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vibhavCan anybody tell me whether LP #871739 is worth a sync?02:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871739 in sundials (Ubuntu) "Static linked libraries missing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87173902:36
ajmitchvibhav: are you sure that applies to the version in precise?02:38
vibhavlemme see that02:39
vibhavajmitch: Yes, The bug can be reproduced in precise02:49
ajmitchvibhav: given that precise has 2.4.0-5, which had the fix to bring back static libraries (-6 was just a rebuild), syncing wouldn't gain much02:53
vibhavfine, then ill develop a patch02:55
ajmitchhow'd you check it? I just took a look at the package on my local mirror, it seems to have the .a files02:57
vibhavI installed it on my VM02:58
vibhavAnd the .a files were not present02:58
vibhavajmitch: My bad02:59
vibhavI found em02:59
vibhavSo, should I mark this bug as "Fix Released" ?03:00
ajmitchfwiw, you can use dpkg-deb -c /path/to/package.deb to list the contents, it's a little quicker than installing03:00
ajmitchyes, it looks to be fixed so mark it as that03:00
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vibhavIS it safe to apply options that speed up building in pbuilder?05:47
RAOFvibhav: That depends; do they work? :)05:52
vibhavRAOF: They work05:59
vibhavThough they might mess up something05:59
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geservibhav: which options do you want to apply?07:18
vibhavgeser: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto , look at the "Speeding up build-dependencies calculation" and "Speeding up the package installation"07:27
RAOFvibhav: They're safe.07:29
geservibhav: I use those for a long time and didn't have any issues with them (as long as the tmpfs is large enough to build the package :) )07:29
vibhavthanks RAOF geser07:29
dholbachgood morning07:47
TribaalHi folks, I'm currently trying to fix a small packaging bug on opensc, and my launchpad branch is up for review - would anybody have a minute to spare to tell me if my process is correct (it's my very first time fixing something in Ubuntu)?08:10
vibhavDo I need to change the "other" non-debian changelog while fixing a bug?08:18
arandvibhav: There should be no need to patch the upstream changelog, if that's what you're asking, make sure to forward the patch upstream as well.09:05
Tribaalso, I put a packaging fix branch for review in precise - is there anything else I should do? Like ping somebody or tag it with something?09:07
tumbleweedTribaal: propose a merge09:08
Tribaaltumbleweed, that's done09:08
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vibhavHow does one join The Sponsors Team?11:33
Laneyvibhav: by being an Ubuntu Developer and then asking an admin nicely11:37
TribaalLaney, what/when should one request sponsorship? I submitted a branch for review a few hours ago - is that all I need to do? Is that what sponsorship is for?12:23
LaneyTribaal: you should check it appears on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ and if so someone will look at it in due course12:23
TribaalLaney, it does, and thanks for the clarification!12:24
TribaalLaney, is this page basically the "log of stuff to merge from non-ubuntu members"?12:25
Laneyit's stuff which people would like uploaded but can't do themselves12:27
TribaalLaney, makes sense, thanks again.12:27
TribaalLaney, last question (promise :) ): how does one become a motu? Not that I intend to, but I'm just curious12:28
LaneyTribaal: Keep contributing fixes and soon enough someone will tell you to apply (to the Developer Membership Board)12:29
TribaalLaney, oh, it's a pull process, not a push :) Interesting. Thanks again for your help12:29
Laneywell, it can be either actually12:29
Tribaalhow much is considered "enough" contribution?12:30
Laneybut a good way to know when to apply is when people assume you already are MOTU, or tell you to hurry up and apply already12:30
Laneythere's no fixed "enough", but less than six months would be unusual12:31
TribaalLaney, makes sense12:31
ajmitchunless you got in early on, when 6 weeks was a long time ;)12:31
* ajmitch wants to rant about libraries that claim to be 'open source' but really aren't free to use12:32
Tribaalso just for my understanding - being an "ubuntu developer" is being allowed to push to universe or "more"?12:32
Tribaalthe titles are confusing :)12:32
ajmitchpretty much, it implies you have some upload privileges, whether to a limited set of packages or to universe12:32
Tribaaland so a motu has upload privileges to "universe" while an ubuntu developer might have provileges to only a few packages?12:33
