
=== Lirusaito is now known as Inusaito
rockyhey i somehow got my pulseaudio+alsa screwed up due to trying to test bluetooth stuff, is there anyway to completely reinstall all alsa/pulseaudio related packages (also whatever necessary bluetooth stuff) ?00:17
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itaylor57how do i get my time indicator back on the top right00:35
itaylor57how do i get my time indicator back on the top right lost it last night and had to reload ubuntu-desktop00:41
Daekdroomitaylor57, indicator-datetime00:48
rockyis pulseaudio working in pangolin right now?00:49
rockyi can't for the life of me get pulseaudio to pick up my bluetooth sound device ... although "aplay -D bt -f s16_le /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav" works as expected00:50
rockyerr... -D bluetooth00:50
rockyDaekdroom, any suggestions?00:51
DaekdroomCan't think of anything.00:51
rockyi think the problem is that i was using oneric and updated to the ppa audio dev stuff for alsa... and since upgrading to pangolin now the sound indicator (and sound settings) won't show any of my sound devices at all00:53
itaylor57Daekdroom, thanks gonna reboot to see if it worked00:57
itaylor57Daekdroom, worked like a charm, for some reason my googlefu is weak lately01:02
thetinyjesusdo you feel all these updates are making significant stability differences?01:37
thetinyjesus_libimobiledevice 1.0.7 allows ios 5 to connect to linux thus me not needed to use windows nearly ever02:03
bazhangthetinyjesus_, why that particular version02:03
bazhang!find libimobiledevice02:03
ubottuFound: libimobiledevice-dev, libimobiledevice-doc, libimobiledevice2, libimobiledevice2-dbg, libimobiledevice-utils02:03
snadgecos the older one doesnt02:03
bazhang!info libimobiledevice-utils02:04
ubottulibimobiledevice-utils (source: libimobiledevice): Library for communicating with iPhone and iPod Touch devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-4 (precise), package size 54 kB, installed size 193 kB (Only available for any all)02:04
thetinyjesus_the one that is in the ubuntu repositories is an older version that will not connect and idk how to compile02:04
snadgejesus knew how to  compile02:04
bazhang1.1.1 is older than 1.0.7 ?02:04
thetinyjesus_yeah those are test versions doesnt match the real versions02:04
bazhang!info libimobiledevice202:05
ubottulibimobiledevice2 (source: libimobiledevice): Library for communicating with the iPhone and iPod Touch. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.1-4 (precise), package size 56 kB, installed size 175 kB (Only available for any all)02:05
snadgefake version numbers02:05
thetinyjesus_they release differently like 1.0.6 came out when 1.1.1 came out02:05
bazhangwhats a fake version number02:05
thetinyjesus_the new test is 1.1.2 and 1.0.7 is the one that works with ios 502:06
bazhangand where is this "real" newer version available02:06
snadgeright, i knew what he meant, probably from upstream02:06
thetinyjesus_on the libimobiledevice website02:06
bazhangso get it and compile it02:06
bazhang!build-essential | thetinyjesus_02:07
ubottuthetinyjesus_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:07
snadgehes basically saying the ubuntu version doesnt support ios 502:07
pangolinof course it does02:07
snadgeapparently not02:07
bazhangsnadge, thats what he's *saying*02:07
thetinyjesus_not for music transfer trust me i researched for days and tried every "fix"02:07
pangolinmaking things up to suit your reasoning doesn't support anything02:07
snadgethere you go, that should probably be fixed prior to release02:08
bazhangthetinyjesus_, what did you try exactly02:08
snadgeits non critical package02:08
pangolinanyway you can download http://www.libimobiledevice.org/downloads/libimobiledevice-1.1.2.tar.bz2 and compile it. see what ubottu told you about compiling02:08
thetinyjesus_you can view EVERYTHING on the ipod/iphone but the library system in ios5 is different02:09
bazhangthetinyjesus_, what are the fixes that you tried02:09
thetinyjesus_so when you go to transfer a song it gets corrupted because it didnt save to the iphone in the correct "pattern" or what not02:09
thetinyjesus_all the different ways people mentioned in forums02:09
thetinyjesus_if you look at the website, they just released the new version on the 22nd that actually supposed ios 502:10
snadgethe fix is obviously upstream, if i was a betting man, id put money on the newer version fixing it ;)02:10
bazhangthetinyjesus_, it'd be helpful if you mentioned those, so as to avoid having to repeat them while troubleshooting the issue02:10
bazhangthe forums fixes02:10
snadgesurely ubuntu has a process for merging something nonessential like that, this close to release02:11
snadgeor is that a debian issue, i dont know02:11
bazhangits called a ppa02:11
thetinyjesus_something nonessential which over 100 million people own?02:11
thetinyjesus_thats only counting within the past year sales..02:11
snadgei meant nonessential as in, wont break anything else02:11
cryptotheslow100 million Debian / Ubuntu users have iThings?02:11
bazhang100 million people use ubuntu?02:11
snadgeits still significant02:12
bandit5432lol bazhang02:12
snadgeit would be better if ithings worked with precise02:12
snadgeinstead of having to resort to a ppa02:12
ajmitch1.1.1-4 has a patch backported to support mounting ios 5 devices, did that version not work for you?02:12
snadgewhich blows02:12
snadgemounting works fine02:12
bazhangthetinyjesus_, ^02:12
bandit5432you can mount them you just cant copy music to them02:12
snadgeits the music library that doesnt work02:12
snadgeread scrollback02:12
thetinyjesus_theres about 150 million iphones and 320 million ipods.. thats a huge number of people who need ios 5 to work02:13
bazhangno need I was here02:13
thetinyjesus_or they have to result and use mac or windows02:13
snadgei dont have any idevices, i hate apple with a violent passion02:13
bandit5432you can copy music and photos from them but not to them02:13
thetinyjesus_i didnt ask if you hated them, idc02:13
snadgebut even i respect that package should be updated02:13
cryptotheslowoh dear02:13
thetinyjesus_i dont understand why linux people get so uptight about people with idevices, they work so does linux thats why i use it my androids all mess up after 5 months02:14
thetinyjesus_its too fragmented until google can do something about it02:15
bazhangthetinyjesus_, so you have tried the backported fix then?02:15
Jay_ManI kind of agree with thetinyjesus - I switched Blackberry, to Android, and then back to Blackberry for now.  Android is cool, but cool doesn't always work very well.02:15
itaylor57i have doubts that they hype of the web site matches reality02:15
thetinyjesus_bazhang, the fix i need is to just to not be lazy and compile the new version that actually works02:16
bazhangthetinyjesus_, so yes? no?02:16
thetinyjesus_bazhang, i dont remember do you have a link02:16
bazhangthetinyjesus_, let me check the forums02:17
