
=== queery is now known as Guest38077
=== queery1985 is now known as nick_issues
nick_issueshow long am I going to have to wait for it to time out05:27
Kilosmorning all06:37
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:37
* Maaz washes some mugs06:37
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:41
KilosMaaz, ty06:41
MaazYou are welcome Kilos06:41
superflyhi Kilos07:23
Kiloshi there superfly dLimit and others07:25
Kilosgonna try irssi on this xubuntu as xchat is stom07:27
dLimitGoeie more07:38
Kilosdag se07:38
Kiloshi Banlam 07:39
=== Kilos_ is now known as Kilos
Kilosgc morning07:51
gchi there07:51
Kiloshi nlsthzn 08:03
nlsthznHey uncle Kilos 08:03
Kiloslater guys08:15
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:52
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:52
Kilosinetpro, hiya09:52
nlsthznmaaz should flip the coffee timer :/09:52
Kilosha ha ha09:52
Kilosi wonder why he didnt answer you nlsthzn 09:53
Kilosshould must mean something else to him09:53
nlsthznLike life I guess he has dedided to ignore me :p09:53
Kilosstill no news on permit?09:53
nlsthznnope... and today if our "Friday" if you like and I am supposed to start working again Saturday >.<09:54
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!09:56
KilosMaaz, ty09:56
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:56
Kiloseish nlsthzn  thats not nice10:28
Kilosis there no one you can fone to get things moving10:29
Kilosor get your works head to call the permit peeps10:29
nlsthzn:) it is now in the hands of the goverment - the Critical National Infrastructure Authority (CNIA) - Basically the army :/10:31
Kiloseish and they in no hurry if they like saudi10:32
nlsthznI have heard horror stories...10:32
nlsthzn:) well I have heard of two seperate instances where guys where waiting for months to get their passes... lucky for them they where Arab (not local but still from the ME) so I am sure they will get away with it...10:35
nlsthznfor a South African I doubt I will still have a job if that happens :/10:35
Kilosand you not allowed to do pj's either without a permit hey?10:36
Kilosprivate jobs10:37
Kilosor do pc repairs etc from home10:37
nlsthznoh I can do what I like I guess... then again I am stuck in the middle of nowhere and there is basically nothing else to do ... lol ... oh well... I guess the wait continues and the Rum is finished @#$@#$10:39
Kilosthat never helped anything for more than a night10:40
nlsthznlol... but it tastes good and if you have enough it lasts many nights 10:40
nlsthznjust kidding however10:40
nlsthznwe have been unable to get out liquor licenses as well... this company is full of ****10:41
Kilosthem peeps dont drink at all i think10:41
Kilosim sure boet said alcohol was illegal in saudi10:42
nlsthznhere it is allowed10:43
nlsthzntollerated is a better word I guess10:43
Kiloslol oh yours are the decadent ones10:43
nlsthznthey allow it for non muslims in any case :)10:44
=== Mzolisto_ is now known as Mzolisto
Kilosafternoon all14:30
Kilosnearly home time14:30
KilosMaaz, coffee on14:31
* Maaz puts the kettle on14:31
Kiloshi psydroid 14:34
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:35
KilosMaaz, ty14:35
MaazYou are welcome Kilos14:35
Kilosbb tonite14:59
Kilossjoe disappearing space bar17:57
superflyhi Kilos18:00
Kiloshiya superfly 18:00
Symmetriashould I go buy myself one of those18:15
SymmetriaI really want one of those, look at the resolution, but holy shit, look at the price tag18:16
Symmetriaheh, seriously, thats probably the best monitor Ive seen for sale in .za18:26
zeref_debianSymmetria: get it :)18:29
zeref_debianhmmm, everytime debian boots time starts at 18:2218:31
magespawnevening all18:48
Kiloshiya magespawn 18:56
superflyhiya magespawn18:57
magespawnWhats up peeps?18:58
Kilosthey reckon petrol going up another 64c a litre most likely so everythings prices gonna join in18:59
KilosMaaz, coffee on19:04
* Maaz washes some mugs19:04
magespawnWell if that is not the best news I have had all day then I do not know what is.19:04
Kilosha ha ha. you so funny at times19:04
Kilospetrol alone is on its way to crippling us19:05
Kilosotherwise the sun shone down lekker all day19:06
magespawnOn the plus side, we can all get a lot fitter, and telecomute will become a way of life19:06
