
socializerhow do i get a invite01:43
socializerto ##ubuntu01:43
bazhangsocializer, you don't01:44
socializeralso where to get linux buddy for pm to talk01:44
socializerwhat is ##ubuntu01:44
socializerwhy im i banned from ##linux???01:51
bazhangsocializer, take that up with the ##linux ops01:53
bazhangsocializer, was there anything further you needed from this channel?01:54
socializerwhat is ##ubuntu for01:54
bazhangno idea socializer01:56
socializerso how do you know i cant get invite01:57
bazhangsocializer, if there is nothing further, please exit the channel01:57
socializerplease tell me why i dont get invite01:58
pangolinbecause the channel is locked01:58
pangolinnow, if there is nothing else that we can help you with please part this channel.01:59
pangolinyes, locked. invite only.01:59
Jordan_UMy guess would be that it only exists for people who mistype #ubuntu.02:00
pangolinJordan_U, correct, it forwards to #ubuntu02:01
Jordan_Upangolin: Removing doesn't make much sense, they're muted and that's enough as far as I can tell.02:10
Jordan_Upangolin: webchat gateway.02:10
pangolinI wish chanserv handled webchat bans differently02:11
pangolinchanserv.py that is02:11
bazhangjust a remove is all thats needed, the fbot does the ban02:13
Jordan_UWhich is effectively just a mute.02:13
bazhang<Ashtray777> where is the off topic room? im in the mood to see nerds argue about an OS07:02
bazhangtroll detected07:02
pfifowhen I connect to freenode, my irc client tries to join #ubuntu, can someone remove the forward please, or maybe remove the ban altogether?08:05
Jordan_Upfifo: (first a heads up that I'm on a poor connection, so I may drop out at any time). We don't remove bans because people have #ubuntu in their auto-join. It might be reasonable to change the banforward to a straight ban but I'm curious why you don't seem interested in getting the ban resolved normally (maybe you are, please correct me if so) or why you don't simply remove #ubuntu from your client's auto-join list.08:14
pfifoJordan_U, the ban has been resolved already, and when ikonia decides its time to remove it i want my client to autojoin like its set up todo.08:16
Jordan_Upfifo: We don't keep bans that have been resolved so I think you're mistaken. We require that users talk to us to resolve a ban before it's removed, so you will know when that happens and you can re-add #ubuntu to your auto-join list then.08:18
pfifoso are you going to stop forwarding me here?08:22
Jordan_Upfifo: Do you understand that your ban is *not* resolved and will not be removed until you come back here to discuss it?08:23
Jordan_UThe purpose of the forward part of the ban was to allow you to discuss the ban and possibly get it removed completely.08:26
pfifoJordan_U, ikonia said he would remove it after a week, so, isnt that resolved?08:27
Jordan_Upfifo: I very much doubt that ikonia said that he would remove the ban after a week. We often say that we want a user to come back after a week (or some other period of time) to *discuss* actually removing the ban.08:27
pfifook then lets resolve this now?08:30
Jordan_Upfifo: Has it been a week? (I'm looking for logs of your discussion with ikonia but I can't find them yet, if you have them or know the exact date / time that would be helpful).08:32
pfifoJordan_U, no i dont have logs, and I cant really say how long its been as I cant keep track of time very well. It has been several days08:33
popey22:04  * pfifo stops fiddling with his cannocial branded handcufss and goes back to laboring in the salt mine08:35
popeydidn't actually intend to paste that here.08:37
Jordan_Upfifo: It appears that the discussion you had with ikonia was on the 19th, which would mean only six days ago. Please come back tomorrow to discuss the possibility of your ban being removed. To give you a heads up, that will require that you agree to follow the channel guidelines and not simply make up nonsense in #ubuntu.08:46
Jordan_U!guidelines | pfifo08:46
ubottupfifo: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:46
Jordan_Upfifo: Would you like me to change the ban forward to a ban until then?08:47
Jordan_Upfifo: Done.08:53
pfifolooking over the guidelines, which category is my infraction in?08:56
Jordan_Upfifo: Making up lies is pretty clearly inconsiderate, disrespectful, and against the Code of Conduct. And that's *not* to say you didn't violate other terms (you did, I just don't think it's worthwhile to give an exhastive list when I feel this is pretty clearly not acceptible behavior).08:59
pfifoit wasnt a lie, but I see how it fits in09:02
mrmistsomeone might want to look at rizal10:20
scientesrizal keeps posting a url over and over again10:21
scientesevery 5 minutes or so10:21
ikoniaand now he's gone10:21
ikoniahello karamba can we help you ?10:23
karambano thanks10:23
elkykaramba, please observe the topic of this channel. we prefer to not have non-ops idling here.10:24
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/10:25
karambaokay no problem10:25
ubottuIn ubottu, gry said: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. (More background: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2873)11:41
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:41
jussiI thought the new webmin changed all that11:42
Myrttiwhat new webmin11:42
jussilemme just look11:42
jussiyeah, ubuntu is back on the supported list: http://www.webmin.com/support.html11:43
Myrtti!info webmin11:43
ubottuPackage webmin does not exist in oneiric11:43
Myrtticase closed.11:43
jussiin that case, fair enough11:45
gryto add that URL to !webmin ?12:07
Myrttiit's a bit hairy thing12:10
ikoniaoCean: thanks ocean, I thought I had him on his old IP12:52
oCeanikonia: might need wider ban12:52
* jussi notes he PM'ed ikonia13:00
* pangolin registers #jussi-pms13:03
oCeanjussi: last night, was it really jack_sparrow visiting? Haven't seen him in ages13:05
jussioCean: saw the nick, didnt investigate more13:06
jussioCean: go search logs :P13:06
ikoniajack_sparrow visit -ops a few days ago13:07
jussiahh, so he did13:56
=== pangolin is now known as Guest84027
mneptokGuest84027: we have a no-idle policy ....15:10
* mneptok sneers15:10
Guest84027mneptok, my apologies. I will part soon as a remember what my password is15:10
Guest84027this could take some time15:10
=== Guest84027 is now known as iforgotmypass
mneptokthat sucks. :(15:11
mneptokfire off a ton of rapid !staff calls. like most Freenode users would.15:11
iforgotmypassnah, it is one a 600 passwords I use. I am sure i can figure it out15:12
* jussi fails iforgotmypass 15:23
* popey hugs gnupg.vim for making it easy to keep his passwords in a file nicely encrypted with gpg 15:31
iforgotmypasseverybody is full of ideas after the fact :(15:32
* iforgotmypass leaves15:32
IdleOneMy password, I remembers it.15:37
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
* popey hands pangolin http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=66115:47
pangolinthank you15:48
ubotturemoteCTRL called the ops in #ubuntu (DoctorD)15:53
ubottupangolin called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (please have a look at the link karamba posted)18:32
karambawhy i was banned18:36
ikoniakaramba: you where banned earlier for asking who likes to sniff glue18:36
ikoniayou've evaded that ban, and posted stupid youtube links with stupid sexual content so I've rebanned you18:37
karambathats because you dont tried even once in your life :D18:37
karambago sniff some glue18:37
ikoniakaramba: ok, bye then18:37
oCeanconversation done, I think18:37
karambaomg you are insane18:37
ikoniakaramba: bye18:37
karambasniffing glue is good for your health18:38
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (r3pti1ep1r4te)20:06
ubottuIn #ubuntu, J-Escobar said: ubottu: the Ubuntu disk is fine. I used it to install Ubuntu and I have used other disks. I get the same error. I only received this error after installing a new hard drive. I think it has something to do with my motherboard configuration. but I have tried everything and can't get the live cd to boot normally.20:29

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