Jay_ManI have a really quick question, when someone gets a chance:  I'm using the beta, which is working absolutely flawlessly for me... when release date comes, is it recommended simply to "upgrade" to the release, or would you suggest a full re-install?02:17
bandit5432Jay_Man, it will automagicly be the release02:19
bandit5432so if every thing goes well just keep using it as is02:19
Jay_Manautomagically without a do-dist-upgrade (or whatever the command is lol)02:19
thetinyjesus_12.04 is working so much better now than even a week ago02:20
bandit5432if you are using the beta you dont have a dist to upgrade to02:20
cryptotheslowI still get confused about having use dist-upgrade even though I'm not :D02:20
bandit5432if you are in the beta channel you are using 12.04 so there is no new dist to upgrade to02:21
Jay_ManI had installed 11.10, and couldn't get java to work at all... tbh I haven't been using Ubuntu for over a year, but my previous distro let me down, so I decided to give it a shot... I nearly gave up again, but once I threw the beta on, I was right back on board!02:21
cryptotheslowbandit5342 new kernels get held back unless I use dist-upgrade it seems for me at least02:21
bandit5432cryptotheslow, weird02:22
cryptotheslowprobably some option I set somewhere02:22
Jay_Manbandit5432: Correct, I'm on 12.04 - but I wasn't sure if there was a "release" in the update manager that pops up telling you that you can upgrade from "Beta" to "release".  I do see your point though.02:22
trismapt-get dist-upgrade is not the same as upgrading between releases02:23
bandit5432Jay_Man, there has not been as long as i can remember others can correct me if i am wrong i always tried to do the dist upgrade in the past it never worked02:23
bandit5432when i was already on testing that is02:23
cryptotheslowtrism, thanks. Thinking about it the same happens on my 10.04 server as well.02:24
Jay_Mantrism: Yes, I read this the other day.  dist-upgrade has something to do with new dependancies.  Its sort of a fail-safe to ensure that you realise that something more substantial is changing.  A regular apt-get upgrade only upgrades existing packages.02:24
cryptotheslowmakes sense02:25
trismJay_Man: indeed02:25
itaylor57thetinyjesus_, i am trying to compile as we speak02:25
cryptotheslowso were one needed (which it's not) what would be the command to upg to a new release?  (last off topic I promise!)02:25
Jay_ManIn order to upgrade to a new "version", you use the command: do-release-upgrade02:25
cryptotheslownever upgraded before, always clean install - good to know though.02:26
Jay_ManWhich is the command I thought I'd need to use to upgrade from 12.04 beta, to 12.04 release... but I'm hearing that I shouldn't have to.  I usually do a full re-install, but its just working so well... I hate to do it for nothing.02:27
DaekdroomJay_Man, no, you don't have to run do-release-upgrade to go from beta to final.02:27
cryptotheslowAlreay comes up with a little LTS logo on the desktop here on initial startup02:27
DaekdroomA sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will suffice.02:27
Daekdroomcryptotheslow, adding that in the last minute can be troublesome.02:27
cryptotheslowDaekdroom, adding what?02:28
Jay_ManDaekdroom: Thanks, very good to know.02:28
Daekdroomcryptotheslow, 'LTS'02:28
DaekdroomOr 12.04, for that matter.02:28
ajmitchDaekdroom: quite troublesome, given how many screenshots need to be taken for documentation, etc :)02:28
DaekdroomIndeed. The screenshots.02:28
Daekdroomand ISO testing.02:28
cryptotheslowhmm... I can imagine. I didn't mean it was a bad thing it was showing up - just mentioning it.02:29
ubottuA schedule of Precise Pangolin (12.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PreciseReleaseSchedule02:30
cryptotheslowIs there a way to increase the grabbable window border size? It's a right pain with my touchpad for some reason.02:33
itaylor57KM0201, o/02:34
bandit5432building kernels takes forever02:35
pangolintry building a time machine02:43
MrChrisDruifpangolin; I've already got one...02:44
MrChrisDruifIt's not perfect thou...only lets me fastforward in time, not go back ;-)02:44
bandit5432pangolin, i dont want to think about it02:45
ljtpangolin: are you precise?02:45
KM0201itaylor57: o/02:46
pangolinljt, precisely02:46
=== log is now known as precise
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* precise pangolin 02:51
pangolintook you a while to get that out02:51
preciseI wanted to register it first. :P02:51
preciseSo I needed to get it dropped...etc.02:52
precisepangolin: We should both be voiced. :P02:53
pangolinNow that you have the BIG title, what do you do with it?02:54
preciseToo much pressure.02:54
bandit5432waits for the channel to be voice only02:54
bandit5432does that even happen any more02:55
DaekdroomDid that ever happen?02:55
bandit5432maybe not here ;)02:55
preciseOnly in cases of extreme abuse...02:55
trippehHmm. Unity suddenly got slow after a dist-upgrade.03:16
trippehOn nvidia-current03:16
snadgehmm.. anyone else noticed that gedit doesn't do crash recovery?03:44
snadgethats pretty annoying when say.. your x server randomly crashes03:44
mkultra_mines been kinda crashy, not too bad, not any worse than normal03:45
mkultra_crash at the exit of electric sheep03:46
mkultra_when using xss03:46
snadgeoh im playing with xorg-edgers like a naughty boy03:46
snadgeso i deserved it03:46
mkultra_the cairo docks a bit screwed up03:46
mkultra_but yeah ive been hammering on 12.04 pretty hard lately03:47
mkultra_thunar is missing icons03:50
micahgmkultra_: which icons?03:51
mkultra_all of them, in thunar03:52
micahghmm, that's weird03:52
mkultra_yeah im having problems with cairo dock icons too, clearly im testing tons and tons and tons of stuff03:54
mkultra_stress testing 12.04 lol03:54
mkultra_oh its gtk3...  i lost my system theme to gtk3 also =(03:55
micahgxubuntu provides a gtk3 theme03:57
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mkultra_its not black enough for me, even xfce dusk isnt black enough...  i like dark background, light text, dark grey highlighting03:59
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ant_Any idea what package to file a bug against if my cpu wont scale to full speed?08:06
trippehLotus Notes keeps killing my compiz-decorator/gtk-window-decorator, leaving all my windows borderless.08:22
trippehThat is, makes it crash, not killing directly ;)08:22
trippehThinking I'll just put the window-decorator in a loop, hehe08:23
trippehfor now..08:23
ant_I thought we could choose if we want the unity launcher on each screen or not? Where can that be set?08:24
john38Will Precise support widescreen boot splash screen08:29
john38without borders08:29
john38anybody here08:32
LarsNi have no idea regarding your question though08:33
xusWhen did beta 1 come out?08:47
xus1st Mar looking at date stamp on some of the ISO's on download servers?08:48
brendandxus, start of the month08:48
xusthanks :)08:48
trippehwhile true; do gtk-window-decorator; sleep 1; done :-)08:50
