[00:07] hi c_smith [00:19] hello [00:19] :D [00:19] finally got a stable version of my charm shipped [00:19] https://code.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/oneiric/subway/trunk [00:19] I kind of want to make more charms now [00:53] * c_smith is at Broadway Commons ahead of time [00:53] slangasek: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/orphaned_projects.png [00:53] bkerensa: you kids and your spells [00:54] nathwill: you can tell it's fictional because it doesn't say Debian *GNU*/Linux [00:54] lmao [00:54] here's the actual page, it's worth it for the image title: http://xkcd.com/306/ [00:54] nathwill, I see what you did there! XD [00:54] :P [00:55] nathwill: wanna write some system documentation? [00:55] :D [00:55] erm [00:55] perhaps. [00:56] please explain [00:56] Ubuntu is kind of behind our Doc Freeze for 12.04 was supposed to be yesterday [00:56] :D [00:56] wassa docs is needed? [00:56] release team made a exception but were still behind [00:56] nathwill: lp:ubuntu-doc [00:56] http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-docs-todo [00:56] :) [00:57] pad huh [00:57] if you look at the list you will notice I am the only one who has taken a task so far [00:57] which is not good [00:57] :P [00:57] wait a sec, that site tells me i am a member of ubuntu-etherpad [00:57] wtf [00:57] you are [00:57] :D [00:58] hmm no you are not [00:58] :D [01:00] see [01:01] man, you're gonna make me fire up a VM... [01:03] nathwill: You should do it for FOSS [01:03] :D [01:04] haha [01:04] my new slogan "do it for the FOSS" [01:04] Just Do It! [01:04] my coworkers have a slogan they like to use around me... "FOSS is dead" [01:04] :D [01:04] lol [01:04] i think they enjoy watching my eye twitch [01:05] alrighty folks. i'm headed home, will probably be on later. enjoy! [01:16] yay for improperly configured ssh route [05:41] Hell Budget [05:42] Hello* [05:51] heyo, bkerensa! :D [05:53] c_smith: hello [05:55] Well I am off for some reading then bed [05:59] cya [06:00] * c_smith goes to watch some Big Think vids from Michio Kaku [10:01] meh, sleepless night. >.< [22:41] Good Afternoon All === bkerensa changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-or to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Oregon Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: http://ubuntu-oregon.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | IRC Meeting 2nd Sunday of Every Month @ 7pm | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | Precise Release Party Coming Up! -> http://j.mp/PreciseParty [23:13] hello