
snap-lGood morning14:42
* snap-l picked up a shit-ton of Rush remasters at Best Buy for $5 each14:42
snap-lcurrently re-listening to Power Windows14:42
rick_hsnap-l: nice14:43
snap-lYeah, I've been on the fence about them for a while. Some of themare better thn others.14:44
snap-lChanges on some are pretty dramatic (Power Windows and Signals are louder)14:44
snap-lHemispheres sounds a lot better14:44
snap-lPresto sounds almost identical, but has more presence.14:45
snap-lAnywho, time to make the groceries14:46
rick_hyea, just got back from that myself14:47
rick_hnow exhausted14:47
=== maxsilver_ is now known as maxsilver
=== maxsilver_ is now known as maxsilver
snap-lAchievement unlocked: Groceries17:02
brouschur insane17:03
* snap-l needs to create a snipmate template for the json I use for playlists.17:59
=== _Marcus is now known as _Marcus|Away
snap-lSnipmate can suck a dick18:21
jrwrenachievement unlocked: 10+mi bikeride18:32
rick_hjrwren: awesome19:03
rick_hsnap-l: what did poor snipmate do to you onw?19:03
snap-lrick_h: Tried to make a json snippet for a playlist entry19:05
snap-lit either ignores it, or freezes snipmate.19:05
snap-lFinishing up the next Instrumetalcast20:07
jrwrenrick_h: bmarks.us/jrwren/new giving 50320:20
jrwrenerr.... bmark.us/jrwren/new :)20:20
jrwrenerr... 50220:20
Blazeixis the bmark.us/jrwren/new different than bmark.us/jrwren/recent ?20:21
rick_hjrwren: ok, looking20:21
jrwrenBlazeix: yes, new is where you submit new urls to be marked20:21
Blazeixah, ok20:22
rick_hjrwren: ok, updated and should be working20:23
rick_hadded a card to add a test for that, my bad there20:24
=== _Marcus|Away is now known as _Marcus
brouschi cleaned my office to the point where i can use the desk. i found about $2000 in stuff to sell23:42

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