
=== david is now known as Guest68475
LinatuxHi guys - anyone have problems with KDM on oneric? KDM starts, but never get logon screen & console dies. Can ssh in, kill KDM & restart - all good. Tried lots of suggestions from forums but nothing seems help.01:24
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Linatuxtried gdm, xdm, lightdm - all seem to have the same problem01:28
Linatuxnomodeset, radeon.nomodeset, latest ATI drivers, disable KMS, sleeps in kdm.conf.....01:31
DarthFrogLinatux: I was/am having something similar happening to me, in both Precise and Oneiric, though not at KDM.  I've just removed the fglrx driver and gone back to the radeon driver.  So far, so good.  <knock on wooden head>01:39
LinatuxDarthFrog: That didn't seem to help for me, though I've changed quite a few other settings since then. It seems I have to start KDM, kill it then restart it before everything works. Alternatively, just startx works fine - OK for me, but a tad confusing for others in the household.01:44
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CryptoAlienanyone home?03:05
CryptoAlienbazhang: How are ya man!03:06
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Whiskey`Wonkaanyone know where network-manager keeps its configs? id like to move them between two computers03:14
CryptoAlientry /etc/init.d ?03:18
jalcine@pilot in03:27
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Whiskey`WonkaCryptoAlien: well the script that runs it is there, not the saved configs03:38
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artaoWacom Intuos 2 pen tablets. any help here gettin it set up correctly?04:03
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deer3212my system goes to standby after 20 sec....after today update...help04:49
deer3212sorry...after 30 sec04:51
deer3212stand by or sleep....I checked the power setting and nothing is checked.04:51
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KRFwhen trying to run "aptitude full-upgrade" i always get this: http://pastebin.com/BYPestEj - what are lines 19ff trying to tell me here?06:37
KRFwith apt-get upgrade it suggests to upgrade just a subset of the packages and seems to ignore others06:38
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vibhavCan Ubuntu Software Center run on Kubuntu?07:04
jalcine_I used on there for quite some time.07:13
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shainpNickServ identify 38yb2c4y07:40
bazhangshainp, /07:43
shainpYeah. Sorry, I'm a bit new to IRC.07:45
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Guest32864hi guys, anyone know how to modify device notifier so that when I plug in generic mp3 player I have the option to open amarok?08:52
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corversehi everyone09:28
brentywhats up?09:31
brentywish i could add a working trash shortcut to the desktop folder view that shows empty or full. other than a widget placed over it09:32
brentyperhaps a show trash folder check box in folder view settings for your desktop folder widget???09:37
Peace-brenty: wait09:43
brentyi made a url link to location trash:/   but it would be nice to have it show empty when it is...09:44
Peace-brenty: you need to reload09:44
Peace-brenty: i guess f509:44
brentythat link is what my desktop look like :)09:45
Peace-brenty: but here when i delete it reload the folder http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/24/plasma-desktopwv1807.png09:46
brentyah ok. i didnt mean delete it from the desktop. i meant a working trash icon that shows if its empty or filled with something.  i know that there is the trash plasma widget. just wish a url link to the trash folders icon could change and show if its empty.09:49
Peace-brenty: trash plasma widget IS an icon09:51
Peace-so this is a bitching issue09:51
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brentyyeah a url link to trash placed in the desktop folder is a plain link like any other... be nice if the icon changed to reflect empty or full,, i guess i could position the trash widget just right over where i want it :(10:03
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Peace-brenty: plasma widget does that10:05
brentyright but a trash widget placed on top of the desktop folder widget looks sloppy.  a url link to trash in desktop looks nice and fits with the rest of the things there.10:08
Peace-brenty: get a life10:09
Peace-an icon sloppy10:09
brentyyour right.10:10
brentygood news is after updates stuff doesnt stick in my task bar when closed. and bluetooth tethering with my blckberry works now..10:12
brentyapps open and close super fast. and the nintendo emulator fce ultra doesnt skip...10:13
