
bazhangmultiple trolls detected04:38
ubottuCFHowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (realpoo)06:48
bazhang [Guest29238] (~simple@ Stalin vs Hitler07:18
remoteCTRL oceanare you a community? because if so you should get used to the thought that there are people who have other opinions thyn you my freind, and for that you go and kick me out of the channel?10:26
Myrttiyou are free and welcome to rant about unity in #ubuntu-offtopic10:26
Myrttiyou're not welcome to do so in #ubuntu10:26
remoteCTRLMyrtti: i am ranting about exactly nothing, that is the point there was a valid question, i answered it10:27
oCeanremoteCTRL: I don't like Unity any more than you do, and your opinion is definitely not why I muted you10:28
remoteCTRLya you muted me because i asked you to stop harrassing me10:28
Myrttiif you have issues with ops, you're welcome to join here, instead of ranting about them in #ubuntu10:29
remoteCTRLoCean: you see i dont like being bullied10:29
Myrttirants in general aren't what we want in there10:29
oCeanremoteCTRL: you don't like rules you mean?10:29
remoteCTRLMyrtti: i necer wished to discuss anythung, i never wished do cause a fuzz10:29
remoteCTRLi was asked something i asnwered.10:29
remoteCTRLoCean: i dont like your ways dude10:29
oCeanways? or rules?10:30
pangolinremoteCTRL, since you don't wish to cause a fuss, drop it and move on.10:30
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:30
pangolinthey apply to everybody.10:30
pangolinNO exceptions10:30
remoteCTRLwell... i do really hope so.10:30
remoteCTRLwell there we go "Keeping a pleasant atmosphere in #ubuntu has been the main cause for it to be such an attractive place". cannot see that in oCean's behaviuor...10:32
remoteCTRLmoving on:)10:32
pangolinCan we assume you agree to follow the guidelines?10:32
remoteCTRLpangolin: i am a perfecct guideline follower, SIR!10:34
pangolinGood to hear.10:34
remoteCTRLpangolin: yet still you claim "to keep the channel friendly and to keep people happy". as you said, the rules apply for everybody. so please dont harrass people in the channel, ok?10:35
pangolinremoteCTRL, hmm10:35
oCeanremoteCTRL: so if any channel OP is pointing out that certain behavirour is not in accordance with the guidelines, you won't react the way you did?10:35
pangolingimme a sec10:35
pangolinany channel user including op10:36
remoteCTRLoCean: first of all, i have no idea whether you are a channel op or not10:36
remoteCTRLsecond you complaint about me RANTING10:36
pangolinThis is our sandbox. We decide who we allow to play in it. if we feel you are not following our rules. You don't get to play with us any more.10:36
remoteCTRLtotally wrong choice of words, because i wasnt10:36
remoteCTRLpangolin: are you of the opinion that that is an appropriate attitude for somebody dependent to this extent on his community?10:37
pangolinI have no idea what you just said10:38
pangolinI know all the words, don't know what you meant10:38
remoteCTRLi did NOT insult anybody or anythiung else, i was NOT ranting, i was asked a question and i answered it10:38
remoteCTRLpangolin: what is it that you dont understand?10:38
pangolin"are you of the opinion that that is an appropriate attitude for somebody dependent to this extent on his community?"10:38
remoteCTRLyou said it is YOUR sandbox10:39
remoteCTRLwho are YOU?10:39
pangolinI said OUR and I am a op of #ubuntu10:39
pangolinchosen by the IRC Community council elected by the Ubuntu members.10:40
remoteCTRLso #ubuntu is you rproperty orm how may i understand this?10:40
remoteCTRLmhm i see10:40
pangolinnot mine specifically but I and other ops in this channel have been granted the authority to decide how to manage the channel.10:40
remoteCTRLso it is exactly this community who will take away your privileges very quickly if they feel that you are abusing them, right?10:40
remoteCTRLyou see i am part of your community10:41
remoteCTRLand i am not happy with oCean talking to me10:41
pangolinbut you are the one not conforming to the community guidelines.10:41
remoteCTRLiont his way10:41
remoteCTRLby answering a question in a help channel?10:42
