
snap-lHEllo from Caribou00:20
jjessehello caribou00:21
snap-lJust me and V00:21
rick_hwell sorry I'm not there, thought about it, but will be in bed here shortly myself00:42
snap-lNo worries, mate. :)00:42
snap-lsave your strength.00:43
jjesserick_h,  you sick?00:54
rick_hjjesse: yea, basically dying, but all good00:54
rick_hI'm going to leave all my keyboards to MUG00:55
jjesseglad you are only basically dying00:55
jjessehope you feel better soon :)00:55
rick_hmy wife's looking at my meds going "geeze, you must have sounded bad to the doc" and I'm here like "wtf do you think I've been saying for days...dying here, not being dramatic00:55
rick_hthanks, will be all good in a week00:55
greg-grick_h: hah, always get a second opinion :)01:24
rick_hgreg-g: yea, I don't let my wife be my doctor, never a good plan01:33
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, never a good plan to go with Dr. Mom. "Suck it up, wuss"01:40
rick_hso next CHC we'll do some DAS screenshots showings01:48
rick_hI think it'll be cool, puts me to shame01:48
snap-lVery cool02:18
greg-gwhat the heck, one doesn't do anything, the other does something wrong, I can't figure it out03:56
rick_hah, without the escaped it tried to expand it into two dirs? (Ubuntu|One)03:58
rick_hso make sure to put this in a script with set -e03:58
Blazeixremove the \'s escaping the spaces03:58
Blazeixi don't think you need that for quoted arguments03:59
Blazeixso the first one doesn't do anything because that folder doesn't exist03:59
rick_hbah, yui pr4 breaks some tests04:00
snap-lrick_h: Shouldn't you be in bed? :)04:00
rick_hI am inbed04:00
Blazeixhe's sleep-ircing04:00
rick_htoo warm, can't sleep04:00
snap-lYou'd probably sleep better if you didn't have a warm laptop blazing on your lap. :)04:02
snap-lOK, I'm calling it. Laterness.04:04
rick_hsnap-l: no audacity file to test with?04:08
rick_hheh, and pull request baby! :)04:21
snap-lGood morning11:10
snap-lrick_h: Thank you. :)11:10
snap-lIt's not so much a diff, as a complete re-write, now is it? :)11:11
snap-lBut it does clean things up a lot.11:12
rick_hsnap-l: it's a diff, with an added file, little moving11:14
rick_hdidn't have the audacity file to run a tests against, but hopefully close enough to get the idea11:15
snap-lYeah, I'll check it against the file11:15
snap-lI should at least include the .aup file if I'm going to distribute this, shouldn't I?11:15
snap-lwas just a quick "hey, it works, if someone wants to play with it..."11:16
rick_hor a link to a sample one in a readme at least11:17
rick_hbut if you had tests, it'd be perfect test data :)11:17
rick_hjcastro: ok, trying this charm thing out, and my install seems to be running, but not seeing any of my log lines from there11:23
* snap-l hasn't used the with convention. That's pretty nice.11:24
rick_hyea, context managers are cool stuff11:24
snap-lI'm not having any luck with doing a python setup.py install in a virtualenv11:34
snap-lit finishes, but then omcnotes doesn't run11:34
rick_hoh hmm, I just tried a setup.py develop last night11:55
snap-lIt's not including any of the .py files under src11:55
snap-lno matter what I try.11:55
rick_hah ok, so it's not including that  src directory then11:55
rick_hyou pulled that right? it should package up the __init__.py and shownotes.py in the src directory I created11:56
rick_hok, maybe you do need more then. I got a test to work with just that, but might have just been my venv11:57
rick_hnormally I start packages with modern-package-template which sets up all the files and such11:57
snap-lYes, I just started with a simple script. ;)11:58
rick_hright :)11:58
rick_hsorry, I'll look at it after work and see what I did, what I get coding while medicated11:59
snap-lrick_h: No worries. I do appreciate it. Just a little surprised to find my little script grew up overnight12:03
snap-lI hadn't even saved for college yet.12:04
rick_hheh, well once I started it seemed like something that could be generic/installed/etc12:09
snap-lBah, I did something to make itwork12:10
rick_hI bet that you're on the directory now12:11
rick_hso you can see it12:11
rick_hwhich means it's not working right, just pretending to12:11
rick_hwhich is what fooled me last night into thinking that worked12:11
snap-lI think find_packages is what's causing it grief12:14
snap-lchecking what's under egg_info, and it finally added it to SOURCES.txt12:15
snap-lThat appears to work12:22
snap-lthe find packages goes completely off the rails12:23
=== rick_h_ is now known as rick_h
brouschsnap-l: can you set up a modern-package-template snd then move your script into it?12:43
snap-lbrousch: I think I got it working13:08
snap-lpushed my changes13:08
