
knomeochosi, good night, and thanks00:00
ochosinp, good night to you (and everyone else) too00:00
mr_pouitsame here, good night00:08
knomenighty mr_pouit!00:08
knomei'm off for today too, good night/day everybody00:46
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
knomekernel problems should be fixed again by cjwatson10:08
knomemadnick, ?11:31
knomemadnick, http://imagebin.org/20463211:38
knomewhat do you guys like of that?12:14
pleia2no bird, +112:20
pleia2last one should probably be "it's here" or somesuch though12:20
knomesure, i'm working on it12:21
knomethat's just a quick draft12:21
knomehad to test if i can get the circular stuff done easily in batch12:21
pleia2yeah, that looks good12:22
pleia2mouse is good12:36
knomei thought that would be fun12:37
knomeextra! http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_countdown/draft-2-wide.png12:59
knomemr_pouit, what was the image that was broken due the kernel change again?13:17
astraljavaWhat, NO bird?! YOU'RE INSANE, THE WHOLE LOT!!1one13:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
madnickknome: i was afraid of that (pic). The problem is, there is no way of telling how many messages will become present, so using 2 labels, may not be optimal either since you may miss important aspects of the message. Dynamically constructing labels also suffers from flaws, in the way that if multiple messages14:14
madnickappears, then it would basically "build over" the logo in the worst case14:15
madnickHow about we change the font size?14:15
mr_pouitI guess ubuntu-logo.script DRTR14:29
madnickiirc they do not show any text14:33
mr_pouityes they do14:40
mr_pouit(I've seen it already at fsck time)14:40
knomemadnick, i'm okay with making the font size smaller, though i don't think that will solve all of our problems.15:11
knomemadnick, is it too hard to show, say, five last messages?15:11
knomemadnick, (and use appropriate linebreaks)15:11
knomemadnick, we have less than four hours to do this, though15:12
mr_pouitochosi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-artwork/+bug/96222515:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 962225 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "icon cache generation failure" [High,Confirmed]15:13
knomemr_pouit, did you notice we got the freeze exceptions for the audio bugs?15:14
knomebug 961744 and bug 96174515:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 961744 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Replace xfce4-mixer with pavucontrol" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96174415:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 961745 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Prefer pavucontrol over xfce4-mixer in Xubuntu-session" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96174515:15
mr_pouitI can only upload when i'm back home15:16
knomemr_pouit, and when is that?15:16
mr_pouit20utc+1 very likely15:16
knomeerr, actually, we have a bit less than *six* hours...15:16
knomehuho, so that coverts to 19UTC? :P15:16
knometwo hours to fix it. :)15:16
knomeshould be enough...15:17
knomemadnick, are you available to work on the plymouth issue in the next hours?15:18
knomei was thinking of going for a walk, then get back to work on these things15:18
knomei also need to send some work-emails today, though15:18
madnickknome: 15:19
madnickIts not that its hard to make it that way, its that I do not have access to my dev environment until the 25th15:19
madnickI told you yesterday :\15:20
knomei think i forgot.15:20
madnickwell i told ochosi :P15:20
knomeright... ;)15:20
knomedo you think you could make the change on-the-fly? i can test it, if you tell me how15:20
madnickwell, the font-alternative i would just need to change very little, doing the message things im not sure15:21
knomeastraljava, you around?15:22
madnickwould basically need to implement a queue in its most basic implementation15:23
knomethat should be somewhat trivial15:23
knomeso you might be able to pull it off today? :))15:24
madnickWell, I suppose if you were running tests while i modify it could work15:24
madnickjust need an editor that can use linux newlines for the code15:24
knomei can do the tests for sure, and i'm sure others can help too 15:25
knomei will take a walk soonish15:25