trippehproblem "solved"!08:50
alkisgI open software-center, then go to Edit → Software sources, and add a PPA there. But the PPA contents don't show up in software-center.09:27
alkisgHow can I instruct software-center to reload its sources? (like apt-get update?)09:27
Ian_Cornedo ppa's work that way?09:33
alkisgIan_Corne: yes, they do, it even fetches the ppa keys, but that's not the problem, it's that the "Sources have changed, reload?" dialog doesn't appear anymore09:35
alkisghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/4983/what-are-ppas-and-how-do-i-use-them and specifically this picture: http://i.stack.imgur.com/lEwnS.png09:35
alkisgI guess it's a bug in software-properties-gtk...09:37
alkisgAh no, software-center uses `software-properties-gtk -n`, instructing it not to update09:38
Ian_Corneaha ok09:47
alkisgHmm it seems that software-center has an embedded ...timer for how frequently it wants to update its sources, which misbehaves a lot09:56
alkisgI ran apt-get update, still not showing up09:56
alkisgI rebooted, the same09:56
alkisgI waited for 10 minutes or so, then I relaunched it, they showed up fine09:56
alkisgBut having to wait for 10 minutes sound more like a bug and less like a design decision... :)09:57
alkisgOn another try, running `add-apt-repository ...; apt-get update; software-center` still doesn't avoid the problem, I still have to wait 10 minutes or so for the new sources to show up10:11
c0rnelmaybe it's taking the info from the wrong place (like a cache)10:12
alkisgYes I think it has its own cache, but there should be a way to force it to update, at least, since its "sources changed" autodetection doesn't work...10:13
alkisgThere seem to be many "questions" about it in launchpad, but not a confirmed bug about it: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+question/18410010:16
tokarbolI need some help debugging logon problem in Precise when using pam_mkhomedir.so10:24
tokarbolI reported it as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam/+bug/95684810:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 956848 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam_mkhomedir.so fails to create homedir in precise" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:25
tokarbolbut I don't think it's directly related to pam10:26
tokarbolI have used oneiric and updated just the pam stack to precise and it still works10:26
tokarbolso I think there is something in unity/lightdm or actually Xorg that causes it10:26
tokarbolThe problem is that the homedir is not created when I login to lightdm/unity10:27
tokarbolany ideas how to locate in which package the problem is?10:29
jo-erlendpressing super to open dash only works once in a while. Is that common?10:33
jo-erlendit's never been a problem until a week ago or something. Now it's nearly impossible to use the keyboard properly. Highly annoying.10:33
alkisgOK found it, it's reported in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/782953 although closing + reopening isn't enough, update-apt-xapian-index is needed to make software-center aware of the changes in sources10:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 782953 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Software Center doesn't load PPA after adding it and update repositories. Need to close and open again to see the new PPA." [Medium,Triaged]10:34
MCR1Anyone else having troubles with GIMP in latest 12.04 ? libbabl-0.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:17
ikoniaMCR1: you'll find there will be a libbabl-0.0.so.1 file11:26
ikoniaMCR1: the PPA for git was having this problem with 11.10 it depends on a later version of the library, you have to manually change it11:26
MCR1ikonia: How can I do that ?11:27
ikoniaMCR1: first look if the library it's looking for exists11:28
MCR1ikonia: I found out with apt-cache policy that I have another PPA installed providing libgegl and libbabl, so I am in the process of removing that PPA11:28
ikoniausing PPA's with a development OS....crazy11:29
MCR1ikonia: it really was the PPA - it is working again :)11:30
ikonianot a surprise11:30
MCR1ikonia: thx 4 your help11:43
ikoniayou fixed it yourself, so thank yourself11:43
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islipFATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found on kernel. :(13:03
islipndiswrapper bug?13:05
islipkernel 3.2?13:05
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tbf_oops: https://plus.google.com/115547683951727699051/posts/Ffct8KMS2wL :-)13:56
lgp171188Hi how do I rename the bluetooth device name of my laptop in my amd64 precise installation? There doesn't seem to be any straight, obvious way to it or am I missing something?13:56
brendandlgp171188, sudo hciconfig hci0 name <newname>14:02
brendandnothing in the ui though14:02
lgp171188brendand: Isn't there a way to do it from the GUI?14:02
brendandlgp171188, no14:02
lgp171188brendand: Iirc, it was there in oneiric. Any ideas as to why it was removed?14:03
brendandlgp171188, not really14:04
lgp171188brendand: Oh it may have been in per Gnome shell ubuntu.14:05
brendandlgp171188, if you mean before we took g-c-c from Gnome3 then yes probably14:11
brendandlgp171188, this is the 'simplification' of the settings you see ...14:12
ldiamondIs there any good update path from 12.04 beta to 12.04 after release?14:12
JVoltHello guys, do anyone know when that new feature to fix the "mouse pausing between dual screens" will be released?14:13
JVolthow can i know when a new feature will be released?14:19
ldiamondJVolt, you'll get the update in your update center.14:19
JVoltI'm using Ubuntu 12.04 daily, but I use dual screens. It's not good to move between screens14:20
ldiamondMay be a bug with ubuntu or the graphic driver. You may want to file a bug report and there may be a bugfix later14:21
JVoltIdiamond but do you know when that specific feature will be released? I'm updating daily my Ubuntu looking just for that... The system is already stable on my hardware14:21
ldiamondthe daily builds will not be perfect as they are daily builds of a beta14:21
ldiamondIt's called a bug fix, not a feature14:22
ldiamondI don't know14:22
ldiamondcheck if the bug was reported14:22
ldiamondif not you should report it14:22
JVoltI'm talking about the knew pointer-edge hold behaviour when passing between screens. I've heard that will be toggleable, but don't know when.. It's what I'm looking for, when it will be released...14:25
ldiamondrunning Compiz?14:28
JVoltI'm running default installation14:28
ldiamondps -A | grep compiz14:32
ldiamondps -A | grep metacity14:32
JVolt2131 ?        00:04:22 compiz14:32
ldiamondyou're running compiz then14:32
JVoltmetacity is not running14:33
ldiamondsudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager14:33
ldiamondthen it's gonna be in the app menu14:33
JVoltis there some way to disable that using csm?14:33
JVoltok, got that14:33
ldiamondlook around you might find something14:33
