges change them11:47
pittiso why wouldn't I let them auto-import back to LP?11:47
dpmpitti, in that case, then it's fine, I was just mentioning it in case, as many projects do not make use of it and maintainers just set it thinking it's the right setting. But as you say, you do make use of it. The only thing to bear in mind is that imports take precedence over translations done in the LP web UI11:51
pittidpm: ok, thanks for having a look11:58
chrisccoulsonthat sucks. the UDS registration form doesn't work in nightly builds of Firefox12:00
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seb128chrisccoulson, iz firefox bog!12:26
chrisccoulsonfirefox doesn't have any bugs! :-P12:26
* mpt just encountered a very odd Firefox bug12:30
mpt(bug 799400)12:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 799400 in firefox "message missing when trying to upload ureadable file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79940012:31
ndec_seb128: hi. assuming gst 1.0 get released soon, i was wondering if moving to gst 1.0 in 12.10 is something doable, or not even an option... did you think about that already?12:39
seb128ndec_, hey, "lol" ;-)12:39
ndec_lol ?12:40
ndec_i didn't realize it was a joke!12:40
seb128ndec_, we are focussed on 12.0412:40
ndec_i know ...12:40
ndec_so am i12:40
ndec_for the OMAP part of it!12:40
seb128so "if", "assuming", "maybe", "could"12:40
seb128said differently no clue, it's too early to say12:40
seb128gst 1.0 is not out12:40
seb128UDS is not there yet12:40
seb128we are focussed on 12.04 I didn't give any thinking to 12.1012:41
seb128it mostly depends what upstream people do, i.e totem, rhythmbox, banshee, pitivi, etc12:41
seb128it's the sort of "let's wait for gst1.0 to be out, let's wait to see how much work is porting an app, and let's see what happen"12:41
seb128ndec_, sorry but there is just too much "unknown" is that equation to have a reply and it's not the right timing in any case, we will probably discuss it at UDS12:42
seb128ndec_, do you need 1.0 for anything? I guess we will have it in the archive for sure for 12.10, I can't see how much we will port though...12:43
ndec_seb128: no worry. i wasn't expecting a commitment, just a thought about feasibility!12:43
ndec_basically i just wanted to hear that you were not strongly opposed to the idea12:43
seb128ndec_, I'm waiting for gst1.0 to be out first and to see how goes the first app porting12:43
seb128ndec_, ideally I would like to move to it if it's feasable12:43
ndec_yeah, we kind of need gst1.0 for ARM SoC (at least the one i care about: OMAP)12:44
seb128ok, that's a good reason to push for it12:44
ndec_we can get around with gst0.10.. but with 1.0 we can use upstream, and get rid of the pile of patches we have on 0.1012:44
seb128ndec_, do you know what's the roadmap from the gst guys to have the stable out?12:44
seb128so yeah, starting to use it next cycle makes sense12:45
seb128I'm not sure how much we can "port" in one cycle though12:45
BigWhaleif gst1.0 becomes stable and performance is better and xvimagesrc is ported to 1.0 then I'll switch too...12:45
BigWhalewith Kazam.12:45
BigWhaleso I'd be happy to see it in 12.10 too :)12:46
kelemengaborseb128: sorry, I had to reopen bug #943279 - it's not perfect yet :(12:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 943279 in remmina "Remmina i18n support problems" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94327912:53
seb128kelemengabor, are you sure?12:54
seb128kelemengabor, I looked at the code, the plugins code use the "remmina" domain12:55
seb128kelemengabor, there is only one GETTEXT_PACKAGE defined in the soruce12:55
seb128kelemengabor, I think upstream is buggy12:55
kelemengaboris this not redefining it?12:55
kelemengaborI don't speak CMakeLists though, just assuming this based on the upstream...12:56
seb128kelemengabor, I don't speak CMakeLists either12:56
seb128let me check12:57
desrtseb128: nor should you learn :)12:57
seb128hey desrt, how are you ?12:57
desrtalthough.... i have to say... CMakeLists have a lot in common with french12:57
desrtgood :)12:57
seb128desrt, looking to make friends today? ;-)12:58
desrtseb128: by your estimation, which group should be more insulted by that statement? :)12:58
seb128desrt, I think it's insulting the french!12:59
kenvandineseb128, thx for the review!13:03
kenvandineseb128, please don't forget the other one though :)13:03
seb128kenvandine, hey, yw!13:03
seb128kenvandine, doh, thanks for pointing it, I didn't notice there were 2 of them, I went through by email a bit quickly13:04
kenvandineyou did the second one :)13:04
kenvandineafter submitting that, i found that it also fixes 2 other fixes too :)13:04
seb128kenvandine, I'm reading it, do you care about old C compliance or are you C99?13:05
kenvandinei don't really care :)13:05
seb128kenvandine, i.e you did a variable declaration after the g_return_val_if_fail()13:06
kenvandinebut don't mind cleaning it up13:06
seb128I know some GNOME guys used to report bugs about those13:06
seb128saying it's a c99ish13:06
kenvandineyeah, i did that on purpose... i like doing that before doing anything else13:06
kenvandinebut i know not everyone agrees with that :)13:06
seb128kenvandine, ok, approved13:07
seb128yw ;-)13:07
kenvandinei think that makes all open bugs for tp-indicator fixed13:07
pittihey kenvandine13:07
kenvandinehey pitti13:07