Laneyubuntu developer is the umbrella group12:34
Tribaalgot it12:34
Tribaalthanks for the clarification12:34
dholbachTribaal, please keep asking questions :)12:42
Tribaalsure, but I don't want to be the annoying newbie (tm) today (it's Friday, and I assume most people are hungover or tired or both)12:43
bregmathe hangover doesn't start until tomorrow12:44
Tribaaloh? good12:44
dholbachbregma, do you have plans for the WE already? :)12:45
Tribaalthen: I fixed a packaging problem (a one liner), how do I engage debian about it? Should I do it myself? is it automated?12:45
tumbleweedit's not automated12:45
Tribaaldo people expect me to fix it as upstream as possible?12:45
Tribaaland let it "ripple down" into ubuntu when the next debian refresh comes?12:45
dholbachTribaal, these are all great questions12:45
dholbach^ explains how to use a nice tool to submit fixes to Debian12:46
tumbleweedput it this way, after you make a package in Ubuntu differ from Debian, you are responsible with keeping it up to date12:46
tumbleweed(the changes from Debian have to be synced into it by hand)12:46
tumbleweedso it's in your interest to get it as upstream as possible12:46
Tribaalok, easy enough for my one liner, but I can see how that can become a problem :)12:46
dholbachit's also a matter of timeliness - if we are a few days away from release and have an urgent problem to fix or find that upstream or debian won't take an obvious fix for a longer period of time, it's totally fine to get it into Ubuntu - even if it creates delta12:46
tumbleweedwe recommend making non-urgent changes in Debian, and just syncing them to Ubuntu12:47
tumbleweedbut that's easier when you know the debian maintainer of that package or one of its uploaders...12:47
Tribaalnow the killer question: what defines "urgent"?12:47
tumbleweedurgent enough for you to want to do it in Ubuntu first :)12:47
dholbachyou'll get a sense of it with a bit of experience - and you can always ask12:48
tumbleweedand different people have different views on this12:48
Tribaalso, shameless self-promotion and poll: what do you think about this: urgent or not? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opensc/+bug/87201912:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 872019 in opensc (Ubuntu) "pkcs15 profiles not packaged, pkcs15-init not functional" [Undecided,In progress]12:49
tumbleweedthat package is already modified in Ubuntu12:50
tumbleweedso go for it12:50
Tribaalso basically that means "wait for a sponsor to pick up your patch and merge it", or is there another step in the process?12:50
tumbleweedno, that's abotu it12:51
tumbleweeddo push it upstream too, if applicable to Debian12:51
Tribaalnot sure it is, for the time being12:52
TribaalI need to check12:52
Tribaaloh it's already fixed in debian :)12:54
Laneyin that case you should investigate taking their fix instead of doing an ubuntu-specific one12:55
Tribaalhum ok12:55
Laneymakes for less maintenance in the long term12:55
Laneydepends on what their fix is, of course12:56
Tribaaleven if the diff will be null after ubuntu pulls the latest debian version?12:56
Laneymakes for less changes to review at that time12:56
Tribaalyeah, so that is basically already the case12:56
TribaalI reimplemented their exact solution (it's a one liner...)12:57
Laneygot to go to a seminar, sorry12:57
Tribaalsure thing12:57
Tribaalnice talking to you Laney12:57
tumbleweedif upullin gin the latest debian version won't bring new features, and will fix bugs, then that's by far the best solution12:58
tumbleweed(we're in feature freeze, so new features require release-team approval)12:58
Tribaalthere are new features in the debian package (new upstream version)12:59
Tribaalthis specific fix is however purley a packaging issue (the debian/opensc.install file was missing an entry, basically)13:00
Tribaalquite the trivial diff13:00
tumbleweedTribaal: have you seen bug 935348?13:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935348 in opensc (Ubuntu Precise) "opensc version 0.12.1-1ubuntu2 FTBFS on i386 in precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93534813:01
TribaalFTBFS - fails to build from source?13:02
Tribaalhow come I can build it locally?13:03
tumbleweedgood question :)13:03
* tumbleweed tries a local build13:03
Tribaalthis machine is oneiric13:03
* Tribaal newbie13:03
tumbleweedah. I recommend setting up a pbuilder / sbuild for test-building13:03
Tribaaloh, I thought I had that13:03
Tribaalis that what bzr bd uses?13:04
tumbleweedalso, running the development release is a good idea if you want to find problems :P13:04
Tribaalindeed, but I don't want to find too many of them at once :P13:04
