
superm1dekarl: oh weird..00:22
dekarlhmm, so its working for you?00:22
superm1dekarl: i'll have to try again, i haven' done it for a bit15:11
dekarlsuperm1: no problem. Its just a bit annoying as I tend to forget to cleanup when trying again. But in the end its "nice to have". Btw, compiling with the script and 1/2/3 patches works like a charm. I'm looking forward to the automated master+patch builder. Been thinking about how to interface that with trac to make patch testing by end users "super easy".16:31
superm1dekarl: can you pastebin terminal output from next time it happens?  maybe pipe output into tee or something17:33
superm1otherwise when i get a round to it i'll try to reproduce too17:33
dekarlnp, http://paste.ubuntu.com/896727/17:36
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin17:36
dekarlsuperm1 -^17:36
dekarlits only a simulated compile error (CTRL+C) but was reproducable17:37
superm1so this probably started showing up shortly after that patch you provided to fix mythweb paths17:37
dekarlmaybe, might as well be due to mythweb's master changing and the patches needing some fudging17:38
dekarlbut you seem to have picked up the track either way :)17:38
hpeterdekarl: thanx for mythfilldb hint, works now :)19:06
dekarlahh, cool :)19:07
stuartmhow do I stop ubuntu popping up a warning over mythfrontend about being short on disk space (this isn't even the root partition but a drive dedicated to recordings)19:11
rhpot1991stuartm: easiest way is to increase the free space in mythtv-setup19:13
rhpot1991I think in the general section19:13
superm1stuartm: i'm assuming this is a standard gnome (or unity) type install?19:13
stuartmsuperm1: no, mythbuntu19:18
superm1stuartm: oh interesting.  i'm wondering what would cause that popup even19:19
superm1any chance you have a screenshot so i can see what it looks like might be showing it?19:19
stuartmrhpot1991: right, but that would be a complete waste of space - I want to use every MB for recording :)19:19
stuartmsuperm1: I've dismissed the popup for now, so no, but it was a gnome style 'OK' popup warning that there was just 89MB free on that partition19:20
dekarlOhh, what is this filesystem that does not get dog slow once it fills up past a certain threshold? :)19:20
superm1stuartm: hmm.  ok.  i'll try to think what it could be19:20
rhpot1991stuartm: I agree with dekarl you are opening yourself up to bad fragmentation doing this19:21
rhpot1991also I like to leave extra space for when I drop a file out there by hand or something19:21
dekarlI'm at or below 1% free on ext4 and mythtv keeps shouting at me regularly because writes take so long. 1% at 2TB is still 20GB19:23
stuartmrhpot1991: never the less, ubuntu shouldn't be prompting users about free space with dialogues over the top of mythfrontend that can't be dismissed with a remote19:23
dekarlgrep says it might have something to do with being recording to the database/system drive though19:23
rhpot1991dekarl: ya you don't want to fill up a drive that has mysql on it, bad things will happen19:25
tgm4883I don't recall seeing any popups on mine and I should have a pretty slim recordings drive right now. what distro release?19:44
tgm4883actually nm19:45
tgm4883I have a separate backend/frontend19:45
tgm4883Still want to know the distro release version19:45
tgm4883and a screenshot of the popup19:45
tgm4883stuartm, ^19:46
rhpot1991I've seen similar with an updates popup, but that was quite a few releases ago19:47
stuartm11.04 apparently19:54
tgm4883ok, i'm running a test on ubuntu 11.10  now19:58
tgm4883stuartm, how much free space did you have left before you saw the error?19:59
stuartmI'm guessing that it's not constantly checking, possibly a once or twice per day type thing, the warning was on-screen when I turned on the TV for the first time today20:00
rhpot1991mythtv checks every 15 minutes I think20:01
tgm4883rhpot1991, this would be an external to mythtv popup20:01
rhpot1991tgm4883: I know, I'm saying in case there is an overlap20:02
tgm4883i'm hoping this triggers the popup when it reaches that limit20:02
tgm4883I'm just doing cat /dev/urandom > test20:02
rhpot1991heh was just typing out similar20:02
tgm4883I should have made a smaller vm, I've still got about 7GB to fill20:03
rhpot1991hopefully mythtv doesn't clean it up faster than you can spawn it out20:03