pittikenvandine: FYI, new pygobject with fix for mardy is in precise13:07
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pittikenvandine: I'm getting the hang of doing upstream releases :)13:09
kenvandinepitti, hehe... yeah it is a little different :)13:10
kenvandinethen you get downstreams yelling about bugs :)13:10
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BigWhaleCan someone comfirm this: Make sure you have multiple windows opened (couple of terminals, xchat, browser) Press CTRL-ALT-UPARROW to change desktop, tap ALT to open HUD, tap ALT to close HUD, press CTRL-DOWNARROW, again tap ALT twice. Repeat couple of times, see windows jump around ...13:13
kelemengaborseb128: false alarm, you are right. I just installed an upstream remmina-plugins.po as remmina.mo and its strings showed up translated13:15
seb128kelemengabor, yw13:16
seb128kelemengabor, I just concatenated all strings from both source in the remmina template13:16
seb128kelemengabor, which should work13:16
kelemengaborgreat :)13:16
kenvandineanyone know if the gnome classic session should have a messaging menu?13:20
seb128kenvandine, I think it does, jbicha let the default config be "classic Ubuntu" like13:22
seb128i.e with indicators13:22
kenvandinei thought so13:23
kenvandinebut i am not getting the messaging menu13:23
kenvandineseb128, it occurred to me that we probably don't want OnlyShowIn=Unity; for tp-indicator13:23
kenvandinebecause of gnome classic13:24
seb128kenvandine, it's there for me13:24
seb128in a guest session ubuntu classic13:24
kenvandineah, let me try a guest session :)13:24
kenvandineah, great13:25
kenvandineit is for a guest session13:25
seb128kenvandine, you want that I think13:26
seb128AutostartCondition=GNOME3 unless-session gnome13:26
seb128kenvandine, that's i.e what we use for the gsd mounter13:26
kenvandineseb128, cool13:26
seb128kenvandine, "gnome" is gnome-shell13:26
kenvandinei'll check13:26
seb128kenvandine, that should make it run under unity and gnome-classic13:26
jbichaI really wish there were separate OnlyShowIn values for GNOME Shell & Classic since they're so different13:27
kenvandinethere really should be13:27
jbichafor instance we want Onboard to show in Classic GNOME, but GNOME Shell has a built-in onscreen keyboard13:27
kenvandineanyone know what settings i should clear to get the default setup again in gnome classic?13:28
jbicha& the AutostartCondition line doesn't work there because we use an autostartcondition to check if the keyboard should be on or not13:28
jbichaonly allowing one AutostartCondition might be a bug though...13:28
jbichakenvandine: I believe gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.gnome-panel would work13:29
jbichabut it depends on what settings you're talking about13:29
kenvandinejbicha, that did it13:30
kenvandinei didn't have the indicators13:30
DarxusAny chance of cherry picking this patch for Precise?  https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672358#c8  I know it's late, but I have to ask.13:41
ubot2`Gnome bug 672358 in wayland "Wayland and X11 backends simultaneously enabled is broken" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:41
seb128Darxus, we don't build the wayland backend so it's not a bug in Ubuntu13:42
seb128Darxus, also we will ship GTK 3.4 when it's rolled out next week, so get it commited upstream this week?13:42
tjaaltontrying to build sound-juicer 3.3.90, but after autoreconf it complains about missing GNOME_COMMON_INIT13:43
seb128tjaalton, install gnome-common13:43
tjaaltonseb128: thanks13:43
DarxusOkay.  (I was thinking it would make rebuilding with both backends slightly easier.)13:43
tjaaltonseb128: can you recall if there's a gnome package with cdbs that runs autoreconf during build?13:45
seb128tjaalton, 90% of GNOME13:49
tjaaltonoh :)13:49
tjaaltonI'll look for an example then13:50
jbichatjaalton: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gnome-shell/debian/rules?view=markup13:50
seb128tjaalton, what's the issue?13:50
tjaaltonjbicha: thanks13:50
tjaaltonseb128: building s-j from git13:50
seb128tjaalton, basically depends on dh-autoreconf13:50
seb128then include the autoreconf.mk13:51
seb128that's it13:51
seb128tjaalton, why not just packaging 3.3.90?13:51
tjaaltonseb128: no tarball13:51
tjaaltoni'm using the tag13:51
seb128tjaalton, ?13:51
seb128tjaalton, ^13:51
seb128tjaalton, or what do you mean no tarball?13:52
tjaaltonhttp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/sound-juicer/ doesn't have it13:52
seb128tjaalton, ?13:52
tjaaltonuscan didn't find it13:52
seb128tjaalton, you got me very confused13:52
tjaaltonright, the watch file is outdated13:53
jbichasilly GNOME has to keep changing things!13:53
chrisccoulsonwoohoo - https://twitter.com/#!/mike_conley/status/182826884256628736 \o/13:59
chrisccoulsonnative pdf rendering in firefox :)13:59
chrisccoulsontake that, chrome13:59
pittisweet! but .js, is that any fast, compared to poppler?14:01
jbichachrisccoulson: oh it finally landed? awesome, that's future FF14 then?14:02
chrisccoulsonjbicha, yeah, it is14:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - js is pretty fast, and it's better than adding more binary code to the tree (especially for pdf rendering, which doesn't have the greatest history for stability or security)14:03
chrisccoulsonand pdf.js works on all platforms ;)14:03
pittiyes, absolutely14:03
pittiI was just curious14:03