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uoouhello, can I get a little help with the beta? I'm doing an apt-get upgrade and getting errors relating to a package called either openssl or libssl112:16
uoouin fact, the error seems to be preventing me from installing anything at all12:18
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rorkuoou: you can find help for 12.04 beta in #ubuntu+112:24
uoouthanks rork12:29
uoou(sorted it anyway)12:29
TheOneRing_hi does wubi work on windows8? I want to test it on my tablet12:49
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TheOneRinglooks like its working quite nice13:31
TheOneRinghopefully i get the buildin wlan working, a usb wlan dongle on a tablet is quite unhandy13:33
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TheOneRingnow i added the plasma active ppa hm ill need a touch keyboard13:47
gabrielegualcohi all, i'm in troubles with amd dual graphics on kde. yesterday night color definition changed in bad14:17
gabrielegualcoi tried glxgears for test, but nothing changed, still desktop with few colors14:19
gabrielegualcoanyone can help?14:19
BluesKajhi all14:21
corverseHello Linux adict14:38
corversehello test mic14:40
BluesKajcorverse,  do you have a question ?14:40
corverseyes i have, in fact many questions14:41
BluesKajone at a time then14:41
corverseblueskaj, i wanna know if i can run kubuntu alone without ubuntu? coz right now im using Kubuntu as workspace under ubuntu 11.10.14:42
BluesKajkubuntu and ubuntu are defined by their desktop environments and default apps14:44
corverseso? is it possible?14:45
corverseanyway, i am a newbie in linux14:45
Sentynelcorverse: ubuntu and kubuntu are the same thing other than the desktop environment14:45
BluesKajin other words kubuntu is based on  ubuntu , but uses a different desktop environment called KDE which in turn uses the kubuntu-desktop as it's default14:46
corverseokay got it sentynel and blueskaj..thanks 2 u guyz...anyway i love using kubuntu than ubuntu...kubuntu has great features and effects..luv it14:47
BluesKajcorverse,  good to hear :)14:49
corverseanother thing is, i installed xbmc and i want to update it to its latest version but i don't how and i don't even know what version i had installed...how can i know the version of xbmc?14:51
Sentynelhow did you install xmbc?14:52
BluesKajcorverse,  open a terminal , apt-cache policy xbmc14:52
Sentynelassuming it was via the ppa, yes, apt-cache policy14:52
corversei found it guyz...its Xbmc 11.0 RC214:53
Sentynelto update installed software, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:53
corverseyes sentynel...via ppa14:53
corversei want to know more about Kubuntu/ubuntu..i have to explore this new OS..i like this compare to windows 7...windows 7 is so boring14:55
BluesKajkubuntu has been around for 7-8 yrs , in various stages of development14:56
corverseguyz please help me with this...why i can't make update on the system?  it says proper authorization was not provided...but in Ubuntu its working fine.14:57
BluesKajyou have to provide the password after the command14:59
corverseBlueskaj, there's dialog box asking for password..15:13
corversethere's no dialog box asking for password15:13
BluesKajcorverse, using the terminal or package manager ?15:14
corverseyes the Moun Update Manager, only OK button nothing else15:15
BluesKajcorverse,  i was referring to the commands for the terminal that Sentynel gave you, above.15:19
saviocan anyone tell me why can't ubuntu have VLC 2.0.115:19
BluesKajcorverse,  unfortuntely you have to use the terminal/konsole to update and upgrade in order to bring in the fixes for muon so it runs properly15:21
corverseso, there's no way to fix this moun package manager?15:21
BluesKajsavio,  is it available in the repos , if not then it's not ready for default usage15:22
saviocan source will work15:22
savioBluesKaj: repos only contain vlc 1.1.6 something15:23
BluesKajcorverse, yes open a terminal, copy and paste this into it, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:23
corversethanks blueskaj15:24
BluesKajsavio,  vlc works fine here , on 12.04 and kde 4.8.115:25
savioBluesKaj: i'm using ubuntu 10.04 with 3.2.615:25
BluesKajvlc, is the source default15:26
savioBluesKaj: so by installing i think there will no any bug15:26
BluesKajsavio, which KDE version ?15:28
BluesKajsavio,  you should be fine15:28
savioBluesKaj: i having doubt why this people keep vlc 2.0.1 into repos for ubuntu 10.0415:29
BluesKajsavio,  don't think it's 2.0.1 , it's robly
BluesKajthe latest default vlc in the repos is akaik15:31
BluesKajas far as I know15:31
saviono it's 2.0.115:32
savioi just download that package15:32
