
bkerensaiScream: not to worry its because he probably got expired by LP and is trying to figure out how to rejoin the LP team00:43
philipballew_bkerensa, i got that to...00:44
bkerensaphilipballew: probably your LP team's contact setting is set to message everyone00:44
bkerensainstead of having a set e-mail00:44
* philipballew_ is a noob00:44
=== ryaxnb__ is now known as ryaxnb620
MarkDudeDarkwing, ping02:48
DarkwingMarkDude: you still up?06:06
MarkDudeusually am06:08
bkerensaMarkDude: Are you registered for UDS?06:16
bkerensaDarkwing: long time no see ;p06:17
MarkDudeI thouhgt I was allowed to crash it06:17
* MarkDude is a FOSS luminary06:17
MarkDudeWhen it was in Belgium The infamous Bert Desmet was able to attend, just due to his legendary status06:18
DarkwingHey bkerensa06:22
DarkwingI've turned job hunting into a full time job.06:23
bkerensaDarkwing: What will happen to Ubuntu Leadership?06:23
Darkwingbkerensa: I left that after UDS-P06:23
bkerensaDarkwing: So did everyone else it seems :P06:24
bkerensaits just a idling channel now :D06:24
DarkwingIt went in a totally different direction than I had dreamed.06:24
bkerensaDarkwing: Yeah?06:24
Darkwingand I got caught holding cat when everyone got upset with it.06:24
DarkwingSo, I quietly bowed out.06:24
bkerensaDarkwing: Well it has been inactive for months now06:24
Darkwingbut I'm still looking for work.06:24
DarkwingYeah, I gathered.06:25
bkerensaliterally since after you left06:25
DarkwingI kinda feel bad about that.06:25
bkerensaI might discuss it at UDS-Q and see whats going to happen with it06:25
Darkwing:) I might sit in if there isn't anything else.06:25
bkerensaI moderate the mailing list with valorie and akgraner was supposed to lead us but with her new linaro gig idk whats up06:26
bkerensashe is a busy person indeed :D06:26
DarkwingYeah. I figured as much. Did Randall ever finish that document?06:26
Darkwingwell, Randall/Vancouver Team06:26
bkerensaDarkwing: Nope nope :) I think he is too preoccupied with spreading jam on faces :P06:26
DarkwingI'm just looking for something that pays me.06:26
bkerensaif you watch Planet you know what I mean06:26
bkerensaDarkwing: no doubt06:27
Darkwingafter what Canonical did to me... I was a bit burned out.06:27
DarkwingJorge was even pissed.06:27
bkerensaDarkwing: Oh? Did you get hired on there?06:27
bkerensaFeel free to PM if you want06:27
DarkwingNo. 7 months of interviews I find out I didn't get it by reading it on Jonos blog.06:28
pleia2MarkDude: if you crash it you don't get a pretty printed nametag!12:54
pleia2registration isn't hard12:54
pleia2and that was a couple years ago, biertie wasn't fedora famouse yet, we just welcome everyone who is interested12:56
pleia2Darkwing: I didn't realize you quit the Leadership team :\12:57
pleia2someone on the CC was asking about it the other day, I just told them that it had quietly gone dormant as people got busy with work/life stuff12:58
pleia2(we were anticipating some sort of document to review this cycle)12:59
* MarkDroid does plan on registering for UDS :)18:55
MarkDroidHello seidos19:14
seidos\o MarkDroid19:14
MarkDroidHow's things been?19:15
seidosGood question.19:17
seidosUm, you know...this and that, tit for tat, quid pro quo science and religion.19:18
seidosbeen doing all right, fighting the good fight proverbially19:18
MarkDroidOk how about... What have you been doing?19:18
seidosare you doing well?19:18
seidostrying to stay in the moment19:18
iScreamfighting is bad.19:18
seidosnot proverbially19:19
MarkDroidSilly Daniel19:19
MarkDroidFighting is not always bad19:19
iScreamsilliness is awseome, yes19:19
MarkDroidLike ending slavery19:20
MarkDroidI have been throwing myself into art. I decided I can't put it off anymore. Im an artist :)19:21
iScreama conceptual artist?19:22
MarkDroidActually taking pics . And then editing them. So they look nice19:31
iScreamno giant umbrellas in the desert, though19:31
dragonThat's not excluded, is it? ^19:31
MarkDroidWe do have some umbrellas19:32
MarkDroidAnd a parasol19:32
MarkDroidNo dragon . That's on the list19:32
MarkDroidAlso a few i call ENLIGHTENMENT19:33
MarkDroidSitting on a lotus of Enlightenment19:34
dragonThat sounds interesting.19:37
seidosi don't think either of these is going to work19:47
* seidos gets eyes pad19:48
seidosi think i've lost sight in my left eye19:56
MarkDroidJust don't loose sight in your third :)19:56
seidosi losed it temporarily20:02
* iScream just lost The Game20:03
Darkwingpleia2: Yeah, right after UDS when I had a talk with Amber about what the Leadership team was actually doing.22:47

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