stuartmmythtv won't delete files created externally, only the ones it knows about because they are in the database20:04
tgm4883rhpot1991, yea, this isn't even a mythtv box20:05
rhpot1991stuartm: yep, I was assuming it was a test box that he had some mythtv related things in20:05
tgm4883I didn't have a mythtv ISO handy, and I figured it was external popup anyway20:05
tgm4883I'll get a screenshot and stuartm can confirm if that is what he is seeing20:05
tgm4883stuartm, was it this http://imagebin.org/20487720:19
Zinn[imagebin.org] Imagebin - A place to slap up your images.20:19
stuartmtgm4883: yes ... fwiw I'm just noticing the 'do no show warning again', not sure if that was present for 11.04 but even so if I can disable it entirely for all filesystems and prevent future popups for all partitions20:22
stuartm ... then that's what I'm looking for (to complete what I was trying to say there)20:22
tgm4883I'm not sure if that was there in 11.04 or not20:24
tgm4883superm1, ^^ do we want to look at disabling this notification by default?20:24
superm1tgm4883: i'm really unsure why that notification came in ubuntu in the first place20:28
superm1i'm not sure what application is doing it20:28
tgm4883superm1, a quick search says gnome-settings-daemon20:29
superm1well we dont have gnome-settings-daemon on mythbuntu though...20:29
* tgm4883 shrugs20:29
tgm4883stuartm, ^^20:29
tgm4883do you have that installed?20:29
superm1well installed doesn't matter - it's more if it's running that it would matter20:30
superm1and if it's running, that might be an even bigger problem20:30
* tgm4883 shrugs20:31
stuartmtgm4883: yes, it's installed and not marked as a manual install, i.e. I didn't install it myself for some reason20:31
tgm4883superm1, can we find what he installed that pulled it in?20:32
superm1that old release used it for the gdm session i believe20:33
superm1it's not used anymore20:33
superm1but so is it actually running?20:33
tgm4883he's on 11.10?20:33
superm1he was on 11.04?20:33
tgm4883ah thats right20:33
tgm4883I'm assuming this would work  'ps aux | grep gnome-settings-daemon'20:36
tgm4883stuartm, ^^20:36
tgm4883that works on the 11.10 ubuntu machine I just tested this on20:36
stuartmit doesn't here, seems to because the process names are truncated, ps only displays "gnome-settings-"20:37
stuartmsorry, it does work ... typo20:38
* stuartm hangs his head in shame20:38
tgm4883stuartm, it lists more than just the grep line?20:38
tgm4883stuartm, was this an upgrade from an older version?20:39
tgm4883or fresh 11.10 install?20:39
tgm4883err 11.0420:39
stuartmgbee      2059  0.0  0.7 372624 20028 ?        Ssl  Mar13   1:33 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon20:39
tgm4883yea that seems to be running20:39
superm1well that's pretty bizarre then20:40
stuartmtgm4883: upgrade from an older version, maybe two upgrades, it's been a while since I did a fresh install of anything20:40
superm1can you provide the whole output of ps aux in a pastebin?  i'm wondering if that's the process spawned from gdm20:40
superm1just wasn't killed when you logged in20:40
stuartmprobably won't help, since I killed it just before you asked ... :) I can restart it later when it's not in use20:44
stuartmaux or auxf (presuming the latter)?20:46
superm1oh yeah auxf would be far better20:47
superm1assuming it's spawned by the gdm process, it's fixed in later releases by switching to lightdm20:48
superm1and that's assuming that's what is causing the low space error too20:48
stuartmI don't mind upgrading if that will 'fix' it, I've just avoided it before now because there was no particular reason to do so before today20:51
stuartmmy production machine gets very little attention20:51
superm1well the jump 11.04 to 11.10 does cause some upgrade problems too20:52
superm1specifically with that lightdm transition20:52
superm1we'll see next time it crops up for you what the best approach is20:53
superm1dekarl: so the weird thing with that failure of yours is that it should have called quilt pop -a to clean up those patches21:10
superm1failed build or not21:11
superm1i wonder if that call is failing though because of the bzr clean-tree --force call21:11
superm1could you set -x with it and pastebin that output?21:11
superm1can see if quilt pop even gets reached21:12
dekarlsuperm1: set -x ?22:35

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