JVoltthanks =]14:34
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bstityhi, I have trouble with grub after rebooting. Apparently the partitions cannot be found15:48
bstitythe commandline is of no help15:48
bstitycan't load the partitions15:48
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bstityit appeared after a series of ubdates15:49
bstitydon't have internet on the 12.04 machine right now, is it known what packages are broken? I could up/downgrade manually15:51
=== pangolin changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Precise Pangolin | Release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule | Oneiric Support in #ubuntu | Beta 1 Released! http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/precise/beta1 | Known issues: apparmor (LP: #945019) Fix Released
LichteHow do I get the bookmark button to show up on Firefox ??  When I click on the "customize" button, it appears, but it disappears again when I close that box16:34
MrChrisDruifUser47; so it seems16:42
MrChrisDruifWhat were your problems exactly User47 ?16:49
User47MrChrisDruif: when i want to update , a message tell me that i have to do a partial upgrade to install updates16:52
User47and when i try to upgrade16:52
User47i receive this "not possible to detect which version of Ubuntu you are running."16:52
User47also probleme whith virtualbox , nvidia driver , screen brithnesse (i fixed this last one) ^^16:54
MrChrisDruifI always have problems with proprietary driver17:00
* MrChrisDruif was on the phone17:00
MrChrisDruifThat is an awkward error, unable to detect which version you are running17:00
MrChrisDruifUser47; What do you get with "lsb_release -a" in terminal?17:03
MrChrisDruifOn the description line?17:04
smwwhat is the keyboard shortcut to openthe dash17:04
MrChrisDruifsmw; <super>17:04
MrChrisDruifI think17:04
alesanhi, which java version is to be installed? I see the openjdk6 is "supported" with the ubuntu logo, while openjdk is not17:05
User47MrChrisDruif: i get "No LSB modules are available" with the version ofcourse17:06
User47in description line : Ubuntu precise (development branch)17:06
MrChrisDruifI also get that message, at least on my 11.10 install17:06
MrChrisDruifSo uname at least knows what version you have17:08
MrChrisDruifsmw; did it work?17:08
User47MrChrisDruif: the upgrade ?17:09
smwMrChrisDruif, yeah, super does the doc, not the dash17:09
smwMrChrisDruif, (dash home I mean)17:09
smwMrChrisDruif, turns out alt+f2 does that, but I am trying to figure out how to change it to super space17:10
MrChrisDruifuname is a system tool, but I don't know what update-manager uses17:10
MrChrisDruifsmw; you mean the run-command tool? Not the dash17:11
smwMrChrisDruif, it is called "dash home"17:11
mvolsb_release -a17:11
MrChrisDruifmvo; yeah, lsb_release I meant, not uname17:12
MrChrisDruifsmw; go to System Settings > Keyboard, in there you can change keyboard shortcuts17:13
mvoyeah, that is what u-m is using17:13
MrChrisDruifHmm, awkward that User47 gets that error, don't you agree mvo ?17:13
smwMrChrisDruif, I found it in ccsm17:14
MrChrisDruifIn ccsm? O_O17:14
smwMrChrisDruif, yep17:14
smwMrChrisDruif, that felt very wrong to me too17:15
smwMrChrisDruif, and now it is time to check out gnome-classic :-)17:17
MrChrisDruifGhehe, I'll just stick to gnome-shell17:17
User47smw: use this in a terminal to gnome classic "sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback"17:20
User47but it's not really the same as in ubuntu 10.0417:21
dysoco|laptopI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 Beta, I want to Install Cinnamon: So I added the following PPA: "ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-stable", the problem is, that I do "apt-get update", and then when I do "apt-get install cinnamon", it can't find the package... any ideas ?17:21
trismdysoco|laptop: that ppa only has builds for oneiric17:21
smwUser47, I installed gnome-pannel17:21
dysoco|laptoptrism, then there's another PPA ? I read that it also works with 12.0417:22
trismdysoco|laptop: I have never used it, so I do not know17:22
smwUser47, what is now the same?17:22
smwUser47, besides two purely theme things I see when I start it17:23
Daekdroomdysoco|laptop, that PPA doesn't have any packages for precise. That's why it can't find the packages.17:23
tarvidjust installed server amd64 - looks good17:23
dysoco|laptopDaekdroom, OK then, thanks17:23
smwUser47, what is wrong with it?17:23
User47smw: fake somehow17:24
dysoco|laptopDaekdroom, check this: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/alternative-cinnamon-ppa-for-ubuntu.html17:24
smwwth, I can't right click on the panels17:24
dysoco|laptopit says it has packages for 12.04 :/17:24
Daekdroomdysoco|laptop, it used to. But check the page: https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/cinnamon-stable17:25
DaekdroomYou could try changing the source list for 'oneiric' instead of precise.17:25
smwUser47, fake how?17:25
DaekdroomThe packages may or may not be compatible with precise. You could take the chance.17:25
mvoMrChrisDruif: well, its probably run without the "-a", no? by default it prints just the installed lsb-modules, not the version information17:26
smwUser47, I want specific reasons you dislike it. All I saw was cosmetic changes... but then I could not right click on the panel17:26
smwgrr... they destroyed the time applet17:27
User47smw: it's not really the same gnome as in 10.04 simely , install to try :) , u'll have the choice always to run Unitu or gnome17:27
smwUser47, I know it isn't. The question is what do you dislike about it.17:27
smwUser47, what changed?17:27
smwI have named two so far17:28
User47dysoco|laptop: u have this message ? 'configure: error: SDL/SDL.h header file not found'17:28
smwUser47, ok, now I am unhappy with it :-P17:30
dysoco|laptopUser47, nope17:30
User47smw: lol , u have to try anyway17:30
User47may be u will like it17:30
dysoco|laptopUser47, just "Package 'cinnamon' has no installation candidate"17:30
dysoco|laptopmeh, I was going to switch my laptop to LMDE anyways17:31
smwUser47, the question is: is it worth losing these small features for up to date apps17:31
User47i don't think so smw17:32
User47i'll be back17:32
smware you also still on 11.04?17:32
User47smw: no i'm in 12.0417:33
smwUser47, on your main machine?17:33
User47smw: yes17:33
smwI am testing it on a netbook that still had the netbook release before unity17:33
smwI decided that needed to be updated :-P17:33
smwUser47, so you think that it is not worth giving up these small features for the latest software?17:34
smwyet you use 12.04...17:34
User47smw: i'm using it on my  laptop as secondary system , just for test17:34
User47on my own machine i'm using 11.1017:35
smwUser47, ok17:36
BluefoxicyI am laughing so hard17:40
Bluefoxicyat Zeitgeist17:40
smwIs it possible to turn on automatic login with lock?17:40
BluefoxicyAre engineers always this disconnected from reality?17:40