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!19:08
Kilosotherwise xubuntu xchat still sucks19:08
KilosMaaz, danke19:08
Kilosim sure there is something busted in my conf files19:09
Kilosbut dpkg cant sort it either 19:09
Kiloswill fix it or die trying19:09
Kiloshows things with you magespawn 19:10
magespawnTrying to get filezilla ftp server running at home19:11
Kiloswhy dont you use ubuntu server software19:11
Kilosis filezilla related to firefox?19:12
Kilosdunno where i got that idea19:12
magespawnI think was/is an add on for firefox19:14
magespawnThis is on the windows machine but it is running apache and other open source server software19:14
Kilosand firewall and antivirus. sigh19:15
Kilosif its a local server for you ok but if you gonna let other peeps in i wouldnt trust it too far19:16
Kiloslo Banlam nuvolari 19:16
Symmetriamy damn puppy almost broke the glass sliding door attacking a ghecko 19:18
Symmetrialol, the ghecko gets on the other side of the glass and she growls and barks at it19:19
Symmetriaand will sit there for hours watching it19:19
Banlamaren't animals adorable19:19
Banlamwhile you watch the dog19:19
Symmetrialook at that lol19:19
SymmetriaI piled all sorts of shit infront of the door to stop her jumping up against it19:20
* Banlam takes a pic of Symmetria watching his dog watch the gecko19:20
kbmonkeylo nuvolari Kilos Banlam Symmetria 19:20
Kerbero_banlam you stalker19:20
kbmonkeyKerbero_ o/19:20
Symmetriabanlam lol my dog will haunt you19:20
Kiloshi kbmonkey welcome to ubuntu-za19:20
Symmetriashe's spawn of satan19:20
Symmetriahave you seen her spawn of satan photo?19:20
magespawnKilos it is just for home use at the moment19:21
BanlamSymmetria, yeah saw it last night19:21
Symmetriahttp://valhalla.clue.be/~vort/doggie3.jpg <=== see, spawn of satan :p19:21
Kerbero_hello all19:21
Banlamwhat's her name btw?19:21
SymmetriaMorocca, she was named by her previous owner 19:21
=== Kerbero_ is now known as Kerberos
Banlamhow long have you had her?19:21
kbmonkeyi just boosted my wifi signal by coiling hi quality audio flex around the antenna. it works a treat19:21
kbmonkeythereifixedit :D19:21
Symmetrialol but she responds if you call her anything, she always knows when she's being called, I could stand outside and yell, COME HERE BREADBOARD and she'd still come :p19:21
=== Kerberos is now known as Kerberos[home]
Symmetriabanlam only a week :)19:22
Banlamoh :P19:22
Banlamprevious owner?19:22
Kiloshi Kerberos[home] 19:22
Symmetriasome chick in capetown who advertised to rehome her on gumtree :p19:22
Kerberos[home]kilos :)19:22
=== Kerberos[home] is now known as Kerbero[home]
Banlamwhy did she not want her?19:22
Symmetrialol I asked the chick why she was rehoming her, she said that when she got the pup she hadnt done enough research into the breed and the dog was 2 difficult to handle and had 2 much energy to cope with 19:23
magespawnAnd the gecko is on the outside.19:23
Symmetriabanlam heh, she's a cross between a weimaraner and an australian kelpie, meaning that she has 2 base instincts, one is to herd things and the other is to hunt them19:23
Symmetriaand she has endless endless energy19:23
Kilosopen the door and teach the dog the gecko is outside19:24
Symmetriakilos haahah no, she already hunts way 2 many lizards, frogs and everything else that moves :P 19:24
SymmetriaI scolded her for chewing on something she wasnt meant to, she went outside for an hour, came back inside with a dead bird in her mouth, dropped it at my feet and lay down with it between her paws, as some kinda "I'm sorry" gift 19:25
Kilosfrogs make then foam at the mouth then you think your dog is going mad19:25
magespawnGet a Jack Russell, and watch them tear the place apart.19:25
* Kilos is a staffie fan19:25
Symmetriaheh magespawn the difference between a jack russell and this one, a jack russell typically won't figure out how to open every door of every cupboard and the fridge :P19:25
Symmetriaand is also 2 small to figure out it can jump on almost any table if there is something to steal :p19:25
magespawnYup too small and a bit thick19:26
Symmetriahad this pup 2 days and put a lock on the fridge, was the same deal with my weimaraners 19:26
magespawnVery good tracking dogs used for anti-poaching19:26
Symmetriaheh kerbero lol they are my favorite breed 19:27