tumbleweedTribaal: no, bzr bd just builds on your machine13:04
Tribaaloh ok13:04
ogra_tumbleweed makes it sound as if there were no probs in non dev images13:05
tumbleweedogra_: I generally find dev releases more stable, yes :)13:05
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Tribaalwell I will have to switch relatively soon, I'm the last guy in my team not using Precise13:06
Tribaalwill you guys be at UDS?13:06
* tumbleweed must still book flights13:07
Tribaal so is universe feature frozen as well?13:10
ajmitchtumbleweed: you'd better, you don't have long :)13:11
ajmitchTribaal: yes, feature freeze applies to universe as well13:12
Tribaalthe latest debian package would fix the build for that package :)13:13
ajmitchyou can get freeze exceptions13:13
tumbleweedthere are a few reverse dependencies of opensc. If they'll work with the new version, we can probably sync it13:13
ajmitchalso the freeze just applies to new features, new bugfix releases can be uploaded13:13
Tribaaloh ok13:13
hrwfreeze... I forgot lesson from ogra - 'upload, nevermind how broken. fixes are accepted later' :D13:21
ajmitchso this is what ogra_ is teaching people these days? :)13:22
hrwajmitch: I think he used lighter description ;)13:25
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lenioshi there14:07
leniosdoes anybody know if mysql-workbench-gpl will be available for precise? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/5306214:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 53062 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] mysql workbench package request" [Wishlist,In progress]14:07
Adri2000lenios: no, unless someone asks for a FeatureFreeze exception and syncs it from debian14:14
leniosthen shouldn't the package be removed?14:14
Adri2000removed from where?14:14
leniosbecause mysql-workbench-gpl:i386 is available, but broken because it's asking for non existing dependencies14:15
leniosit works when linking libzip2 to libzip1 though14:16
Adri2000where do you see this package available? I don't see it in ubuntu14:16
Adri2000there is mysql-workbench in debian though14:16
leniosoops, my bad, i'm talking about local mirror14:19
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lazkaWhat should I do regarding daily build in a PPA with source format 3.0? I used to append ~revision to the version, but now the orig.tar.gz doesn't contain that and lauchpad rejects the upload because a orig.tar.gz with that name is already there15:03
lazkaDo I need to add the revision to the main version, giving me a new orig for each upload?15:04
geserIIRC recipes only work with "3.0 (native)" and not "3.0 (quilt)", but probably better ask in #launchpad15:20
lazkageser, ok, thanks15:23
tumbleweedgeser: apparently quilt is supported these days, if upstream releases are appropriately tagged15:36
geseroh, that news for me, but I don't know much about recipes15:36
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* tumbleweed hasn't played with that feature15:38
phiphihello. Who's responsible for packaging the nvidia drivers?16:25
phiphiNvidia Driver uninstall is incomplete. Open Source 3D Driver Nouveau remains blacklisted. bug 95884816:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 958848 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nouveau remains blacklisted after uninstall of nvidia drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95884816:25
tumbleweedphiphi: tseliot16:39
phiphitumbleweed: thank you, subscribed him to the bug.16:41
phiphiCan somebody confirm the bug? Is my view right, that this is a simple bug?16:42
tumbleweedphiphi: he's presumably already subscribed to all nvidia driver bugs16:43
tumbleweedphiphi: if you haven't purged the package, it's configuration files will remain16:44
phiphiits not a config its the blacklisting of the opensource driver that remains. It gets blacklisted twice and one is removed.16:45
tumbleweedthe best way to get a bug noticed is to provide a patch16:46
phiphiOf course. But I'm a packager.16:48
phiphiCan you guide me to the packaging recipe or whatever, perhaps I can find the bug16:48
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hakermaniaHi there! I've got a ready backport for Wallch, version 3.0 actually. I was (quite) recently told to take a freeze exception, any change, or anything that I have to keep in mind?17:24
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sivapvarmahow to make the screen shot app in ubuntu to make select area for grab as default option17:58
sivapvarmathat will save me a mouse click each time17:58
hakermaniasivapvarma, open a terminal, go to /usr/share/applications18:00
hakermanianano gnome-screenshot.desktop18:00