savioand for ubuntu 10.04 there is only 1.1.615:32
saviono more update15:32
saviomention on vlc site15:33
BluesKajsavio, open your package manager and chck what the vlc default version is there, not on the vlc site15:36
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BluesKajto be safe you should run the defsault version that's ion your kubuntu version repository , not a development version that hasn't been tested thoroughly on your distro version15:40
BluesKajsavio, ^15:40
savioBluesKaj: what should probably happen if i use other version than repos15:41
BluesKajcrashes etc15:41
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savioBluesKaj: what you suggest should i try it15:43
BluesKajsavio,  try 2.0.1 ? That's your call. Don't know why you would want VLC 's  options and functions changes very little from one version to another15:45
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BluesKajDon't know why you would want to ,..15:46
saviojust for trying something new15:48
* BluesKaj shrugs15:50
TheOneRinghm I added the plasma active ppa, installed plasma-active and kubuntu-active-settings16:21
TheOneRingafter loging in I see  the new splash screen but then the it looks like plasma active crashes or something like that16:21
TheOneRingI can only see the aplications started from my kdesession16:22
TheOneRinghm  and no virtual keyboard16:22
TheOneRingany ideas?16:28
lordievaderdo you still see your panel?16:28
TheOneRingonly a black screen with some applications open16:29
TheOneRingdid I miss to install a essential plasma active package?16:29
lordievaderhmm, i had a similair problem earlier today, updated my system and all i got when i logged on was a wallpaper. fixed it by renaming the .kde folder to .kde-old and rebooting.16:30
TheOneRinghm ok 'll try it16:30
lordievaderthis will reset everything... seemed the old settings where not compatible with the update.16:30
ubottuste_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:30
BluesKajste_,  why do you think this is a file sharingh channell, who sent you here?16:32
BluesKajsick of these italian guys thinking kubuntu is file sharing16:32
TheOneRinglordievader: how to get a touch keyboard?16:33
ste_scusa,ho sbagliato applicazione,facevo multi tasking16:33
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:34
TheOneRinghm still a black screen after moving .kde16:34
lordievaderTheOneRing: hmm not sure, i want to look it up but it seems my panel crashed...16:35
lordievaderTheOneRing: sorry16:35
TheOneRingat least I can login via ssh now so for updates I can try it withou the usb hub :P16:37
lordievaderTheOneRing: the command for a virtual keyboard is: kvkbd16:37
TheOneRinghm sounds like I need a usb keyboard to start the virtual :P16:38
lordievaderTheOneRing: or use the ssh16:38
lordievaderTheOneRing: using "export DISPLAY=:0", with that you can launch applications that require a screen.16:39
TheOneRingah nice16:39
TheOneRinggood to know16:39
TheOneRingok so if plasma active crashed it there a way to start it without calling startactive? something like plasma-desktop?16:39
lordievadernot to my knowlege, but then again i have not used kde all too much... perhaps some one else here knows?16:40
BluesKajlordievader, TheOneRing , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146924316:49
TheOneRingnot exactly what I need16:51
TheOneRingI havend removed any panels16:51
TheOneRingI just dont have any16:51
lordievadermy setup works quite, eh, well. not as stable as i am used to, but perhaps that is me..16:52
lordievaderTheOneRing: still no fix? have you tried going back to the older version of plasma?16:53
TheOneRingplasma desktop works16:55
BluesKajTheOneRing,  right click on the desktop choose "add panel"16:55
TheOneRingI have no desktop16:55
TheOneRingwhen I login with plasma active16:55
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BluesKajwhy this plasma active anyway ..what are the advantages over a normal panel , TheOneRing?17:00
TheOneRingits a tablet and the normal navigation items dont support touch17:01
TheOneRingonly okular17:02
lordievaderah so that is why you needed the virtual keyboard. but wait a minute you are running kubuntu on a tablet, nice!17:03
BluesKajTheOneRing,  ok, maybe ppl should indicate that a tablet is the device in question . We don't get many questions about them here17:04
licensedomg! mp3 player suggestion: qmmp!! cool17:05
BluesKajbut I imagine we will be with the proliferation them on the market17:05
licensedfor audacious fans17:05
TheOneRinglordievader: I even installed it with wubi on windows8 on the normal windows partition17:06
TheOneRingbecause grub doesnt support touch jet I had to do it this way to be able to dual boot17:06