SymmetriaI had 2 previously before this one19:28
Symmetriaexcept those didnt have kelpie in them19:28
Symmetrialol though this pup is like 90% weimaraner, and the only kelpie bit in her seems to be her energy levels19:28
Kerbero[home]rather you than me19:29
Symmetrialol, she's awesome :)19:29
Kerbero[home]never thought about getting a cat?19:29
Kerbero[home]and taking over the world?19:29
Symmetriaweimaraners are rather neurotic dogs, but their rep is just because people dont know how to handle them, they require someone who knows what they are doing 19:30
Symmetriacause typically a weimaraner gets incredibly attached to its owners, and they kinda freak out if they dont get enough attention or if their owners disappear for 2 long19:30
Symmetriaand when a weimaraner is bored or not getting enough attention lol, you have trouble, they will tear shit up until someone gives them attention19:31
Symmetriaheh I see the gauteng municipality wants to land itself in court19:33
Symmetriafor violating the ECA :p19:34
Kilosdont give me a link please19:39
Kerbero[home]i also wondered19:39
KilosSymmetria, ^^19:40
kbmonkeyelectronic communications act Kilos 19:40
Kilosty kbmonkey you well lad. meds working?19:40
kbmonkeyfound it haliarious how the SOPA site used a background on their website that was not attributed to the artist19:41
kbmonkeyblerrie hypocrites19:41
Kilosits like adverts. all use sexy chicks and sell completely unrelated products19:42
Kilosthat looks closer19:44
KilosMaaz, spell hilarious19:44
MaazKilos: Looks good to me19:44
kbmonkeyclever bot19:48
magespawnHow did they violate the ECa?19:52
Symmetriaheh ECA = the telecommunications law 19:52
Symmetriamagespawn because they banned more fiber deployments in gauteng 19:52
Symmetriaand the ECA specifically says that any license holder has the right to lay fiber on *ANY* public land 19:52
Symmetriaproviding that htey clean up after themselves and give reasonable notice19:52
Symmetriait is *INCREDIBLY* clear about the rights of license holders and the johannesburg municipality has no legal right to refuse anyone the right to lay fiber19:53
Banlamwhat are there reasons for refusing them?19:53
Symmetriabanlam they came out and said there is a blanket modatoriam on any new fiber in joburg 19:53
magespawnSo the licensee can just go ahead then19:54
Symmetriathat no one else other than themselves is allowed to lay anymore19:54
kbmonkeynever realized there are quite a few unix shell accounts available online19:54
Banlamso their reason for this, is so the municipality can continue to lay fibre without any one lese?19:54
Banlamanyone else*19:54
Symmetriamagespawn technically yes, but they could just dig it up again :P the licensees will see them in court shortly Im sure19:54
Symmetriaapparently there is an urgent application for an interdict against the modatoriam being heard tomorrow in court19:55
Symmetriabanlam basically thats what I believe it translates to, they arent stating what their reason is, but thats what it comes down to19:55
magespawnWhat a joke19:55
magespawnSo somebodies brother can get the tender19:56
Kilosnot moratorium19:56
Symmetriabasically, they gonna get taken to court19:56
Symmetriaand sued 19:56
Symmetriaand are gonna lose and get saddled with a huge bill by the courts19:57
Symmetriacause they are getting sued for lost revenue and costs 19:57
KilosMaaz, spell modatorium19:57
MaazKilos: Suggestions: Moratorium or moratorium19:57
Symmetriaincluding I believe the salaries of the 4000+ people who cant work as a result of this19:57
magespawnSuch a waste of time and public money19:57
Banlamwhat's wrong with moratorium?19:58
magespawnBet they cannot go after the officials money directly19:58
kbmonkeythat's some rigmarole19:58
Symmetriamagespawn heh, the gauteng muncipality is going to find itself liable 19:58
Symmetriaheh, the costs involved in putting 4000+ people outta work for a week19:58
Symmetriaare... huge19:59
magespawnWhich means the gauten g public19:59
Symmetriaheh, on the higher end, you're looking at 15k per person, on the low end, a grand a person, so anywhere between 10 and 100 million worth of costs right there 19:59
kbmonkeydo you think this would have not happend Symmetria if telecoms were privately owned?19:59
kbmonkeyokay that's may be a rhetorical question ;) 20:00
