
UnknownForkIs there an Xubuntu wubi installer? (Not that I like Windows, but I just need to run Windows applications, and I don't like Wine.)00:32
UnknownForkIs there?00:36
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grywhat does the 'open with...' dialog use to populate the list?04:28
twilson_hey! How do I setup dual monitors so that one screen extends the other rather than cloning the other04:42
twilson_running 11.10 using Xfce, clean install, intel chipset graphics, second monitor is running hdmi, first is dvi...04:44
twilson_I tried apt-get install nvidia-settings but that causes both screens to go black after a restart just before I log in04:45
twilson_had to remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get the screens back again04:45
twilson_surely this should be straight-forward04:45
well_laid_lawntwilson_: there's a gui for that in the settings manager05:04
twilson_you mean Settings Manager > Display? I can't find any option to not clone the screens05:04
twilson_my options are Use this output; Resolution; Refresh Rate; Rotation; Reflection05:05
well_laid_lawntwilson_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62681/how-do-i-setup-dual-monitors-in-xfce05:06
well_laid_lawnor use arandr05:07
twilson_arandr worked05:15
beataDo any y'all have recommendation of a particular theme set to begin, to learn to customise/create new themes?05:19
hetyhello everyone06:16
hetyis there any way to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 ? or i have to reinstall from cd?06:17
psycho_oreos!12.04| hety06:21
ubottuhety: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+106:21
grypsycho_oreos, do you happen to see / know an answer to question I asked here few hours ago?06:21
hetyow :)06:22
psycho_oreosgry, just saw your question in my chat buffer, I'm afraid I don't have a clue on that06:22
psycho_oreosgry, curiously, the gnome documentation won't cover that? or maybe even asking in #gnome for example?06:22
gryoh, sorry. I'm using xfce. I didn't check gnome docs yet06:23
psycho_oreoshmm maybe even xfce support channel as well, now that I realise where I am lmao06:23
beataThis is probably only silly, but I will offer the clock dockapp display of day-tenths and smaller units.07:59
lewis1711xubuntu uses the xfwm4 window manager, right?12:41
lewis1711ok I try and kill xfwm4 and it starts up again straight away12:42
oxicarusguys when i april do you think 12.04 will flip its daylight view? =D12:43
oxicarusbeginning / end?12:43
lewis1711okay I am at settings -> session and startup, how exactly do I add things here? i see no button. also can't change restart style, though it is displayed12:47
lewis1711the only thing I can do is quite program12:49
holsteinlewis1711: quite?... what is "restart style" ?12:49
TVasEyesholstein: 'restart style' right-most column in Session tab.12:51
holsteinTVasEyes: cool.. what does it mean/do though?12:55
TVasEyesis a status indicator I think, never had cause to look into chaging the values.12:56
TVasEyesgood question by lewis1711 though, it would be nice to know where to prevent the wm from re-starting automatically.12:57
pleia2oxicarus: release date is april 26: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule13:01
pleia2(if that's what you mean)13:01
oxicarusnice pleia2 thnx13:04
oxicarusthe famous unmute-volume-using-keyboard-quickkey-bug will prolly be solved, right?13:04
pleia2oxicarus: hopefully :) the devs have been actively testing it this past week13:05
oxicarussweet, sounds promising, to say the least :>13:05
knomeoxicarus, yes, that should be fixed in beta213:22
oxicarusknome: nice going on the input there, thanks alot :) oh, i can barely wait for all the exciting news, and the lts not to speak of.13:22
oxicarusawesome! i really love 'buntu!13:22
knomethanks for the praise13:23
xubuntu536Hey, guys. I'm installing Xubuntu as my first linux OS ever as I heard its very user friendly.15:09
xubuntu536Seems like everyone here is AFKing, lol.15:11
holsteinxubuntu536: is this your first time here? .. its not really a social channel.. try #xubuntu-offtopic for chat15:11
xubuntu536Yes it is my first time here. Sorry for the trouble.15:12
genii-aroundxubuntu536: If you have support questions this would be the right place to ask those15:12
OMGhi guys!17:40
OMGcan anyone help me? i want my xubuntu to show mounted devices on the desktop. it shows usb-mounts but no devices mounted via fstab (mountpoint is /media/xyz)17:41
OMGhow can i fix this?17:41
GridCubeOMG: it wont show them17:43
GridCubeyou can add shortcuts to them17:43
TVasEyesOMG: remove entries from fstab.  (different mechanisms used)17:43
OMGhm. nautilus does. no possibility to change that behaviour?17:43
GridCubexfce doesnt use nautilus17:43
OMGbut it also does not show mounted samba shares17:44
GridCubeno, it wont17:44
OMGhm. ok.17:44
OMGbookmarking and tree-view is also not possible in thunar17:46
OMGi mean same time17:46
ochosisure it is17:46
ochosioh right17:46
ochosiyeah, it's either or17:46
OMGso there is no way to "simulate" the nautilus behaviour at least17:47
TVasEyesOMG:  have a look at ~/.gtk-bookmarks17:47
GridCubeOMG: press ctrl-t on thunar to get treeview17:47
OMGTVasEyes: yes. checked that. but id like to have treeview + shown bookmarks.17:48
TVasEyesoh, missed the 'at hte same time' bit. sorry.17:49
OMGok.. so there is no super-cool-magic-linux-use-the-terminal-type-something-and-it-works-way except usind nautilus? :D17:50
OMGthen.. how can i set nautilus to manage the desktop?17:51
TVasEyesOMG: using Thunar here, I'm out..17:52