lordievaderTheOneRing: what kind of a tablet is it?17:06
TheOneRingdell latitude st17:06
lordievaderlooking quite nice, just like a small pc17:07
BluesKajno mp3s here licensed ..with the space we have on devices these days, compression isn't really required , but old habits are hard to break :)17:07
licensedBluesKaj, hahahaha do u use wav or flac?17:08
TheOneRingjust tested https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/Testing/UsingMtview and I really have all the touchpoints,  because of missing win8 drivers its the first time I really have multi touch ;)17:08
BluesKajlicensed,  wav17:08
licensedBluesKaj, flac > wav, not?17:08
licensedBluesKaj, i like mp3.. it's same quality than wav17:08
BluesKajflac is lodssles , but it's still a layer of processing17:09
BluesKajlicensed,  no it is not the same quality as wav17:09
licensedi use my hd space with important things.. documentary, e-books17:09
licensedBluesKaj, how can i hear differences about quality?17:09
licensedi have to buy a good offboard soundcard?17:09
BluesKajplay a wav file with a lot of instrumentation in it , then listen to the mush it turns into with mp3 compression , especially at rates lower then 25617:11
Sentynelmake sure you don't know which format it's playing though, or your opinions will be influenced by your preconceptions (blind test)17:15
BluesKajdecent soundcrds , speakers and headphones will show the lack of clarity with mp3 etc ...but even a crappy recording won't sound good no matter how good the equipment17:21
Sentynelin properly executed blind tests, there's no significant observed difference between uncompressed audio and mp3 or similar codecs above about 192-256kbps, though the exact point it becomes impossible to tell varies between individuals and codecs17:32
BluesKajSentynel,  yeah sure ... not the music tho , right ...gawd ..what a bunch of BS that is ..take a looka t the data loss .. preceptual dpesn't mean the listener is enjoying the music ...it's critical listening17:37
BluesKajI'm not against mp3 ..i just think it's no longer necessary , if available I prefer wav , or even analog for that matter17:39
alesanhi, is it possible to disinstall dolphin?17:40
SentynelBluesKaj: test for yourself - take the same files in wav format and encoded, let's say to 320kbps vbr mp3, as you've obviously got good audio kit and good ears, then write a script that plays them at random, without telling you which is which. write down quality comments and whether you think it's mp3 or wav for each one, and then have the script tell you which is which, and tell me how accurate you are17:40
BluesKajalesan, not without removing the kubuntu-desktop17:40
BluesKajSentynel,  go ahead be my guest ...i knowall about doube lind listening tests ,they put the lstener into work mode , unable to enjoy the music ..to me those tests lack validity ..the best test would be that the listener doesn't know that it's a test :)17:44
BluesKajSentynel,  write script yourself btw :)17:45
BluesKajerr double blind17:45
BluesKajanyway , time to go shopping for a chainsaw ...now that's gonna be good for the hearing17:46
SentynelBluesKaj: how do you propose to collect data without the listener knowing it's a test?17:46
Sentynelseems to me that if you can't tell the difference you can't tell the difference, but if you can propose a method for testing that I'm all ears17:47
DaSkreechBluesKaj: You have a court hearing?17:47
BluesKajlike i said be my guest, Sentynel , write a script17:47
BluesKajDaSkreech,  no the chainsaw is hard on the ears , is what i meant17:48
DaSkreechBluesKaj: ok that's more reassuring :)17:48
licensedBluesKaj, Sentynel oh thank you i will to try blind test (with my sister help)17:51
licensedbtw.. qmmp plays your wav files too =D it's great player for audacious fans on kde17:51
licensedand i'm sorry for my bad english17:51
emhow do i tell which version of kubuntu i have?17:53
Sentynelem: in terminal, cat /etc/lsb-release17:54
DaSkreechem: lsb_release -a17:54
emMy friend is having strange problems when he scrolls the window in an application his computer slows down too much.17:56
emsynergizm: ^17:56
synergizmhey guys im running kubuntu 11.10 and im trying to get drracket running. the software works but whenever im scrolling inside the code xorg's cpu usage jumps to 100% and everything gets laggy. i got a gforce 8600gt if that helps17:56
synergizmem: :p17:56
emDoes anyone have any ideas ?17:56
DaSkreechWhat driver are you using?17:59
DaSkreechsynergizm: That's from nvidia ?18:01
synergizmyes afaik... it was automaticaly installed from the beginning18:02
DaSkreechah ok18:02
synergizmsorry im rly new to linux... isnt there supposed to be an entry for my videocard in xorg.conf?18:04
