
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
knomeochosi, on monday, or tuesday, shall we look at the countdown banners and finalize them so i can tell IS to upload them along with a script to xubuntu.org18:03
knomehey j1mc :)18:04
j1mcheya knome 18:06
knomenot bad at all19:07
astraljavaYeah, pretty cool. I just don't have any desktop area visible, like, ever. So I won't bother. :)19:09
knomei suppose that was partly for the ongoing discussion whether to have some conky stuff by default19:10
astraljavaAhh... sorry for interfering, then.19:10
knomenot that this helps at all deciding yes/no, but if we decide 'yes'....19:10
knomeheh, np19:10
knomebut yeah, that's a consideration19:10
knomedo people really have empty desktop space19:11
knomeif not, why bother19:11
knomeeven if it made them look at their desktop more...19:11
knome...doesn't that just make them less effective?19:11
astraljavaI'd vote ±0 for that reason.19:11
astraljavaYeah, that's true.19:11
astraljavaBut then some people have big enough screens, and only one or two windows open at any given time, then it's possible to preserve some space to show that on.19:12
* knome whistles19:12
knomeanyway, bbl19:19
knomesee you19:19
j1mcknome: did you create some cool wallpaper for xubuntu 12.04? 19:29
knomemr_pouit, you there?23:08
knomemr_pouit, we need to touch the xubuntu docs package to update the logo and the color scheme a bit23:13

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