
uBUXUBugood morning technicians04:40
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
titan_anyone to give help here?13:42
holsteintitan_: depends... just ask and see13:48
titan_need help with usb bluetooth dongle13:48
holsteinyou have referred to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup ? titan_13:49
titan_tried that but no help13:50
titan_I have lubuntu 11.1013:50
holsteintitan_: sure.. just elaborate... is the USB device showing up in lsusb? how about the output of some of the commands at that wiki page13:51
titan_D 0c10:000013:51
titan_this is the id i get13:51
titan_so yes is there13:51
titan_I installed gnome-vfs-obexftp13:55
titan_also installed all bluetooth related from synaptic13:56
titan_still can't13:56
titan_ get bluetooth to work13:56
titan__the usb donle is ok cause it's working good on win714:01
holsteintitan__: i would try #ubuntu ...sometimes i try different live CD's to check for compatibility with other kernel versions14:01
titan__no work in l;ive cd either14:02
titan__The lubuntu cd I say14:02
titan__works great with ubuntu suse fedora or other distro14:02
holsteintitan__: sure.. im saying in *other* live CD's.. the 10.04 main ubuntu... knoppix... the upcoming 12.04 release.. different kernel versions14:03
holsteintitan__: ?14:03
holsteinlubuntu = ubuntu14:03
holsteinjust customized and running LXDE instead of unity or gnome14:03
titan__I know that that's14:03
titan__that's why i get confused14:03
titan__why is not working14:04
holsteinif it works in main ubuntu 11.10, and not lubuntu 11.10, then, its just a matter of figuring out what pacakges need to be installed that are in main ubuntu that are no in lubuntu14:04
titan__you're true but i donno how to fing out14:04
holsteinmaybe http://lubuntu.net/tags/bluetooth would help14:05
titan__in ubuntu 11.10 is out of the box14:05
titan__no help here14:05
titan__tried that first thing14:05
holsteintitan__: what thing?14:06
holsteintitan__: does the device work in main ubuntu 11.10?14:06
holsteinif so, you can make it work in lubuntu14:06
titan__ with live cd14:06
titan__cause i did not made an instalkl14:06
holsteinOK... then its just a matter of learning how to communicate with the hardware14:06
titan__tried http://lubuntu.net/tags/bluetooth14:07
holsteinOK... i would find *anyone* in the mailing lists or forums using LXDE and bluetooth14:07
shareI can't connect to wireless using livecd. im using 11.1014:08
holsteini would try adding whatever GUI you use in unity14:08
titan__holstein thanks14:08
sharesomething is WRONG14:08
holsteinshare: broadcom?14:08
shareno, the wireless works, network manager doesnt make any connection14:08
sharestartx.. then.. connect to wireless AP and doesnt work14:09
holsteinshare: i dont think you can assume the wireless is "working" then, correct?14:09
holsteinshare: is this broadcom?14:10
shareholstein: dude, please...14:10
holsteinshare: i'll be idle if you need anthing :)14:10
sharethe wireless works in any decent distro14:10
shareit's not a driver problem!14:10
shareyou are pissing me off14:10
holsteinshare: if its not connecting right now though, its likely a driver issue14:10
holsteinim not saying the hardare is bad14:11
shareholstein: it recognizes14:11
sharethe wireless adapter14:11
shareit shows wireless aps14:11
sharelooks like nm-applet is bugged14:11
Toschowhen I try to start my laptop (lubuntu 11.10), it freezes after the bios-screens14:11
holsteinshare: OK.. in my first hand experience, i have changed drivers in those cases with decent luck14:12
Toschowhat can be the reason and how can I solve this problem14:12
shareI guess i should have chose Lubuntu LTS14:12
sharelubuntu sucks bye14:14
MrChrisDruifholstein; share could've been a bit more polite14:34
kosaidpohello guys14:54
phillwhi kosaidpo15:02
kosaidpophillw: supp15:02
kosaidpoim still using 11.0415:03
phillwmy usual epic fail to test something for Julien :(15:03
kosaidpowhats new in the next release ?15:03
phillwyeah, it's a paper cut in lubuntu -  a missing icon.15:03
kosaidpofail as in how15:03
kosaidpowhat you wanna do and o you get ??15:03
phillwkosaidpo: it won't even 'see' my 3G device :/15:04
MrChrisDruifAloha kosaidpo15:04
kosaidpophillw: as in it doesnt detect it ?? make a rule15:05
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: hello supp15:05
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; as in you can't see the icon15:05
MrChrisDruifNothing much15:05
kosaidpophillw: make sure it has one tho15:06
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: i guess the icone its not that important but i do agree still a detail to fix : ]15:06
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; +1 on both15:06
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: haaha ; ]15:07
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: what lubuntu version are you using ??15:07
MrChrisDruifAnd suddenly someone noticed that apt-xapian-index gets installed with default installation somehow15:07
* MrChrisDruif uses ubuntu with gnome-shell ghehe :]15:08
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: apt-xapian-index what is it for ?15:08
