
JoseeAntonioRStepNjump, txwikinger: ping? I need someone from the project.01:34
pleia2none of the people who were originally involved are here anymore :(01:36
pleia2we'd be starting from where we left off on the wiki and ubuntu-owl.org01:37
JoseeAntonioRI'd like to revive the team, as materials can be used for actual school classez01:37
pleia2so on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning you'd want to look under "Materials"01:39
pleia2er "Course Material Writing"01:39
pleia2click on the icon with the hat :)01:39
JoseeAntonioROk :)01:42
pleia2http://doctormo.org/2009/07/15/ubuntu-system-admin-class-command-line-basics/ is an example of a class that doctormo wrote01:45
pleia2akgraner was also trying to work on some stuff, let me see if she updated the google doc01:46
JoseeAntonioRthat's great01:46
JoseeAntonioRmaybe I can catch her and talk about it01:47
pleia2ah, she didn't end up updating the doc01:47
pleia2it's a decent outline for some teaching she wanted to do though01:48
JoseeAntonioRhmm, yes01:48
JoseeAntonioRthat can be used as a basic scheme to work on01:48
JoseeAntonioRbtw, this would be considered as official documentation?01:49
pleia2the only "official" documentation is what is shipped with Ubuntu itself01:56
pleia2even help.ubuntu.com/community/ is all "unofficial"01:56
pleia2but it could be the default place people are sent when they want learning materials to teach in classes01:56
JoseeAntonioRsorry Lyz, could you please paste what you said before? My window closed :(01:59
pleia218:56:00 < pleia2> the only "official" documentation is what is shipped with Ubuntu itself02:03
pleia218:56:11 < pleia2> even help.ubuntu.com/community/ is all "unofficial"02:03
pleia218:56:57 < pleia2> but it could be the default place people are sent when they want learning materials to teach in classes02:03
JoseeAntonioRI think it's a good idea02:07
JoseeAntonioRfrom my side, count me in02:07
JoseeAntonioRI'll try to help as much as I can02:09
pleia2so we tried to write what we want from a basic course layout: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/CourseLayout02:09
pleia2but that's subject to change and discussion02:10
JoseeAntonioRI see02:10
JoseeAntonioRscreenshots should be also attached when possible02:10
JoseeAntonioRto make this easier02:11
pleia2yeah, those are under "Other Resources'02:11
pleia2(unless they are embedded in the document, which is ok)02:11
JoseeAntonioRhaving a step-to-step with pictures guide will be perfect02:12
JoseeAntonioRare there any classes written?02:12
JoseeAntonioRapart from the DoctorMO's one02:13
pleia2he wrote a few, they are all linked on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/SystemAdminTopics02:14
pleia2Local Computer, Networking, Package Management, etc02:14
JoseeAntonioRhmm, ok02:16
JoseeAntonioRI think we can start with Ubuntu Installation02:16
JoseeAntonioRthat's the start point02:16
pleia2great :)02:18
pleia2I think it makes sense for us to write the classes targeting the LTS versions, so you'll want to do it with 12.0402:18
JoseeAntonioRI'll wait until the final release comes out02:18
pleia2it shouldn't change too much from now to then, maybe hold off on screenshots :) but you can write the outline and start with the basics02:19
pleia2also, all the community docs are licensed CC-BY-SA, so as long as we say "we took this portion from help.ubuntu.com/community/whatever" we can copy docs02:20
pleia2we don't want to be rewriting everything02:20
JoseeAntonioRhaha, yep02:20
JoseeAntonioRbut sometimes help.ubuntu.com is outdated02:20
pleia2for help.ubuntu.com/community/ we also want to contribute back02:21
pleia2so if something is outdated and we update it for ours, we should update there too :)02:21
pleia2help.ubuntu.com itself (not /community) is harder since those are the official docs and there is an official procedure for editing them02:21
JoseeAntonioRthen, I can investigate about how to do it and mange to update it02:23
JoseeAntonioRdo you need to be part of a team to update help.ubuntu.com? I can apply for it, if needed02:25
pleia2it's the ubuntu-docs team, I don't know what they're using for doc stuff these days02:25
pleia2help.ubuntu.com/community/ is just a wiki, so anyone can edit it02:25
pleia2http://jeremy.bicha.net/2012/03/22/ubuntu-docs-a-call-for-help/ is worth a read02:26
JoseeAntonioRi'll read it right now02:27
JoseeAntonioRI told you because in the 'official' documentation I only found how to install from the alternate CD02:28
JoseeAntonioRmaybe we can work along with the doc team to merge ideas02:28
pleia2they have a very tight release schedule because they need to coordinate with translators *before* release02:29
pleia2I'd love to see us collaborate, but it's a lot of work :)02:29
JoseeAntonioRit is, so, for our actual plans we have to re-start the project, from what was left, using help.ubuntu.com/community02:32
JoseeAntonioRand update the community pages when needed, if possible02:32
pleia2pretty much :)02:34
pleia2if you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/CourseLayout I see the "Overview" section to be what we pull from /community docs02:34
pleia2we'll probably have to write Demonstration and Practical ourselves, based on that documentation02:34
JoseeAntonioRwait a sec, I think I've got an idea02:35
JoseeAntonioRwhat about if we contact the ubuntu manual team when we've got lots of articles02:37
pleia2to share our docs with them?02:38
pleia2ours are licensed CC-BY-SA as well, so they're welcome to anything of course02:38
JoseeAntonioRI think this can turn into a big idea if we're successful02:38
pleia2ok, heading off for the evening, thanks for your help :)02:54
JoseeAntonioRthanks to you! see you!02:55

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