
bjsniderodd to use both an unstable distro and a ppa00:00
bjsniderbut they knows what they likes i guess00:01
Sarvattwell its not as big a deal for fglrx because the stuff from amd.com works fine if you build debs, no options on nvidia :)00:01
Sarvattoutside of learning how to package it yourself00:01
Sarvattand 295.20 is severely busted with gnome-shell00:02
Sarvattall fixed up in .3300:02
bjsniderok, sent in driver and nvidia-settings00:06
Sarvattbjsnider: if its a pain in the butt just dont bother, it'll most likely be up on monday00:06
bjsniderfrom the looks of the build farm it will be built very quickly00:07
Sarvattholy crap, never seen the queue that empty00:07
Sarvattmust not have been any kernel SRU's this week00:08
Sarvattthey pull off the buildds to do SRU testing and the queues build up all the time :(00:08
bjsniderit was backed up hours last night though00:09
cndbryceh, just to note, I'm ok with this weather :)00:09
cndbtw, I may have a fix for bug 93139700:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 931397 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Precise) "Xorg crashes with AutoAddDevices "false"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93139700:10
cndI found a couple input commits that use the new input option abi00:10
brycehcnd, told ya it'd turn around ;-)  the ball in the sky's only temporary though00:10
cndwhich bit us because the old input option abi had no type safety /o\00:11
brycehcnd, awesome!00:11
brycehcnd, aha, yeah we were wondering if something like that could be the case00:11
cndeverything is passed around as opaque pointers for no good reason00:12
cndand then casted to the appropriate type inside the functions00:12
cndand the real issue, IIUC, is that the new abi is based on the general xf86Option abi00:14
cndrather than an input-specific option api00:14
cndso upstream just switched to using the general option api00:15
* bryceh nods00:15
cndif they had added or modified the option api, it might have been caught easier00:15
cndat least things will be better in the future :)00:15
brycehcnd, totally.  Any chance this might solve some of our other xserver bugs in precise?00:16
cndthis particular bug only manifests at start up00:16
cndat device initialization time00:16
cndspecifically master and Xtest device init time00:16
brycehwell, once you have a solid patch lemme know and I can troll around a bit for bugs00:17
Sarvattcnd: thats freaking awesome, i've been going over the changes between the two abis trying to figure out what changed to make it work in 1.12 and not in ours and drawing frigging blanks00:17
cndneed to revert these two commits in our packaging branch:00:17
cndbryceh, this could be related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/94602800:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 946028 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT "free(): invalid pointer" from xf86optionListFree" [High,Confirmed]00:18
Sarvattoh no wonder i had no luck, i was looking for differences in NewInputDeviceRequest from hw/xfree86/common/xf86Xinput.c compared to our patched server00:21
Sarvattand am a dunce :)00:21
cndbryceh, what do you think we should do with this fix?00:28
cndI think it's a candidate for beta 2 freeze exception00:28
brycehI do too00:30
brycehcnd, is it literally just reverting those two commits?  or is any additional code needed?00:31
brycehif it's just reverts I think getting it in asap is the way to go00:31
cndjust reverting those commits for this particular bug00:31
cndI can't guarantee there are no other issues lurking elsewhere though00:31
brycehotherwise, we might want to stick it in a ppa for extra testing first00:31
cndI think it's an obvious fix00:32
brycehcnd, ok00:32
cndone would hope that things couldn't get worse00:33
cndbut we're dealing with type-unsafe pointer passing00:33
cndso it's possible that we fix one bug but expose a worse one00:33
brycehcnd, well the AutoAddDevices bug I'm actually not too concerned with as it's a really minor corner case00:33
cndbryceh, I'm not exactly sure why the autoadddevices option causes the bug though00:34
cndit may be that there are multiple ways to trigger it00:34
cndmultiple conf file options00:34
Sarvattcnd: people wont be using xorg.conf's breaking things with the beta for the most part i wouldn't imagine, directly after beta 2 releases sounds good to me personally00:34
brycehcnd, but I think it's exposing a deeper problem, and I think you may have a hook into it.  I have a hope that if we can address what causes the xorg.conf problem it might shed light on some of the other SIGABRT bugs we've been getting lately00:34