chrisccoulsonthe good thing about something like pdf.js is that it doesn't widen the attack surface any further :)14:04
seb128chrisccoulson, well it's still extra code dealing with pdf parsing in your browser14:05
seb128so it does increase chances you get a security issue14:06
seb128chrisccoulson, I like better having pdf opening in evince under apparmor ;-)14:06
pittihm, I just got four clicking noises out of my speakers for the fourth time in 15 minutes14:06
pittibut there's nothing that tells me what these are about14:06
chrisccoulsonseb128, it runs in content context, so it's bound by existing browser security technologies14:07
chrisccoulsonwhich is why i said that it doesn't widen the attack surface ;)14:07
chrisccoulsonif it ran in privileged context, then that wouldn't be true :)14:07
seb128chrisccoulson, did we have any "in browser pdf viewer" before?14:07
seb128I though we just called evince14:07
tjaaltonyeah, multidisc musicbrainz queries work in the new s-j just as planned.. ship it :)14:07
chrisccoulsonseb128, the adobe plugin. and chrome has its own proprietary binary plugin too14:08
jdstrandchrisccoulson: well, except you are trusting the browser to get it right. apparmor helps make sure that even if the app got it wrong, things are contained14:08
seb128chrisccoulson, I never understood people reading their pdf in the browser to be honest14:08
jbichaseb128: you don't use apparmor for your firefox?14:08
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, right. but if the browser doesn't get it right, then the holes are already there :)14:08
jdstrand(of course, if you browser is confined with apparmor, you are ok-- but that is not something we can turn on by default in Ubuntu)14:08
seb128jbicha, ^14:08
jdstrandjbicha: I absolutely do! :)14:09
seb128chrisccoulson, be careful, you seem on the path to want to get ride of the desktop to only run a webbrowser ;-)14:10
jdstrandchrisccoulson: 'if the browser doesn't get it right, then the holes are already there'. I don't follow-- yes there is a hole if the browser didn't get it right. I'm saying that if evince/poppler doesn't get it right, apparmor confines what an attacker can do in the default install. if the browser doesn't get it right, apparmor isn't there for the browser in the default install14:10
mdeslaurI think getting rid of everything and only keeping the most insecure one is a great idea14:10
seb128I like better having a real pdf viewer in any case, there is enough specific ui bits in there that it fits better in an application with presentation mode, continuous or by page scrolling, etc14:11
seb128the "move everything in the browser" trend is just wrong ;-)14:12
seb128let the browser do what it's built to do, browse the web, don't try to turn it into my desktop!14:12
jdstrandI tend to agree. I used to obsess over having acroread work in the browser. now I really like the separate process14:12
jbichaseb128: you could always use epiphany ;)14:13
jdstrand(and by 'now' I mean for the last several years)14:13
seb128jbicha, I could...but nah, I like having a good browser and firefox is pretty amazing ;-)14:13
jbichaactually with it being open source, I guess other browsers will look at scooping it up14:13
tjaaltonseb128: does s-j fall under the gnome "FFe"? :)14:15
seb128tjaalton, bug fix versions are not under ffe and we live on a git snapshot, I would say better to update to an official tarball14:15
pittiwe do not formally have a standing gnome FFE any more14:15
tjaaltonseb128: true, at least it fixes this one musicbrainz-related bug, likely more14:16
tjaaltonI'll check the list14:16
mterryRAOF, sorry for not pushing my last unity-greeter packaging changes to bzr!  :(14:17
mterryjust noticed14:17
mptmvo, here's what I've come up with based on our chat about OS upgrades a couple of weeks ago: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseUpgrades#ready14:31
mvompt: thanks, in a meeting right now, but I have a look14:33
jbichampt: the configuration file conflict proposal might not be nice14:34
mptjbicha, alternatives welcome. :-)14:44
mpt(Alternatives that don't involve showing a diff or asking people questions they don't know the answer to)14:45
cyphermoxmpt: jbicha: perhaps override the "reboot" in that case and make sure the user is aware that this happened to files.14:50
cyphermoxas in, don't just merrily go ahead and reboot into a system that possibly got broken because of using the package provided config file.14:50
jbichawell how often do /etc conflicts happen and why? if it's because people have made changes to their configurations...14:51
mptIn what kind of cases would a system get broken from using the config file provided with the package?14:51
cyphermoxjbicha: not very often.14:51
mptYeah, we need examples14:51
jbichawell it violates Debian policy, so it'd probably require a bit more discussion than just here14:52
cyphermoxjbicha: there is that14:52
cyphermoxmpt: i've seen conffile update requests for files like /etc/securetty and /etc/vsftpd.conf; not something you just want to override because it can really break a package, or access to the system14:53
jbichausing /etc/*.d/ folders helps with reducing conflicts14:53
mterryDaviey, heyo.  Got some time for MIRs.  So there's the python-tz one, and what else are you looking at?14:56
cyphermoxjbicha: back on that gnome-shell merge request you wanted me to review?14:56
