
cody-somervilleWhere does Launchpad cache credentials?03:09
lifelessssl only cookies03:12
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
eLBatican't understand how to remove the 'development focus' from a branch09:06
wgranteLBati: Which project, and why do you want to do it?09:07
eLBatiwgrant, https://code.launchpad.net/domsense-agilebg-addons because we actually work on both lp:domsense-agilebg-addons  and lp:domsense-agilebg-addons/6.109:07
eLBatiso i dont want people think they have to propose merges on lp:domsense-agilebg-addons only09:08
wgranteLBati: You can select the development focus series at https://launchpad.net/domsense-agilebg-addons/+edit. But you have to have exactly one series selected.09:09
wgrantYou could possibly create a new series without a branch for that, but it seems odd that the two versions are treated exactly equally...09:10
wgrantThat's not a situation I've ever seen before.09:10
eLBatiwgrant, better if i set 6.1 for focus anyway09:11
eLBatithanks wgrant09:11
wgranteLBati: Right, that would be the normal situation.09:11
eLBatiwgrant, under 'Development focus:' i can see 'domsense-agilebg-addons trunk' too09:13
hakermaniaHello! How can I delete *all* files from a PPA? (including orig.tar.gz)? I requested deletion (is this deletion done instantly?) and then tried to upload with different orig.tar.gz file and it was reject it because it there was another orig.tar.gz file with different contents09:13
eLBatibut i dont have such a branch09:13
wgranteLBati: You can have a series without a branch.09:13
wgranteg. this is often used for planning future releases that aren't under development yet.09:14
eLBatiuh series right09:14
wgranthakermania: You need to change the version of the orig.tar.gz.09:14
wgranthakermania: You can never upload the same version with different contents; that doesn't make sense.09:14
eLBatiwgrant, thanks again09:14
hakermaniawgrant, well, what if you made a mistake in a stable version and you want to correct it, but the correction is so trivial that doesn't deserve a new version?09:15
wgranthakermania: That's a *really* bad idea. How will people know if they have the buggy version?09:16
wgrantOnce you release a tarball, it is extremely confusing and bad practice to release a different tarball as the same version.09:16
wgrantThis does mean you often get 1.0.1 releases quickly, but that's a small price to pay for not confusing everyone.09:17
hakermaniawgrant, you are right here. So should I download the already existing tarball, patch it with the change and reupload?09:17
wgranthakermania: Are you the upstream developer?09:17
hakermaniawgrant, yeah, and I never understood why or how upstream developers get rid of packaging09:18
hakermania(i hate it)09:18
wgranthakermania: Normally the packaging isn't included in the upstream tarball.09:18
hakermaniawgrant, see? all is so confusing and stuff09:18
hakermaniawgrant, the upstream tarball should contain the source only?09:19
wgranthakermania: If it's just a fix to the packaging, just reuse the existing orig.tar.gz but patch the tree before you build the source package. The diff will be included in the .diff.gz or the .debian.tar.gz.09:19
wgrantIf it's not just a packaging change, you probably want to release a new orig.tar.gz with the fix, so all users can get it.09:19
wgranthakermania: Generally, yes. That way you (and distribution maintainers) can make changes to the packaging without having to mess around with making new upstream releases.09:20
hakermaniawgrant, I will release a new orig.tar.gz file probably... Let me ask you something, how an upstream developer, not related to packaging can have somebody do the packaging for him o.O ?09:21
wgranthakermania: Eventually you get enough interested users that they just do it :)09:22
hakermaniawgrant, so, I just release new versions, point to the source and somebody randomly pick up the source, build it and get the application into the repos?09:23
wgranthakermania: You have to hope that you have sufficiently interested users, but that's how it tends to go, yes.09:25
hakermaniawgrant, aren't developers interested in seeing their app in the repos themselves? So, every application with users less than Firefox is being built by upstream?09:25
wgranthakermania: Sure, developers are often interested, but someone has to do the work. If they won't, it usually requires a user to step up and do it.09:27
