
niwayесть кто живой???06:43
bazhanglet me check06:43
bazhangwere you +b or +q there?06:43
bazhangniway, you are not in #ubuntu-ru06:44
bazhangniway, I saw you never said anything there06:45
niway<niway> В06:45
niway* #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel06:45
niwaywhat i don't send mess???06:45
k1l_maybe they block not registered users?06:46
niwayhow the register??? (и вообще - есть кто говорит по русски???)06:46
bazhang!register | niway06:47
ubottuniway: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:47
bazhangniway, /join #freenode06:47
bazhanghis nick is not +q and he can join the channel, so no idea why06:47
niway<niway> !register | niway06:49
niway* #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel06:49
niway<niway>  /msg ubuntuhelp niway06:50
niway* #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel (i in shock :D)06:50
EvilResistancei know why he cant06:52
EvilResistancebazhang, * #ubuntu-ru q $~a skai-falkorr!~skai@unaffiliated/skai 132859287906:52
EvilResistanceall unidentifieds/unregistereds are silenced06:52
EvilResistance!register | niway06:52
ubottuniway: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:52
EvilResistancesince niway isnt idientified to any registered accounts, he can't talk in #u-ru06:53
EvilResistance(from /mode q)06:54
k1l_yep, thats what i thought in first place06:54
bazhangnice spot EvilResistance I forgot about that06:55
EvilResistancewhen you do /mode #channel q, if you see any entry for $~a, its a quiet against unidentifieds :p06:55
EvilResistancebazhang, i was an IRC operator on a charybdis net, i'm trained to spot random things like this :P06:55
niwayall thanks!!!!06:55
EvilResistanceeven whilst drunk, high on caffeine, delirious, [put arbitrary altered mental state here]06:56
EvilResistance(its 02:56 here, and i'm semi-delirious)06:56
EvilResistanceand no problem, it occasionally is missed in the long output of +q output (raw, nonetheless)06:57
=== niway is now known as niway2
=== niway2 is now known as niway
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin

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