DaSkreechbrb. Try turning off Video effects and then see if that affects the scrolling18:05
DaSkreechsynergizm: in general you don't have a xorg.conf but the nvidia drivers will create one for you18:05
emsynergizm: go to system settings > desktop effects and try clicking on 'suspend desktop effects'18:05
synergizmDaSkreech: yeah but in xorg.conf is nothing about videocard etc... :s18:06
emsynergizm: you installed the propreitary driver for your card?18:07
DaSkreechafaisk it was always installed18:07
synergizmem: disabling effects doesnt help18:10
emDaSkreech: what does the 's' in afaisk mean?18:10
DaSkreechas far as synergizm knows18:10
empropreitary drivers don't come already installed in Kubuntu do they?18:11
emsynergizm: did you check to see if there are propreitary drivers for your card?18:11
DaSkreechnot unless you specify that when you are installing18:11
synergizmi was asked if i wanted non opensource software installed18:12
DaSkreechand you said yes :)18:12
synergizmyap ^^18:12
synergizmdamn this sux i need a running drracket for my study18:17
synergizmlooks like i have to boot up win again :/18:18
Sentynelsynergizm: it may just be that racket's drawing library is slow on linux, in which case there's probably not very much you can do, if you're locket into racket18:21
synergizmSentynel: that shouldnt be the case since there are ppl using it without problems18:22
SentynelBluesKaj, licensed: I put together a quick listening test script: http://pastebin.com/990jAbKY should be fairly obvious how it works; you might want to change the playcmd at the top; it expects a single shell glob for each file path (e.g. ~/listeningtest/*.mp3) and assumes everything it's been given is really an audio file without checking18:29
emSentynel: that's not the problem because I have kubuntu 11.04 (he has 11.10) and I'm also running Drracket. No problems.18:29
Sentynelem: different graphics cards though?18:30
SentynelI'm just downloading racket to test on my system, as I'm on 11.10 with an nvidia card18:30
licensedSentynel, hahaha you make this right now?18:32
Sentynellicensed: yup18:32
licensedhahaha cool18:32
emSentynel: awesome thanks.18:34
licensedSentynel, but it's good to test with same song both quality18:34
emSentynel: yes we have different cards18:34
licensedand i didn't have good soundcard.. just motherboard onboard18:34
Sentynellicensed: well, I'd suggest getting the high quality files, then encoding them into mp3 to compare against, and giving it the relevant paths18:35
Sentynelrather than using separate files for each18:35
licensedyes good!18:35
licensedgreat idea18:35
synergizmnow i installed it using sh skript and when i start it i get the following error: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6418:36
Sentynelsynergizm: my guess is you've installed the 32 bit version on a 64 bit system, and it's trying to link against 64 bit system libraries18:36
synergizmSentynel: true but this wasnt the problem before, was it? earlier i used the package manager, didnt get this error and therefore think it installed the 64 bit version18:38
Sentynelsynergizm: the package manager will install the correct packages18:38
Sentynelsynergizm, em: okay, it's the source view in the drracket window that's lagging, right?18:40
synergizmtyping sth or scrolling makes my xorg use 100% cpu18:40
synergizmbtw wich one would be the right one for me? http://pre.racket-lang.org/installers/18:41
SentynelI doubt installing a non-packaged version will help you18:41
Sentyneland it's not lagging for me18:41
synergizmi edited my xorg.conf to get my additional mouse buttons working18:42
synergizmmight that have sth todo with this?18:42
Sentynelunlikely, but you can test18:43
Sentynelwhich gtk style are you using?18:43
Sentynel(system settings > application appearance > gtk+ appearance)18:43
himitohttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120324113203AA6WpBJ <- ¿?18:44
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Sentynelwhat nvidia driver version? (apt-cache policy nvidia-settings)18:44
synergizm Installed: 280.13-0ubuntu218:45
Sentynelhmm, okay, there's a difference18:45
SentynelI'm on 295.3318:45
synergizmhow do i update it?18:46
synergizmsorry again for being such a noob :/18:46
saviomy openGL is not working18:46
Sentynelsynergizm: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates add this ppa and update/upgrade18:46
synergizmSentynel: If you are uprading from one release to another with this PPA activated, please install the ppa-purge package and use it to downgrade everything in here beforehand. sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates will do it.  More info: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it18:49
