
aguitelany tips in the upgrade process from 11.10 to 12.04 ?00:36
ActionParsnipaguitel: sudo do-release-upgrade -d00:38
ActionParsnipaguitel: personally I'd clean install so the LTS install doesn't have all the old release fluff in it00:38
aguitelActionParsnip, ok00:39
aguitelActionParsnip, are you using gnome ,or kde?00:39
aguiteli am in kde right now00:40
ActionParsnipaguitel: I switch between gnome+unity and LXDE00:42
bjsniderit is possible to get rid of the old fluff00:58
jswagnerbjsnider: delete and re-create your home folder?01:38
jswagnerthe new configs created would adhere to the current system defaults01:38
bjsniderthat is highly extreme01:39
jswagnerless extreme than reinstalling, which we the other option we discussed.01:39
bjsnideri was referring to doing autoremoves, ppa-purges, and searches for local packages01:39
jswagnerit sounds like you already know what your options are, then.01:40
jswagnerhowever, that wasn't the 'fluff' we were referring to in our earlier discussion01:41
bjsniderwe who?01:42
jswagnerscroll up and review01:42
bjsnideri didn't see your current alias01:42
ssfdre38hey does anyone know if there is a apt-get for php5-ftp function to be enable or do i have to build it from source?02:04
ActionParsnipssfdre38: are you using Precise?02:19
ssfdre38yes on my tower02:19
ActionParsnipssfdre38: then why ask in #ubuntu when Precise is only supported here til release day?02:20
ssfdre38cause im wondering for both 11.10 for my server and laptop and 12.04 for my tower02:20
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ssfdre38so i thought i might ask in both channels for both os02:20
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LetterRiphi all - I'm running the upcomming ubuntu - my wireless card has disappeared - this particular hardware has a known IRQ conflict between the wireless and the nvidia card04:02
LetterRipin the previous version of ubuntu - sometimes the card would usually show up04:03
LetterRiphowever since i've installed the beta it never appears04:03
LetterRipactually in the previous version usually the card would show up04:04
ActionParsnipLetterRip: does it show in dmesg anywhere?04:04
LetterRipActionParsnip: how do i check?04:04
ActionParsnipLetterRip: is the system a laptop or a desktop? Does it have a make and model?04:05
ActionParsnipLetterRip: dmesg | less       and read...04:05
LetterRiplaptop - everex xt5000t04:05
ActionParsnipLetterRip: use cursor down to scroll04:05
ActionParsnipLetterRip: why did you not mention the model, or the fact it was a laptop til just now?04:05
LetterRipi said xt5000t04:06
LetterRipfor some reason didn't occure to me that desktops now have wireless04:06
ActionParsnipLetterRip: that could be anything.04:06
LetterRipso it wouldn't be obvious that it was a laptop04:06
ActionParsnipLetterRip: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     do you see the wireless chip?04:06
LetterRipjust a sec still scrolling dmesg04:07
ActionParsnipLetterRip: according to my searching its a AR5001 but the lshw command will show what it is in your system04:07
ActionParsnipLetterRip: do you have a switch to enable/disable wifi?04:08
LetterRipyes there is a switch to enable disable04:08
LetterRipbut it is enabled04:08
LetterRipthe command sudo lshw -C network - PCI (sysfs)04:09
ActionParsnipLetterRip: it may take a while to run04:09
LetterRipbut other stuff appears on the same line04:09
LetterRipbut is over written04:09
LetterRipah nevermind04:09
LetterRipit finished04:09
LetterRipjust a sec04:09
ActionParsnipLetterRip: what is the product line for the system?04:10
ActionParsnipsorry, wireless adapter04:11
LetterRiphere is the output04:11
LetterRipit doesn't show my internal card it looks like04:11
LetterRipwhich you are right is ar500104:11
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kpowany1 knows why ubuntu 12.04 takes 30% more battery than 11.04?04:24
kpowthe nice guys at #kernel blamed the bloatware04:24
ActionParsnipkpow: try a lighter DE, it will use less power04:27
ActionParsnipkpow: using lighter apps will use less power too, using Unity2D will make the system use less power, or if you use LXDE, the default WM will be openbox which is very light04:29
kpowim using unity2d04:29
kpowand same apps compared to my 11.04 installation, and still the laptop is draining 30% more power than in 11.0404:30
ActionParsnipkpow: are there any bugs reported?04:30
kpowim pretty sure dell knows that04:31
kpowits pretty easy to find out04:31
ActionParsnipkpow: bugs reported with ubuntu, not dell04:33
kpowbut google knows... google knows everything...04:34
kpowits not ubuntu, its a kernel bug which isnt fixed in 3.204:34
kpowthere's a workaround though04:36
caf4926in beta1 the installer just gets stuck a 'copying files'04:36
caf4926is this a known issue04:37
ActionParsnipcaf4926: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?04:41
ActionParsnipcaf4926: are you installing from CD or USB?04:41
caf4926ActionParsnip: LOL yes04:41
caf4926ActionParsnip: usb04:41
