
jbichaany MOTU want to rebuild a package for me?02:29
ajmitchjbicha: what is it?02:40
jbichatoonloop (for the cogl/clutter transition); it needs to be patched to build without -Werror02:40
jbichaI couldn't actually test if the thing ran afterwards since it seems to require JACK02:41
ajmitchthat does make it a bit tricky to test02:42
jbichawell without a rebuild, it segfaults because it mixes libcogl9 (from clutter) and libcogl5 which it depends on02:44
ajmitchso it currently FTBFS due to -Werror?02:44
* ajmitch will see what he can do02:45
jbichaajmitch: thanks!02:45
ajmitchis there a page on the transition tracker for this?02:45
jbichaI hadn't pursued it earlier since clutter-gst was broken on arm anyway until this week02:46
jbichano I didn't think about using that, there is http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html02:46
ajmitchok, with only 2 there it's not so bad :)02:47
ajmitchdo you just have PPU rights to -desktop & various universe packages?02:47
* ajmitch notes it has quite a few build-deps to install02:48
jbichaajmitch: I can upload to ubuntu-desktop and desktop-extra02:51
jbichathe gnome-shell build failure is bug 935124 by the way, it's nice to have that page just about empty02:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935124 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Precise) "gnome-shell version 3.3.92-0ubuntu1 FTBFS on armhf in precise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93512402:53
ajmitchtrying to turn off -Werror feels wrong02:54
jbichadoesn't that mean "fail to build on warnings"? in which case that option may be nice for alphas but I believe it's wrong for stable releases02:56
ajmitchit's failing because it's using deprecated clutter-gst functions02:56
ajmitchjbicha: mmk, stripping out -Werror looks to have been easy enough (patching configure.ac ftw) & it's showing that there are a few places using deprecated API calls, something for upstream to care about03:07
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jbichaajmitch: just opened a bug upstream to remind the devs to fix it properly :)03:13
vibhavgood morning03:14
ajmitchI've built & installed & still see bug #87447503:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 874475 in toonloop (Ubuntu) "Toonloop interface is all black (except for webcam)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87447503:14
* ajmitch doesn't see any errors aside from audio-related with it03:14
ScottKjtaylor: Is http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/numpy.html wrong or is there a "large" amount of transition work to be done for numpy?03:55
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WhoopieHi, could someone of the MOTU devs look at bugreport 913018? It would be great to get a new sflphone package which works. Thanks in advance!!!08:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913018 in sflphone (Ubuntu) "sflphoned crashed with SIGSEGV in std::__detail::_List_node_base::_M_hook()" [Medium,Confirmed]08:38
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Laneytvtime is pretty forked, both from upstream and debian (which looks a bit unmaintained)10:22
Laneyperhaps it is dead all over10:25
sivapvarmacan any one tell me how to enable local services on bluetooth in ubuntu 11.1010:26
sivapvarmaits urgent10:26
sivapvarmai need to share internet from my PC to my nokia phone10:27
vibhavsivapvarma: #ubuntu might know the answer10:35
sivapvarmajoining #ubuntu right now10:35
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jtaylorScottK: its wrong, only those using dh_numpy directly link with numpy the rest just uses the python api12:09
jtayloralso 1.6 is abi compatible so if some packages are missing the dependency they should still work12:09
jtayloronly nitime uses a feature removed from 1.6, but its only in a unimportant utility function12:10
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ScottKjtaylor: OK, so what needs doing then?  Anything?14:13
jtaylornothing really14:13
jtaylorI'm still waiting for upstream reply on nitime14:14
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PaoloRotoloHi all!18:31
brodercould i get somebody to run `syncpackage -d unstable -V 1.1-1 -b 961807 -s broder mosh` for me?19:40
broderthanks - i'm stuck without an ubuntu machine for the weekend19:43
ScottKbroder: Done.19:44
brodertumbleweed: are you planning to repoint your blueprint-to-rss scraper at uds-q?19:52
ScottKbroder: That package could stand some porting for thumb-v7 on arm.19:58
ScottKIt's in, in any case.20:00
broderScottK: yeah, i mentioned that to keith20:00
tumbleweedbroder: ah, sure20:00
ScottKbroder: The IT conditional branch failures aren't usually that hard to fix, it's just been awhile since I've seen one.20:01
* ScottK <-- Not going to do it, however.20:01
* ScottK looks at the guy who wanted it in the archive ...20:02
broderi know nothing about arm anything and have mostly been very successful at ignoring it20:02
ScottKbroder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2 should tell you enough to fix this one.20:07
broderok. i'll try to look into it20:07
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