
kbulgrien$ bzr status --no-recurse00:54
kbulgrienbzr: ERROR: no such option: --no-recurse00:54
kbulgrien$ bzr status --no-recurse00:54
kbulgrienbzr: ERROR: no such option: --no-recurse00:54
kbulgrienjelmer: no00:55
kbulgrien$ bzr status --no-recurse00:55
kbulgrienbzr: ERROR: no such option: --no-recurse00:55
jelmerkbulgrien: I get the point, no need to repeat it three times :)00:55
jelmerkbulgrien: I must be mistaken, I thought bzr status had a --no-recurse option too00:55
kbulgrienwas scrolled up and thought middle click wasn't pasting.00:56
kbulgrienwell, it gets annoyed when there is read-only stuff... haven't figured out if it bails or simply reports problem, but --no-recurse would avoid that.00:57
jelmerkbulgrien: what kind of read-only stuff? bzr status shouldn't write to any files in the working tree00:58
kbulgrienweigon sure comes and goes a lot00:58
jelmerweigon: ayt?00:58
kbulgrienwell, again, regarding ro stuff, its stuff that is probably atypical of what most people do.00:59
kbulgrienI'm just changing what I used to do with another vcs over to bzr.01:00
jelmerkbulgrien: how is bzr complaining though/01:00
kbulgrien$ bzr status *01:00
kbulgrienbzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/shorewall/hosts'01:00
jelmerkbulgrien: ah, not readable at all01:01
jelmerthat's different from readonly :)01:01
kbulgrienprobably another reason I need to look at etc keeper if I am going to use bzr for this01:01
kbulgrienyeah, punchy. sorry.  been working in the yard all day. am beat.01:02
jelmerkbulgrien: and .bzr/ is readable?01:02
jelmerkbulgrien: why isn't /etc/shorewall/hosts not openable in tha tcase?01:03
jelmerpresumably it has the same data as /etc/shorewall/hosts01:03
kbulgrienbecause I am not root01:03
jelmerkbulgrien: but why is .bzr/ readable for non-root in that case?01:04
jelmerkbulgrien: presumably that would allow you to get at data that is otherwise only accessible for root01:04
kbulgrienI only use it when absolutely necessary01:04
kbulgrienso for controlling those files I sudo, otherwise I work as sysadmin user.01:05
kbulgrienThat's fine for everything else, but a pain when checking status.01:05
kbulgrienIt's ok... as long as it isn'01:05
kbulgrient bailing out.01:05
kbulgrienBut then I'd guess if it wasn't bailing out it would have showed all the stuff.01:06
jelmerkbulgrien: why is that file not readable then though?01:06
kbulgrienall /etc/shorewall is rw root.01:07
kbulgrienI was wanting status in /etc, not etc/shorewall.01:07
kbulgrienI didn't need sudo in /etc01:07
kbulgrienSo I didn't use it, but then it recursed and apparently is bailing out on the unreadable.01:08
jelmerkbulgrien: why is it not readable for regular users I mean? Presumably they can get at its contents from .bzr/ anyway.01:08
jelmerlifeless: ping01:08
kbulgrienbzr is operator.root 770, so no, regular users can't get to it.01:09
jelmerlifeless: can you perhaps ban weigon, he isn't responding and has been reconnecting every two or three minutes for the last day or so01:09
jelmerkbulgrien: then how do you expect 'bzr status' to work as regular user? It needs to access .bzr/01:09
kbulgrienI'm tempted to say forget it, but, I expect to have to do some magic to check status of /etc/shorewall.01:10
kbulgrienI have a little bitty front-end script that does the magic - when I need it.01:11
kbulgrienMy point was that all I wanted to do was check status of /etc, not everything underneath etc.01:11
kbulgrienThere is no way to limit bzr status to what I want to do so I don't have to use the magic unnecessasrily01:11
jelmerkbulgrien: that's bug 28788001:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 287880 in Bazaar "bzr status: add non-recursive option" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28788001:12
kbulgrienI need to get more acquainted with launchpad01:12
jelmerI think the permissions is a different issue though, but I don't really understand what you're trying to do01:12
kbulgrienI'm version controlling "my" edits in an OS.  someone told me I should use etckeeper for that, but I've been doing things this way for years with CVS.01:13
kbulgrienSo that's what I tried doing when I decided to jump over to bzr.01:14
kbulgrienThe frontend for bzr is tiny compared to the frontend for cvs.01:14
kbulgrienIt was also giving me a practical at-home experience with bzr to learn it.01:14
kbulgrienI have to get comfortable with it on my own before I push it up at work.01:15
kbulgrienI don' t have an bzr projects at home at the moment, other than minor server stuff.01:15
kbulgrienI realize my usecase is very odd.01:16
jelmerkbulgrien: I don't think your usecase is very odd - I'm using etckeeper too01:16
kbulgrienI just haven't tried etckeeper.01:16
jelmerkbulgrien: my /etc/.bzr/ is (intentionally) not accessible by non-root, since it versions some files that I don't want non-root users on my system to be able to access01:17
kbulgrienI fell into doing things the way I had always done them with cvs.01:17
kbulgrienI didn't even realize etckeeper was a vcs frontend until someone on here told me to look at it.01:17
jelmerkbulgrien: I think one of the differences with CVS is that CVS has a single file with the data on each versioned file. Bazaar stores information on multiple files together in single files (a pack)01:17
kbulgrienyes.  when I am doing os stuff, I have user is special.01:18
kbulgrienI never do os config as my regular user.01:18
kbulgrienI cannot even sudo with my regular user.01:18
jelmerkbulgrien: can that os config user access /etc/shorewall/hosts ?01:19
kbulgrienSo this user is non-root, so his repo and sandboxes are not accessible to anyone else.01:19
kbulgrienonly by sudo01:19