ActionParsnipcaf4926: did you opt to install updates from the web?04:41
caf4926ActionParsnip: no04:41
caf4926ActionParsnip: actually I tried the latest live too and it had the same issue04:42
caf4926ActionParsnip: so I'm thinking it might be my netbook04:43
caf4926ActionParsnip: but I just wiped 11.10 away, which was all good04:43
ActionParsnipcaf4926: could try the alternate ISO, or the minimal04:50
ActionParsnipcaf4926: you could press CTRL+ALT+F1 and see what process is running with the packages04:51
ActionParsnipcaf4926: you may want to check ram and drive health04:51
ActionParsnipcaf4926: my Precise install took 2 goes tbh, worked the second time04:51
caf4926ActionParsnip: OK04:52
caf4926ActionParsnip: thanks for the advices04:53
kpowoh crap it seems i need to compile a custom kernel05:02
kpowthe power consumption bug is fixed in 3.2.5 but currently my 12.04 system runs 3.2.0-2005:03
kpowbtw there is a bug in launchpad/ubuntu about this, its an old issues and its said to be fixed in status, yet comments leave it unclear if its fixed or not, and appearently its not fixed on my dell v13105:04
ssfdre38you do know that ubuntu's 3.2.0-20 is just v3.2.12 o the kernel05:04
ssfdre38on the kernel*05:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Fix released]05:06
kpowwell it isnt fixed on my system, i will try the workaround (aspm=force)05:07
kpowpower consumption up from 1200mA to around 1600mA05:07
ssfdre38did you upgrade your system?05:08
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kpowyes from 11.04 to 12.0405:08
ssfdre38i not talking about versions im talking about system upgrade05:08
kpowits a laptop, pretty new, only change was OS version (apt-get dist-upgrade)05:09
ssfdre38do sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:10
kpowdon't tell me to sudo, im root to the bone!05:11
ssfdre38most are not so that is why i just do sudo first05:12
kpowyea well they do disallow root login in many distributions lately...05:13
kpowi already got used to do sudo su as soon as i login05:13
ssfdre38well there is a root term on ubuntub in /usr/share/applications05:14
ActionParsnipor you can make one :)05:15
ActionParsnipkpow: if you leapfrogged Oneiric then you will get issues05:15
ActionParsnipkpow: sudo -i    is advised, it will use your user's config and settings. sudo su    will use roots05:16
kpowActionParsnip, right now everything works, i had to fix some conflicts and some inexisting directories, and had an issue with some certificates not updating into the java/cacerts file, but thats it05:16
ActionParsnipkpow: but did you upgrade 11.04 to 11.10 first, then to 12.04?05:17
kpow11.04 -> 12.04 with a prayer and a keyboard05:17
ActionParsnipkpow: then your OS will havea lot of issues, leapfrogging releases is not advised at all05:17
ActionParsnipkpow: personally I'd reinstall05:18
kpowwhy it works and i was never afraid of packaging issues05:18
ActionParsnipkpow: i bet it bites you later05:18
kpowwhile ($ubuntu ~~ /works/) { use ubuntu } else { use debian }05:21
kpowis that how im supposed to use smartmatching in perl? never did b405:21
kpowwhile ($ubuntu ~~ /works/) { use ubuntu } else { use debian }05:23
kpowany1 knows what i need to do to enable hibernation on 12.04?05:39
ActionParsnipkpow: depends on the make and model05:40
kpowok thanks05:41
scarleoHello, yesterday Unity 3D broke completely for me, won't start most of the time but when it does everything is flickering and jumping around, like launcher, panel etc. And there is a huge constant shadow below panel.06:44
scarleoUnity 2D is working just fine.06:44
kpowumm, can any1 tell me why acroread has 250 dependencies i don't have on my system?07:26
kpowi just tried apt-get install acroread cuz the default e-book viewer in 12.04 doesn't work for some reason07:27
kpowi need to install 250 new packages07:27
kpowahh i got it...07:27
kpowits 32bit, with dependencies on 250 packages i have in 64bit but it needs them in 32bit07:28
beataI see that wiican has been removed according to launchpad. I'm interested in learning why, also in figuring out how to map a wiimote to custom keybindings. I had been using it as a remote control for pithos.07:46
Jordan_UAfter a recent upgrade, any time I open a new terminal I get the error "*** VTE ***: Failed to load terminal capabilities from '/etc/termcap'" and features like history via the up arrow (and probably others) are missing.08:31
graingertmy clock hasn't gone forward08:59
graingerton ubuntu08:59
graingertand now I can't SSL09:23
graingertThe OCSP response is not yet valid (contains a date in the future).09:23
c3ssocan somebody tell me in which package the file-open file-save dialog is?10:53
ironhalikc3sso: I would guess its nautilus11:01
ironhalikbut its a guess :>11:01
snadgehmm.. wobble windows is broken in the latest unity ;)11:35
snadgeopen firefox.. and it kinda wobbles as it usually does.. then bends and freezes11:35
snadgethen doesnt maximise properly.. until you click on the title and it bounces to full screen11:36
