
pilotbubhow does lub stack up to mint lxde performance wise06:25
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it14:39
MrChrisDruifwujie; this is an English support channel, I absolutely have no idea what you just said/asked14:40
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:42
MrChrisDruifSentynel; you can also direct that to a user like "!cn | wujie"14:45
=== phillw is now known as Guest34115
venik212I cannot start lubuntu-software-center-- when I try, nothing happens18:04
venik212I am also having trouble with ifup and ifdown-- I get a message telling me that ethX is not configured18:05
venik212since I am using the ipw2200 driver, which is notorious for dying, I must have a way of restarting the wireless18:06
venik212this is on a Thinkpd X41 tablet/laptop18:06
DarthBradyI have a question I can't find an answer to anywhere. Does anyone know how to add directories to the "Places" menu in the left pane of pcmanfm File Manager?19:06
wxlDarthBrady: yep-- dragon and drop ;)19:07
wxlum, maybe not that.19:07
wxlbut drag for sure :D19:07
DarthBradyyeah that doesn't work. the con just floats back to the point i drag it from19:08
wxlthat's how i got mine there :D19:08
wxljust did it again19:09
wxl11.10 here if it matters19:09
wxlpcmanfm 0.9.9-0ubuntu119:09
DarthBrady11.10 here too19:09
DarthBradywait, got it thanks19:09
DarthBradyapparently it seems youhave to drp it below the seperator line.19:10
DarthBradythanks again19:10
KelviIs there any alternative to getting television output to my computer?  I've tried XBMC, MythTV and others and none work.  Is there something within lubuntu that can help me?19:28
CatalanGuyhi, got a question: LXDE which encoding starndard has by default19:33
smile4everCatalanGuy: Unicode (so UTF-8) :)19:33
CatalanGuyso i won't have problems with namespaces19:34
CatalanGuycause i'm migrating from gnome19:34
CatalanGuyalthough I use latin special characters like ç or19:34
wxlDarthBrady: yeah forgot to mention that fact :O19:38
tyhjyydestaAny explanation why Lubuntu takes 14 sec to boot and ~ 10 to shut down, while Ubuntu takes 10 sec to boot and 4 secs to shut down ? On the same hardware. Even Windows 7 is better boot / shut down times than supposedly "performance optimized" Lubuntu19:44
tyhjyydestaAnyone else noticed that as well >19:44

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