snap-lalso included a test .aup file13:08
snap-lnone of the accompanying .au files, though13:08
greg-gBlazeix: it does too exist :)14:07
greg-ggreg@x220:~$ ls | grep Ubuntu14:07
greg-gUbuntu One14:07
greg-grick_h: set -e didn't change behavior, nor help diagnose :)14:11
greg-gwhen I have "/home/greg/Ubuntu One" it tries to do /home/greg/Ubunut and /home/greg/One. When I escape the space it just exits14:12
rick_hgreg-g: so it must not be a space in the filename, character encoding issue perhaps?14:13
greg-ghrmm, no idea14:14
rick_hI would tab complete out hte name/string and then try to paste it into a hex editor or something and see if it's not a space, but something unicode funky perhaps14:14
greg-gthat's be stupid of U114:14
rick_hwell just guessing at this point tbh14:15
greg-grick_h: from vim http://paste.mitechie.com/show/578/14:16
greg-glooks like a space to you?14:16
snap-lActually, that doesn't look like a space14:24
snap-lspace hex is 2014:24
rick_hright, the second pair in the line is a 2014:24
snap-lAnd a good morning to you too14:24
snap-lYeah, tried right to left14:25
snap-lrsync is pretty picky about escaping, iirc14:25
snap-lgreg-g: What are you looking to do?14:26
greg-gsnap-l: rsync a fucking directory from laptop harddrive to external RAID, seems simple, eh?14:27
rick_hquit holding it wrong! :P14:27
snap-lgreg-g: Don't escape and double quote14:28
snap-lU1_LAPTOP="/home/greg/Ubuntu One/"; U1_BACKUP="/media/BlackBox/Ubuntu One/"14:29
snap-lTry that instead14:29
greg-gthis worked:14:30
greg-gif [ -d "/home/greg/Ubuntu One" ]; then U1_LAPTOP="/home/greg/Ubuntu One/" U1_BACKUP="/media/BlackBox/Ubuntu One/" echo "\nU1\n" >> $LOG rsync -auvz "$U1_LAPTOP" "$U1_BACKUP" >> $LOG14:30
greg-ghrm, lost the line breaks14:30
greg-g^^ works14:31
greg-geffing UNIX and filenames with spaces14:31
snap-lI'm so glad we use then for a default14:31
greg-gno. shit.14:31
brouschug. feels like a monday14:31
greg-galright, time to pack up and get to the Caltrain14:32
rick_h+1 to taht14:32
greg-gone problem solved for the day, i don't need to go to work then, right? it isn't even 8am!14:32
snap-lgreg-g: Today is the day we shall all clean our code.14:33
greg-gno kidding14:33
snap-lsome of us just got an early start. (ht rick_h )14:33
greg-gtask add "Review ALL backup scripts for stupid space on UNIX issues" proj:home due:wheneverthefuck pri:L14:33
snap-ljust back up the whole dam drive. ;)14:34
rick_hwhy backup? it's in the cloud man!14:34
_MarcusAnyone here from Michigan?14:34
rick_hmost of us, we do let a few stragglers in14:34
snap-l_Marcus: Pretty sure there's a large contingent14:34
snap-lsome of us escaped, though14:35
greg-gI was in Michigan, now in SF, but I still like you Michiganders :)14:35
greg-ganywho, time to jet14:35
_MarcusOakland University is in Oakland county, right?14:36
snap-l_Marcus: unless someone moved it, yep14:36
_Marcussnap-l: They could have moved it. There was a house on a flatbed truck yesterday.14:37
snap-lWEll, there's a lot of land that comprises OU. They'd need a really big flatbed.14:37
snap-l_Marcus: Just curious why you might be asking?14:39
_MarcusAsking about what14:40
snap-lOU being in Oakland County?14:40
_MarcusJust wondering14:40
Blazeixgreg-g: sorry for not getting back to you. the directory "Ubuntu\ One" didn't exist14:49
Blazeixwith the literal "\"14:50
snap-lSomeone just asked me for permission to use the Scribus videos I did as part of a DVD15:16
snap-lTold them the CC gives them implicit permission for non-commercial projects15:17
snap-lIf it turns out it's commercial, I'll ask him to just purchase something off my Amazon Wishlist as payment. ;)15:17
snap-lI'm easy.15:18
snap-lWonder at what point that video will be more harmful than good. ;)15:18
* snap-l hasn't really played with Scribus in a while15:19
_MarcusWhat's Sribus?15:19
snap-lDesktop Publishing program15:19
_MarcusLike Microsoft Office Publisher, except for multiple platforms?15:19
snap-lYep, that's the closest analogue15:20
_MarcusI wanted to make a replacement for the Microsoft Office Suite, but for Ubuntu. I never got around to it though :(15:20
_MarcusReplacement as in the word processor would be able to save .doc, load .doc, etc.15:21
_MarcusThat does that?15:21
snap-lAbout as well as anything out there.15:22
brousch_Marcus: i suspect you have no idea the pain involved with what you were trying to do15:22
_MarcusI don't15:23
brouschreverse-engineering proprietary MS formats15:23
_Marcus.docx is just a zip file with a bunch of xml files inside of it15:23
snap-l_Marcus: On the surface, yes15:23
snap-lbut there's a bunch of secret sauce that MS doesn't publish about that format15:23
snap-lor they publish it in such a way as to be unusable15:24