cyphermoxlooks good to you? I'm not really all that knowledgeable about that gnome-shell should be doing, I never use it ;)14:56
jbichacyphermox: is that something that should be fixed in NM?14:57
cyphermoxAFAICS the change seems reasonable14:57
cyphermoxjbicha: well, the disconnect notification was set as CRITICAL from a design bug14:57
cyphermox(a bug from the design team); to make sure disconnect notifications get seen. I could change it back, but the increase in priority isn't exactly wrong14:58
jbichacyphermox: all I have to do is click the notification in gnome-shell and it goes away14:59
cyphermoxright, but it probably should get away by itself, especially if you get back to connected :)15:00
cyphermoxlet me give a little fix a try, I have an idea15:01
jbichamy instinct is that this isn't really a gnome-shell bug15:02
mterryDaviey, oh, I see a bunch of new MIRs.  on it15:05
cyphermoxjbicha: I don't know. seems to me like any transient notification should indeed be transient, no matter the priority.15:08
jbichacyphermox: but is it notify-osd that's doing it wrong?15:09
jbichaI forget how it works in Fedora15:09
cyphermoxjbicha: what would notify-osd be doing wrong?15:09
cyphermoxjbicha: this fails because we have a distro patch to set the prio of the disconnect notification to CRITICAL15:09
cyphermoxall the notifications are set to be transient though, the hint is set on each of the notifications nm-applet generates15:10
jbichaI don't know, anyway if you decide the merge is good, I'll accept the patch15:10
cyphermoxjbicha: my feeling is that it's good; but I'd like to get the opinion of gnome-shell developers.15:30
cyphermoxif transient notifications aren't transient, it *should* be a bug, unless it's clearly defined that a critical urgency overrides that15:30
tjaaltonnice, can't get sound-juicer or gvfsd-cdda to crash anymore like on oneiric.. looks like the gvfs updates really made a difference15:37
mterryDaviey, is maas going to be seeded anywhere?  in Server?16:38
pittiwasn't it cluttering component-mismatches all over yesterday16:39
pittibut not any more, I suppose it was unseeded, or it's dependencies fixed?16:39
mterrypitti, it has a large MIR chain I'm working on16:56
pittiyeah, I saw; that looked quite crazy16:57
pittiand I'm fairly sure we don't want to pull in half of Haskell there16:57
pittisabdfl explicitly nacked this as approved technology16:57
mterrypitti, hadn't gotten to haskell bits yet16:57
pittiso I guess it needs some serious work to drop some deps16:57
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pittidpm: argh, I forgot to request a full langpack export for beta-217:02
pittidpm: I requested it now on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+language-packs, but can we start a manual export now, so that I can build them tomorrow?17:02
pittidpm: otherwise I can forge it from the last base and current delta, but then the next delta packs will be wrong17:03
dpmpitti, let me ask the lp losas. I think it shouldn't be a problem, the only issue with exports starting in the afternoon is that they are right in the middle of the database disconnect around ~9:00 UTC and they then fall, but perhaps they can postpone tomorrow's disconnect17:04
pittidpm: ah, argh; so perhaps building the tarball myself is better then17:05
pittiand requesting/uploading another one after b2?17:05
dpmI think we can still ask, but the other issue I can think of is that full exports take about 22 h. So it'd be ready by tomorrow 16:00 our time, which might be a little late.17:08
pittisounds OK17:08
dpmok, let me check with the LP people17:09
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Davieymterry: maas is already seeded17:19
pittiDaviey: ah, so it's dependencies got lighter?17:24
Davieypitti: yeah, we trimmed quite a bit.17:25
pittiDaviey: *phew*, no Haskell in mainn :)17:26
Davieypitti: Well, can reintroduce it if you would like? :)17:27
dpmpitti, ok, full precise langpack export running now, expecting it to be finished tomorrow at about 15:30UTC17:32
pittidpm: cheers!17:32
dpmnp :)17:32
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dobeymdeslaur: ping?18:12
mdeslaurdobey: yes?18:12
dobeymdeslaur: hi. i'm looking at bug #925713 from you, and trying to figure out the best way to fix it on all the platforms we have to support. It's not exactly clear to me either, how reading from ca-certificates.crt instead of a .pem with the same content is any better18:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 925713 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "CA Certificate is hardcoded" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92571318:13
mdeslaurdobey: when that CA gets compromised, we will push out a new system ca-certificates package, and we'll change certificate providers on the server18:15
mdeslaurdobey: having a bunch of hard coded certificates in various packages is incredibly hard to manage18:15
dobeymdeslaur: right, i understand that, but i don't think these certs are in the ca-certificates package?18:16
mdeslaurdobey: on linux, use the system certs, on other platforms, use the bundled cert18:16
mdeslaurdobey: they'd better be...where did the cert come from?18:16
dobeygodaddy, but it's got a slightly different chain than the godaddy certs in ca-certificates, i think18:17