ironhalikyou should file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug compiz'11:41
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ozpyI ran an update on Ubuntu 12.04 and now can only access as guess... When accessing as main user the menus don't come out14:03
ironhalikozpy: check if you still have the ubuntu-desktop package installed14:03
ozpyhow to do that?14:04
ironhalikin terminal, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:04
ozpyWhen I'm on as main user I can't get anything to work... I just see the wall paper14:04
ozpyI have to pull out the battery to restart it14:05
ironhalikyou can do it by pressing ctrl + alt + f214:05
ironhalikand logging in14:05
ironhalikit will switch to tty14:05
DanCI'm trying to set up my HL5250DN printer in Ubuntu 12.04; Ubuntu automagically detected and configured it, but incorrectly. How can I supply my own .ppd file?14:19
* DanC used the cups web interface14:27
jelmerDanC: there should be an option for you to upload it14:30
ozpyHi... I ran an update on Ubuntu 12.04 and now I can't get the menu to work. I only see the wallpaper. I need to pull out the battery to restart it... I can only run it as guess mode14:32
ozpyI'm on guess mode right now because main user does not work14:33
ozpySomebody was helping me before but my system got in trouble14:33
Daekdroomozpy, log in your other account (use the user switcher so you can leave this chat on), press CRTL + ALT + F2, log it in there too, run 'unity --reset'. And to go back to your main session, press CRTL + ALT + F3-8 until you find it.14:35
MrChrisDruif!patience | ozpy14:35
ubottuozpy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:35
DaekdroomYou're not the first person to have this problem since the Unity 5.8 update.14:36
ozpyDaekdroom: thanks... let me see one sec14:36
MrChrisDruifDaekdroom; I guess it would be CTRL + ALT + F714:36
DaekdroomMrChrisDruif, I think that's where his guest account currently is.14:37
MrChrisDruifHis main session right?14:37
DaekdroomI meant main user. Awww.14:37
MrChrisDruifSo first F2 (Or F1-6) to fix it and then F7 to get back?14:38
DaekdroomNo. The purpose is having him check whether unity is fixed.14:38
DaekdroomSo he'd want to go to his main user's session.14:38
DaekdroomI can't remember where a 2nd X session goes. I think it's F6 but I'm not sure.14:39
ozpyDaekdroom: thanks... it did not work14:39
ozpynothing came in14:39
Daekdroomozpy, so your main user is still a wallpaper screen?14:39
ozpyI was in terminal mode14:40
ozpyI have to go now on graphical interface?14:40
DaekdroomSo you didn't check your main user after running unity --reset ?14:40
ozpyok. Let me see14:40
ozpyDaekdroom: 1) I logged in as main used 2) Ctr+Alt+F2 3) unity --reset 5) then went back to the graphical interface 6) Still nothing but wallpaper 7) Alt+Ctrl+F7 to come back as guess mode14:45
DaekdroomBut you're using Unity as a guest, correct?14:45
ozpyYes... Now I'm as guess14:45
DaekdroomThat wouldn't leave much for anything other than configuration.14:45
ozpyThe menus don't come out as main user14:46
ozpynot even the icon that are on the desktop14:46
ozpyI just see a wallpaper... I can;t click on the power icon14:46
ozpyBut when I log in as recuperation mode it works14:48
ozpythe main user works on recuperation mode14:49
ozpyLet me restart the system. give me 5 mins14:49
spacebug-when running synaptic I get a window telling me I have to autenticate for administrator rights. So far so good, but should not that window be always on top / always have focus and not beeing able to click outside of that so it looses focus?14:58
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ozpyDaekdroom: It worked now. I had to turn off and then log in as main user > ALt+cTrl+F2> unity --reset> Restart> All ok15:02
ozpyI had to do it at least 3 times and it worked in the end15:02
ozpyI have no clue why it did not work the first 2 times15:02
DaekdroomMe neither.15:03
roothorickis there a reliable way to figure out which device a given input event comes from?15:32
roothorickthere's some screen buttons on my laptop that aren't working, but I can't figure out where the bug lies15:32
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spacebug-roothorick: not sure how to track that but you can see keys if you run the program xev in a terminal and presses the keys15:43
spacebug-roothorick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Architecture    http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/xmodmap.1.html    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaKeys   these could give you some hints maybe15:47
Seven_Six_Twois there anything major missing from precise that won't be available until the official release? I'm thinking of nvidia drivers or something else major like that.16:00
kklimondaSeven_Six_Two: I don't think so16:07
Seven_Six_Twonm, but thanks kklimonda I found the tech overview16:07
Seven_Six_TwoI'm excited to see how fast the upgrade will go with a 12 mbit connection!16:11
jtaylorwith a good connection installing is what takes time, not downloading16:12
