
kklimondacyphermox: what permissions are we talking about?00:38
cyphermoxkklimonda: lightdm may not be able to create system-wide connections00:46
cyphermoxkklimonda: and if it can, it means someone in the login screen could read passwords of system-wide connections, potentially00:46
kklimondacyphermox: and I guess it can't really handle its connection to the user session?00:46
cyphermoxif it's not system-wide, no00:46
cyphermoxbut if you're preseeding installs or dropping files on the FS after the install you can easily create wifi connections that way00:47
cyphermoxwhat I mean is if lightdm creates a local connection, it's only available for lightdm, unless the permissions are adjusted accordingly at the time the connection is created00:47
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* desrt wonders: should you not be able to take an ubuntu-standard install and install ubuntu-desktop and expect it to work13:35
G__81hi everyone14:33
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