Symmetriakbmonkey well, a lot of telecomms is privately owned20:00
Symmetriathe problem is that the muncipalities want a piece of that pie 20:00
kbmonkeyso I have it wrong that govt has 49% of rights in that pie20:01
kbmonkeylike they always do. for the people.. like hell20:01
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:02
Symmetriakbmonkey yes20:02
Symmetriathat is incorrect20:02
magespawnThrough telkom but they r3fuse tus fiber because theymeed to recoup the cost of copper20:02
Symmetriaa.) the government doesnt own much of neotel at all20:02
Symmetriaand b.) the government shareholding of telkom is FAR less than 49%20:03
Symmetriaits closer to like 36 I think20:03
magespawnBut the 20:05
magespawnMajor problemis the wasting of time and money20:05
kbmonkeyokay so they dropped some shares. I shouldn't blurt out old info, could be disasterous20:05
Symmetriakbmonkey they aint owned 49% for a LONG time20:06
Symmetriadirect government share holding is 38% 20:07
Symmetriathough there is also the elephant consortium and thats where stuff gets confusing cause they own a whack of shares as well20:07
Symmetriafact is though, telkom is skirting the edges of bankcrupcy 20:08
Kerbero[home]you should just go bankrupt20:08
Kerbero[home]wow that is a bad typo20:08
Symmetriakerbero thats distinctly possible if they are made to pay the fine they are facing20:08
Symmetriathey are facing a fine of almost 3.5 billion 20:08
Kerbero[home]so telkom is maybe going to pay a fine?20:09
Symmetriakerbero they have already been found guilty 20:09
Symmetriathe only question is how big is the fine gonna be20:09
kbmonkeyinternet revolution!20:09
Symmetriaand the recommendation from the tribunal that found them guilty is around 3.5 billion rand 20:09
magespawnWhich will come from joe public again20:09
Kerbero[home]but i don't understand or did not follow, what is telkom guilty of20:10
Kerbero[home]except for that people out of work20:10
Kerbero[home]what did they do20:10
Symmetriakerbero anti-competitive practices in the DSL market 20:10
Symmetriabasically inflating the price of IPC to keep other ISP's outta the game 20:10
magespawnThey do not have that kind of money, do they?20:10
Symmetriawell, that was the primary issue20:10
Symmetriamagespawn, heh, they USED to have that kinda money, they dont have any more20:11
magespawnAnd that still did not work anyway.20:11
Symmetriahow it works is that the fine is based on 10% of annual revenue for the year in which hte offense happened20:11
Symmetriathe year in question here happened to be before they sold vodacom20:11
Symmetriawhich means their annual turnover included the revenue flows from their 50% holding of vodacom20:11
Symmetriawhich was telkom's cashcow20:11
magespawnWhat are the options? Get vodacom to pay their share?20:12
Symmetriawhen Telkom sold off that 50% share in vodacom, they also had a TON of cash, and their shareholders wouldnt let them keep it20:12
Symmetriait was paid out by and large as a dividend20:12
Symmetriamagespawn zero options there 20:12
magespawnOf course20:12
Symmetriavodacom isnt liable 20:12
Symmetriaheh, the funny part is, Telkom had no real option but to sell vodacom, but without vodacom they are kinda screwed cause telkom made up more than 70% of their profit 20:13
Symmetriabut they *HAD* to sell it, that wasnt optional at all 20:13
Symmetriaheh you guys know the reason behind the sale of vodacom btw? the real reason?20:14
Symmetriaits kinda a funny story :p20:14
SymmetriaVodacom board if I remeber correctly, was made up of 2 Telkom members, 2 Vodaphone members and 2 internal members inside Vodacom itself (or something like that, with that kinda distribution)20:14
Symmetriathe guys inside vodacom decided they didnt like telkom20:15
Symmetriaso they were always gonna vote with the other guys 20:15
Symmetriaand basically, telkom as a result completely lost all control of what amounted to most of their revenue :P 20:15
Symmetria(well, thats the story out in the market, and I'd say chances are, its probably pretty accurate)20:15
Kerbero[home]well done20:17
magespawnWas 50% owned by Vodafone ?20:19
Symmetriamagespawn something like that yeah20:29
magespawnAhh well then20:31
magespawnOff to bed later all20:31

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