
benonsoftwareHiya sagaci 07:24
sagacihiya benonsoftware 07:24
benonsoftwareHow are you?07:25
sagacigreat, I'm going to run an installfest that's not a fest in late May07:27
head_victimsagaci: how is it not a fest?11:44
head_victimAnything can be a fest :)11:44
sagacifest has the massive geek connotation11:45
head_victimAh yeah, my suggestion is to call it something along the lines of "Ubuntu Open Day"11:46
head_victimThe InstallFest concept didn't hit it off well up here either. People wanted to come and talk and do stuff but weren't sure because we specifically stated it was an install fest11:46
sagaciI think i'd have to run an ad in the local paper11:57
head_victimI tried to get on local radio but I listened out for a good segue but it never came.11:59
head_victimI posted to the local Lug list which actually got read which was great.12:00
sagaciyeah I think if it ran it in the paper it would be more effective since we don't really have too many lugs around this area12:04
sagaci9600 baud modems12:04
head_victimWhatever works, I know you live a few hours out of Syndey but can never remember just how rural you are/aren't12:06
sagaciexplained ubuntu/linux in a very basic sense twice today12:07
head_victimI'm slowly bringing people around at work. The hardest thing I find is getting some legitimacy. It helps that someone has just had a really good experience with an Android tablet. As much as they're not overly similar you can talk to them about how things like that are related.12:16
head_victimYou know it's time to switch off a couple of VMs when you start swapping despite having 10GB ram :/12:19
sagaciyep, it'll be interesting to see how this first one goes12:19
sagaciI doubt many people would bring in their towers but if you had a few monitors with vga cable, power, keyboard/mouse it would be easier for them12:40
head_victimI had a box of 2 setups in case people brought towers.12:42
head_victimProved useful troubleshooting a backlight bug12:42
sagaciI'd be happy to just run an open day as you said and distribute CD's at the end12:49
head_victimSounds good, when you know details let me know and we can sort out some promo stuffs12:53
sagacihead_victim: what is available, ubuntu tablecloth, etc?13:31

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