mdeslaurdobey: the certs in ca-certificates come from firefox....so I doubt godaddy is selling certs that don't work in firefox18:18
mdeslaurdobey: could you give it a try?18:18
mdeslaurdobey: you can still shove the cert into /etc/ssl/certs if it,s not already there18:19
mdeslaurdobey: just make it use _any_ valid cert in /etc/ssl/certs, and not that specific filename18:20
seb128pitti, nice apport upload!18:20
dobeyit might work now (in precise), but i think it might not work in older versions of ubuntu (lucid). there was an issue with the chaining, with openssl iirc18:21
mdeslaurdobey: well, we don't really need to fix it in the older releases, but it would be nice to have it going forward18:21
mdeslaurdobey: you can tell it to use /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt18:21
mdeslaurdobey: that is a dynamically-generated file containing all the system certs, including the one you stuck in /etc/ssl/certs yourself18:22
dobeymdeslaur: hrmm. ca-certificates.crt really needs a comment for each cert, telling which file it came from exactly18:32
dobeymdeslaur: and it seems the .pem files we're installing aren't getting added to it. :-/18:34
mdeslaurdobey: are you calling update-ca-certificates in your postinst?18:34
mdeslaurwhen you dump stuff in there, you need to tell the system about it18:35
seb128mdeslaur, isn't what triggers are for?18:35
dobeymdeslaur: running it manually just now doesn't add it either18:35
dobeyUpdating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... 0 added, 0 removed; done.18:35
mdeslauroh, it may be handled by triggers too, I'm not sure what the best practice is there18:36
pittiseb128: heh, thanks; I hope this one causes less dupes to be filed18:36
pittiseb128: and it helps a bit with catching up with you, too :)18:36
seb128pitti, hehe18:37
* seb128 hugs pitti18:37
dobeyseb128: well, we should still do whatever the trigger does, when we do ./setup.py install, for people that decide to install by hand, i guess; but bleh, i hate setuptools/distutils because it makes stuff like this really hard.18:37
mdeslaurdobey: wait a sec, let me refresh my memory with update-ca-certificates18:37
dobeynot to mention every linux distro does this slightly differently :-/18:37
mdeslauryes, it's insane18:38
dobeyand i don't really see how packages shoving their own certs into ca-certificates.crt, and reading it instead of the .pem files directly, changes anything really. the same cert revocation concerns are still there18:39
micahgmdeslaur: dobey: please read the update-ca-certificates manpage :)18:40
mdeslaurmicahg: no relevant info in the manpage...what specific part are you talking about?18:41
dobeythe part where the files are in /usr/share and there's a .conf file that lists all of them i guess18:42
mdeslaurdobey: well, presumably the package won't ship it's own cert file anymore18:42
dobeybut there's no conf.d directory to shove others into18:42
dobeymdeslaur: we have to18:42
mdeslaurdobey: ok, then forget it and close the bug18:42
dobeymdeslaur: ok18:43
micahgmdeslaur: files get installed in /usr/share/ca-certificates/ update-ca-certificates installs to /etc/ssl/certs18:44
mdeslaurmicahg: yes, I know that part...but where do other packages besides ca-certificates put their certs?18:45
micahgin the same dir there18:45
micahgI'm not sure it's necessarily intended for other packages to ship certs, I think that's the point of having this in the first place18:46
dobeywell apparently java ships some certs and has some complex special thing which gets run by update-ca-certificates as wlel18:48
dobeyhrmm. is apport retracer blocked/disalbed for amd64 bugs?19:12
pittidobey: no, it shouldn't?19:19
* pitti checks19:19
pittilast run was 7 minutes ago19:19
pittilooks quite happy19:20
dobeypitti: oh, hrmm. i guess this bug is missing necessary info :-/19:21
pittiwhich bug?19:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 953313 in ubuntuone-client-gnome "Ubuntu One crashes while sharing a folder from nautilius" [High,New]19:21
dobeythere's no StackTrace.txt attachment19:21
dobeyzyga: ^^ why you break apport?19:21
pittidobey: this is a ProblemType: Bug, not a crash19:23
pittithere's nothing to retrace or check19:23
cyphermoxseb128: re bluez; I'm finding some pretty bad issues with file transfers, and skipping in audio; so I'd be in favor of not updating to 4.99 afterall19:23
pittidobey: probably best to invalidate it and ask to send a proper crash report19:24
zygadobey, huh19:24
zygadobey, sorry19:24
zygadobey, if you want I can re-try that19:24
dobeyzyga: do you have a file in /var/crash for that?19:24
zygadobey, let me check19:24
cyphermoxafter discussion with upstream that management API change isn't something that would get used with the kernel we're shipping in Precise, so it kind of defeats the purpose of updating bluez anyway. since things are pretty stable and working right now, seems to me like we're okay.19:25
zygadobey, note: apport has been crashing for me all week19:25
dobeyapport-bug apport :)19:25
cyphermoxpitti: has jmleddy spoken to you about gvfs ? :/19:25
zygadobey, maybe: _usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash19:25
pitticyphermox: yes; it's on my list of things to look into19:25
cyphermoxpitti: ok19:25
dobeyzyga: can you do "apport-collect 953313" please?19:25
pitticyphermox: i. e. we need to debug what's actually causing the problem19:25
dobeyi /think/ that should add everything to the existing bug19:26
