
ajmitchsigh, looks like I'll have to reject zero ballistics due to licensing - even once I get the source I see it depends on a library that's free only for non-commercial use or reneues under $100K12:38
cielakajmitch: there is one tiny thing that would need fixing12:48
cielakthe description field in USC lost its formatting12:49
cielakthe original text I have sent contained newlines, which seems to be deleted12:49
cielakthis causes the paragraphs to merge, and the feature list is completely unreadable12:50
cielakwould you please mind correcting that some time? :)12:50
ajmitchsigh, I guess that's the software centre being special12:54
ajmitchsince 'apt-cache show' displays the features as a list12:54
ajmitchcielak: so it does show up in the software centre properly apart from that?12:54
cielakyes, everything else works perfectly! :)12:55
ajmitchI'll add fixing the description to my todo list, it's about 2AM now so I'd better not do any uploads :)12:56
cielakha! right :)13:09
cielakoh, and by the way, free apps does not get their downloads conuted?13:10
ajmitchno idea about that one, sorry13:14
stgrabercielak: they don't yet. The download count only works when using PPAs. So doesn't work with extras.ubuntu.com14:08
cielakstgraber: right, thanks :)14:09

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