hakermaniaand in Exec field18:01
hakermaniainstead of gnome-screenshot --interactive18:01
hakermaniaplace gnome-screenshot -a18:01
hakermaniasave with Ctrl+O and then Ctrl+X18:01
hakermanianow, every time you click on the screenshot icon you will be asked to select an area18:01
hakermaniaYou can also bind the PrtSc button for this with a little trick, if you're interested... Not very difficult...18:02
hakermaniasivapvarma, you have to be root to edit gnome-screenshot.desktop, of course18:03
hakermania(sudo nano gnome-screenshot.desktop)18:03
sivapvarmait seems i like sudo vim gnome-screenshot.desktop :-)18:04
hakermaniaok, did you succeed ?18:04
sivapvarmahakermania: yeah thanks its working18:06
sivapvarmawhat about the dirty hack :-)18:06
hakermaniaok, about the 'dirty' hack now, open a terminal and do sudo mkdir /screenshot_app18:07
sivapvarmaok before I do what you say18:07
sivapvarmalet me tell you what i tried before18:07
hakermaniano, let me finish18:07
sivapvarmaI have created a custom shortcut in keyboard application18:08
hakermaniathen do sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver /screenshot_app/18:08
sivapvarmactrl + print scrn -> gnome-screenshot -a18:08
sivapvarmait worked for two to three times but did not work later on18:09
hakermaniaOk, sivapvarma, let me tell you know18:09
hakermaniaLet me start again18:09
hakermania1) sudo mkdir /screenshot_app18:09
sivapvarmayou mean from home folder18:09
hakermania2) sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot /screenshot_app18:09
hakermaniafrom wherever, number (1) will do the same thing, regardless where you run it18:10
hakermaniait will create a directory in root ( / ) anmed screenshot_app18:10
hakermaniaif you do cd /18:10
hakermaniaand then ls18:10
hakermaniayou will see it18:10
sivapvarmadone till now what next18:12
hakermania3) sudo nano(or vim) /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot and place this inside: http://paste.ubuntu.com/896777/18:13
hakermania4) sudo chmod +x /sreenshot_app/gnome-screenshot18:13
hakermania5) Done18:13
hakermaniai'm a genius :P18:13
hakermaniaOh, I got step 4 wrong, it is 4) sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot18:14
PaoloRotoloHi all!18:17
hakermaniaHi Paolo...18:17
hakermaniasivapvarma, just tried it on my machine and it works like a charm btw18:20
sivapvarmasame here too thanks :-)18:20
sivapvarmabut where did i mess up while creating the keyboard shortcut18:20
hakermaniaI don't know, I never trusted those things... For example, now they have placed for minimize/maximize shortcuts in Beta 12.04 -> Windows Key+Down/Up arrow, but this also causes, because of the windows key button to open the Dash -_-18:22
sivapvarmaok can we share the screen with tranparent white so that we can clearly notice that screenshot app is running18:24
sivapvarmanow whenever i run screeshot I have to search for mouse pointer to make sure it is working18:25
sivapvarmaalso that feature  is very intuitive and it should be there18:25
sivapvarmaany ideas on how it can be done18:25
sivapvarmaif you have to tried shutter for example it has such a feature when grabbing an area of the screen18:27
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Ramielhi. What's a reasonable character for separating official package version from the patched one you're uploading to the ppa?19:37
Ramielthe patched version contains modifications not applied upstream or in the ubuntu version19:37
Ramielit's supposed to be up-to-date with original package, but it's not a newer/early-access/nightly-build/whatever19:38
hakermaniaRamiel, i feel you, i have same question...19:39
RamielI think tilde is not suitable as it won't supersede the version it's chnaging19:39
Ramielhakermania: I'm sicerely thinking of changing the package names and make them conflict with original ones...19:40
Ramielbut it's more than one package and I don't know exactly where the patches become packaged into19:40
astraljavaRamiel: hakermania: Perhaps you're looking for this? https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage19:43
Ramielastraljava: I alredy read that before but someone I unfortunately trusted told me I probably wanted tilde instead of dash19:44
Ramielastraljava: a counter is a non-go, do you think it's ok 1:2.10.0-0ubuntu2ppa20120323?19:45
Ramielalso, how about 1:2.10.0-0ubuntu2.P20120323?19:46
micahgRamiel: + is what you're looking for I think19:49
micahgahead of the current version behind SRUs19:50
Ramielservice release updates?19:52
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:52
* Ramiel thinks of using '+'19:56
ajmitchmicahg: currently re-merging phpldapadmin for security fixes, I suppose these also need to make it back to previous releases? :)19:58