pittizyga: how did apport crash?19:26
zygapitti, reporting crashes of itself, I did not investigate19:26
pittidobey: not core dumps, though; apport-collect doesn't attach anything that isn't already there, as the bug was reported through apport already19:26
pittizyga: do you have a /var/crash/*apport*?19:26
dobeyah ok19:26
cyphermoxpitti: yes, I've been looking into it but it looks like issues with the async calls between obex and gvfs, really not trivial to debug. not quite sure how the patch he changes actually changes that behavior, but I'm way out of my understanding of this stuff19:27
pittizyga: I uploaded a new apport with a ton of fixes today, perhaps that helps19:27
zygapitti, yes, three19:27
zygapitti, but uploaded19:27
zygapitti, thanks I'll ensure to send any reports if it crashes again19:27
pittizyga: ah, do you remember the bug numbers?19:27
dobeyzyga: then just "ubuntu-bug /var/crash/_usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash" please19:27
zyga/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk:264: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal19:27
zyga  if widget.get_label() == _('Relaunch'):19:27
zygapitti, that's all it keeps saying now19:27
pittizyga: that's fixed19:27
dobeyzyga: i filed a bug about that error the other day19:27
zygadobey, in progress (the first is done now)19:28
pittizyga: as a workarund, report them through apport-cli or apport-kde19:28
pittizyga: . o O { *phew* } :)19:28
pitti    apport | 1.95-0ubuntu1 |       precise | source, all19:28
pittior just dist-upgrade19:28
* pitti fixes valac package upgrade failure19:39
pittididrocks: OOI, did you see bug 916892 yourself?19:43
ubot2`Launchpad bug 916892 in unity-distro-priority "gnome-disk-utility crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_device_get_object_path()" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91689219:43
dobeyzyga: did you get the new bug filed yet?19:43
pittiand why is that unity-distro-prio task "fix committed"?19:44
zygadobey, yup, sorry, got stuck19:45
pittididrocks: I can't actually reproduce it, so I guess I can just try and fix it blindly19:45
dobeyzyga: what's the bug #?19:45
seb128cyphermox, your call19:45
seb128cyphermox, are those .98->99 regressions?19:46
cyphermoxseb128: yeah19:46
cyphermoxseb128: rather not embark in that, honestly.19:46
zygadobey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/96247019:46
ubot2`zyga: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa5ae8cc> bug 962470 not found19:46
zygathis bug is private now19:46
dobeyyeah because it's a crash19:47
dobeybut why can't i see it19:47
seb128dobey, because it's not retraced yet19:47
cyphermoxseb128: I don't think it's related to mgmt api, but I could see after the fact that there were changes in bluez to deal with permission errors in file transfers, but we also have a fix in the kernel for that, I think at this point they may be conflicting19:47
seb128dobey, only retracer have initial access19:47
dobeyah right19:47
seb128cyphermox, ok, fair enough, as said I was mostly trying to set us in a position where it would be easier to get stable updates later on19:48
cyphermoxseb128: ok19:48
seb128cyphermox, but if those are tight to kernel updates there is no point19:48
seb128cyphermox, it's not like we can't backport bug fixes in any case ;-)19:48
cyphermoxseb128: I do think we're ok; we can pretty easily cherry-pick patches in general they are well made as atomic and all19:49
seb128cyphermox, thanks for looking to it in any case!19:49
cyphermoxI'll update the pad; already let ScottK to nak the bug19:49
seb128cyphermox, thanks19:49
seb128cyphermox, don't get too happy too soon, I assigned you an eds bug this week as well ;-)19:49
cyphermoxnp :)19:49
seb128cyphermox, one with a patch upstream so should be easy19:50
seb128(don't take my word on it though ;-)19:50
cyphermoxeds and evo I've been wanting to review since last week but kept being dragged back to NM or bluez :)19:50
* cyphermox drops a tear for shattered hopes or a newer, bug-free bluez :)19:50
seb128cyphermox, next one will be better! ;-)19:51
cyphermoxseb128: they all say that19:52
didrockspitti: I didn't see the crash, I know there is a bug where the device connected to launcher are not shown19:55
didrockspitti: was thinking it can be the same bug19:55
unit3Hey all, I'm trying to get my desktop working using nouveau drivers, my video card is supported and it works from the 11.10 live cd... but in my install environment, running "compiz --replace" in a terminal results in the error: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing19:59
unit3However, glxinfo shows that the texture_from_pixmap extension is present.19:59
unit3so I'm not sure what Unity's problem is?19:59
unit3ugg. no focus follows mouse in this failsafe mode, obviously.19:59
unit3so yeah, any ideas how to get it to shape up and run, since the glx extension is there?20:00
unit3I tried "unity --reset", no luck.20:00
dobeypitti: ugh. apport failed for the new bug :-/20:01
dobeypitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/96247020:01
ubot2`dobey: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa5ae8cc> bug 962470 not found20:01
dobeyubot2`: be quiet20:01
ubot2`Factoid 'be quiet' not found20:01
seb128dobey, nautilus version 1:3.3.91-0ubuntu4 required, but 1:3.3.92-0ubuntu2 is available20:03
