=== absolutezero is now known as Guest52269 === jalcine is now known as jalcine_ === jalcine_ is now known as jalcine [08:14] f@#$ing fglrx [08:14] i just want to repeatedly face punch the person responsible for it [08:15] and devs for not getting on their case about problems with it === ashams is now known as buzz2 === buzz2 is now known as ashams [19:37] hello, is the expected behavior that an icon is automatically added in the launcher when the app is installed ? [19:40] yofel_ , can I disturb ? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [22:15] Is anyone else not able to log in in unity 3d? Since an update last week I can only log in in 2d [22:16] kjm, you're not the first to complain about that since the upgrade to 5.8 [22:16] Have you tried using 'unity --reset'? [22:17] yeah I have, doesn't do anything... [22:19] once it's not just me I can deal with it for a while. [22:42] well, if it does not start up correctly, it would be interesting to know what manually starting unity in a terminal does