knomemaybe 1 hour or a bit more from now i'm ready for the tests15:25
madnickI have some questions for you about the implementation, like chronologically-wise15:29
knomenewest should be at bottom15:29
knomei think 5 lines would be a good queue/history to show at a time, what do you think?15:29
knomemr_pouit, ^15:31
madnickknome: i made the changes, but i utilized 2 assumptions, which i need validation of, tell when you are back :)15:59
knomei'm *still* here, leaving in a few mins :)16:00
madnickdo you want the code?16:00
madnicklike, do you have time16:00
knomewell, i'm at wife's laptop, so it won't be very useful16:01
knomebut please do upload it16:01
madnickCould I pastebin it? Because otherwise I need to try to find some rsync/scp substitute for windows16:02
madnickknome: ^16:04
knomemadnick, can you do an another paste for the instructions on how to test?16:05
knomeor do you want to go through that live?16:06
madnickWell, I do not acctually remembers all the exact commands since I wrote a script long ago that does it for me, but I can google it16:06
madnickAnd tell you16:06
madnickOr paste the answer16:06
madnicksudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/xubuntu-logo.plymouth 100 ; sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth16:08
madnickthen 16:08
madnicksudo plymouthd ; sudo plymouth --show-splash ; sleep 5 ; sudo plymouth quit16:08
madnickthe thing one wants to test16:09
madnickis an actual boot16:09
madnickso you just need the first part16:09
madnickto install the theeme16:09
madnickbut since its already installed16:09
madnickif its a testing machine16:09
madnickjust change the code16:09
knomei'll install precise in vbox then :)16:09
madnickfor me booting it in vbox is so fast i cant even see it16:10
madnickyou need to force fsck16:10
knomewhat if i force fsck ? :P16:10
knomeif you remember how to do that, paste that too :P16:10
madnickyou like touch some file16:10
madnicki dont remember which :P16:10
knomei remember that too :P16:11
madnickVBox doesnt always even show the plymouth for me16:11
madnickit shows the text version16:11
madnickvery often16:11
knomeok... i think i've seen the graphical plymouth though16:11
madnickokay good16:12
knomeanyway, i'm off for the wal16:12
knomesee you soonish!16:12
madnickalso, to serve as a reminder to me, ive been meaning to ask you about a website thing 16:14
micahgblueman uploaded last night BTW16:25
knomei'm back17:02
knomemadnick, re: website: go ahead17:03
* knome is updating the precise system to newest packages17:09
knomewrong window17:26
knomemadnick, the messages are still printed on one line17:28
knomeor do i need to run the sudo plymouthd ... line?17:29
knomeor is it just ok to reboot17:29
astraljavaknome: Were you answering a phone or something? :D17:31
knomeastraljava, i was typing a password for the precise test vbox17:32
knomemadnick, ... :P17:33
* knome is partly afk, cooking17:37
madnickknome: sorry, its ok to reboot17:40
knomemadnick, yeah i tested it, and it's all on one line still17:53
madnickknome: that is not possible18:03
madnickhave you put the script into /lib/plymouth/themes etc?18:04
madnickoverwritten the old one?18:04
knomemadnick, yes18:05
madnicki could imagine it all going on 1 line if my multiplier is wrong, but it would be overlapping in that case, it would look like a mess of text18:06
madnickI am sorry, but I cannot see any way for this to look identical to the previous :\18:07
knomewell, it is :<18:08
knomecan you recheck the paste?18:08
madnick1 sec18:10
madnickThis cannot be, could you take a screenshot?18:13
knomei can18:13
knomebtw, it looks like it gets a new message18:13
knomeand it's appended to the same message18:13
knomeand the message is then realigned to center18:14
knomedoes that help?18:14
madnickWell, what it does is, it takes a new messages, puts that "first" (lowest) while moving the previous up18:15
madnickIt should, in event of a new message18:16
madnickMove the previous messages up on the screen, unless its the 5th which then goes away18:16
knomemadnick, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_plymouth/shot-1.png18:16
madnickand the new message sits at the bottom18:16
madnickI see18:17
madnickgimme 5 minutes18:17
madnickknome: http://ideone.com/sdRdC18:21
madnicktry that18:21