Bluefoxicy"Hey I know, let's give users who can barely get useful results out of Google some  sort of database that they can define technical queries into to return all kinds of information about their documents and help them stay organized!"17:40
BluefoxicyLet's teach them SQL too.17:40
BluefoxicyWell, we all know how it'll go.  It's not like it hasn't happened before.17:42
BluefoxicyIt'll get "Simplified" until it's still too ineffective for non-thinking mortals who have better things to do (like grow food so you don't starve), but crippled enough to be completely useless to savvy power-users17:42
dysoco|laptopZeitgeist ?17:50
Bluefoxicydysoco:  a new addition to Gnome/ubuntu that keeps a database of everything you do, and lets you set up queries to search it as feeds17:51
dysoco|laptopBluefoxicy, Oh I see17:51
dysoco|laptopI remember a question about it in AskUbuntu17:51
BluefoxicyI remember that Google Desktop is the farthest you're going to get for end users17:52
BluefoxicyYou have to remember you have three kinds of computer users17:52
User47can i get some help ranning virtualbox ?17:52
BluefoxicyA)  People who drool all over themselves and are too stupid to live17:52
BluefoxicyB)  People who can't use a computer at all, but can handle quantum physics or some other ridiculously complex thing you can't approach17:52
BluefoxicyC)  Computer experts17:52
BluefoxicyMost of your users are in category (A) and (B)17:53
Bluefoxicy(B) becomes an interesting group when you realize most people in (C) can't cook well enough to feed themselves :|17:53
Bluefoxicy(in other words, basic computer use isn't a basic skill; EATING is a basic skill)17:55
cryptotheslowBluefoxicy, I think you may have wandered away from your original Zeitgeist observation a tad. :D17:55
Bluefoxicycryptotheslow:  not really17:55
BluefoxicyI'm highly suspect of anything that promises to do a lot of flexible stuff in a technical capacity for basic end users17:56
BluefoxicyI mean we can't even get everyone using PGP encryption on their e-mail17:56
cryptotheslowWell it's ~only~ been 2 decades...  give people a chance :D18:01
cryptotheslowUser47, what problem(s) do you have with virtualbox?18:02
=== User2 is now known as User47
=== smw__ is now known as smw_
MrChrisDruifmvo; I think lsb_release -rs is the command used, but I haven't checked the code to verify18:07
User47is there anybody alive here ?18:11
cryptotheslowRead up ^^18:11
MrChrisDruifUser47; like who?18:14
User47MrChrisDruif: lol18:15
smwUser47, I am trying gnome shell and it is coming back to me why I don't like it :-P18:15
User47i want some help running virtualbox18:15
smwUser47, you use gnome-shell, right? Do you think you could answer a few questions?18:16
User47smw: i told u ^^ , u can like it18:16
smwUser47, I can like what?18:16
User47smw: your gnome ^^18:17
smwI am retrying all the options again18:17
MrChrisDruifsmw; what don't you like about gnome-shell?18:17
smwso far gnome classic is winning.18:17
smwMrChrisDruif, right now there are two things that overpower any other reason. 1. the notification tray is not always there. I never know when I got a message18:18
smwMrChrisDruif, 2. when I try to launch chrome, it takes me to a current chrome window18:18
MrChrisDruifLaunch Chrome via that Applications Overview?18:19
smwMrChrisDruif, yeah, I type the super key and then start typing chrome18:20
MrChrisDruifAnd you want to launch a secondary window?18:20
smwMrChrisDruif, problem number 3. no task bar. I need the taskbar when I have 300 terminal windows open18:20
User47smw: right clic and choose open in a new window18:20
smwthey all look the same and are really small!18:20
smwUser47, wtf?18:21
smwUser47, there are two problems with that18:21
smwUser47, 1. I can't right click easily because I have a horrible mouse on my notebook18:21
MrChrisDruifsmw; for opening a second window I've only found a mouse way indeed18:21
smwMrChrisDruif, ah, I figured it out, when you press enter you also need to press ctrl18:22
smwdamn that is lame :-P18:22
smwI want to invert that18:22
smwwhatever, I guess I can get used to using the ctrl button...18:22
smwthat does not fix my notification problem18:23
smwnor does it fix the fact that getting the activities screen is too damn slow. I am used to gnome-do :-P18:23
MrChrisDruifMaybe someone has made an extension to solve that issue?18:23
MrChrisDruifextensions.gnome.org with firefox18:24
smwMrChrisDruif, although, I must say that unity may win this battle just for my netbook18:24
smwIt has a better full screen mode18:25
smwbut unity I would say lost the battle for my actual computers18:25
MrChrisDruifUnity lost it, no matter what if you ask me. Personal opinion.18:26
smwMrChrisDruif, do you have a 10in netbook?18:26
smwMrChrisDruif, you would think differently18:26
almoxarifeam I the only one seeing 'perl' upgrade breaking kubuntu?18:26
* MrChrisDruif hasn't, but except for a few pixel gained with unity and it's global menu etc I don't gs is that bad on 10"18:27
smwMrChrisDruif, the few pixels are worth it18:28
smwMrChrisDruif, ok, so I am now down to only two problems with shell.18:28
almoxarifeunity is great on a 47 inch plasma18:29
smwalmoxarife, unity isn't "great" anywhere :-P18:29
MrChrisDruifEspecially on normal/big screens18:30
smwUser47, I am down to tow problems with shell now. 1. notifications 2. taskbar18:30
almoxarifewell, thought I would try, xbmc is great on the 47inch plasma, and kde-plasma-desktop is great on this laptop18:30
smwalmoxarife, no objection with either of those opinions ;-)18:30
MrChrisDruifsmw; with <Alt>+<Tab> you can select the program, with down arrow you get to choose which window18:31
almoxarifesmw, time to switch to plasma-dektop, it does allow you to choose like you were at burger king18:31
smwMrChrisDruif, I need the task bar to find the correct terminal window18:31
smwalmoxarife, I know that18:31
MrChrisDruifAlso <Alt>+<`> you can switch between window of the same program18:31
smwalmoxarife, I tried that one the last time I did this nonsense18:31
smwalmoxarife, I ended up with xfce because it was good enough and light weight18:32
User47smw: or install compiz to manage your keyboard chortcuts with windows18:32
* almoxarife wonders why people bother with 'nonsense'18:32
smwalmoxarife, because I need to choose one of these18:32
smwalmoxarife, kde is off the list for other reasons.18:32
smwalmoxarife, and it certainly is not lack of understanding ;-)18:32
User47smw: kde is really bad for me18:33
smwalmoxarife, if I can't find something I like, I will return to xfce18:33
smwand not upgrade my 11.04 desktop18:33
almoxarifethere is always DSL18:33
smwDSL? lol18:34
smwdamn small linux?18:34
smwthat does not help me :-P18:34
User47smw: did u try backtrack ?18:35
almoxarifeam I the only one seeing 'perl' upgrade breaking kubuntu?18:35
smwUser47, oh hell yes, I am not alone! http://k3rnel.net/2011/05/01/why-im-sick-and-tired-of-gnome-shell/18:35
smwUser47, backtrack... the hacking distro? I used to play with it.18:35