micahgajmitch: would be nice :)19:59
micahgajmitch: I think jdstrand is on deck for community tasks next week19:59
* ajmitch will just try & work through a few on the rc bugs list today20:01
ajmitch 955 files changed, 78554 insertions(+), 36532 deletions(-)20:05
ajmitchfor flumotion...20:05
* ajmitch wonders how he can phrase the FFe :)20:05
vorianslight mod?  :)20:07
ajmitchvorian: new version apparantly is needed to work with python 2.7, so I may be able to bribe someone20:08
voriani hear beer works very well20:08
ajmitchthat's what I'm afraid of20:09
Ramielthanks all20:11
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ajmitchmicahg: did you want me to upload the openclipart debdiff, given that I never restarted the test build? :)20:55
micahgajmitch: I did and it finished, I added the bug, I just never finished checking if it needed an FFe :)20:56
ajmitchmicahg: given that the source is there for 2.0, the only options would be revert to the old version or fix it?20:57
micahgajmitch: ok, I"ll just upload then :), can wave the need for FFe later if need be20:58
ajmitchdon't base it just on my arguments ;)20:58
ajmitchfor me it was just a nice-to-have20:58
* ajmitch just doesn't like seeing packages uploaded that FTBFS, it gets confusing for people grabbing the source20:59
micahgyeah, it's a nightmare package to begin with as well (at least there's a bug filed and tagged appropriately)20:59
ajmitchI think I need a laptop with 16GB of RAM like you have21:00
ajmitchsome of those images took awhile to process21:00
micahgajmitch: Build needed 08:31:38, 5523908k disc space21:03
ajmitchhopefully the buildds are quiet21:03
hakermaniaDo i have chances to have a backport in ubuntu 12.04?21:04
micahghakermania: I'm not sure if -backports is open yet21:05
micahghakermania: wallch should be backportable, sure21:05
hakermaniamicahg, why wallch, specifically?21:05
micahghakermania: oh, I thought that's what you were going to ask about ;)21:06
hakermaniamicahg, yes that's what I'm asking about, but initially you was like 'nah, backports are off for now', but then you were 'Wallch should be fine' :P21:06
micahghakermania: we discussed opening backports early, not sure if that ever happened21:07
ajmitchit required an LP change iirc21:08
hakermaniamicahg, do I need any special process or what's mentioned here is enough -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports?21:10
hakermaniameant https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports21:11
micahghakermania: that's fine, but 12.04 backports isn't open yet AFAIK21:11
hakermaniamicahg, not yet? But I was told to do so prior to beta 2, which comes in 6-7 days21:12
micahghakermania: if you're updating the package in 12.04, you'll need a freeze exception at this point as backports isn't open or wait until Q and backport from there21:13
hakermaniamicahg, i'm not an expert or something :P What's 'Q'? I understood FFe though :P21:49
micahghakermania: the letter after P, an entity in the Star Trek universe, a placeholder for the next Ubuntu release21:51
micahg*next release after precise21:52
hakermaniamicahg, nice one :P But I want it IN precise :O FFe?21:52
hakermaniaAfterall, untill Q wallch will have many changes21:56
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hakermaniamicahg, !22:09
micahg!ffe| hakermania22:18
ubottuhakermania: Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.22:18
hakermaniamicahg, I know what it is, the only way to get it in precise is FFe. I just need you to tell me that I'm right B-)22:19
micahghakermania: well, -backports is part of precise and enabled by default22:19
micahgjust with a lower pinning so they're not selected by default22:20
hakermaniamicahg, so, you mean that a new version of Wallch can be make it in Precise while Precise is out? Through Update manager or something? What do you suggest?22:21
micahghakermania: the user has to explicitly choose to upgrade to the version in backports22:24
hakermaniamicahg, i see. How can I update the version of wallch on usc?22:24
micahghakermania: your choices are FFe or backport (needs to wait until it opens for P or until it gets uploaded to Q)22:30
hakermaniamicahg, both of the choices will result in new version of wallch in usc?22:33
* micahg isn't sure how backports in USC works22:34
* hakermania doesn't know what to do22:36
micahgFFe will upgrade everyone, backport will make it available for everyone, just not sure how that's displayed in USC22:36
hakermaniaOh, then I'll go with a FFe, definitely22:38
hakermaniamicahg, many thanks, bye22:53
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