
Gmwhudson: ouch, I reckon I'm going to lose some HDDs due to lack of cooling soon, holding off a month or two to get a new case (with better cooling) & replacement HDDs, hope it can last until then00:14
ojwbG: or just move south00:17
Gojwb: well yeah, in a month or two, I'll start having circa 0degC mornings00:18
Gmorning frosts :)00:18
ojwbmy current laptop has a metal case, which isn't nice on winter mornings00:19
ojwbluckily they put a big heater in00:19
Ghalf tempted to buy http://www.ascent.co.nz/productspecification.aspx?ItemID=344064 as a short term solution00:19
ajmitchso you cook bacon & eggs on there in the morning?00:19
ojwbajmitch: no, but the fan exhaust helps keep my tea warm00:19
Gsounds like my Dell (except the metal case), I'm just so glad I got the extra 3-cell battery (9 cell instead of 6 cell) because other wise I'm sure there would be a fire as it runs so hot :)00:21
ajmitchtemp1:       +100.0°C00:21
ajmitchso mine's pretty much hot enough for that00:21
Gajmitch: what component is that from?00:21
ajmitchG: not sure, CPU temp was at a chilly 92C, but that's because I was doing some work stuff :)00:21
GHD Temps: sda 57, sdb 66, sdc 58, sdd 7200:22
Gas long as sda & sdc don't fail, I won't be too upset, but yeah00:24
ajmitchthat's still a bit warm for the others00:24
Gairflow in this case is rubbish00:24
ajmitchsda is currently 47C but probably not even mounted00:25
ajmitchI don't think my SSD reports temperature properly as it's always 30C00:25
GI'm pondering an i5/i7 upgrade soon, so I'll likely just go the whole hog and do HDD & Case upgrades at the same time00:26
* ajmitch just did an SSD transplant in this laptop recently, it may stretch out the laptop's life by a bit00:27
GI'd imagine the UEFI BIOSes play better w/ the >1.5TB 4k sector HDDs00:27
ibeardsleemy next home PC will probably just have an SSD00:30
ibeardsleeleaving the majority of files on a nas of some sort00:30
ibeardslee.. that home PC will proabaly also have a cpu, ram etc as well ;)00:30
Gyeah, I'd likely get an SSD for a laptop, but I use a desktop type machine more as a server :)00:31
ajmitchI'd never have seen my old laptop 5400 RPM hard drive do > 150MB/sec in iotop as I thrash swap to death :)00:31
* ajmitch obviously needs more RAM00:31
mwhudsonsince i got a laptop with an ssd i just open openoffice documents for fun!00:31
ajmitchsuch a waste!00:31
mwhudsonnetbeans is still ****ing slow though00:32
ajmitchthey still take about 5 seconds to open, I guess? :)00:32
mwhudsonajmitch: no, probably about 100:32
ajmitchnot too bad00:32
Ghmmmm interesting, Dell are doing Rack-mount workstations00:33
Gmount it below your keyboard tray?00:33
ibeardsleemonitor, keyboard mouse over ethernet?00:35
Gibeardslee: I guess that is what they are aiming for, but Quad-DVI for instance could be pushing it no?  (no idea of the bandwidth DVI requires)00:36
Gmwhudson: I thought Apple still had exclusive on that for now?00:36
ajmitchso with UFB we'll all have infinite bandwidth to use, right?00:36
mwhudsonin practice maybe00:36
mwhudsonbut i don't think they control the tech00:37
mwhudson(hopefully they learnt the lesson w/ firewire there)00:37
Gahhh I see, you rack it, and then you have a "Remote Access Device" for each two monitors00:37
Ghate to find out the price of said machine, that is for sure00:38
ibeardsleeof course once you start putting workstations in a rack, you get back to people thinking about how they could reduce the space overhead of the workstations in a rack and you start getting back to remote terminals00:47
mwhudsonhaven't we been about to get back to remote terminals for about a decade now?00:48
ibeardsleeI think that if 'the cloud' carries on growing it is more likely00:50
ibeardsleealthough maybe it is more remote data storage00:51
ibeardsleeweb based apps00:51
ajmitchwe're oscillating between 2 extremes00:51
ibeardsleepersonally I like the idea of having the power and grunt out of the way but being able to access it with a relatively low power/noice/heat device from anywhere00:52
ibeardsleeBUT that 'out of the way' is something I want to be able to control00:52
mwhudsonbut the thing is, my newish extremely beefy laptop is the first machine i've had that runs a web browser really nicely00:53
mwhudsoncertainly my atom powered netbook doesn't00:53
ibeardsleeyes /me regularly wants to stab his netbook00:54
