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vibhavIS https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sqlobject/+bug/941382 work a fix or sync?03:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 941382 in sqlobject (Ubuntu) "'bool' object not callable in pgconnection.py" [Undecided,New]03:54
ScottKvibhav: Yes.04:11
vibhavScottK: ScottK Should I sync it then?04:46
ScottKYou should make sure it builds and otherwise see if it's suitable for sync.  Assuming you aren't an ubuntu developer, then subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug asking it be synced04:47
vibhavsure, thanks04:48
micahgvibhav: or use the requestsync tool which subscribes -sponsors for you04:49
vibhavmicahg: Thats what I use04:51
ScottKmicahg: Except there's already an existing bug.04:57
ScottKIf you turn that bug into the sync request, there's no need to remember to go back and close it later.04:57
micahgah, ok04:57
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vibhavim facing FTVFS here05:45
vibhavCan anybody else test sqlobject-python from debian if it build correctly05:45
hakermaniawhy https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug keeps redirecting me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs?06:30
vibhavhakermania: Because you can only report bugs (for Ubuntu) using apport\ubuntu-bug06:32
hakermaniavibhav, even for the first step of FFe process? Should it be mentioned somewhere https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze_for_new_upstream_versions?06:33
hakermaniaI mean people following the steps one by one will not be able to pass step one :P06:35
AnAntHello, anyone interested in testing TeXLive 2012 on precise ?06:53
vibhavAnAnt: Sure06:54
AnAntdon't be fooled by the repository name, I used it 3 years ago for TL2009, now it has TL201206:55
tumbleweedhakermania: If you read the ReportingBugs page, you'll see it has a link that won't redirect you07:06
PaoloRotoloHi all!07:07
hakermaniatumbleweed, I found it myself (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect) but it should be more obvious07:07
tumbleweedhakermania: ubuntu developers get bugcontrol membership, that also stops that redirect07:08
hakermaniatumbleweed, but, apparently, not everybody is an ubuntu developer ?07:09
hakermaniaThe amount of things that FFe process is mentioning and I have no idea about, is too damn high :P I don't use pbuilder, i don't have a CHANGES or NEWS file, 'install log'?07:12
tumbleweedif you don't use pbuilder, how do you know if it'll build in the archive?07:34
tumbleweedinstall log = the output from installing it with dpkg07:34
hakermaniatubmleweed, thanks. I don't use pbuilder, so, I guess instead of pdebuild I use debuild. Is it something wrong with this? As for the output, you mean the one from 'dpkg -i deb_file.deb'?07:45
tumbleweedhakermania: assuming you are running precise, yes08:26
tumbleweedanother advantage of testing in pbuilder is that it's a minimal environment, with only the packages you are build-depending on08:27
tumbleweedso if you don't have pbuilder set up, at least build for precise in a PPA08:27
hakermaniaI've already build a PPA08:27
hakermaniaand it built just fine08:27
tumbleweedlink to that, then08:28
hakermaniatumbleweed, would just that be fine?08:29
hakermaniagood news08:31
hakermaniatumbleweed, if you could check it would be nice: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wallch/+bug/96445110:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964451 in wallch (Ubuntu) "FFE: Wallch 3.01" [Undecided,New]10:16
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helder_raptorhyperair: buddy was looking at an approx 2 yr back chat of u nd bilal20:18
helder_raptorhyperair: how doeas GPL affect the packages20:18
hyperairhelder_raptor: 2 year back? =O20:18
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helder_raptorhyperair: yup...20:18
hyperairwhat do you mean by affect the packages?20:19
Laneythe internet never forgets20:19
helder_raptorhyperair: so if upstream changes to GPL-4, your packaging is no longer usable.20:19
hyperairi wonder20:19
hyperairnot necessarily.20:19
hyperairif you've licensed your packaging as GPL-2+, then you can just bump your packaging GPL version.20:20
hyperairor GPL-3+, for instance20:20
helder_raptorhyperair: i see that u were stressing on the GPL issue20:20
hyperairhowever, if it's GPL-2 or GPL-3 (no +) then you need to contact all copyright holders and get them all to agree to relicense to the new GPL.20:20
hyperairhelder_raptor: could you link me to the log?20:21
hyperairas it is, i'm not even sure that the packaging stuff (debian/*) constitutes as a "derived work"20:21
helder_raptorhyperair: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/05/03/%23ubuntu-motu.html20:22
hyperairah that20:23
hyperairwell i was mistaken regarding the whole "becomes illegal to use" part.20:23
hyperairthe license becomes incompatible20:23
hyperairi.e. you can't use the packaging without relicensing to the new GPL20:23
helder_raptorhyperair: thnks20:23
hyperairbut relicensing to the new GPL requiers consent of *all* copyright holders20:23
hyperair(for the debian/* part)20:23
hyperairwhich can be pretty hard to get if it's a long-lived package20:24
hyperairyou have passing-by constributors, retired developers and whatnot to track down20:24
helder_raptorhyperair: thanks again20:26
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