SysiOMG: should do that by default.17:52
Sysigconf-editor or gnome-tweak-tool17:52
OMGyes it does, but i have to start it manually and it has to be started otherwise the desktop falls back to default17:54
OMGi found out that i have to start nautilus -n &17:54
Sysiremove xfdesktop from session in session&startup settings17:54
OMGbut where do i set this to be done on startup?17:54
Sysiyou can also set autostarts commands there (settings manager -> session and startup)17:55
Sysiyou probably should remove old saved sessions with "rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions"17:56
OMGah ok17:57
OMGi think i managed it17:57
OMGit does not show any symbols hehe17:59
z0ttelI'd like to switch to xubuntu and was wondering about the ifupdown support18:01
OMGok, thanks a lot guys il try to restrat18:01
z0ttelare there any known problems when switching from the nm-applet to ifupdown?18:01
knomez0ttel, switch from where?18:03
knomez0ttel, in that regard, xubuntu should be the same as ubuntu18:03
z0ttelokay - then I'll have a look at ubuntu users :)18:03
z0ttelno specific documentation found - I'll just test it in a vm -.-18:10
CellTechBlckberry will no longer mount for mass storage18:48
holsteinCellTech: did you upgrade the blackberry? did you upgrade ubuntu? when did it break? why? are there any messages? do you see it if you open a terminal and run "sudo fdisk -l" ??18:50
CellTechNo updates, no break, no messages, does charge. Let me try that terminal real fast, and lsusb doesn't see it either18:50
CellTechNot sure what I'm looking for in fdisk -l18:52
holsteinCellTech: you are looking for the mass storage device18:52
holsteinits either there or its not18:53
holsteini would try another USB port18:53
holsteini would look at the bb config as well18:53
CellTechhmm. Could it just be a missing driver?18:53
holsteini doubt it18:53
CellTechI did gtkorphan my system recently18:53
holsteinif you changed nothing18:53
holsteinwell, thats what i would look at.. what you changed18:54
holsteini would boot up a live CD and make sure the hardware is working18:54
holsteini would think about making another user account and testing from there18:54
CellTechWould libimobile work?18:55
holsteini would take the BB to another machine18:55
holsteinCellTech: i dont have a BB18:55
CellTechIt sucks cause in a couple days I'm gonna have a Nokia Lumia windows phone18:55
holsteinthen the live CD will let you transfer assuming its a config issue18:56
CellTechGotta make one18:58
Artemis3has anyone here upgraded to 12.04?20:20
pimperlehow can i make the network-manager's popups notifications respect the timeout setting in xfce4-notifyd-settings?20:34
pimperlei've set it to 2 seconds, but the network connectivity popups won't fade away but stay there till i manually close them20:35
pimperlewhich part of the configuration might i have to delete, to get back to default settings?20:35
DinoMuffinHello, is there a way to get xrandr to use dual monitors with different resolutions in a non-mirrored setup?20:38
DinoMuffinI'm trying to use a 1680x1050 DVI monitor with a old CRT20:39
beata1I may be having the same issue with notifications. Good point to set the timeout low while poking at it.20:40
beata1pimperle: The update notifier also causes a non-timeout notification on this system, on default settings. Wait... it DID time out, but after about 30 seconds, while I was busy entering this reply.20:44
SysiDinoMuffin: should work, arandr is nice GUI for xrandr20:46
DinoMuffinSysi:  well, when I try 'xrandr --output CRT1 --left-of DFP1' it returns:20:47
DinoMuffinxrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1680x1680 (desired size 2704x1050)20:47
Sysiwell that's problem with your graphics card, what model is it?20:51
DinoMuffinRadeon HD 587020:53
DinoMuffinIt works fine under windows20:53
beata1... 'xrandr: screen cannot be largen than' ... I'm sure I've seen that phrase crop up before. Alas, I know not where. Had a search not turn up anything helpful?20:56
DinoMuffinWell, I'm not sure what exactly is happening. I know the max supported resolution on the card is 2560 x 160020:57
DinoMuffinand it's complaining about going to 2704x105020:58
DinoMuffinBut that still doesn't make much sense to me, seeing how windows can somehow do it.20:58
beata1I'm afraid I don't know any more, but hopefully there will be someone who will.21:00
DinoMuffinthanks anyways21:01
DinoMuffinI think I might of found the problem. One forum suggests changing the 'Virtual' variable in xorg.conf21:08
DinoMuffinthen applying the xrandr configuration21:08
well_laid_lawnsee what the X log says is the max available21:09
well_laid_lawnyou might need to change drivers21:09
SysiI think you should use propriatary driver and then something different config tool21:09
DinoMuffinMax Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 43  vert.: 27 ?21:12
DinoMuffinOh, well there are a lot of lines that say '(width too large for virtual size)' for anything over 1680x105021:16
DinoMuffinprobably is a driver problem then21:16
ubottugnomefreak, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca, cody-somerville or knome21:31
pimperlebeata1: are you on a fresh install? is this the default setting to show those nofitications for longer than 30 seconds21:42
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xubuntu748alguem do brasil?23:27
GridCube!br | xubuntu74823:40
ubottuxubuntu748: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:40
xubuntu748ubottu: thanks23:42
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:42
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