
cjohnstonmhall119: is there a way to tell how many hundreds of thousands of lines my merge was?01:11
cjohnstonmhall119: don't shoot me for a 2000 line merge01:14
Amozcjohnston: oh hai, trying out subway IRC09:48
cjohnstonAmoz:  your server was down last night when I got home13:07
cjohnstonAmoz:  I'm off to do stuff with the kids this morning13:07
cjohnstondo you have any known issues with the theme13:07
Amozcjohnston: ah, sorry I didn't leave it on. I don't want the builtin server to be activated for too long. I need to fix a real django environment for deployment14:28
Amozcjohnston:hmm not afaik14:29
=== mars is now known as Guest83177
cjohnstonAmoz: sounds good..15:53
cjohnstonAmoz: are you around still?15:53
cjohnstonAmoz: you have a mod_python error17:14
Amozi know17:19
AmozI'm setting up wsgi17:19
Amozcjohnston, hmm, how do I get the virtualenv stuff deployed in the real world?17:27
Amozthe south module e.g. ?17:27
cjohnstonAmoz: that I don't know17:27
cjohnstonmaybe imbrandon does17:28
cjohnstonI just got it running on my site17:28
cjohnstonbut it isnt using vitrualenv17:28
cjohnstonand mhall119 already had summit.chrisjohnston.org working17:29
cjohnstonAmoz: linaro.chrisjohnston.org is using your changes17:30
cjohnstonso a few fixes that I see off the top17:30
cjohnstonThe ubuntu logo needs to be the linaro connect logo17:30
cjohnstonremove the logo from the footer completely, they dont want it17:31
cjohnstonthe extra.css stuff isnt getting used for some reason17:31
cjohnstonyou dont seem to have copied over the current lp:ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme17:33
cjohnstonthere are some fixes that are missing17:33
cjohnstonI need to go jump in the shower.. I'll be back in a bit17:34
cjohnstonI'm back Amoz17:54
Amozcjohnston extra.css ?17:55
Amozit's used17:56
Amozotherwise stuff wouldn't be green17:56
cjohnstonthe actions box is supposed to have a grey background17:56
Amozthere's no styles for that in extra_styles.css afaik17:57
cjohnstonAmoz: I think your going to need to merge lp:ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme into your branch17:58
cjohnstonyour branch is old and missing a bunch of stuff17:58
Amozcjohnston, i get a lot of conflicts trying to merge that one18:02
Amozit's probably better to start out from that branch and manually do the linaro changes18:03
cjohnstonAmoz: if I were you, I would pull a fresh branch of the old linaro theme, merge in the new ubuntu theme, then copy from your current branch the linaro changes18:03
Amozyou mean, this one ? lp:~linaro-infrastructure/ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-linaro-theme18:04
Amozand then lp:ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme18:04
cjohnstonyes.. bzr branch ^^     bzr merge lp:ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme18:04
cjohnstonthen copy the changes you already made over18:04
Amozwill try later18:04
cjohnstonmake sure to bzr rm the ubuntu stuff htat isnt needed18:05
Amozubuntu logo etc. ?18:05
cjohnstonthe ubuntu logo18:05
cjohnstonthe orange header backgroudn18:05
AmozI should let the old default.css stay, if I forgot to put styles in extra_styles.css18:16
cjohnstonAmoz: ping19:56
Amozcjohnston pong20:53
cjohnstonAmoz:  when do you think you will be able to look at the linaro theme some more?20:54
Amozas soon as you fix my django server ^^21:13
Amozmy god21:25
Amozsubway IRC is quite unstable21:25
Amozbut it's wonderful at the same time21:25
AmozI'd love to see some more features tho21:25
cjohnstonAmoz:  do you want access to my server21:25
Amozdo you have a django server setup correctly?21:26
cjohnstonthere are posts out there that explain how to do it21:26
AmozI know21:26
cjohnstonyes.. but not through virtualenv21:27
Amozso how did you get it to work then?21:27
Amozthe south module e.g.21:27
cjohnstonmhall119 did it21:28
cjohnstonI.can give you the bash history21:28
Amozooh you21:30
Amozyes please21:30
Amozcjohnston: thx21:42
cjohnstonAmoz: any help?22:08
Amozdo I really need postgre?22:09
cjohnstonyou can use mysql22:09
Amozsqlite ?22:09
AmozOperationalError at / unable to open database file22:45
Amozokay, please let me use your server instead22:45
AmozI'm sick of this :P22:45
Amozit's fun at firt22:46
Amozthen it's just.. annoyinh22:46
cjohnstonok.. one sec22:46
cjohnstonwhats your lp id again22:46
Amozcjohnston: why? :P22:49
cjohnstonssh id22:49
cjohnstonssh ubuntu@summit.chrisjohnston.org22:51
cjohnstonit should dump you into byobu22:51
cjohnstonI started with a clean old linaro theme, and merged in the new ubuntu theme22:51
cjohnstonthere are 8 conflicts22:51
cjohnstonbbiaf, dinner22:52
Amozcjohnston: hmm, exactly what was missing compared to the new lightthemes?23:16
Amozin linaro23:16
Amozalso, the conflicts are mostly fileconflicts23:16
cjohnstonthe website_base.html was wrong23:17
cjohnstonextra_styles.css was wrong23:17
cjohnstoni assume that the form css changes in core.css23:18
Amozthe website_base is easily copied23:25
Amozin my branch i mean23:25
AmozI think it's easier to just start out from my branch, after fixing those things23:25
cjohnstontechnically you could just copy over all the core files website_base and any images that are required.. and extra_styles23:26
AmozI must be tired23:28
Amozwhich branch are you referring to as "wrong" ?23:28
Amoz"website_base.html was wrong"23:28
cjohnstonremember how there was that row thing in website_base.html that was causing me issues?23:30
cjohnstonthat has that23:30
AmozI dont remember what was wrong, could you show me?23:31
cjohnstonthere may be more23:33
cjohnstonand I know that the extra styles is missing stuff.. and then i made changes to core.css after the other changes that its missing23:34
cjohnstonso i assume its missing those as well23:34
cjohnstonon http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fougner/+junk/light-django-linaro-theme-new-design/changes if you just download the website_base.html, core*.css, and extra_styles.css and replace yours with the ones in the ubuntu branch i think you will pick everything up23:35
Amozwe have too much branches now23:37
Amozwe should merge and push to trunk as soon as something is "progressed"23:37
Amozit'll be so much easier imo23:37
Amozthat way we can branch just one branch23:38
Amozand base all our work from one single branch23:38
Amozinstead of having lots of different branches with diverging-problems23:38
cjohnstonthats where team branches come in handy..23:39
Amozso from the turnk23:41
AmozI should take the core files23:41
cjohnstoncore* website_base extra_css23:42
cjohnstonextra sytles23:42
Amozyou want me to commit and push?23:51
cjohnstonAmoz: did you do it on your server or mine23:52
Amozfeel more comfortable breaking stuff on my own server23:52
Amozand I really don't need the django-server, I would just be nice to have it up 24/7 on a real ting23:53
Amoznot the builtin django dev server23:53
Amozbut till I figure the djangoserver out I'll have to live with it23:53
Amozin my branch23:54
cjohnstonask mhall119 on Monday23:54
Amozstill need to remove the old files23:54
Amozbut it's 1am now23:54
Amozneed sleep23:54
Amozgnite man23:54
cjohnstonill work on it and tell you what branch to merge in in the mornin23:55
Amozokay, sounds goo23:55

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