smwalmoxarife, it is my opinion that starting at ubuntu 11.04, all of linux desktop starting going down hill :-P18:36
MrChrisDruifalmoxarife; so it seems, but maybe you could try #kubuntu (or #kubuntu+1 if it exists)18:36
smwalmoxarife, and I say this as someone who has used desktop linux for 10 years18:36
User47smw: it's based on ubuntu 10.04 , & it's full of errors18:36
MrChrisDruifsmw; ALL Linux desktops?18:36
almoxarifeMrChrisDruif: this is kubuntu+1!18:37
smwMrChrisDruif, well, considering that gnome and kde both did stupid stuff, yes18:37
MrChrisDruifalmoxarife; this channel is *U*buntu+1, not *K*ubuntu+118:38
almoxarifeMrChrisDruif: you need to read some18:38
MrChrisDruifsmw; Ever tried lxde?18:38
smwMrChrisDruif, I used it for about 6 months18:38
smwMrChrisDruif, I have tried everything18:38
smwI also retried lxde when I was choosing at 11.1018:39
smwmy laptop is up to date, but my 11.04 desktop I refuse to update. Not until I find something good enough.18:39
MrChrisDruifWhat I tried to say is that there might be more kubuntu users in those channels almoxarife18:40
smwMrChrisDruif, ah ha! that is what I want to do. Stop the gnome shell activities dash from fading in.18:41
smwI knew something bugged me about the gnome-shell speed. The speed was intentional.18:42
almoxarifeMrChrisDruif: what I am saying is that kubuntu will send me here, why? same reason ubuntu will send me here, the script kiddies that help on both those channels mostly are not using ubuntu or kubuntu but are not literate enough for ##linux, but they do love to share the 'rules' with me. btw, try joining #kubuntu+1 , I will be here to welcome yoy18:43
smwalmoxarife, lol. That strikes me as funny because it is so true18:44
almoxarifesmw, unfortunate, but that's the reality18:44
smwMrChrisDruif, but yeah, http://k3rnel.net/2011/05/01/why-im-sick-and-tired-of-gnome-shell/ . I feel like I wrote it.18:46
MrChrisDruif^_^ alright fair enough, I wasn't my intention to frustrate you or anything. I only tried to help by giving suggestions ^_^18:46
almoxarifeMrChrisDruif: and since were are having such a lovely discussion, I run a hybrid, I use the plasma desktop to run a whole heap of gnome/gtk apps, why? cause its there! and I want my cake18:46
almoxarifeMrChrisDruif: no offense taken btw18:47
MrChrisDruifAh, great. I was worried there for sec18:47
smwMrChrisDruif, ok, here is my final verdict. 1. unity for netbook. 2. gnome-classic is good enough to replace xfce. Still not perfect. 3. gnome-shell, after I figure out how to change certain things and retrain myself COULD replace gnome-classic.18:50
smwbut the idea that I need to go through this much work is insane. I miss incremental updates to gnome 2 :-\18:50
User47MrChrisDruif: i was stupid , ^^ i should use "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"18:50
User47it works now18:50
MrChrisDruifGhehe lol User47 ^_^18:51
smwUser47, do you agree with my final verdict? :-)18:52
User47MrChrisDruif: yess, the update manager didn't work , but the terminal always works18:52
User47smw: ofcourse18:52
smwUser47, I still have no verdict on upgrading my desktop. This thing is just so stable...18:53
MrChrisDruifI'd need  small screen to judge g-s properly for that18:53
User47smw: i won' t upgrade my desktop , but i do everything on the lap ^^18:54
smwUser47, lol. who knows, I may keep natty until EOL18:55
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110418:55
smwdamn... it does not give the EOL18:56
smw!eol natty18:56
smwwow... EOL for natty is october18:57
MrChrisDruif!eol natty18:57
User47smw: if u wanna know , i don't like even this natty , i prefer the Lucid lynx18:57
User47it's my favorite18:58
smwUser47, when it was incremental improvements, I was always on the cutting edge18:58
smwnow they make too many damn changes18:59
User47smw: yes18:59
User47in Lucid i don't use the mouse at all18:59
smwUser47, same for me in natty19:00
User47with compiz & full keyborad chortcuts19:00
User47it's really great19:00
smwthe hud looks like it will be cool19:00
smwbut that is tied to unity19:01
User47i can't find the solution for my probleme with virtualbox :(19:03
User47i fixed everything but not this19:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Artemis3anyone who has upgraded Xubuntu to 12.04 could help me fix xfce? i barely made openbox to start :(19:44
kpowhi what kernel is the 12.04 currently using?20:09
MrChrisDruifkpow; I believe or something20:10
MrChrisDruifkpow; http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/linux-image20:11
MrChrisDruifI was right20:12
* MrChrisDruif loves my memory20:12
swickcan i have a starting point to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/949606 ?20:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949606 in mesa (Ubuntu) "64 bit dev packages should include 32 bit .so library file" [Medium,Triaged]20:12
kpowany1 has any experience on dell laptop with the beta? im using the currently preinstalled 11.04 and thinking to upgrade to the beta20:13
pangolinkpow, you probably want to wait for the final release in April20:14
pangolinunless you are ok with possible complete failure20:14
kpowyea i got a recovery usb disk :-)20:15
pangolinthen go for it20:15
kpoware there any notable improvements?20:15
min|dvir|us-workHi. Facebook is dropping only my HTTPS connections only from Python. Any thoughts?20:16
min|dvir|us-workI believe this to be an operating system issue.20:16
winutdoes kubuntu not run like a smelly thing on virtualbox now? this seemed to be its biggest weakness, along with error message when shutting down and general flakiness of the apps (i don't mean to be negative, but these have been some of my own observations) thanks20:17
pangolinkpow, Unity has had a lot of bug fixes and improvements. I hear good things about HUD20:17
Artemis3kpow, upgrading failed miserably to me, unless you are an expert, don't :S20:17
dracnocwinut: KDE runs slow on everything. 4.8 has seen some notable speed improvements, though there is a few bugs to be ironed out. VMWare runs things considerably faster for me rather than VirtualBox.20:21
winutok, thanks for the info dracnoc, ill check it out. using xubuntu in vm right now but have to use some kde packages for a complete working system free of errors! lol20:22
winutdoes vmware offer better multicore support than virtualbox?20:23
winuti found 1 cpu is always the fastest on virtualbox, at least on windows xp vm anyway20:24
dracnocwinut: depends a little on your hardware, but multicore certainly seems stable for me. I've never tried it with an XP vm.20:25
winutthanks dracnoc. how about boot time?, this was a major factor for opting for single core and general stability (audio dropouts) especially with audio apps20:26
dracnocI think the best feature for VMWare is giving all the weird screen resolutions that VirtualBox doesn't. So many times I've seen VB only give 800x600 or 640x480 before trying to install Guest Additions. VMWare doesn't seem to be limited that way.20:26
winutflexible vesa modes20:26