Gyeah, but these workstations are particularly for CAD designers etc, so surely there is an aspect that hosting their machines all in a single, climate controlled room w/ a rack, and delievering via Ethernet is a not bad idea00:54
ibeardsleethe next step is does it really matter if *that* workstation is *that* person's or as long as they have access to the same resources as last time they tried to do anything .. does it matter if it is a remote workstation00:56
mwhudsonwell yes, because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacies_of_Distributed_Computing00:57
thumperok, rebooting was a massive fail00:57
thumpermachine is dead now :(00:57
mwhudsonthumper: we'd guessed that00:57
ibeardsleewe figured00:57
thumperleft at a busybox prompt00:57
Gthumper: we gathered :)00:57
* thumper sighs00:57
thumperI'm downloading a percise iso00:58
ibeardsleemwhudson: that's why I'd want control of the environment00:58
Gmwhudson: that article is pretty much spot on imo01:00
ajmitchthumper: do you think it's hardware or software failure?01:01
Gmy bet would be on HDD01:02
ajmitchthat's generally what happens when it gets a few bad sectors in the wrong place01:02
thumperthat is my feeling too01:03
thumperI'm wondering if a rebuild from cd would be good stop gap01:03
thumperuntil I get a new disk / machine01:03
ajmitchit doesn't make it any less annoying01:03
ibeardsleeso the disk is fully dead? or can you access stuf from a live cd?01:05
ibeardsleehmm ... should /etc/termcap normally exist?01:06
ajmitchibeardslee: I don't have /etc/termcap on my laptop01:06
ibeardsleeif I start a new terminal window I get told ..01:07
ibeardslee*** VTE ***: Failed to load terminal capabilities from '/etc/termcap'01:07
thumperibeardslee: I'm downloading a cd image now01:08
ibeardsleeI wonder if this morning's updates are just playing silly buggers01:08
ajmitchibeardslee: on precise?01:08
mwhudsoni don't have termcap either01:08
ibeardsleeyes on precise01:09
hadsG: Time is synced to NTP. Still not sure what the go is.01:09
* ibeardslee wanders off to reboot the lappy01:09
hadsG: One particular query in the admin section (current active sessions) was causing the issue so I've just disabled that report for now until I can look into it.01:10
hadsBackup VM is all synced up with live if things fall apart :)01:11
ajmitchibeardslee: looks like there are existing bugs about this dating back quite awhile01:12
ajmitchthey also shouldn't really affect precise according to that :)01:13
ibeardsleeafter that reboot  all is good01:13
ibeardsleethumper: I'm told you have a zareason laptop?01:14
thumperibeardslee: I do01:15
thumperabout 2.5 years old now01:15
ibeardsleewhat is it like? build quality etc01:15
hadsThe hard drive is no good :)01:15
thumpergenerally good01:15
thumperI ended up putting a crack in it by carrying it one handed01:15
thumperholding one corner01:16
thumperbut I figured that was my fault01:16
hadsNo thinkpad titanium hinges then.01:16
thumperon thing I did decide on though, was to never buy another laptop with only two usb ports01:16
thumperit was a crack on plastic around the keyboard, just under the right arrow key01:16
thumperabout 8mm long01:16
thumpergive or take 2mm01:17
* thumper is eyeballing it01:17
ojwbyou dropped it?01:17
ojwbor just the weight of it cracked it?01:17
hadsThe only reason (which is quite sad) that I've not bought a laptop from them or system76 is the thinkpad trackpoint.01:17
thumperno, just carrying it while it was open, with one hand on the LHS01:17
ojwbhmm, doesn't sound good01:17
ibeardsleezareason seem to be planning on setting up shop in NZ01:17
thumperojwb: I think it was the weight01:17
thumperibeardslee: zareason shipped to NZ no problem, with a NZ plug even01:18
* ojwb resists picking up his by one corner to see what happens01:18
ibeardsleehads: you got that email?01:18
hadsI did, thanks for the inclusion.01:19
* ajmitch wouldn't mind buying a new laptop that has ubuntu preloaded01:20
ajmitchsince I don't really care about the 'installation experience', I just want to have it working01:21
* ibeardslee is aiming to get someone in NZ before the NZOSA later this year01:21
ajmitchthat'd be good01:21
ibeardsleeso they can sponsor it as well01:21
ajmitchget them to sponsor kiwipycon as well ;)01:21
ibeardsleeuse it as some promotion etc01:21
ibeardsleeajmitch: I have always installed my PC/laptop again01:22
ibeardsleeI don't care for the installation experience myself, but I do care to some degree about what is actually on there01:22