madnickIt might not work at all tho, Im not sure of parameters of a function and there is no real reference for plymouth afaik, but if it utilizes logic it should work :)18:22
knomejust a sec...18:22
knomethe same18:25
* knome checks that it is /lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo.script that he needs to overwrite18:26
knome/lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/xubuntu-logo.script 18:26
knome^ of course18:26
knome(that's what i've been overwriting)18:27
madnickmm, forgot to assign the value back hehe18:27
madnickacctually i did not18:28
knomei have time ;)18:32
knomeit'd be great it if was ready in approx. 30mins though, to be ready for mr_pouit 18:32
madnick- Finally, we'll need to create a new init image with the new settings.18:33
madnick$ sudo update-initramfs -u18:33
madnicksome say that18:33
knomelet me try that18:33
madnickbut it is weird, because plymouth is interpretating the script18:33
madnickSo it shouldnt have some seperate disk cache18:33
madnickbut if it works then awesome :)18:33
knomewhat isn't weird in this world?18:34
* knome gets philosophical18:34
knomehahah, okay, now plymouth disappeared completely18:35
knomeshould i try the old script again?18:35
madnickthat may be a code error, like syntax18:35
madnickcheck the logs, if thats true then progress is made! :)18:35
knomewhich log?18:35
madnickgood question18:35
madnickI know there is plymouth logs in /var/log18:36
madnickI dont know if the syntax log is there18:36
madnickatleast when i try my scripts i made a seperate one, but it makes sense to have a centralized one covering everything related tho18:36
madnickso look there18:36
knome at least no syntax log errors with grep -i 'plymouth18:37
knomeshould i try the first paste?18:38
knomei mean, this seems to change things now at least18:38
madnickwell, it had a bug, but if it starts working again when trying the first one, we know the second one is wrong18:38
knomeok, i'll try18:38
knomenow plymouth works again (hurrah!), and: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_plymouth/shot-3.png18:41
madnickyes, that looks like a more reasonable error18:42
madnicknow all i need to do18:42
madnickIs find the syntax error18:43
madnickin the new one, that caused this error18:43
madnickthat should do it :)18:45
knomelet's see18:45
madnickhm, not sure why the giant space18:48
knomeempty messages?18:48
madnickperhaps an empty message, but that is not very good18:48
madnicklet me adjust it18:48
knomethis is looking good already18:49
madnickmight be worse, might be perfect :)18:50
knomelet's try that18:50
knomeit's better18:52
knomebut still empty space18:52
knomeas mr_pouit, "keys:" is probably some special message ubuntu is using18:53
knomecan you regexp those away?18:53
madnickthat should fix both issues19:00
madnickhow is that even possible lol19:02
knomedon't ask me ;)19:02
astraljavaMAGIC TECHNOLOGY!19:04
madnicktry that19:05
* knome tries19:05
knomemadnick, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_plymouth/shot-7.png19:07
knomemadnick, btw, the white throbber doesn't go to the end of the throbber "bg". it lacks about 10px from the right edge19:07
knomebut let's fix that for Q19:07
knomelet's fix the text issue now :)19:08
madnicki found one of the "errors" but the blank thing is odd...19:08
madnickbecause i check for it being empty19:08
knomemaybe it's not empty message, maybe it has spaces?19:09
knomeochosi, the "install additional plugins" -message in FF is black, and the close -icon is simply black on black... :)19:10
knomemadnick, you still alive? :)19:22
madnicki base those changes on a commit to plymouth source in 201019:24
madnickthus i dont know for sure that its still current19:24
knomedidn't seem to change anything19:26
knomewell, bit more padding19:26
madnickokay, big gun time :)19:26
madnicki will submit a testcase19:26
madnick1 sec19:26
knome1,5h left ;]19:27
astraljavaNot taking it close by any means.19:27
madnickthat should give a view of the current state19:29
knometesting, initramfs building19:29
knomemadnick, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_plymouth/shot-9.png19:30
knomewhy isn't my desktop loading??19:32
madnickthat isnt my fault tho ;P19:32
knomeit is! :P19:32
madnickI know 2 things19:33
knomeok... :D19:33