dracnocBoot time? VMWare is certainly a lot quicker, about double the speed .v. VirtualBox.20:27
winuti rekon i will have to wait for kde 5 before it works well in a vm, maybe this should be a milestone?20:27
winutdracnoc, what version do you use? thanks20:29
dracnocwinut: interesting. Usually the devs pick an even number for the stable releases, with the odd numbers being experimental. KDE4 has been far from stable from what I've seen.20:29
taglassdracnoc, not all projects, or even most follow that convention20:29
guntberthas this channel's topic  suddenly become "discussion of different virtualization systems"?20:29
dracnocI'm using parts of KDE 4.8, with an LXDE front and a few bits from XFCE4.820:29
winutno, just dissing the speed of kde in a vm20:30
guntbertwinut: how is that a vbox issue?20:31
winutmy observation20:32
dracnocOK then, slightly back to topic. Isn't KDE4.8 in Precise?20:32
almoxarifedracnoc: yeap20:33
dracnocalmoxarife: thanks, thought so. I'm running 4.8 from the 11.10 PPA.20:33
almoxarifedracnoc: I use gnome-kde20:33
almoxarifedracnoc: might as well install 12.04, pretty bug free already, and the existing bugs just add fun to the process20:34
dracnocalmoxarife: i'm thinking in that direction. my oneiric is getting a little messed up with the changes I've made, might be time for a clean install.20:35
kpowbut did they fix the upgrade issues or u still have to install from scratch?20:35
dracnockpow: i always clean install20:35
almoxarifekpow: I would not upgrade, but that's just my opinion20:35
dracnocif you're planning to upgrade, wait a while after the official release and let a few more bugs settle down.20:37
almoxarifedracnoc: there is a change to kde on 12.04, adds a bit of overhead, but wth, overhead is something to slice and dice, one thing, if you have used dnsmasq or do use it, 12.04 wants to use it now, so caching with your own dsnmasq conf is out the window20:38
dracnocalmoxarife: oh watch me leap for joy... the one thing KDE doesn't need is extra overhead.20:39
almoxarifedracnoc: hence why I became a bind user20:39
almoxarifedracnoc: not too much overhead, aprox 100meg of mem to use all the cool kde stuff, you could still keep it all from starting like before, the akonadi stuff20:40
dracnocoh, i drop akonadi anyway. i only use kde for some of the better apps, and dolphin's handy arrangement of providing a quick terminal in the file window, which is one of the best ways to introduce a CLI imho.20:43
almoxarifedracnoc: I am still more in tune with nautilus than dolphin20:44
almoxarifedracnoc: and muon is ?????? synaptic baby, that's the ticket20:45
dracnocalmoxarife: yes, gotta love muon, how the hell is that so quick? i never got on with nautilus, though it's nice to see they got the actions configuration tool working. it's a big asset to thunar.20:46
kpowqmy fingers are tingling with apt-get dist-upgrade20:46
almoxarifedracnoc: ubuntu can't touch plasma desktop though, that is the one thing I appreciate about kde20:46
almoxarifekpowq: do ittttttttttttttt, you can always clean install after the mess is too much to clean-up, save your /home folder and go for it20:47
dracnocalmoxarife: yes, plasma is a hell of a lot more flexible. i've never liked unity, and gnome3, sorry, but no.20:47
almoxarifedracnoc: I run plasma with cairo-dock20:48
dracnocalmoxarife: fair enough. i used to have cairo, but i've got into the fashion of a minimalist desktop, i got fed up with the distractions.20:49
almoxarifedracnoc: cairo auto-hides, I am too lazy to drill down thru the kmenu thing, krunner is also great20:50
dracnoci'm down to custom keyboard shortcuts for most things. i've got a 22" screen, a 1080 resolution, and i fill it with nothing... i'm probably doing something wrong. :)20:52
almoxarifedracnoc: that's a bit toooooooooooooooooo minimalism20:52
almoxarifedracnoc: live a little, throw a widget on the desktop20:53
almoxarifedracnoc: I just noticed that you can actually keep widgets on just one particular desktop, I thought about having a 'widget window' just because20:54
dracnocalmoxarife: i tried the weather widget once, but since i'm next to a window, it was just easier to look outside.20:54
dracnoci do have a twin screen arrangement connected to my TV. Screen 2 is now showing Bram Stoker's Dracula.20:55
almoxarifedracnoc: my htc has hdmi and digital???? something connectors, I use the hdmi to connect to the plasma and feed xbmc to it, if I connected another monitor to the other connector would I be able to have the htc show something else on it??? like a desktop ?20:58
dracnoci've kicked a load of updates through my Precise in a vm. So far, nothing has really gone wrong with it. had a few issues with bamfdaemon a while ago, but it's been good for the past week or so.20:58
almoxarifedracnoc: this morning the 'perl' update wanted to remove most of kde on upgrade, this afternoon it must have been fixed20:59
dracnocalmoxarife: plug it in and found out. if it's start smoking, either something went terribly wrong, or your HTC and the monitor really enjoyed the moment and are taking a few moments to enjoy a quiet smoke.21:00
dracnocalmoxarife: i didn't see the perl issue o.O21:00
Artemis3this is silly... can't run firefox 11 normally (crashes imediately), but works perfect if option -g (from debugger) is passed (no debug symbols)21:05
Artemis3oh at least it crashed now :)21:06
dracnocArtemis3: are you running the Nightly build?21:11
Artemis3dracnoc, its the in the repo, should i switch?21:23
dracnocjust out of curiosity, does anyonw know if they've sorted out the HDMI/pulse audio issue in Precise? I had great fun getting audio out to my second screen.21:23
dracnocArtemis3: the Nightly may contain new bugs, but if they've fixed yours it may help.21:24
Artemis3well i simply crashes :)21:24
Artemis3but lets try21:25
johnjohn101who's working on issues with vmware?  is it you guys or vmware?21:25
Artemis3i have a feeling it doesnt like libc or something :P21:25
Artemis3specially this stuff: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff742c5a6 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.621:26
dracnocArtemis3: mozilla have had libc problems for quite a while. they seem to fix it, then something new shows up.21:31
Artemis3dracnoc, i'm getting Firefox 12b2 from the firefox-next ppa, let's see what it does...21:44
atpa8awhat's happening with xen in precise?21:44
atpa8acannot boot any of my guests21:44
* dracnoc ducks for cover21:44
=== Nax is now known as x4
macer1Can anyone look at bug #946736?21:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 946736 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "missing openjdk-6-java.desktop file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94673621:47
atpa8adevice model failure21:47
Artemis3same result :(21:48
dracnocArtemis3: damn :(21:49
=== synaptix|ubuntu is now known as synaptix|TF2
rgrgI can't get grub to boot my setup anymore21:53
rgrgapparently the partitions cannot be read21:54