synergizmhmm? :)18:49
Sentynelsynergizm: when you come to update to 12.04 you'll probably need to run that command before doing the update18:49
synergizmk so just go ahead then?18:50
* DasKreech hugs synergizm 18:51
DasKreechHmm think that the scandisk is stuck18:52
DasKreechThe entries processed hasn't updated in 10 minutes18:52
synergizmSentynel: done now i have to restart x?18:52
Sentynelsynergizm: yes18:52
synergizmcommand? :)18:52
Sentynelrestarting the system's the easiest, but you can also log out and then use the restart x option from the dropdown on the login screen18:53
synergizmallright so brb and thx so far :)18:54
synergizmSentynel: Installed: 295.33-0ubuntu1~oneiric~xup1  ...still same lags though :/18:59
Sentynelgah =/19:00
synergizmmy xorg still looks the same though19:01
DasKreechwhat is the output of lsmod ?19:02
synergizmthe whole thing?19:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:04
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DasKreechwell yyou are definitely using the official driver19:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:06
synergizmdamn im kinda thinking it has sth todo with the syntax highlighting19:08
synergizmokay it doesnt19:08
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DasKreechGuest73563: Don't IRC as root19:10
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DasKreechsynergizm: Dont think it does ;) Did you try turning off the desktop effects?19:10
synergizmu mean with alt+shift+f12? i tried that19:11
synergizmDasKreech: u think installing gnome and running it there would help?19:17
DasKreechsynergizm: running what?19:19
ludlowanyone alive?19:33
synergizmwell either this works out or i wont be able to boot kubuntu anymore we'll see ^^19:34
ludlowquestion: How does one update video card drivers ?19:35
ludlowI have the nvidia.run package but it requires to be running in a shell environment and now xwindows.19:35
Sentynelludlow: you don't want to use nvidia's installers, you'll break things19:36
ludlowSentynel, You know a way to update the drivers?19:36
Sentynelthis ppa has updated graphics drivers in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates19:36
ludlowSentynel,  ok I will try.  thanks19:37
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ludlowSentynel, do you know the ppa address?19:38
ludlowSy thanks19:38
synergizmlook under "adding this ppa to your system19:39
ludlowsynergizm, I did and just clicked on update.19:39
doda1hi folks19:40
ludlowonly update I got was for savage s3 lol19:41
doda1when installing kubuntu, i had problems with choosing my country, how can i test it again without installing ?19:41
synergizmludlow: first sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates 2nd: sudo apt-get update  3rd: search for nvidia in the package manager und choose update (incaste it sais updateable:19:43
Sentynelsynergizm, ludlow: just do sudo apt-get upgrade rather than opening the package manager on the 3rd step19:44
Sentynelor possibly dist-upgrade19:44
ludlowSentynel, I did that19:44
DasKreechdoda1: what would you like to test?19:45
doda1DasKreech: the kubuntu installer, the country sellection didn't include macedonia or i couldn't find it19:47
ludlowwhats the serach command for apt-get?19:47
doda1the closest thing was serbia region19:47
doda1apt-cache search19:47
Sentynelludlow: what ubuntu version are you on?19:48
Sentyneland you ran sudo apt-get update after adding the ppa?19:48
ludlowSentynel, yes19:48
Sentynelwere you actually using the nvidia drivers to start with..?19:49
Sentynelthe package is nvidia-current19:49
Sentynelif it's not offering updates, it's probably not installed to start with19:49
ludlowI'm not using the nvidia drivers right now. usually in ubuntu it will notify and let you know to upgrade if want to19:49
ludlowI thimnk I'm using the novueu or whatever they called drivers right now19:50
Sentynelthe program for that is jockey-kde, but it's easier just to install the nvidia-current package (that's all jockey will do)19:50
DasKreechdoda1: Ah Umm well if you have the time you can make a Virtual machine. But just booting up with the CD in the drive should get you the installer again19:52
ludlowI just did apt-get install nvidia*  :)19:54
doda1DasKreech: yeah but the as far as i can remember the country selection is after the partitioning19:55
DasKreechNot as far as I remember19:55
doda1i will try thanks19:56
ludlowlet me reboot to see what damage I did :)19:57
ludlowperfecto! :)20:00
DasKreechludlow: Perfect damage! Excellent!20:02
ludlowDasKreech,  works fine so far20:02
DasKreechdoda1: Ok :)20:06