DulakI had forgotten how often the packages update in the run-up to an LTS release...  Everyday it seems I'm having to update 1/2 my system.16:12
jtaylorif you want to save time and don't care about catastrophic failure in case of a powercut you can speed it up with eatmydata16:12
Seven_Six_TwoI've never heard of eatmydata...  mysql is listed as "remove". is a different version currently available?16:15
jtaylorwhich version do you have?16:16
jtaylor5.1? 5.5 is in precise16:16
jtaylorso it will probably remove 5.1 and install 5.516:16
Seven_Six_Twooh yes. I missed it under install.16:17
Seven_Six_Twoi have a UPS, so I'm probably safer using eatmydata, but I'll stick with the standard install for now. I'm going to look in to it further though.16:19
|Long| hi, i just installed x11vnc, do i have to restart computer or is there restart service cmd?16:19
jtayloryes eatmydata should only be used if you are fine with a reinstall, any issue and you'll likely end in an irreparable state16:19
Seven_Six_Two|Long|, if it hasn't changed, x11vnc doesn't start automatically16:20
|Long|right now i cant restart computer... just hopping there is cmd to restart service for it16:21
jtaylorsudo service <service-name> restart16:22
|Long|how do i know what servive name is bud?16:22
Seven_Six_Twobut I don't think x11vnc runs as a service by default. just start it by hand in a terminal16:23
|Long|Seven_Six_Two, do you know the cmd?16:23
Seven_Six_Twothe command is x11vnc16:23
|Long|so, i do sudo x11vnc restart?16:24
Seven_Six_Twobut the first time it will probably complain about being unsafe, and give you the proper options to use16:24
Seven_Six_Two|Long|, no sudo needed, and "restart" is for services, so it's not needed. just x11vnc with whatever options you want after it16:25
Seven_Six_Two|Long|, unfortunately I'm doing a dist upgrade right now and don't have x11vnc installed so I can't look, but the man page is very clear in its instructions16:26
|Long|Seven_Six_Two, thanks16:27
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flipshm, tried the 12.04 desktop daily build installer, but it didn't seem to recognize my LVM setup. Do I need an alternate installer for that?16:38
flips(I'm currently running crunchbang debian on the laptop, would be nice to reuse /home)16:40
arandYeah, i think only alternate contains the lvm stuffs16:42
flipsno alternate installers available for Precise yet? :)16:43
Seven_Six_Twoflips, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/  has an iso16:44
flipsSeven_Six_Two: thanks ... (wonder why I didn't see that ...) Maybe I need some coffee ... ;)16:48
User_007Hello, i need help: When i login with my user, unity don't load (loads wallpaper, but just it), but unity2D load normally.17:18
User_007When i try guest user, unity just work fine,17:19
User_007i have already tried to move .config folder to another place, but it still not loading.17:20
Seven_Six_TwoUser_007, you did an upgrade, not a fresh install?17:20
User_007i did a fresh 12.04 beta1 install, but i keep my /home partition17:20
Seven_Six_Twocan you pastebin the end of your /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:21
Seven_Six_Twobut not after a successful login. do it during the fail17:22
User_007ok, wait a sec17:22
Seven_Six_Twoso much for a fast upgrade because of my connection. I'm guessing the server(s) are busy right now.17:25
Seven_Six_TwoI can barely get over 500KB/s17:26
Artemis3you tell me, i'm struggling with my upgrade :S now need to find out why firefox keeps crashing, and how to fix xfce :(17:28
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, run firefox in a terminal. you should get some output about the crash.17:29
Artemis3yes, im running with -g option... i think the problem now lies with libpthread17:31
DaekdroomWow. A lot of people have been having issues with Unity not loading since the upgrade to 5.817:31
Artemis3im reinstalling a LOT of packages, and it seems the upgrade made bad choices, some things installed i386 without the amd64 :S17:32
Artemis3and left a bunch of things unconfigured (because dependency failed, blah blah) took me a while to solve the first issues17:33
penguin42Artemis3: The dependencies with the i386 stuff still isn't great; but it can come from odd paths; typically things like browsers or codec plugins17:33
Artemis3i think more people need to install 11.10 amd64 and then upgrade, there are plenty of bugs17:34
Seven_Six_TwoI'm looking for the page now, but there was some information about upgrading amd64 and the change to multiarch17:34
Artemis3fresh install is working fine tho.17:35
Seven_Six_TwoSystems using ia32-libs must migrate to multiarch in order to upgrade to 12.0417:37
Seven_Six_TwoAptitude does not work on 64 bit systems without disabling multiarch in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch17:37
Seven_Six_Twoso I'm guessing that trying to upgrade aptitude and ia32 will cause a problem17:38
Seven_Six_Twothat's from wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview17:40
