
LINKSWORD2Is it safe for me to upgrade to the new Amarok that's in Kubuntu 12.03?00:05
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)00:06
LINKSWORD2What are the system requirements to install Kubuntu 11.10 or 12.03 Beta?00:15
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111000:15
szalthere is no such thing as 12.0300:17
szal!precise | LINKSWORD200:17
ubottuLINKSWORD2: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+100:17
szalmind the 2nd sentence00:17
LINKSWORD2I've been told that 12.03 is the designation for 12.04 as a beta, before the official release.00:18
LINKSWORD2If not, then what are the system requirements for 12.04?00:18
szalby whom?00:18
LINKSWORD2I don't remember. It was last night. Late.00:19
LINKSWORD2Either way, I would like to know the system requirements for running 11.10, or even 12's Beta.00:22
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LINKSWORD2Ugh.... I haven't been on in so long really, that I don't even remember how to upgrade...00:31
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:31
LINKSWORD2OK guys, wake up! I'm attempting to check for software updates on Lucid, and the window is coming back blank.00:37
LINKSWORD2!Lucid upgrade00:37
szalwhat window?00:40
LINKSWORD2The software update window in KPackageKit00:40
szalPackageKit.. *urgh*00:40
LINKSWORD2Well, excuse me for having a busy life... >.>00:41
szalsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:41
LINKSWORD20 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:41
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szalthen there are no updates (unless your machine is misconfigured and doesn't get current package lists, which would be indicated by 'apt-get update' throwing errors)00:42
emmanuel_some body speak spanish00:42
szal!es | emmanuel_00:43
ubottuemmanuel_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:43
LINKSWORD2There we go. KPackageKit was configured to only look for LTS's. Changed it. Upgrading.00:44
excognacwow, wine is amazing. as chaotic as windows err or the software is00:44
LINKSWORD2Need to exit. Bye.00:45
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c_smithHey, I'm trying to get my Ipod to work with Amarok, and I found a guide in which I need to edit a file to include A. the serial I got from lsusb, and a number called ModelNumStr which I also get from lsusb, but I see two similar numbers in the ID, and need help differentiating which would be the modelnumstr.01:13
amasonc_smith: can you pastebin those examples01:19
amasonnot that i have an ipod but it might be able to help01:19
c_smiththe only one is the 2 part code, 05ac:1265, and the  file only allows for 4 of those numbers, I need to know which is the model number per se.01:21
c_smithin lsusb, those numbers are listed under ID.01:21
c_smiththose numbers seem to be pretty universal for USB devices.01:22
c_smithalbeit different, my android tablet has something like that.01:22
amasonerm udevinfo might be able to give you the model number01:25
amasonor lsusb -v01:25
c_smithnot sure how to access udevinfo, is it a file?01:26
c_smithafter googling udevinfo, looks like Ubuntu uses udevadm.01:29
amasonthat's right, usbadm info01:30
amasonbut yeh lsusb  should be fine01:30
chuyhi all which folders should I copy to skel,for keep my kde4 config, for new users01:32
c_smithamason, after looking at udevadm, I was able to find the number, thanks. :)01:34
chuyany help o clue i really apreciate01:35
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c_smithhow do I connect to a smb share on Kubuntu Oneiric Ocelot?03:11
c_smithnvm, figured it out.03:14
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dj_segfaultHey. I just tried kubuntu 11.04 from live CD (because I can't stand Unity/Gnome 2).  I was very impressed.  How different in look and feel is the new version coming out next month?03:34
bazhangdj_segfault, the latest is 11.1003:35
bazhangdj_segfault, you should try a daily to see03:36
dj_segfaultYup.  I found that out after I burned the 11.04 disk ;)03:36
dj_segfaultI'll look on the website for the dailies.  I just wanted to know if the look and feel was significantly different.03:38
bazhang#ubuntu+1 should have a link03:40
bazhangor the /topic here03:41
jalcineJust placed a order on http://gearwear.spreadshirt.com/kde-magic-A657238003:47
jalcineWhy isn't this site advertised more often?03:47
