
tsdgeosSaviq: any chance you might have a stream with RST information?14:28
Saviqtsdgeos, nope :/14:28
Saviqtsdgeos, my dvb-t is... new14:29
tsdgeosfeed it so it grows :)14:29
SaviqI could try with DVB-S... actually let me dvbsnoop it14:34
* tsdgeos wonders when he'll get his dvb-t caputre stuff14:40
tsdgeosebay said it was sent a few days ago14:40
Saviqtsdgeos, I'll scan some of the suspects on HotBird, maybe someone does send nice stuff14:45
tsdgeosoh man16:06
tsdgeosthe RCT is biiiig :D16:06
Saviqtsdgeos, I (think I) scanned all transponders on S13E... not one has anything on pid 0x13 (RST)16:31
Saviqtrying Astra now16:33
Saviqgonna be difficult to grab RCT16:33
SaviqI'm not even sure where to expect it...16:34
Saviqah ok, so PMT will hold info _whether_ RCT is being sent at all16:35
Saviqand then tell us where to expect it16:35
Saviq(it seems)16:35
tsdgeosi'm still a bit lost regarding RCT16:37
tsdgeosthere's a few descriptor() mentions16:37
tsdgeosand i'm not sure which descriptor can appear there16:38
Saviqtsdgeos, btw here's some more info http://www.ebu.ch/metadata/cs/tva/HowRelatedCS.xml16:44
Saviqthe urn:metadata:cs... seem to reference those16:44
tsdgeosi see16:45
Saviqthere's a "metadata pointer descriptor" mentioned16:47
tsdgeosleaving for the weekend now, will have a more through look on monday16:51
Saviqoh! found a RST17:01
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