pittidobey: yeah, lots of updates today :/20:03
pittiI'm afraid that needs a fresh crash20:04
seb128dobey, the retracers don't work on outdated version, they only have the current version dbgsym20:04
seb128it's not today, that was updated on tuesday20:04
seb128pitti, is there any way we could block submiting based on lp versions rather than mirror versions?20:04
seb128some mirrors seems to be outdated by days20:05
pittiseb128: in theory yes of course, but not trivially20:05
pittiseb128: we could at least use rmadison, should be a bit cheaper20:05
pittibut still much harder than just querying python-apt20:05
dobeyor try to retrace with the newer versions of the packages20:05
seb128dobey, that's what happened there :p20:06
seb128dobey, the dump is for .91 and it retraced with .92 and of course signatures didn't match so gdb bailed out20:06
dobeywell it broke before retracing. it failed to install the packages no?20:07
seb128dobey, no20:07
seb128dobey, the retracer doesn't "install" the packages20:07
seb128dobey, it unpack the binaries20:07
seb128dobey, installation is too error prone20:08
seb128dobey, the log just warns that the unpacked version is .92 but the dump is from .91, so it's likely not going to get any working gdb output20:09
dobeyoh well20:11
dobeyand i guess apport won't write a new file in /var/crash as there's already one that's been uploaded?20:11
pittiit does20:14
pittiit only doesn't overwrite files which haven't been shown yet20:14
pittididrocks: hm, my USB sticks always get shwon20:22
pittididrocks: and mounted ISOs and SSH mounts don't; but they also don't cause unity to crash20:22
pittididrocks: anyway, thanks; I'll do some stack trace vs. source code analysis20:23
didrockspitti: well, it's in a separate process (the panel service one), so unity won't crash20:23
didrockspitti: but it just doesn't shsow up20:23
didrockspitti: not a big bug for the release, was thinking it was related, but no then20:23
pittididrocks: oh, panel? I thought you meant the usb icons in the launcher20:23
didrockspitti: long story, it's mounted in the panel service in fact :)20:23
pittiunity::launcher::DeviceLauncherSection::OnVolumeAdded(_GVolumeMonitor*, _GVolume*,20:24
didrocksbut shown on the launcher20:24
pittithat's part of the stack trace20:24
jbichapitti: what are you doing still here?20:24
pittiso I thought it was unity that crashed20:24
pittijbicha: fixing bugs until the bitter end :)20:24
didrockspitti: hum, maybe on that one, I need to look at the code, it maybe changed since last time I touched20:24
didrockspitti: but the current state is just "nothing is shown"20:24
didrocksno crash20:24
* pitti looks at gtimelog.. "Total work done: 12 h 37 min"; that's not too bad for a freeze day :)20:24
pittididrocks: hm, WFM20:25
didrockspitti: that's because you don't have 5.8 ;)20:25
pittididrocks: heh, right20:26
didrocksok, so not platform related 5.8 regression20:26
pittididrocks: but neitehr does that guy who reported that crash20:26
didrocksright, it's a separate issue then20:27
didrockshaving the 3 machines on latest staging ppa to test the crash on startup makes me hard to confirm if we have a regression or not :/20:27
seb128I hate makefiles20:29
seb128echo $(TYPE)20:29
seb128should the echo print "text" for that?20:29
seb128or am I doing something stupid?20:30
pittiseb128: it's two different shells20:30
pittieach line is a new shell command20:30
pittiseb128: try:20:30
pittiTYPE="text"; echo $$TYPE20:31
seb128I hate makefiles :p20:31
pittiseb128: or define TYPE not in a rule, but at the top of the file20:31
pitti$(TYPE) -> make variable20:31
pitti$$TYPE -> shell variable20:31
pittiyou can't define make variables in rules20:31
seb128pitti, that's not a rules, it's an upstream Makefile20:31
pittiI mean in makefile rules, not "debian/rules"20:32
pittii. e. in the actions that build a target20:32
seb128echo $TYPE20:32
seb128 20:32
seb128that's what is printed with $$TYPE20:32
seb128oh, on the same line20:32
pittiseb128: is that in a rule or are these declarations?20:32
pittiecho $TYPE is not a valid make declaration20:32
pitti 20:33
pittimybin: mysource.c20:33
pitti      # this is a rule20:33
pitti     echo $(MAKEVAR)20:33
seb128so let's take a concrete example20:33
pitti     SHELLVAR=foo; echo $$SHELLVAR20:33
pitti 20:33
seb128I was trying to do that (which doesn't work)20:33
seb128totem.desktop.in: totem.desktop.in.in mime-type-list.txt desktop.sh20:33
seb128$(AM_V_GEN) cat totem.desktop.in.in | sed 's,@FULL_LIBEXECDIR@,$(FULL_LIBEXECDIR),' > $@ &&\20:33
seb128$(AM_V_GEN) cat totem.desktop.in.in | sed 's,@MIMETYPE@,$($(SHELL) $(srcdir)/desktop.sh $(srcdir)/mime-type-list.txt $(srcdir)/uri-schemes-list.txt),' > $@20:33
pittiperhaps that makes it clelarer20:33
seb128the second like doesn't work20:34
didrocksit's easy once you got that the declaration are only on top :)20:34
seb128now I'm trying to debug why it doesn't work :p20:34
seb128the MIMETYPE line doesn't work20:34
seb128chrisccoulson, it's all your fault btw, that's the stupid totem mimetype bug :p20:34
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks :)20:35
seb128the makefile was20:35
seb128totem.desktop.in: totem.desktop.in.in mime-type-list.txt uri-schemes-list.txt desktop.sh20:35
seb128$(AM_V_GEN) cat totem.desktop.in.in | sed 's,@FULL_LIBEXECDIR@,$(FULL_LIBEXECDIR),' > $@ &&\20:35
