
a7mdالسلامو عليكو15:00
elacheche_aniswa alaykom assalam a7md15:00
thelinuxera7md: وعليكم السلام15:00
thelinuxerHI elacheche_anis :)15:01
a7mdانتو بتعملو ايه هنا15:01
elacheche_anisHi thelinuxer :D15:01
thelinuxerبنتكلم ، بنرد على أسئلة ...15:01
elacheche_anisTell him thelinuxer :D15:01
a7mdطب انا عايز ارد معاكم15:01
elacheche_anisa7md, you're welcome :D15:01
thelinuxerخلاص رد براحتك :) مش لازم تاخد إذن حد15:02
elacheche_anisJust wait for someone who looks for answers :D15:02
a7mdلم علينا عبيدك يا رب :D15:02
thelinuxerبس أهم حاجة تحترم الميثاق ده http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct15:03
elacheche_anis+1 thelinuxer15:03
thelinuxerو ده بالعربى15:03
a7mdاهم حاجة العربى15:04
thelinuxer:) أكيد15:04
a7mdطب عايزين نعمل حاجة جديدة يابوحميد15:04
a7mdننزل على ارض الواقع و يبقلنا وجود15:04
thelinuxerخلينا نتعرف الأول ... ;)15:05
elacheche_anisthelinuxer, I just remember something..15:05
a7mdمعاك احمد رأفت ( Ana Kda )15:05
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: من الفريق التونسى و داعم لينا زلى منتا شايف15:05
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: what ?15:05
thelinuxera7md: ahlan beek ya abo 7emeed :)15:05
a7mdيا مرحب بالتوانسة15:06
a7mdحبيب قلبى يابوحميد15:06
a7mdبص بقه يا كبير15:06
a7mdاولاً مبروك على اللوكو15:07
thelinuxera7md: Allah yebarek feek :)15:07
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: what man :D ? what did u remember ?15:07
elacheche_anisthelinuxer, we receive this mail in our ML today, translate it an read it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-tn/2012-March/011466.html15:07
elacheche_anisthelinuxer, it's not an invitation for the loco team but for persons who wants to participate :D15:08
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: how can we participate in this ?15:10
thelinuxerI guess we know a couple of guys in ADEF15:11
thelinuxerwill try to contact them ASAP15:11
elacheche_anisso check out with them :D15:11
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: I will isA thanks man :)15:12
elacheche_anisYou're welcome :D I think that the event can't be counted as LoCo event.. So I'll try to participate as elacheche_anis, but of course wearing my ubuntu-tn T-shirt :p :D15:14
elacheche_anisWhat are you thinking about that!15:14
thelinuxerelacheche_anis: we can do media/community partnership and also participating as individuals15:16
elacheche_anisTry it.. For us I don't think that's possible because the mail wasn't an invitation for preparing an event, it's just a sharing of the news..15:17
thelinuxereven if it wasn't an invitation ... you have to be pushy :D15:17
thelinuxerjust ask them about their community or media partnership plans15:17
elacheche_anisnice idea.. I'm trying to contact the mail sender in person via FB.. :)15:19
thelinuxercool :)15:19
MohamedAlaa98السلام عليكم16:48
MohamedAlaa98hello Menopia16:48
elacheche_aniswa alaykom assalam MohamedAlaa9817:01
elacheche_anisMohamedAlaa98,  what's happening in Cairo university?17:02
sarhanelacheche_anis, who are you?17:04
elacheche_anissarhan, mondass..17:05
* elacheche_anis mondass mézél fi stage 7atta iltaw.. w mézél mich yo93od 2h o5rine X)17:06
MohamedAlaa98أسف مكنتش هنا17:15
MohamedAlaa98ايه اللي بيحصل باظبط17:16

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