DaekdroomUse apt-get instead.17:40
Artemis3been using apt-get but maybe i did not uninstall aptitude17:40
Daekdroombug 83176817:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu Precise) "aptitude cannot handle conflicts with multiarch enabled" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83176817:40
DaekdroomYou don't have to uninstall it.17:40
DaekdroomJust don't use it.17:40
Artemis3yes never use aptitude for some reason, habits i guess17:40
pr0ph3thi all17:45
pr0ph3tis anyone using gnome-shell on Ubuntu 12.04?17:46
patr|ckpr0ph3t: describe the problem maybe17:46
Seven_Six_TwoI have a recurring problem. Every time there is a new release, my computer starts to smell funny after sitting in front of it for 2 or 3 days straight.17:49
penguin42Seven_Six_Two: Get out of the chair when you need to, well you know...17:50
Seven_Six_TwoI'm not sure what you mean. I ran dbg when the fruit flies appeared, but it didn't seem to have any effect.17:51
pr0ph3tpatr|ck, I have several problems with the extensions, they are all greyed out on the gnome-tweak-tool and I can't delete them, so I purged them with apt-get17:52
patr|ckpr0ph3t: maybe (just guessing!) they are graphics driver related. did you poke the option already that checks for more suitable drivers in the gnome-settings?17:53
patr|cksorry, gnome-control-center that is17:54
patr|ckunder hardware -> additional drivers17:54
trismpr0ph3t: they probably just need their version bumped in the metadata.json files, you can check alt+f2, lg and on the errors tab it will say 'not compatible with gnome-shell version' or similar17:55
pr0ph3ttrism, thanks it is exactly as you suggested17:57
pr0ph3tso they are all out of date and I simply cannot use extensions17:57
jbichapr0ph3t: you do know that GNOME Shell 3.4 is still in development, right?17:58
pr0ph3tjbicha, official release date is April right?17:58
trismpr0ph3t: most of my extensions worked perfectly when I fixed the version to 3.3.92 (I actually only had one that needs fixing, oh and the user-theme extension got renamed and gnome-tweak-tool hardcodes the name so you need to fix that too)18:00
jbichaGNOME itself releases next week, but give extension developers a bit of time, most distros won't have it in their stable releases until April, May, or so18:00
pr0ph3tdo you use the gnome3 and webupd8 PPAs only?18:06
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trismpr0ph3t: I don't use either18:09
pr0ph3ttrism, how do you upgrade then?18:14
pr0ph3tor update even18:15
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oconnoreHi, after restoring from a suspend, the entire top bar (with the exception of close/minimize/maximize) is not responding to mouse click. The clock is still updating, as is the battery meter, but I can't click on them, nor anything from the application menu.18:18
trismpr0ph3t: I build my own packages for them, or they are in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions, probably best to wait until 3.4 is released if you want the ppa versions18:20
pr0ph3ttrism, so the webupd8 PPA is for the extensions but you build them yourself so you get the source code and they work for you?18:31
trismpr0ph3t: after updating the shell-version in their metadata.json file, most worked, yes. most of mine are simple ui tweaks, so more complicated ones may not, depending on what changed.18:41
trismpr0ph3t: click View Source under the extension in alt+f2, lg and you'll see the file I mean18:42
scarleoHello, I have a lot of trouble with Unity 3D after an update yesterday, everything is flickering; dash, launcher and there's a constant shadow under the flickering panel.18:47
scarleoIt's the same for all users, also newly created18:47
scarleoAnyone know what might be causing it? Am I missing some package?18:50
spych102i think unity 3d is broken atm18:50
DaekdroomIt isn't.18:51
scarleoI have tried reinstalling everything Unity but that didn't help18:51
Patrickdkdoesn't sound like a unity issue18:52
Patrickdksounds like a video driver issue18:52
Patrickdkor a video card overheating18:52
scarleoI have checked temperatures, it's not a overheating. Might be the driver though18:53
spych102which driver are you using?18:53
Artemis3could anyone help me diagnose the reason firefox 11 is crashing with my linux machine? should i go with -g and provide results?18:58
scarleoxserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.17.0-1ubuntu418:58
spych102scarleo, are you able to reboot with the previous kernel version from grub?19:11
scarleospych102, I've tried previous kernels but they make no difference19:58
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glosolifinally after some updates my ACPI key for Turning Off touchpad working!! woohoo Ubuntu ;D20:29
CrippledHad to file most serious bug report (#964685) about the failure of basic Disability Accessibility functionality in 12.04. Not sure if bug report is in the right place. Any suggestions as to where it should be filed welcomed!20:33