ibeardslee.. a hangover from the Windows and driver CD world01:23
ajmitchright, but I tend to start from a default install & add stuff, rather than doing a minimalist install01:23
ajmitchso as long as it was a default install of ubuntu I'd be happy enough01:23
GI'm on the "I just go ahead and reinstall no matter what" boat01:24
ibeardsleeaye, but an OEM default install, is not necessarily the same as only installing ubuntu-desktop (and dependancies)01:24
ibeardsleethere is also partitioning to consider01:24
* mwhudson has gotten used to carrying his thinkpad around _by the screen_01:26
mwhudsoni think i'd better not buy any other laptop until i kick that habit01:26
hadsYeah, I was thinking the same thing.01:26
ajmitchibeardslee: you wouldn't go for one large partition on a laptop?01:26
ibeardsleegenerally / and /home (and swap)01:27
ajmitchtrue, I do care about the size of swap, less so for separate /home01:28
ibeardsleesda1 = /, sda2 = swap, sda3 = /home01:28
ibeardsleealthough that order is less important with an SSD01:28
thumpermwhudson: how do you find the thinkpads?01:29
ibeardsleeand in practise probably doesn't make much of a difference anyway01:29
thumpermwhudson: I'm up for buying another laptop around september01:29
mwhudsonthumper: i really really like mine01:29
hadsYou have to buy Windows with them01:29
mwhudsonyeah, that part sucks01:30
mwhudsonthe x220 is sold with ubuntu in china i think....01:30
mwhudsonso at least it works01:30
hadsOther than that, I don't think you can beat them really.01:30
mwhudsoni wouldn't mind a macbook air in some ways01:30
GI generally still do a boot partition (normally 500MB-1GB these days) , swap, and rest LVM01:30
ojwbmwhudson: assuming it's the same spec - my laptop's wifi crashes the kernel in linux, but a friend with a UK model has a completely different wireless chipset and is fine01:32
mwhudsonojwb: i paid like $10 more to get one with a named wifi chipset01:33
ojwbwish i had01:34
ojwbi should try swapping the wireless card with the old one01:34
hadsJust upgraded my laptop, seems to have gone smooth enough.21:13
ajmitchhads: upgraded to precise?21:14
ajmitchgood to hear that upgrades aren't completely broken, I'm sure there are plenty of corner cases though depending on what packages are installed21:18
* ibeardslee loves apt-cacher-ng21:21
* ajmitch loves debmirror21:21
ibeardsleethe laptop at home was downloading at 836kbs21:21
* hads uses squid21:21
mwhudsoni've used polipo sometimes, but it's a bit crappy21:22
ibeardsleethe PC then did it at 1880kbs21:22
hadsapt-cacher and apt-proxy have all failed me in the past.21:22
* ajmitch downloads from the mirror at home at ~11MB/sec21:22
ibeardsleeI mirror does mean there are a lot of packages that aren't actually used being downloaded though right?21:24
ajmitchbut they're there when I need them, usually for building other packages21:24
ajmitchwhich matters more to me21:24
hadsNot for your use case ajmitch, but there's a squid-deb-proxy package these days which does everything for you. No messing about with apt-cacher etc.21:26
ibeardsleefrom what i have found I can use different archives for each machine and still only get a package downloaded once21:30
ibeardsleewhereas with a squid proxy each package on a different mirror is a different file21:31
Ghmmm interesting differing mirroring techniques, I use nginx hackery :)22:13
ibeardsleeinteresting .. Ascent have said that they can source these without Windows .. http://www.msiwhitebook.com/product_spec.asp?model=MS-168C-ID123:03
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
ojwbibeardslee: does it all work with linux?23:23
ibeardsleeojwb: I haven't got that far checking it out yet23:24
ibeardsleealthough I do like the idea of options, I'd rather see a single consistent supplier23:24
ibeardsleefracturing the non-windows laptop market is not going to encourage people to put the effort into making it work23:25
ojwbi'm not sure it's fracturing it to be able to buy from more than one supplier23:26
ojwbotherwise people will just buy with windows and wipe23:26
ibeardsleeat the risk of being stabbed repeatedly in the face, I do think that a monopoly on Windows-less laptops is needed until it a linux laptop is getting closer to 'the norm'.23:30
ibeardsleenow that is at the brand level rather than the retailer level23:32

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