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lordievaderhow are you?21:10
Whiskey`Wonkanot well21:11
lordievaderhow come?21:11
Whiskey`Wonkamuon on 12.0421:11
lordievadera disaster?21:11
Whiskey`Wonkain fact, all of 12.04 is feeling very very rough edged21:11
Whiskey`Wonkawell, muon is saying 'your package system is broken'21:12
Whiskey`Wonkait will crash, say it installed some package, but it didnt have time21:12
lordievaderI love those errors.21:12
Whiskey`Wonkareload it, and oh look package is installed but it doesnt /work/ right21:12
lordievaderand installing it through apt-get?21:12
Whiskey`Wonkaforce reinstall the package, and as long as muon doesnt crash again, its ok21:12
Whiskey`Wonkaon this install i have not touched apt-get or aptitude21:13
Whiskey`Wonkathis is a fresh install btw21:13
Whiskey`Wonka24 hours old21:13
Whiskey`Wonkaand its poor enough to make me leave kubuntu21:13
lordievaderis 12.04 in beta now btw? I had a ubuntu alpha a few weeks ago, was quite buggy, but then what do you expect...21:14
szalreport bugs, report bugs, report bugs.. that's what pre-releases are for ^^21:14
szaland discussion in #ubuntu+1 please :)21:15
lordievaderI believe I did in most cases.21:15
Whiskey`Wonkareally whats the point of this channel if not for kubuntu issues?21:16
szalWhiskey`Wonka: yes, for the officially released versions21:16
Whiskey`Wonkaszal: i see21:17
szalas of now, that includes 11.10, 11.04, 10.10, 10.04 LTS, and 8.04 LTS (the latter only for server use)21:18
Whiskey`Wonkahuh i thought i read that 12.04 LTS was out, and dl'd the isntaller, crazy me21:19
szalWhiskey`Wonka: why do you think it says 'Beta' on the tag?21:20
Whiskey`Wonkaszal: casue its release, ahahah21:20
lordievaderApril 26th it should be released21:20
szal5 days later, and they can rename it to 12.05 :P21:21
DasKreechWhiskey`Wonka: Muon has an issue that you can work around by updating it through apt-get21:22
Whiskey`WonkaDasKreech: as everyone has been saying, ubuntu+1, and ill do that21:23
DasKreechWhiskey`Wonka: Yep. Also expect +1 releases to be horribly horribly broken21:23
DasKreechthat way if they boot at all you'll be happy and surprised ^_^21:24
DasKreechI'd also say don't expect stable releases to actually be stable till 2 weeks on21:24
DasKreechalmost the same as the wait till Sp1 mentatlity in the Windows world21:24
Whiskey`WonkaDasKreech: yea, im getting that. 9 and 10 were not (quite) that bad21:25
Whiskey`Wonka11 and 12 sure are21:25
lordievaderthe alpha was quite stable, i figured it would do almost nothing, but it was as i said quite stable21:26
lordievadersure lots of programs seemed to crash without any reason but hey, it's an alpha.21:26
DasKreechWhiskey`Wonka: well you are also welcome to stay on 10 releases for another 2 or so years21:28
Whiskey`WonkaDasKreech: no, im not =)21:29
DasKreechWhiskey`Wonka: My apologies. You are free to stay on the the 10 releases for another 2 years21:30
DasKreechHi k0s21:43
ScottyKI'm currently running Kubuntu 11.10, if I wanted to take the plunge now and install 12.04, how do I trigger the update?21:45
SentynelScottyK: sudo do-release-upgrade -d tells it to update to a development release21:46
ScottyKSentynel - Thanks.21:46
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PikosI'd like to turn off samba on my laptop (KUBUNTU) do you know how to?22:12
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DasKreechPikos: service samba stop22:39
DasKreechludlow: yo22:52
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nancy--how to know how much bandwidth is used in amazons ec2 cloud. i cant find any docs help or on google  ?23:48
Riddellnancy--: run byobu23:50
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Riddellyou're more likely to get a useful answer in a server support channel, this is a desktop support channel23:50
DasKreechRiddell,nancy: Didn't quite understand that request?23:51
nancy--Riddell,  where is the bandwidth stated there.?23:53
Riddellnancy--: I'm not sure, it has various monitors on the bottom of the screen23:55
Riddellbut ask in a server channel to find out (and let me know I'm curious)23:55
DasKreechnancy--: try #ubuntu-server23:55
nancy--none for bandwidth. and whats the last moniter for?23:56
Sentynelin the panel at the bottom of byobu, the left-most items in the display on the right are ^upbandwidth kbps vdownbandwith kbps (on a pink background)23:57
Sentynelthey only appear if you're currently using measurable amounts of bandwith23:57
Sentynelif you're after historical/aggregate rather than instantaneous results, the usage reports section of the aws console will tell you23:58

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