seb128$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/desktop.sh $(srcdir)/mime-type-list.txt $(srcdir)/uri-schemes-list.txt >> $@20:35
seb128 20:35
seb128but with the unity list the 3rd line doesn't work20:35
pittiwht is AM_V_GEN?20:35
seb128we don't want to append the text20:35
seb128pitti, it's a makefile stuff that make it hide output if you don't set V=120:36
seb128i.e ignore it20:36
pittiseb128: try $(SHELL command), not $(SHELL) command20:36
pitti$(SHELL command) expands to the output of "command"20:36
pittiit's a make function20:36
pittiwhich I think is what you might want there20:37
pitti$($(SHELL) stuff) -> that might magically work, but I'm afraid I can't parse that20:37
seb128pitti, I just want to put the output of "$(srcdir)/desktop.sh $(srcdir)/mime-type-list.txt $(srcdir)/uri-schemes-list.txt" there20:38
seb128the original makefile.am is doing20:38
seb128$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/desktop.sh $(srcdir)/mime-type-list.txt $(srcdir)/uri-schemes-list.txt >> $@20:38
seb128I basically want to take what is before the >>20:38
seb128and put it in a sed20:38
seb128so I put it under $()20:38
seb128that's basically "evaluate "sh desktop.sh ..."20:39
pittiI thought $(stuff) would expand the make variable "stuff"20:39
pitti$(SHELL) might expand to "/bin/sh"20:40
seb128yeah, I don't practice makefile regularly20:40
pittiseb128: so yes, try20:40
seb128I didn't do stuff like that since my Debian NM when jorge made me rewrite a rules in pure makefile :p20:40
seb128which is like ... 10 years (doh, not getting any younger)20:40
pitti... sed 's,...,$(SHELL $(srcdir)/desktop.sh $(srcdir)/mime-type-list.txt $(srcdir)/uri-schemes-list.txt)'20:41
pittior just avoid the $(SHELL) stuff altogether, you are already writing shell stuff after all20:41
pittiseb128: oh, wait20:41
pittiseb128: you are trying to to the shell $(), not the make $()20:41
pittiseb128: now I know why I couldn't parse that :)20:42
pittiseb128: simple fix should be to replace $( with $$(20:42
pittithat'll use teh shell's $() , i. e. same as ``20:42
pittimake is fun20:42
seb128I see what you mean20:43
seb128let me try20:43
seb128echo `$(SHELL) desktop.sh mime-type-list.txt uri-schemes-list.txt`20:46
pittiyes, using `` shoudl be a little clearer than the $$($(SHELL) dance20:48
pittiit looks dangerously close to a sendmail config at that point :)20:48
seb128that still doesn't work in the sed line though20:48
pittianyway, I think time to sleep for me; I can't really think coherently any more20:49
pittiand in teh remaining 11 minutes I won't be able to do an upload any more20:49
seb128pitti, I think I got it20:49
seb128pitti, thanks for thelp!20:49
pittiseb128: \o/20:49
seb128the help20:49
seb128I will sneak that in and call it a day as well :p20:50
pittiseb128: if all else fails, write a shell script which does everything and just call that in the rule20:50
pittithat's what I did wit pkgbinarymangler in the end, when the cdbs make rules becaome totally incomprehensible20:50
pittigood night everyone, sleep well!20:50
pittinice fix-it day today, looking forward to tomorrow's images20:51
seb128'night pitti20:51
* pitti hugs seb12820:51
* seb128 hugs pitti back20:51
didrocksgood night pitti!20:51
* pitti hugs didrocks as well, hope you don't have to burn the midnight oil so long20:51
didrockspitti: well, we'll see :-) almost here, but anyway, won't upload before tomorrow20:51
pittididrocks: that's fine; skaet knows as well, and I'll do the pocket copying20:52
didrocksso, we'll need to discuss tomorrow :)20:52
pittididrocks: so, upload to -proposed it is20:52
didrocksgood news \o/20:52
* didrocks hugs pitti20:52
pittiand you can say you paved the ground for a proper staging area :)20:52
didrocksheh, yeah \o/20:52
seb24salut didrocks :D ça bosse ?21:54
didrocksseb24: un peu trop :-)21:54
seb24je me doute :)21:54
=== chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk
chrisccoulsonhmmm, so the only downside of pdf.js is that it has a popout sidebar on the left hand edge of the firefox window23:12
chrisccoulsonright where the unity launcher is23:12
didrockschrisccoulson: still awake?23:13
chrisccoulsondidrocks, no, i'm fast asleep now :)23:14
chrisccoulsonthis is probably better than reading pdf's in evince :)23:15
RAOFchrisccoulson: What's performance like?23:16
chrisccoulsonRAOF, it seems to be pretty good here23:16
RAOFHave you tried it on something hard, like the Pathfinder book? :)23:17
chrisccoulsonnot yet ;)23:17
chrisccoulsonhmmm, they need to fix scrollwheel zooming :)23:22
chrisccoulsonbecause the pdf viewer is just all normal webcontent, ctrl+scrollwheel zooms the whole thing, including the pdf viewer chrome23:23
chrisccoulsonwhich is clearly not meant to happen23:23
* didrocks waves good night23:34
TheMusochrisccoulson: What program is this?23:35
* TheMuso exited from his IRC session earlier and just missed catching the start of the convo in backscroll.23:36
didrocksor not yet ;)23:37
desrtdidrocks: cheerio23:41
didrockshey desrt ;)23:42
desrtdidrocks: i thought you were on your way out :)23:46
didrocksI thought it to :)23:46
didrocksI was pretty sure it was the case when I typed /quit and was going to press enter23:47
desrtonly to discover....23:47
didrocksuntil I saw this little notification bubble :)23:47
desrtso it's mirco's fault, you're saying23:47
didrocksdesrt: totally agree ;)23:47

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