brycehpost-beta2 sounds like a good plan to me too00:35
cndI guess my main question is: why does it *only* appear when the option is used00:35
cndbecause the core and xtest devices are always created00:35
cndwhich is where this bug hits00:35
Sarvattthen again, there will be respins up until monday probably00:35
Sarvattso maybe it would be ok to get it in, it is a good fix :)00:36
brycehyeah commit reverts generally tend to be unlikely to  cause regressions, sort of by definition :-)00:38
cndhmm... well, I'm testing it more00:38
cndand now my kb won't work :)00:38
cndoh right00:39
cndI have autoadddevices = false00:39
cndimagine that, it works after commenting that out :)00:39
Sarvattcnd: you're probably the only one who can judge how risky it is, from what i gathered from #ubuntu-desktop talk earlier it should be ok if you deem it really important before monday :)00:41
cndok, I've committed the changes to the repo00:41
cndlet me try to reason why it wasn't occurring during normal startup00:41
Sarvatti've got it building to test on all my machines just to make sure it doesn't screw up00:42
cndok, I think I see what's going on00:50
cndif you don't have AutoAddDevices turned on, the server will instantiate core devices at startup00:51
cndoops, I mean it will instantiate a built-in default00:51
cndthe core devices are always created00:51
cndbut the issue is the built-in default00:52
cndthe built-in default mouse driver is noted saved in xf86ConfigLayout.inputs00:52
cndthen in InitInput, any saved devices are turned into real devices by creating xf86 input options00:53
cndand that's where we were using the wrong abi00:53
cndhowever, if we are instantiating devices normally, through hotplug, the built-in default isn't set up, and isn't created in InitInput00:54
cndit's created through some other mechanism that is probably *not* broken00:54
cndI think this would also apply to anyone who is specifying devices manually in xorg.conf00:55
cndare there any use cases for that?00:55
cndif not, then I propose leaving this till after beta 200:56
cndbryceh, Sarvatt ^^?00:56
brycehcnd, yes leave to post-beta200:57
brycehbut yeah I think some of our bugs may well be from people specifying devices manually.  I'd have to review them to be sure though.00:57
* bryceh -> EOD00:58
cndbug 954745 is a dupe01:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 931397 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #954745 Xorg crashes with AutoAddDevices "false"" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93139701:03
FernandoMiguelBoa noite01:28
Sarvattcnd: looks like its absolutely only for people manually using an xorg.conf to me, noone testing a beta 2 livecd or new install there will hit it, upgraders will still hit the same bug they've always had, uploading the day beta 2 releases would be just as good without the hassle IMO02:56
Sarvattin the same vein it wont affect autoconfig everyone using the livecd is using so its just as good to go in now though :)03:00
Sarvattits just, are the beta 2 livecds final now? i'm not sure how locked down things really are03:02
Sarvattthe first thing someone installing mythubuntu beta 2 is going to try to do is configure their remote via xorg.conf03:04
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Sarvatt-rw------- 1 sarvatt sarvatt 75M Mar 24 16:13 /home/sarvatt/.xsession-errors oh fun20:14
Sarvattalmost all grail warnings20:17
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/gesture.cpp:CheckOwned:290): failed to get touch 100 from frame, gesture 1199 marked as not owned20:18
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/slice.cpp:GetValues:199): failed to get touch from frame20:18
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/slice.cpp:GetValues:199): failed to get touch from frame20:18
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/slice.cpp:GetValues:230): failed to get touch from frame20:18
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/slice.cpp:GetValues:230): failed to get touch from frame20:18
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/slice.cpp:CheckGestureEnd:392): failed to get touch from frame by id20:18
SarvattGRAIL WARNING (v3/slice.cpp:CheckGestureEnd:392): failed to get touch from frame by id20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964135 in utouch-grail (Ubuntu) "Grail warnings are excessively verbose in ~/.xsession-errors" [Undecided,New]20:28

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