remoteCTRLok guys, i can see this is leading nowhere... as i said, i would like to move on.10:42
pangolinyou know, this combative attitude you have. I am not liking.10:42
remoteCTRLno hard feelings10:42
remoteCTRLpangolin: so PLEASE lets stop arguing about a problem that i had with oCean, ok?10:43
remoteCTRLonce more; no hard feelings10:43
pangolinI'm not feeling comfortable with allowing you to speak in #ubuntu at this time. I'm worried you may take it out on other users because you feel we mistreated you.10:43
remoteCTRLhow did i make the impression?10:43
pangolingive it 24 hrs and we can see then about you having access to the channel.10:43
remoteCTRLmhm sure10:44
remoteCTRLif you think that would be best :D10:44
pangolinI honestly do10:44
remoteCTRLonce more the question: what makes you think i would now insult or harass anybody because i have had a problem with oCean which you have jusat made your's10:45
remoteCTRLi ma an adult and neither am i mentally sick or anything else and i can very well differenciate who i do have a problem with10:45
pangolinbecause the problem you had is not with oCean it is with how you perceived oCean treated you. He treated you the same way he would have any other user who was "ranting" about UI's10:45
remoteCTRLas far as i can see you are looking for a reason to sanction me now10:46
remoteCTRLso you are saying that you personally would have reacted in exactly the same way10:46
pangolinhad I been paying attention to #ubuntu at the time, probably would have, yes.10:47
remoteCTRLi see10:47
remoteCTRLwell take it as feedback from the cummunity that there are people who feel that this behaviour is not appropriate.10:47
pangolinWe will take that into consideration.10:48
Myrttilet's take a step back and look at the big picture: since Unity was made the default UI for Ubuntu, we've had people come in and give us all levels of "feedback" about it. Not support questions or problems, "feedback". Usually ranting.10:48
remoteCTRLthank you10:48
remoteCTRLMyrtti: i am sorry about that10:48
remoteCTRLfor sure you guys put alot of effort into it10:48
remoteCTRLand i am sure that you would therefore prefer to hear constructive criticism10:49
Myrttiand because the channel is - nowadays and for several years now - been strictly support only, having this "feedback" in the channel does make the support ever so harder10:49
Myrttiwe're not the receptable for constructive criticism.10:49
remoteCTRLyou should anyways not take it personally10:49
Myrttimost of the people on the channel have no way of dealing with it, or making things better - as it's only support channel10:49
Myrttiif you have constructive criticism to give, please do so in appointed areas - bug reports, mailing lists or developer channels.10:50
remoteCTRLmhm yet still i am unter the impression that there are also developers here? at leas occasionaly? i talked to one once, his name just escapes me...10:50
Myrttioccasionally yes - but still in supporter role as no development work is done in #ubuntu10:51
remoteCTRLMyrtti: please. folks. take into consideratin what i keep saying: it wasn't about criticism or ranting, SOMEBODY ASKED A QUESTION. I ANSERED IT.10:51
pangolinThe thing is that it is not the right channel for discussing preferred UI's10:52
remoteCTRLlook guys, i am a systems op at out local university, and i have been contirbuting to the community ON A DAILY BASIS10:52
remoteCTRLi think so too10:52
remoteCTRLand that is why i also think that i should be allowed to speak my mind10:52
pangolinwe don't use a karma system, 1 good != right to 1 bad10:52
remoteCTRLand then ok, next time somebody asks for alternatives for a desktop i will ask him to join 'offtpoic right away, just as i did like 3 minutes before that with one other guy10:53
pangolinthat is all we ask10:53
remoteCTRLso are we clear?10:53
remoteCTRLall i ask is to be treated politely:)10:53
oCeanremoteCTRL: Can you accept that, if anyone, not just ops, but anyone is asking you to stop discussing a certain topic, or certain behaviour, we expect you to do so? And not talkback like "i can do without you policing me every two minutes"10:56