Daekdroombug 96468520:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964685 in Ubuntu "Failed disability accessability standards - 12.04 - Live CD & Installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96468520:35
kpowoh for me it just works20:36
kpowglosoli, for me it just works, dell v13120:37
Crippled_UserAgain - as either there is a freenode issue that is a mess - or someone does not like my very accurate user name - have had to file a most serious but (#964685) concerning Disability Accessibility in 12.04. Not sure it it is correctly filed - and giving needed info for it to be addressed. Relevant feedback - advice welcome!20:42
DaekdroomCrippled_User, I think the issue with disappearing sound/power icons is a  Unity2D issue. I'm using Unity and they don't disappear when I select the High contrast themes (but they don't become high contrast either)20:42
DaekdroomI think your bug report addresses more issues than the usual bug report. The fact you can't find a package to file it against is because they're all over the place (and therefore filing it against Ubuntu seems reasonable to me).20:43
glosolikpow: never worked before for me :D20:45
DaekdroomI'm not very familiar with bug tracking, but if no one else here knows how to help you with it, you should try the #ubuntu-bugs channel.20:45
Crippled_UserWell there is an issue which starts with the Live CD and carries over to a full install ...20:45
Crippled_UserBug happens in both 3D and 2D ... it all works like a dream in 10.04.4 through 11.10, then this20:47
Crippled_UserDaekdroom - it's a bit hard to use the built in bug reporting systems when they basics of accessibility that allow a user to do that are.... well .... inaccessible. P^(20:50
DaekdroomCrippled_User, I subscribed the Ubuntu Accessibility team to your bug report. I'm not sure I should've done that, but it should give your matters some attention.20:54
Crippled_UserDaekdroom - well it is an issue on basic accessibility, so one would expect them to have an interest! P^) ... but it is very silly that basic accessibility features needed for people to test drive accessibility and even report bugs just are not there.21:04
argrubbsHey guys, I'm interested in testing out 12.04. I'm currently running 11.10, but as it is still beta I am concerned about bugs affecting my experience. Is there a way that I can safely test 12.04 or should I just stick with 11.10 until release?21:09
Daekdroomargrubbs, you could try the LiveCD or running 12.04 in a Virtual Machine.21:11
beata1Or perhaps a USB device.21:13
argrubbsIs there a way to retain packages and settings in a live session?21:13
argrubbsI was under the assumption that everything was reset after you reboot.21:14
DaekdroomIt is possible to set up a Live USB to do that.21:14
argrubbsWould that be the "store in reserved space" option in the USB creator?21:15
argrubbsOkay, I'll try that out. Thanks for the assistance.21:16
Seven_Six_Twowell, I've done my upgrade from 11.10, and aside from not having any panel or desktop icons (fixed by ssh -X into system and installing nvidia driver) all seems to be good! I like how there is now a unity panel on each of my monitors!21:22
beata1I'm interested in finding a way to map a wiimote to custom actions. Was using wiican on the older system, but that's been removed, and possibly too recently for google to have indexed anything about that or about the input service.21:22
Artemis3Seven_Six_Two, can you test if firefox crashes?21:23
Seven_Six_Twosure thing21:23
Artemis3Seven_Six_Two, been having that issue since the upgrade21:23
Seven_Six_Twodo you think it matters if I'm in gnome right now? I can switch back if you'd like21:24
Seven_Six_Twonot gnome-classic but the newer one. gnome-shell I think it's called21:24
Seven_Six_Twook. one sec21:24
Seven_Six_Twoit starts. anything you'd like me to test?21:25
Artemis3are you using your old home dir or made a new user?21:25
Seven_Six_Twoold dir21:25
Artemis3use it a while and see if it crashes21:25
Artemis3are you 64 bit?21:25
beata1Firefox? I had a crashing issue for several weeks from lucid-updates, on my other machine; updating to 11 pretty much fixed that.21:25
Artemis3im on 11 and still crashes21:26
beata1How frequently? (curious)21:27
Artemis3sometimes quickly, sometimes after awhile, i think i have some corrupted or missing libraries here, the upgrade to 12.04 a bit bumpy to say the least21:27
Seven_Six_Twoyoutube works...webgl demos work.21:28
Seven_Six_Two100/100 on acid3 tests21:29
Artemis3must be my unlucky day...21:29
Seven_Six_Twois it possible that you are using an extension or plugin that wasn't upgraded?21:29
Artemis3lets try safe-mode a little more21:30
Seven_Six_Twohave you removed all extensions from your .mozilla folder?21:31
Artemis3got another crash after switching tabs21:35
Seven_Six_Twois it just segfaulting?21:35
Artemis3i can try a new profile21:35
Artemis3yes it crashes and shows the tell mozilla about it window, console shows Program received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe. 0x00007ffff76c82cc in send () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 if invoked with -g21:36