kbulgrienmy front end script stats the file, gets perms, saves them, tweaks perms so bzr can do what it wants, then puts everything back, so bzr can run non-root too.01:20
jelmerkbulgrien: that sounds like a race condition waiting to happen?01:20
kbulgriennot when I am the only admin, eh?01:20
fullermdWaiting?   :p01:20
kbulgriensure, its technically an exposure as it lowers perm tightness, but again, this user is not normal.01:22
kbulgrienall it needs is group root accessible.  other users aren't group root.01:22
jelmerkbulgrien: in that case, why doesn't your script tweak the permissions of /etc/shorewall/hosts?01:22
kbulgrienIf I was working on etc/shorewall I would have used it.01:22
kbulgrienbut I was trying to get status of say /etc/* for changes, so didn't need the frontend.01:23
kbulgrienIt would get very messy to recurse and tweak perms for stuff like that when I didn't want to do it.01:23
kbulgrienThat would be a disaster waiting to happen.01:23
kbulgrienThe only problem is that I cannot avoid recurse.01:24
jelmerkbulgrien: unlike CVS, bzr versions directories too though. so if you run 'bzr status shorewall' it will recurse into that directory01:24
jelmerkbulgrien: I think (but am not sure) if you 'bzr status FILE'  it won't access the other files in the directory01:25
kbulgrienso I tried bzr status .01:25
kbulgrienI guess I could go find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec bzr status, but that seems unreasonable.01:26
fullermdWell, since bzr versions directories, I'd half expect a non-recursive status of '.' to have to touch shorewall too (not shorewall/foo necessary, but the inode of the dir at least)01:26
jelmerkbulgrien: if you give it a directory it will report the status for that directory recursively01:26
kbulgrienI was grasping at straws and am new to bzr01:27
kbulgrienI was amazed that there was no limit recursion option.01:28
kbulgrienie. cvs recurses. but cvs has a limit recursion option.  its not the recursion that I mind.01:29
kbulgrienIt would be odd for it not to recurse.01:29
kbulgrienI limit recursion a lot when I use cvs.01:31
kbulgrienProbably because I use partial checkouts a lot.  something else that I guess bzr doesn't support.01:32
kbulgrienNot being able to do partial checkouts is something I am not sure how to work around at work.01:33
jelmerkbulgrien: there are 'views', which give you some of the properties of partial checkouts01:34
* jelmer gets some sleep.. clock just went from 1:59 to 3 here :)01:35
kbulgrienthanks, btw01:35
* kbulgrien thinks it would be nice to be able to define a view in a "reverse" mode. By specifying things that are NOT wanted.04:33
kbulgrienSome times the list of things you do not want to see is a lot smaller than what you do want to see.04:34
fullermdMmph.  Views are totally not a useful substitute for partial checkouts.04:36
kbulgrienwell, that is a given IMO04:37
kbulgrienI am having a hard time thinking about using a vcs without partial checkouts.04:37
kbulgrienAt work, we use a big repo for a product.  S/W guys don't want to see the massive VHDL area, Tool 1 guys don't want to have to deal with Tool x stuff, but we want to be able to tag the whole project easily.04:39
kbulgrienTool n has source files that can be 100's mb XML.  one guy works with that.  the other 10 shouldn't have to have that checked out and updated, status'd, etc.04:40
kbulgrienI wanted to convert over to bzr, but that looks daunting without partial checkouts.04:41
kbulgrienI think I heard something about externals... might have to look into that as a possibility04:42
fullermdThere are not ungood reasons why 80% of the time, you don't really want partial checkouts.  And other as-good-or-better solutions to the remaining 10%.04:42
fullermdSo that completely covers the...   uh...  wait.  It's been a long time since I took math, but..04:43
kbulgrienI think it is a bug that bzr status doesn't return status just because it cannot read a file it tries to return status on.  It should report the problem and keep going IMO.04:49
fullermdThat does open up the possibility of a tidal wave of spam.04:53
fullermdOf course, that could probably equally well be labelled as giving a silly answer to a silly question...04:53
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
* kbulgrien thinks bzr status IS a tidal wave of SPAM. I see no good reason for bzr status to give status for the WHOLE branch by default.05:31
lifelesskbulgrien: what should be the default ?05:32
kbulgrienI never (actually I suppose almost never) want status on the whole branch when I ask for status below the top of the branch.05:32
kbulgriendefault should be status at current dir and below... a NORMAL recurse05:33
kbulgrienwhen I bzr commit a low level, it does not commit the WHOLE branch.05:33
kbulgrien(does it?)05:34
* kbulgrien is a newb. I might not have actually tried that.05:34
kbulgrienI guess bzr status . is a reasonable habit to get into, but I still don't like the default.05:37
kbulgrienI guess I can see some people might like the default in some sense.05:37
kbulgrienI say normal, like rm -rf doesn't wipe out / unless I am in root.05:39
kbulgrienThis is a default that differs from the norm of most command line tools.05:40
j605i was trying to checkout a project, but i get an error. Permission denied(Public Key). I am running the command as an administrator(using sudo). Is there a way around it?06:59
j605figured it out, had to copy my .ssh directory to /root :)07:40
fullermdkbulgrien: Actually, it _does_ commit the whole tree...14:46
fullermdkbulgrien: 's a change that took me a while to get used to coming from CVS, but I was happy for it.14:47
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pooliehi all22:37

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