hakermaniawgrant, may I do a packaging question? Always when you fix something small (in code) and you change the orig.tar.gz's version you have to point it in debian/changelog or there go only packaging related bugs.?09:29
wgranthakermania: The upstream part of the version at the top of debian/changelog has to match the orig.tar.gz version.09:37
wgranthakermania: So when you change the orig.tar.gz you have no choice but to change the changelog as well.09:37
hakermaniawgrant, I see, thanks a lot, you are very helpful :)09:37
benonsoftwareHi, for some reason LP cannot detect my GPG key fingerprint09:42
hakermaniabenonsoftware, have you imported it? Or did you initially created it on the machine you are in now?09:42
benonsoftwareI made it on the machine I'm on now09:43
hakermaniabenonsoftware, did you configure it through LP?09:43
benonsoftwareWhat do you mean?09:43
benonsoftwareI get:09:43
benonsoftwareLaunchpad could not import your OpenPGP key09:43
benonsoftware    Did you enter your complete fingerprint correctly?09:43
wgrantbenonsoftware: What's the key ID?09:43
benonsoftware EB42CC4C09:44
wgrantbenonsoftware: That's on keyserver.ubuntu.com, but it hasn't yet synced to our internal keyserver. How long ago did you upload it to keyserver.ubuntu.com?09:46
wgrantIt can sometimes take a few hours to sync across, depending on load.09:46
benonsoftwareoh, okies09:46
hakermaniawgrant, also, another confusing thing, when am I supposed to change the 0ubuntu -> 1 <- version and when the e.g. 3.01, 3.02?09:50
wgranthakermania: If the package isn't in Ubuntu, it's probably best to use something like -0ppaX, or -0{YOURUSERNAME}X09:54
wgranthakermania: X increments on each packaging change, and is reset to 1 on each new upstream version.09:55
wgrantAlso http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version for the policy for official Ubuntu packages.09:56
vprints_laptopany problems eith launchpad translation system right now?13:02
vprints_laptopstatus page does not mention anything, but i get some wierd behavior13:02
vprints_laptopfor example:13:03
vprints_laptopsays it is 0% translated, but it actually is 100 %13:03
vprints_laptopon some other package it also shows wrong numbers13:04
jelmerhi erguerghii13:22
erguerghiiI would like to report a bug (10.10 to 12.04 Beta 1)13:22
jelmererguerghii: sorry, I think I misunderstood.. I thought you were running into an issue that prevented you from using launchpad13:23
jelmererguerghii: to file a bug, you do indeed need a launchpad account13:23
erguerghiiI will try it13:24
haseebi am getting error "Permission denied (publickey).13:41
haseebbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist."13:41
nigelbhaseeb: do you have the private key of the public key upliaded to launchpad?13:58
haseebnigelb,  yes i uploaded it13:59
nigelbhaseeb: where is the private key on your machine?14:00
haseebnigelb, yes14:00
haseebnigelb,  i have run this cmd "ssh -v bazaar.launchpad.net14:01
haseeband it says "No such Launchpad account: haseeb14:01
czajkowskihaseeb: what is your email address?14:04
czajkowskihttps://launchpad.net/~haseeb  as that doesnt exist14:04
haseebczajkowski,  abdulraufhaseeb@gmail.com14:11
czajkowskihaseeb: I dont see any account there on lp with that address14:12
czajkowskihave you started at the beginging and created a lp ac14:12
haseebczajkowski,  how to know my user name?14:16
czajkowskihaseeb: you can change the display name but at present it is abdulraufhaseeb  and on irc it's haseeb14:18
czajkowskiyou can change your details by clicking on the pencil and editing them14:18
czajkowski<---offline now14:18
dobeyczajkowski: for that use case btw, answer is probably "you need to run bzr launchpad-login and provide the correct launchpad username there, if it doesn't match your local username"15:05
czajkowskidobey: cheers15:43
FrantiKseriously ? ppas ? you couldn't keep the backport name ? !19:59
* FrantiK rants and depart19:59
dobeyuh, ok20:06
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* EvilResistance is confused...20:30
EvilResistancedobey:  any idea what that guy was on about>20:31
EvilResistanceme neither... wonder wth was going on in his mind... :P20:31
dobeyi guess he confused the backports archive, and ppas20:32
EvilResistancegranted, I do my backporting within PPAs, but if it works, i usually request a backport accordingly...20:34
EvilResistance(it's how I got ZNC backported xD)20:34

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