esmirlinhy guys do you know how can i change the personal folder in unity launcher to open /dev/sda4/Datos instead of /home/me21:39
tomodachiwhy dont you symlink your homefolder to that folder?21:40
esmirlintomodachi: how could i do it?21:40
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, do you get a message about libc being held back if you try to upgrade? I got some messages about services that had to be stopped before libc would update. pthread iirc is part of libs21:40
tomodachiesmirlin: i presume what you want is to have your home folder on some other hardrive?21:41
Seven_Six_Twoesmirlin, why don't you mount /dev/sda4/ to /home21:42
tomodachiln -s /path/totTheSource /home/yourname21:42
esmirlintomodachi: i would like to, but this hardrive is for a ntfs partition21:42
Artemis3well apt-get doesn't show anything special, i have restarted a couple of times too... hmm i tried reinstalling libc and libpthread already21:42
tomodachiesmirlin: then follow the trick above21:42
tomodachiand mount it21:42
Artemis3maybe i missed reinstalling something else21:43
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, is your libc version 2.15-0ubuntu621:43
Artemis3firefox  11.0+build1-0ubuntu121:45
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, are your libc debug symbols installed?21:46
Artemis3should they, or should they not? lets see21:46
jtayloryou're looking for a bug in libc? oO21:46
esmirlintomodachi: and then i get /media/sda4 as my home folder?21:46
jtaylorthose are rare21:46
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, and your firefox debug symbols21:46
tomodachiesmirlin: yes21:46
jtaylormore likely its a bug in a higher level library passing libc bad data21:47
Artemis3libc6-dbg is not21:47
Seven_Six_Twojtaylor, Artemis3 is getting firefox crashes that are reporting SIGPIPE from libpthread21:47
Artemis3will install if needed21:47
Artemis3i have firefox-dbg installed21:47
jtaylorthen you should look for the cause of the broken pipe, don't start at libc21:48
Artemis3ok ok21:48
Seven_Six_Twojtaylor, I'm not a libc developer, so I thought I would be thorough. I was going to suggest using apport21:48
jtaylorapport will retrace crashes with all debug symbols after report21:49
Seven_Six_Twowhich is only really useful with debug symbols. Since I don't know where the bug is, I figured better safe than sorry.21:49
Artemis3its installed anyway21:49
Seven_Six_Twojtaylor, if you're familiar with apport, can you suggest the command to use? is it just apport firefox21:50
Seven_Six_Twoor apport-collect firefox21:50
jtaylornormally on a crash apport should pop up from itself21:51
Seven_Six_Twobut does that give you the opportunity to take a look, or only to submit21:51
jtaylorif you want to debug yourself you better use gdb21:52
jtaylorgdb /usr/bin/firefox; run; bt21:52
Artemis3ok, want me to paste that stuff in pastebin?21:52
Seven_Six_Twojtaylor, right. it's not my crash though, and that's not an easy or quick process. I was hoping Artemis3 could just pastebin a crash report for me.21:52
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, it's worth a shot, I guess. I like that apport gives other information about the environment at the same time21:54
Artemis3Seven_Six_Two, http://pastebin.com/QDPeDd5x21:56
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, can you install libgtk debug symbols too22:04
Seven_Six_Twojtaylor, I don't remember...does gtk list stack top down?22:06
Seven_Six_Twosorry...does dbg list stack top-down22:06
jtaylorI don't understand22:07
Seven_Six_Twolol. error again. I meant gdb not dbg22:08
Seven_Six_Twowhen running firefox with dbg and it lists a trace, is the first listing the top of the stack22:09
jtaylorthe top is the last frame it was in before the signal22:09
Seven_Six_Twook thanks22:09
jtaylor0 is the point of the sigsev, 88 the top most entry point (the main function in this case)22:10
Seven_Six_Twomy only experience with dbg is with fairly simple sparc assembler routines22:11
Seven_Six_Twoand it's been a while22:11
Artemis3Seven_Six_Two, http://pastebin.com/PVSksMbR22:11
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3,  can you tell me the output of  ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu | grep libgio-2.0.so.022:15
Seven_Six_Twoor at least confirm that it is linking to libgio-2.0.so.0.3122.022:16
Seven_Six_Twoand that libgio-2.0.so.0.3122.0 is there22:16
nixternalLibreOffice Writer - can anyone add & modify form controls at all?22:16
Artemis3seems so: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 mar 20 07:05 libgio-2.0.so.0 -> libgio-2.0.so.0.3122.0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1418176 mar 20 07:05 libgio-2.0.so.0.3122.022:17
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, ok, so I22:17
Seven_Six_TwoI'm sorry I asked you to install the wrong dbg package, libgio is part of libglib not libgtk22:18
Artemis3its ok22:18