knomethat's not much, but if it can help us...19:33
madnickThe substring function does not work as expected, and the huge gap is not because of a message19:33
knomeweird, now the desktop loads19:34
knomebooted 1st time, didn't loa19:34
knomebooted 2nd time, loads19:34
knomeif it looks like we can't fix those, i prefer the padding on http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_plymouth/shot-7.png19:36
* knome is getting a bit nervous waiting for mr_pouit to get back19:37
madnickI think the19:38
madnick"keys:" is fixed now19:38
madnickThe space remains...19:38
knomethat's not too awful.19:38
knomebut let's keep going, if we could spot the issue before mr_pouit is back19:38
madnickno but it is weird19:38
* knome is pinging mr_pouit if that would get him here quicker.19:38
mr_pouitI'm back already, but working on 3 uploads, so not really back :<19:40
knomemr_pouit, mmh. those audio-things included?19:44
madnickhow about that19:44
knomeupdating initrmfs19:45
knomemadnick, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_plymouth/shot-10.png19:46
knomesubstr not perfect19:47
knomeand there was a #NULL19:47
knomeafter those messages19:47
knomebefore it's been "keys:"19:47
knomenow it was "#NULL"19:47
mr_pouitknome: of course :]19:49
knomemr_pouit, great! :]19:49
knomemr_pouit, do you think you will have a bit time for this upload too? (:19:50
mr_pouitdinner time soon19:52
knomebeta2 freeze time soon19:52
mr_pouitbut it should be ok (it's 21utc?)19:52
knomei don't want the cut messages19:52
knome21utc, yes19:52
mr_pouitso in 2 hours?19:52
knomei know19:52
knomeupdating initramfs19:53
knomemadnick, unless you have *any* idea of the space, let's go with this19:55
madnickno you see19:55
madnicki fixed19:55
madnickthe substring error19:55
knomei did, that's why i think we should go with this19:55
knomeunless you know how to fix the space-problem19:55
madnickill have 1 more look19:55
madnickgimme 519:55
knomebtw, now the line that used to be "keys:" is appearing as a empty newline19:56
knomeif that helps...19:56
knomemr_pouit, we're ready for an upload soon19:57
micahgmr_pouit: BTW, I just took your lightdm package with one fix as I never got around to merging with the pkg-xfce version, I can do that for Q19:58
mr_pouityay \\o (for both)19:58
knomewe are the sultans of swing!! :)19:59
mr_pouitI'll have to do a release of lightdm-gtk-greeter to reinclude all translations :<19:59
mr_pouitknome: where's the code19:59
knomemr_pouit, i'm uploading it to xubuntu-artwork19:59
knomemr_pouit, that ok?19:59
knomemr_pouit, i will also add the patch for the bug19:59
knomebug #96154619:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 961546 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Plymouth theme shows cut messages" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96154619:59
mr_pouitcare to explain this:20:00
mr_pouitfor(i = 4; i > 0; i--)20:00
mr_pouitfor(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {20:00
mr_pouitwhat kind of black magic of harcoded thing is it?20:00
knomemr_pouit, i think that's the stuff handling how the lines are appearing20:00
knomemr_pouit, the hardcoded thing here is that we have a max. of 5 visible lines20:01
mr_pouitokay, if it works, fine by me20:01
knomeit does, i've been testing it personally20:01
mr_pouit(if it doesn't, you'll have to find someone else this night to upload a fix ;>)20:01
knomewe can make the code cuter at Q20:01
knomeno, really, i've tested it now 11 times...20:02
knome(we're trying to fix other issues)20:02
knomei'm waiting for one more upload, then i'm uploading to xubuntu-artwork (that's fine?) 20:02
madnickindex 4 down to index 1, then manually 0, the other line is for index 0 to 4, in this case it puts lowest index lowest20:03
knomemadnick, i'm pretty sure mr_pouit knows what for() does (:20:03
micahgFWIW, I've not had an issue with xfce4-mixer and PA20:03
mr_pouitochosi: I uploaded xubuntu-artwork without the buggy folder, feel free to remove it from your git branch20:04
madnickknome: no i mean, thats why i use it in that manner, to do the index like that, i could do in another order20:04
knomemadnick, is there a new paste to test?20:04
madnick1 sec, im going over another section20:05
knomemy finger is on the trigger, i don't want to make mr_pouit angry (:20:05