rgrgcant even read them from grub's commandline21:54
rgrgit happened after rebooting after updates from the last few days21:55
rgrghow an I get the kernel to load?21:55
atpa8aboot into live cd?.. see if drives have errors, etc?..21:56
rgrgI have booted from a stick, checked the filesystems, chrooted, set up grub anew... everything appears to be fine, but the grub bootloader cannot find partitions22:00
rgrgI really don;t understand, it is as if grub just does not understand the partition table anymore or something like that (I use a standard partition table, nothing exotic)22:00
macer1http://paste.ubuntu.com/897038/, why the .desktop files of java was moved?22:05
macer1I mean deleted22:05
macer1are they in other package now?22:06
swattoranyone else had major problems recently with flickering dash, menu bar and apps?22:11
swattorsomething in the last few days has caused lots of glitches to start appearing on my desktop22:11
rgrgdoes anyone have any tips how i can solve my grub-issue?22:20
Belial`is there any way to keep the launcher showing after launching an app from it? like as long as the mouse is still hovering over the launcher it'll keep from autohiding?22:22
cryptotheslowBelial`, that's how it works for me anyway and I'm fairly sure I've not configured anything to make it so.22:24
rgrgwhat can cause grub not to recognize partitions? I use a standard MBR table, but grub just cannot find any partition. partitions&table are fine and chrooted grub sets up without errors, but grub just cannot find the /boot partition22:24
rgrgor any other partition22:24
Belial`cryptotheslow, ah. when i click an app in the launcher, if i don't move the mouse at all over the launcher, it'll autohide on me after about a half second. i've been messing with ccsm to try and stop it from autohiding as long as the mouse is still on the launcher in one place, but i can't seem to set it that way.22:25
Belial`unless, of course, i move the mouse down or up staying on the launcher.22:25
Belial`same goes for switch between windows.22:26
cryptotheslowBelial`, Ahh I see what you mean now.22:27
Belial`is there a way to let the global menu show all the time in 12.04?22:46
kklimondaI don't think so22:48
macer1Belial` check in ccsm22:58
alteregoahello ubuntoids22:58
alteregoathe kernel 3.3 from kernel ppa has to revert a btrfs commit22:59
alteregoaa bug makes btrfs trees read only22:59
alteregoaaccordign to this bug report22:59
alteregoafter the upgrade to Linux 3.3.0-1, any write to a btrfs partition results in a “no space left on device” error.22:59
macer1alteregoa: file a bug please :)23:00
alteregoaim to lazy23:00
macer1ubuntu-bug linux23:00
macer1logs from ubuntu-bug will be helpful.23:01
kklimondaI don't think we actually revert commits in mainline kernels23:02
kklimondathat would defeat their purpose23:02
macer1report upstream?23:03
kklimondait's already fixed and commited so no need to23:05
kklimondamainline kernels should really be exactly what you get from kernel.org23:07
kklimondait's the only reason to use them after all - to test if there are regressions in our patches23:07
kklimonda(well, the other is to get support for newer hardware but meh)23:07
macer1just leave it broken23:07
kklimondamacer1: the reason for mainline kernels is to have a way of testing unmodified upstream kernels to check if issues are because of local patches or not23:08
macer1yea I know23:09
kklimondamacer1: modyfying mainline kernel would defeat its main purpose23:09
macer1but you said that this is fixed :>23:09
macer1so is this fixed or...23:09
kklimondayes, but there is no stable release yet with the fix23:09
kklimondait may be fixed in a daily mainline build though, if the fix made it to the Linus' tree23:10
kklimonda(which is the case apparently - I just checked the patch location)23:11
macer1is this bug in the main kernel in main repo of 12.04?23:11
kklimondabut wait, this fix is from february.. did it get merged to linus' tree after 3.3 release?23:11
macer1so no problem I think :D23:12
kklimondaat least nothing indicates it is23:12
macer1kklimonda: zrobiłbyś coś dla mnie? potrzebuję żeby ktoś ustawił jakiś priorytet przy bug #946736 :>23:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 946736 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "missing openjdk-6-java.desktop file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94673623:16
kklimondamacer1: looking23:18
MCR1Someone else experiencing strange flickering after latest compiz update ?23:25
macer1thx, I hope someone will look at it now :)23:25
MCR1macer1: Intel gfx ?23:25
macer1nvidia here23:26
MCR1it is quite HARDCORE here23:26
MCR1hurting my eyes badly23:26
macer1nouveau is HARDCORE too23:26
macer1it freezes really often ;/23:27
MCR1macer1: Did you report that on the #ubuntu-unity channel ?23:27
kklimondalaunchpad is a better place to report bugs ;)23:27
macer1it is driver problem23:27
macer1it freezes all the system23:27
macer1However only on nouveau I have working tty's... :(23:27
MCR1here no freeze, but mad flickering over the whole screen all the time23:28
kklimondaMCR1: maybe it's some plugin?23:28
macer1unity --reset23:28
kklimondaMCR1: have you tried on a guest account?23:28
MCR1kklimonda: no, will try that.23:29
macer1and did it happen on gnome shell i.e?23:29
MCR1kklimonda: plugin possibility high ;)23:29
macer1ubuntu why u make my laptop so hot >.>23:31
kklimondait's a penance for buying a laptop with nvidia :P23:32
kklimondawhich reminds me I should really prepare my nvidia gpu for shipping back to MSI for RMA.. again23:33
MCR1guest session works, but it starts Unity-2d there23:33
MCR1unity --reset won't help, because Compiz without Unity shows the same weird effect23:34
MCR1the good news: Unity 5.8 now works here again :)23:34
macer1kklimonda: I know why it was so hot xD23:35
kklimondamacer1: why?23:35
macer1I was running MineCraft in background lol23:36
kklimondawow, unity-2d is catching up with unity23:36
macer1it even have multi-touch support ;D23:36
macer1the plan is to replace unity-3d with the qml 2d, when it will be ready23:37
macer1I think23:37
itaylor57fixed my wifi problem, I installed an Intel Centrino 6230, it is working great :>)23:48
wickedwiccanany idea how to fix this error after sudo apt-get update23:52
wickedwiccanW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EA8F35793D8809A23:52
macer1W = warning23:52
macer1gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 2EA8F35793D8809A23:54
macer1gpg --armor --export 2EA8F35793D8809A | apt-key add -23:54
jbichawickedwiccan: I do sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt; sudo apt-get update but that's not necessarily a secure way of handling that23:54
jbichaI get that error on one wifi network I use that requires a username & password with a browser instead of using WPA like they should do23:55
=== gac_ is now known as gac
wickedwiccanok how do you get openjdk or any java23:58
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:58

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