Artemis3ill install it :)22:18
Artemis3Seven_Six_Two, http://pastebin.com/Zqyvy8Na22:22
nixternalbug 964838 - if you try what i asked above and it doesn't work, i filed a report on it    <- try those steps listed in the bug if you would please and respond as needed. thanks22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964838 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LO Writer - form control editing doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96483822:25
tpaceHi, I just upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 Beta 1. However, when I log in all I see is my desktop background. None of the Unity interface loads. Any ideas?22:26
Seven_Six_Twotpace, nvidia card?22:26
tpacenope intel chipset22:26
seven1anyone with a laptop with pangolin in here?22:27
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, can you do a complete removal of firefox (purge), then make sure the .mozilla folder in your home is gone, as well as any files that might have characters that don't display properly, then reinstall ff22:27
Artemis3ok will do22:28
Seven_Six_Twotpace, I just had that problem, and all I had to do was install my graphics drivers. Does jockey usually suggest drivers for you?22:28
tpaceHow do I run jockey?22:29
mkultra_alt + f2 gksu gtk-jockey22:29
Seven_Six_Twotpace, try shutting down and using a different desktop (you may have to hard-reset if you can't ssh in to shut down)22:29
bjsniderhe doesn't need jockey if he has intel graphics22:29
Seven_Six_Twobjsnider, no? ok, I wasn't sure.22:29
Seven_Six_TwoI have no experience with intel graphics, but possibly running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  will fix it22:30
mkultra_gksu jockey-gtk i mean22:30
bjsniderintel's graphics driver is in the kernel already22:30
tpaceOk I'll try dpkg reconfigure22:31
bjsniderthat command would add a xorg.conf file, which is not necessary22:32
mkultra_im cooking steak for din din22:32
Seven_Six_Twobjsnider, is it not possible that one got added earlier that is now incompatible?22:32
mkultra_my ubuntu 12.04 runs good right now22:32
bjsniderearlier than what?22:33
Seven_Six_Twobjsnider, earlier than now. something added manually to perhaps deal with dual-head or a special input device not detected by evdev22:33
mkultra_before i was getting strange crashes, but since the last set of updates my ubuntu runs good22:33
bjsnidercheck /var/log/Xorg.0.log and dmesg for info22:34
Seven_Six_Twobjsnider, maybe something like nvidia-settings that creates one (although obviously not that if it's intel)22:34
bjsniderhe has bug 96363322:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963633 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Unity 5.8: Login to blank screen (all black or just wallpaper)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96363322:35
bjsniderit is a unity bug, not a fault with his graphics driver22:36
bjsnidercheck that bug for ideas on how to deal with it22:36
Seven_Six_Twooh. I didn't realize that, because that bug describes exactly what I had. and now it's fine22:36
mkultra_i installed xfce to avoid that whole nightmare lol22:36
Artemis3mkultra_, now that you mention, i also have a slight problem with my xfce, but only with my old user, made a new user and it works just fine... just figuring out what to delete from the old user to reset to defaults ;)22:40
tpaceDoing F2 + 'unity --restart' caused the UI to reload, compiz however crashed22:40
mkultra_Artemis3,  i made up some voodoo codes earlier i bet i could fix you some to fix it22:41
mkultra_sudo chown -r $USER $HOME/file22:41
mkultra_sudo chgrp -r $USER $HOME/file22:42
mkultra_run as the user you want it set to though22:42
Artemis3would be nice, my old user wont start xfce, well it kinda starts, but the panel keeps flashing and going blank, there is an error about " GLib-GObject-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.31.22/./gobject/gvalue.c:185: cannot initialize GValue with type `gint', the value has already been initialized as `gint'" and xfce4-settings-helper-WARNING **: Failed to get the _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS property."22:44
Artemis3hmm you think the user and group is messed up? well lets try just in case ;)22:44
Seven_Six_TwoArtemis3, that could be...it's glib again giving you the error22:46
glosoliUnity 5.10 will make it into Precise Pangolin ?22:47
Daekdroomglosoli, if not before it's released, it'll be an update.22:50
glosoliDaekdroom:  any highlights for it I can get somewhere  ?22:57
Dmoleanyone know about a but where you can't see the menu bar? (or if auto hide is off all windows act like max-height:20px;)23:43
Dmoleboram:if you have some Borgs maybe they can fix it for us?23:45
boramborgs are taking over my ship, help~23:46
Dmoleboram: it's ok just join them23:48
boramno, i resist23:49
Dmoleget them to upgrade to 12.04, they will all crash and you can escape before they have time to revert to a working system23:50

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