bazhangjalcine, is this related to kubuntu support?03:50
jalcine*wrong channel*03:50
jalcinesorry bazhang03:50
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ralf_hi, i've got a question10:26
ralf_i use text to speech a lot for system notifications and such10:27
ralf_the thing is I have installed some third party voices (Cepstral) and I would like to use those instead of espeak10:27
ralf_so I want to add a talker but I can't figure out the dialog10:28
ralf_and the documentation i find seems to describe a different dialog10:28
ralf_any help?10:28
Peace-ralf_: ask to the 3 party developer10:31
HighflyerHow to change default desktop environment? Just installed kde and choose it as default de. Now it's complicate for other users to log in their sessions. They can do it only through my session. Please help!11:26
HighflyerI use 11.10 Oneiric11:29
RiddellHighflyer|: that's a setting of your login manager11:33
Highflyer|How to change it?11:34
BluesKajHey all11:36
BluesKaj'morning monkeyjuice11:38
BluesKajoh It's you , the dog rudy's pal11:40
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HighflyerHow to change default desktop environment? Just installed kde and choose it as default de. Now it's complicate for other users to log in their sessions. They can do it only through my session. Please help!14:20
HighflyerI use 11.10 Oneiric14:20
BluesKajHighflyer,  other users need to make kde default as well14:31
HighflyerTnx but how? Terminal or...?14:32
BluesKajHighflyer,  not sure , I have no experience with that ...I'll try to find an anwer ASAP14:34
HighflyerThanks man!14:34
BluesKajHighflyer,  you could ask in #kde ...I already asked , but not receiving any answers14:36
genii-aroundHighflyer: Usually you would select which de to load from the window manager logon.14:38
BluesKajgenii-around,  I think he wants an automatic selection at login14:41
HighflyerI know but theres no option for other users to log in. they need to log in to my account, than change user...14:42
BluesKajgenii-around, tell the other users to install kubuntu-desktop ?14:42
BluesKajHighflyer,  they should have the choice of their own login14:44
BluesKajas other users14:45
HighflyerThat would be two more kde installation on one PC. Sure?14:45
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HighflyerI now, but I have kubuntu log in screen with just my name14:47
BluesKajnot sure at all ...do the other users ale=ways have to use your login14:47
HighflyerSince I installed kubuntu, yes14:48
BluesKajyou can add other users in system settings>user management14:48
HighflyerMy log in, than they can do change user14:49
HighflyerTo add them again, now in kubuntu?14:50
HighflyerI'll try14:50
BluesKajlook in user management to see if they are still there14:51
HighflyerThey are just in gnome14:51
HighflyerI'll add them in kubuntu14:51
BluesKajHighflyer,  right14:52
HighflyerI think that solution could do the job14:52
iskendarHow do I get bash scripts to launch from the KDE menu with all the environment variables set correctly?15:01
iskendarI run the script from a terminal, no problem15:02
iskendarI run it from the menu, or by clicking in a folder view or in dolphin, and it lacks the correct paths15:02
iskendarputting '/bin/bash /home/me/.bashrc; /home/me/myscript" in the 'Command' field of the KDE Menu Editor doesn't do it either15:05
genii-aroundiskendar: I think it would be /bin/bash --rcfile /home/me/.bashrc /home/me/myscript15:07
iskendaryeah, I thought that too, but it doesn't work15:14
iskendarthe only thing working is basically dumping all of the needed environment variables into the launch scripts themselves15:15
genii-aroundiskendar: Have you tried under the Advanced tab in the menu editor to check off Run in Terminal ?15:16
iskendaryup, did it both ways15:19
BluesKajiskendar,  what about startup&shutdown , add script ...I have to ask the obvious15:21
iskendarlogout I tried, an actual reboot not, but I don't see how that would work, since this is all user stuff15:24
genii-aroundiskendar: Was your bashrc file edited?15:26
genii-around( if so you might need to do: source /home/me/.bashrc to have the changes take effect )15:28
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iskendaryes, added some variables, nothing more15:36
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Promethesis there any cd ripper for kubuntu other than K3B and Dolphin?16:00