knomeone last test!20:10
mr_pouit[ubuntu/precise] lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.1.4-0ubuntu1 (New)20:10
mr_pouityay micahg 20:10
knomeyay our team20:11
knomefor breaking the Fe record ;)20:11
knomei suppose, for any derivative, ever20:11
micahgmr_pouit: sorry, I really should've just uploaded your version last month20:11
knomemadnick, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_plymouth/shot-12.png20:12
knomehere we go then.20:12
mr_pouitmicahg: well, no big deal, since we couldn't have fixed anything in the greeter anyway (but now we can commit to it directly)20:12
micahgwell, now I just need to get my alioth auth sorted out and then I can request pkg-xfce access so I can fix the version there as well (from the list of fixes I had before)20:14
knomemr_pouit, uploading to xubuntu-artwork once i get an ACK from release team20:16
knomemr_pouit, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/precise/revision/17620:19
knomemadnick, one thing20:20
knomemadnick, in the last version20:20
knomemadnick, the empty newline still appeared20:20
knomemadnick, but, weirdly, the first message was still visible20:21
knomemadnick, so it was like; msg; empty line; msg; msg; empty line20:21
knomemadnick, though, not much we can do about it now :)20:21
knomemadnick, thanks for working on it, it's much better now!20:21
mr_pouitknome: can I upload now?20:22
knomemr_pouit, yes!!20:22
knomemr_pouit, please confirm when it's uploaded and i can start breathing again20:22
madnickknome: how do you mean?20:24
madnickIs it not the same as the screenshot?20:24
knomemadnick, the screenshots are always *before* the last newline.20:24
knomemadnick, because that appeared only for a really little time20:24
knomei need to pee.20:25
madnickbut the new line that appeared, appeard at the bottom right?20:26
knomemadnick, yes, but it made one of the two empty lines disappear20:27
knomemadnick, not the topmost message, as you'd expect20:27
mr_pouitupload in 15~20min, as soon as optipng finished to take 100% in my test-build20:28
knomehrrr :)20:28
mr_pouitmicahg: mmh, rejected?20:28
micahgyeah, postinst needs lightdm for deterministic behaviour (see -release)20:29
micahgnew version coming20:29
knomehehe, we're not even late!20:29
mr_pouitso much fun tonight20:30
knomemr_pouit, i owe you a beer or two, btw20:31
knomemr_pouit, and if you come visit helsinki, we of course will accommodate you for free20:34
knomemadnick, btw, we're going to be at stockholm on 07-0420:35
madnickTouristing? ;)20:36
knomeyeah, traveling with 'the love boat'20:36
knomecoming with wife+sister+sister's husband20:36
mr_pouitupload in progress20:40
mr_pouitmicahg: hopefully it will be accepted this time :P20:41
knomemr_pouit, great :)20:43
micahgaccepted it was20:48
knomemr_pouit, is it uploaded? :P21:01
mr_pouitknome: you should have received a mail21:03
mr_pouitmicahg: nice, thanks \o/21:03
knomemr_pouit, nope?21:04
mr_pouitthe upload is from you ;>21:04
knomemr_pouit, ta21:04
knomebut it's not in the ubuntu pkg by me :P21:05
knomethat's what i was asking :P21:05
knomehad got the message 15mins to 21UTC21:21
knomeno idea why it didn't appear in TB before than recently21:21
knomethanks everybody for working hard to get everything in beta 2. now let's try to test it well! :)22:05
* knome is off until (at least) afternoon tomorrow, see you later22:05
Pjotrmicahg: thanks for the quick repair of gdebi22:08
Pjotr@all: there's another issue I'd like to discuss with you all22:15
meetingologyPjotr: Error: "all:" is not a valid command.22:15
PjotrUpstream (Xfce) won't repackage when there's no new application code. Even though there are new translations.22:15
PjotrThere seems to be a way to get the new translations for those packages in Xubuntu after all: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Universe_Translations_in_LP22:16
PjotrAs you can see, I've added a couple of essential Xfce packages that are mostly part of the Goodies and won't be repackaged ever.22:16
PjotrCan you help getting the translations for these packages in Launchpad, in time for Xubuntu 12.04? For Dutch, they are vastly improved upon the current ones, and I would really like to have them in Precise.22:16

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