oCeanAnd if you feel mistreated in any way, you /join here, in stead of starting an argument?10:56
remoteCTRLoCean: i will sure do in the future10:57
remoteCTRLjoin here i mean *g*10:57
remoteCTRLok guys lets all calm down ok?10:57
remoteCTRLonce more10:57
remoteCTRLno hard feelings10:57
oCeanremoteCTRL: fine, I'll unmute you in #ubuntu channel, just remember if you need us, we're here10:58
remoteCTRLoCean: thank you dude, i really appreciate the offer:)10:58
oCeanremoteCTRL: you should be able to talk again10:58
oCeanremoteCTRL: If there is nothing more at this point, please note our no-idling policy for this channel11:01
remoteCTRLoh, sure, see you:)11:01
gryfollowup please http://pastebin.ca/213179312:19
pangolinyou sure that is the right link?12:20
pangolinunable to connect12:20
Myrttiantispammeta warned that etz just did the xchat-wdk exploit12:20
pangolinI don't think it was an exploit attempt12:21
Myrttiu'\U0001f3e9', u'\U0001f42d' and u'\u2708'12:22
Myrttithe first one was the one my fonts couldn't display12:23
pangolinI see a a little "devil" face, a square, and an airplane12:23
Myrttiyeah, it's the square with 01F3E9 that worries me12:25
Myrttiand the emoji as well. the plane was normal utf812:25
pangolindoesn't seem like anyone got disconnected from it12:25
pangolinaiui the exploit only affects after you click on the window it is in12:26
bazhanggood luck with that strategy14:13
ubottuIn ubottu, jamesbeebop said: What is the best IRC client?15:14
pangolinxchat foo!15:16
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1506 users, 0 overflows, 1506 limit))15:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1509 users, 0 overflows, 1509 limit))15:43
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1506 users, 0 overflows, 1506 limit))15:43
ubottulog called the ops in #ubuntu (JOHNYY)17:42
ikoniaidoru is back and on the job17:47
vibhavCan my ban on #ubuntu be removed now?17:49
ikoniavibhav: for me - no, I still don't think you listen/follow instructions, I know others may have changed their view on that, so if they are willing to accept responsability I have no issue with them removing it17:50
vibhavikonia: like?17:53
ikonialike what ?17:53
vibhavikonia: Dont listen instructions, can instance of me doing it?17:54
ikoniavibhav: yeah sure17:55
ikoniayou where told not to re-apply for membership for a couple of months until you'd done sustained contribution17:55
ikoniayou applied a month later17:55
ikonialess than that I think17:55
ikoniayou where told how to do translations on the project elky was working on and she said she'd sort it out in the morning as it was bed time17:56
ikoniainstead your hassled her "to do it now"17:56
ikoniadespite being told "wait until she's spoke to the other project memebrs"17:56
ikoniayou carried on hassling17:56
ikoniagood enough ?17:56
vibhavIS it called hassling?17:57
ikoniawhen someone has told you they will do something in $X ammount of time, or you need to wait $X ammount of time, and you ignore that and keep trying to get it done before $X has been reached17:57
vibhavTalking about sustained contribution, thats what I did17:58
ikoniano it's not17:58
ikoniayou waited 4 weeks17:58
ikoniaafter being told " a couple of months at least"17:58
vibhavBut I did contribute a lot17:58
ikoniayou seem to struggle to grasp that sustained is "a period of time with quality input" not " a lot of input in a short period of time"17:58
ikoniabut that's not the point, you asked for examples of you not listening and still being a pest - there you go, there are two examples straight from memory without me looking17:59
vibhavnevermind then17:59
oCeansrry LjL18:12
LjLi'm slow, no scripts18:13
oCean<3 scripts18:13
pangolinstupid kids want to be "hackers" but can't figure out how to install a script.18:15
SilverLionmeerkats, good evening how can we help you?19:31
meerkatsu, sorry19:33
meerkatsi have to unclick the "automatically connect to" this room19:33
SilverLionmeerkats, please do so ;)19:34
SilverLionideling is not allowed in here19:34
* jussi notes jack_sparrow active in #ubuntu20:03

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