Promethessomething like sound juicer for gnome?16:00
Promethesk3b is terrible when i need to modify track names and album properties and Dolphin is painfully slow16:01
BluesKajPromethes,  cdrecord , if you don't mind the command line16:05
genii-around!info audex16:06
ubottuaudex (source: audex): Audio grabber tool for KDE. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.72b1-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 275 kB, installed size 1308 kB16:06
Promethesgenii-around: thanx16:08
BluesKajyeah, genii-around , thanks ..didn't know about audex :)16:10
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cireHi, I get the following error when launching amarok: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.17:05
cireI cannot see the amarok window, but the process is running17:05
BluesKajcire,  look in the system tray and click on the amarok icon17:06
cireBluesKaj: I would, but there is none17:07
cireI just recognized that every kde app gives me that error17:07
cirebut they do show up17:07
ciredbus thing seems to be a general problem, amarok a special one17:07
BluesKajcire , so haow do you close amarok ?17:10
cireBluesKaj: I am not a newbie17:10
cireoh, I should mention that I am using precise17:11
cirecould be a beta issue17:11
BluesKajdid you try running from the terminal and checking for launch errors?17:11
cireBluesKaj: this gives me the posted error17:11
cirenothing else17:12
cirei just did a dist-upgrade, I will try reloading kde17:12
ciredid not help17:16
cirestill dbus error, and amarok not launching17:16
BluesKajcire,  did you use dbus-launch ?17:16
cirenot manually, but dbus-launch is started17:17
cire/usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager17:17
BluesKajyeah , I get the same error with audex , but it launches anyway ( QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.)17:18
BluesKajtry just dbus-launch amarok , without /usr/bin path17:19
cirethis works?!17:20
cirewhat si wrong?17:20
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BluesKajamarok's default path isn't /usr/bin maybe ...I don't use amarok myself17:21
cireBluesKaj: this would mean, dbus-path for all kde apps is set wrong somehow17:22
sithlord48amarok shows in /usr/bin on my system17:22
DarthFrogYes, it's in /usr/bin.17:22
cireBluesKaj: As I understood, amarok doesn't find dbus, right?17:22
cireI have X11/Xsession.d/75dbus_dbus-launch:DBUSLAUNCH=/usr/bin/dbus-launch17:25
cirewhich is the correct path17:25
genii-aroundcire: Did it work previous to yesterday?17:28
cirethat means17:28
ciredon't know17:28
cireyesterday I am sure it did not17:28
FloodBotK1cire: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
genii-aroundcire: Which Kubuntu version?17:29
genii-aroundcire: There was a major update to libdbus yesterday on 12.0417:29
cireok. This may be the problem.17:30
cireI won't complain, using pre-releases always gives that kind of things ;) (used aptosid and debian testing&unstable before) :)17:31
genii-aroundcire: Also, the #ubuntu+1 channel doubles as the #kubuntu+1 channel ( for 12.04 issues, until it hits release )17:33
ciregenii-around: thanks for that hint!17:33
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superflyUpgraded to precise, now I'm left with no KDE and apparently broken packages18:43
superfly(on my phone atm)18:43
superflyAny pointers to figuring out what is broken?18:43
genii-aroundsuperfly: Please ask in #ubuntu+1 which is for 12.0418:44
superflyGrr... I was just directed here18:44
* superfly goes to find help elsewhere18:45
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highflyerGuys, need a help. I want to reinstall kubuntu. How to do that? Thanks!21:35
highflyeroneiric 11.1021:35
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markus_Insert the CD and reboot?22:08
Musaabhey there everyone, does anyone how to make so i have a separate taskbar for each workspace?22:25
Musaabnevermind...found it22:34
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JarliHow do I turn on intergrated mouse with VM VirtualBox windows 7 64 bit?23:00
Minitux90bonsoir tout le monde23:39
Whiskey`Wonkais muon broken in 12.04??23:43
Whiskey`Wonkawhere does network-manager store its network configs? id like to move my existing ones from a old install to a new install23:47
JarliHi all23:48
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