phillwMrChrisDruif: I'll fire an email off to Julien. At least I now have 12.04 beta2 with the staging ppa installed for the boss :)15:08
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; synaptic and update-manager I believe15:08
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kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: i see good15:09
MrChrisDruifapt-xapian-index Reverse Depends: python-apt:i386  synaptic  packagekit-backend-aptcc  packagekit-backend-apt  goplay  fuss-launcher  ept-cache  aptitude-gtk  adept  software-center  python-apt  muon-installer  muon  aptitude15:10
MrChrisDruifAt least on my system15:10
kosaidpophillw: so its an lxpanel issue ??15:10
* MrChrisDruif should try if making an icon works for fixing that bug15:11
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: so much dep15:11
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kosaidpolubuntu its one cool distro15:11
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; not depends > REVERSE depends15:12
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: reverse means what ??15:12
MrChrisDruifAka: which programs depend on it15:12
* kosaidpo still bad at english15:12
MrChrisDruifaptitude (among other things) depends on apt-xapian-index15:13
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: ahh so that axpian-apt its a dep for those packages15:13
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: i dont speak engish unless in on irc rooms or forums :S15:14
kosaidpoand the bad me never think to take this to next level in my daily life :[15:14
kosaidpohaha hers a jock15:15
MrChrisDruifHmm, it's ALL the packages in the repos that depend on it15:15
MrChrisDruifFor instance, I haven't got aptitude installed but it's still listed15:15
kosaidpoon a site for android apps and they expose a windows media player15:15
kosaidpoim wonderin ho wants to pollute its device with that MS garbage :D15:15
MrChrisDruifGhehe, is it even possible to install wmp on Android?15:16
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: apt-get suffice me15:16
MrChrisDruifAnyhow, the reason would be familiarity15:16
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: well yeh since its android apps site15:16
MrChrisDruifkosaidpo; so does it for me, I just found it odd that mentioned aptitude as reverse depend15:17
kosaidpoMrChrisDruif: agree but when you breath the freedom you never go back to the MS forest15:17
MrChrisDruifThere are people that would disagree15:17
MrChrisDruifAnyhow, would you mind /join #lubuntu-offtopic ? ^_^15:18
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
thor_phillw: BUG report. http://imagebin.org/205101 there are still no icon of driver install and LSC wont start. Made a image of it17:55
thor_It's zsync of today17:56
phillwthor_: please raise a bug report, I'm on with the http://thesii.org/Screenshot.jpg at the moment!17:56
thor_phillw i am not going to made a bug report. I am only doing it here on IRC17:58
phillwLSC is a pure lubuntu bug. and needs reporting to its creator / maintainer. Stephen is not logged on and will ne be aware of the problem unless you raise it. In which case it cannot get fixed :/17:59
phillwthor_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#Reporting_Bugs18:00
thor_phillw but libreoffice there you can make a bug report on IRC18:01
phillwthor_: I'm not running my 12.04 test rig. So I cannot raise a bug report.18:02
thor_phillw thanks18:03
cordycepseverytime I  run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade I get the response to the effect: 'everythings fine, nothing to download.' It's been like this for a couple of months. Is there something wrong here? On lubuntu-11.1020:45
holsteincordyceps: are you online? how about just sudo apt-get update20:49
cordycepsonline? I guess so. Yeah, I run update OK. Just when I run upgrade, it(the terminal) says nothing to do.20:50
cordycepsmy sources.list seems to cover all the bases.20:52
holsteincordyceps: run them seperately20:52
holsteinrun this...20:52
holsteinsudo apt-get update20:52
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade20:52
cordycepsI do that all the time. I just wrote && here to tighten things up20:53
holsteincordyceps: im just reducing variables and trying to see what is up.. you also wrote above that you are running those as a normal users20:54
cordycepssudo -i20:55
holsteincordyceps: if you dont mind, run those 2 commands.. separately, ... as root, and report20:55
cordycepsok, but I have bandwidth issues; it'll be a while20:56
holsteinif something is timing out, or you are not letting sudo apt-get update actually finish updating somehow, i wouldnt expect any upgrades20:56
cordycepsI got a big(for me) file coming down over the phone line right now. Can only IRC until that's done ;(20:57
holsteinif i had bandwidth limitations, i would likely run the LTS's, and try and download the iso iwth the upgrades in it somewhere else off site when they are updated.. like 10.04.2, 10.04.3 for example21:01
holsteinor, just not worry about it too much unless i read something about a kernel vulnerability... maybe keep the browser up to date, and flash21:02

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