
smoserSpamapS, thanks for following up. yeah, i think we're square on that now.00:00
=== Hussain is now known as Guest19456
=== patrickw_ is now known as patrickw
jo-erlendhow can I find installed web applications?11:37
jo-erlendI've installed phpmyadmin, and I know from experience that it gets in localhost/phpmyadmin. But now I've installed drupal. The installation of Ubuntu, LAMP server, phpMyAdmin and all that, took about 20 minutes. Now I've spent about two hours trying to find out how to get to Drupal.11:38
jo-erlendheh, I remember complaining about this  about five or six years ago. I imagined there would've been some improvements in that area by now, but that doesn't appear to be the case. It's still much easier to do a manual install. How can this be?11:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== Hussain is now known as Guest28277
=== Guest28277 is now known as iDUNDI
=== aliguori is now known as qemu|aliguori
nOStahlany libvirt guys in here?15:53
=== qemu|aliguori is now known as aliguori
SpamapSnOStahl: perhaps just ask your question16:33
SpamapSnOStahl: if somebody knows the answer they'll respond16:33
nOStahlsorry got tied up answering boss questions :P16:34
nOStahlso i've been zooming all around google so far today reading up on libvirt16:35
nOStahland all sorts of forms of virtualization16:35
nOStahlit sounds like this is what I am needing. (I just want to be able to fire up an instance and get it configured and running)16:36
nOStahlI was reading about vmwares hypervisor can launch your vm on another machine if the previous one dies16:37
nOStahldoes libvirt handle that too?16:37
SpamapSlibvirt has live migration yeah16:40
SpamapSas long as the block device is available of course16:40
nOStahlwhat is a block device16:50
SpamapSnOStahl: don't take this the wrong way, but if you are asking that, you don't really have the necessary information required to understand the answer. ;)17:00
nOStahlgotta start somewhere :P17:00
SpamapSnOStahl: but to answer the first question.. yes.. libvirt can migrate vms between servers.17:00
SpamapSnOStahl: a block device, btw, is any device which you can address randomly.. there are also "character" devices which can only be streamed to/from17:01
SpamapSnOStahl: disks are block devices, tapes are character devices17:02
SpamapSsmoser: remind me the file to remove to make a cloud instance re-run cloud-init on reboot17:05
smoserrm -Rf /var/lib/cloud17:06
smoserthat will do it17:06
smoserbut more fine-grained17:06
smoserrm -Rf /var/lib/cloud/instance/17:06
smoser(note trailing /)17:06
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates

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