_MarcusI'll figure it out myself15:24
snap-lI admire your spirit15:24
snap-lHere's something that handles Excel .xlsx files: http://packages.python.org/openpyxl/15:25
_MarcusPeople have made Unix "clones" without using the source code of Unix itself15:25
snap-l_Marcus: That's because they actually had access to the APIs that were used for a while before AT&T closed off the source15:25
brousch_Marcus: why do you want to do this?15:26
_Marcusbrousch: Because I asked people why they didn't want to switch to Ubuntu, and the main answer was "word"15:27
_MarcusAnyway, I have to go15:27
_MarcusBye all15:27
rick_hok, talk accepted to penguicon, no backing out now15:53
rick_hkrondor: you get yours in?15:53
greg-gBlazeix: ah, gotcha, yeah. It only took the explanations from two IRC channels for me to fix it (even though people were probably saying the same thing, I just didn't understand their explanations) :)16:09
snap-lrick_h: I think that's just a scheduling account creation16:09
snap-lI'm not seeing an actual schedule on there16:09
rick_hsnap-l: yea, but I'm registered, etc. So it's accepted and on the list16:10
snap-lrick_h: And now is when you'll realize you've been scheduled for 5 panels. ;)16:11
rick_hruh roh!16:11
greg-gwow, Marcus is very ambitious16:11
snap-lYou'll be talking about Open SUSE16:11
greg-geffing prairie dog co-workers18:20
ColonelPanic001addendum: if you know my answer to a phone call is going to be "would you mind emailing that?", skip the call and just email that.18:20
ColonelPanic001further: don't call me, ever. We have an XMPP server and an email serve.18:21
ColonelPanic001this is not 1973. Stop using POTS.18:21
greg-gI have 9 voicemails currently on my cell phone. I think I'll wait until there are 15 to listen to them and delete them.18:22
snap-lgreg-g: That drives me nuts as well18:23
snap-lIf it's more important than an e-mail, then it must mean you're on fire.18:24
snap-land if you're not on fire, it's not that important.18:24
jrwrengreg-g: first problem is that you work at a place with cubical walls :)18:26
jrwreni have not worked in a cube in almost 5 yrs.18:26
jrwreni'll never go back.18:27
brouschgreg-g: you _listen_ to voicemails? i read mine via google voice18:27
greg-gjrwren: well, its those half high "cubes"18:28
greg-gbrousch: yeah, that is the thing that is tempting me for GVoice, but, I just don't think I'm up for Google having control of my voicemail quite yet18:28
brouschbetter than verizon having it18:29
greg-gactually, not sure about that18:29
greg-gthey (verizon, sprint, att) have to follow certain rules, Google doesn't18:30
snap-l greg-g When did you become a cranky old man? :)19:41
brouschgeez. it takes forever to update the android sdk19:55
greg-gsnap-l: :)20:38
greg-grick_h: oh no. :/ My thoughts are with you.22:19
rick_hgreg-g: ty22:20
snap-lUnity 5.8.0 isn't fully cooked yet, eh?22:28
snap-lApparently it's still being worked on. They're cautioning doc writers to eitehr use the staged version, or wait until release.22:28
greg-gwha? huh22:32
greg-gyou mean, the thing that will be the interface for the release that is now in beta2?22:32
greg-gwow, quite a few high importance bugs still: https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/5.8.022:35
snap-lhttp://glossolaliarecords.bandcamp.com/album/skeld-prisotnost <- A little overdrive goes a long way.22:40
greg-gmy god, that first one22:49
snap-lgreg-g: I know22:50
snap-lAnd that's not the worst I've heard.22:50
greg-gdislike button plz22:50
greg-gsnap-l: You should do a OMC Rejects episode every now and then :)22:52
snap-lgreg-g: Trust me, you wouldn't want to listen to it22:52
greg-ghaha, I know22:52
greg-gthe idea just makes me smile22:52
snap-lI've had some suggestions for things that just... ugh22:52
greg-g"OHHH A Party!"22:52
* greg-g is singing along to this one22:52
snap-lhttp://machinagz.bandcamp.com/track/bendito-malestar <- This is getting played when they get their downloads sorted.22:54
* greg-g wasn't really singing along, just fyi22:54
snap-lgreg-g: Oh you totally were, I know it22:54
* snap-l knows that greg-g is totally a brony.22:55
snap-lOK, here's a new genre: post grunge22:55
snap-lI swear, they just make shit up22:56
snap-l"hard rock metal post-grunge sludge hardcore noise fluffernutter ballsack shennannigans techno"22:57
snap-lJust once I'd like to download an album from archive.org (non-classical) that didn't make me want to punch somoene.23:01
brouschhm, sludge sounds good23:08
snap-lThat's not the one that I was referring. I closed that tab. :)23:10
brouschi kind of like it23:16
brouschsinging is annoying though23:17
brouschsorry, vocals23:17

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