
cjohnstonAmoz: I finished the Linaro theme and proposed it for merging into the Linaro branch01:52
cjohnstonty for your help on that01:52
Amozcjohnston: ah great07:28
cjohnstonAmoz: howdy12:48
Amozcjohnston: howdy13:03
cjohnstonAmoz: got anything going on today?13:04
cjohnstonI'd like to try to work on the forms13:04
Amozdoing jQuery stuff13:05
Amozokay, you do that :)13:05
* cjohnston needs help with it.. ;-)13:06
cjohnstonthat was the point in mentioning it to you13:07
cjohnstonwhatcha doin with jQuery?13:07
Amozsneaky you13:08
AmozI'm watching the nettuts course13:08
cjohnstoni see13:08
Amoz30 days to learn jquery13:08
Amozwhat forms would you like to work on ?13:12
cjohnstonthe create/propose meeting forms13:15
cjohnstonthey dont really follow the guidelines13:15
cjohnstonRight now we use RenderableMixin to create the forms automagically..13:15
cjohnstonI dont know that we will be able to make it follow the guidelines and still use that13:16
cjohnstonand the reason I want to follow the guidelines is that it currently looks pretty bad because its all cluttered togetehr13:16
cjohnstonotherwise I wouldnt much care13:17
Amozokay have you found the docs for RenderableMixin?13:19
Amozcjohnston: doesn't seem to be well used, amirite?13:21
cjohnstoncorrect.. i dont know if its a limitation of RenderableMixin13:22
Amozsounds very stupid if you can't change the elements13:23
Amozis it part of django, python or what is it?13:23
cjohnstonI guess its something keybuck or someone made13:23
cjohnstonits in common.forms13:23
cjohnstonso in that case, its prolly best to dump it13:24
Amozthere has to be something similar out there, somewhere13:24
cjohnstoni dunno13:25
cjohnstonthere seems to be some templating stuff13:25
Amoz_subway irc is unstable :P13:28
Amoz_but it looks good13:29
Amoz_where is the mixin stuff?13:29
Amoz_cjohnston, do you have any reference forms for the new design?13:33
Amoz_so we can see how they're styled etc ?13:33
Amoz_and where can I see the summit code running?13:36
cjohnstonyou mean the current forms?13:36
Amoz_cjohnston, yeah, the core.css contains form css13:40
Amoz_so if you use normal forms, I think the css should apply to them13:40
cjohnstonright.. but we have to create the forms..13:40
cjohnstonthats the area i need some help with13:41
Amoz_oh, lol13:41
Amoz_I thought you meant styling of existing forms13:41
cjohnstoni dont know that doing that is possible13:42
cjohnstonhttp://summit.chrisjohnston.org/test-summit/2012-03-26/ also got messed up13:42
cjohnstonso im currently trying to debug that13:42
Amoz_messed up? when? by what? =/13:43
Amoz_what's the problem? :P13:43
cjohnstonthe table should look like http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/2011-11-02/13:44
cjohnstondo you see the difference13:46
cjohnstonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/code-cleanup-goodness/+merge/99207 seems to be the merge that breaks it13:48
cjohnstonwhich really confuses me13:49
cjohnstoni see the problem13:51
Amoz_what is it?13:52
Amoz_where is the javascript hide_agenda_details etc ?13:52
cjohnstonfixed it13:56
cjohnstonAmoz_: ^^ fix14:05
Amoz_oh you14:11
cjohnstoni fixed it14:12
cjohnstonI'm waiting on imbrandon to get up to help me with understanding something he said...14:12
czajkowskicjohnston: was confusing if you said hwat the error was and what the fix was it'd be clearer14:12
cjohnstonerror was missing js due to a change in another page14:13
Amoz_cjohnston, what's that?14:16
cjohnstonAmoz_: a block name was changed in website_base, but not changed elsewhere down the line14:16
cjohnstonsoon as I changed it in the other templates it worked14:17
Amoz_cjohnston, I meant what imbrandon said14:18
cjohnstonhe is kinda redoing the way that the JS is called14:18
cjohnstonand I'm a little confused about it14:19
cjohnstonI think he wants me to put the js thats particular to that one page in the closure14:19
Amoz_he wants you to put scripts in the loader.js14:22
Amoz_and if you need to add extra scripttags, put them in the ending block14:23
Amoz_not in the beginning of the page14:23
Amoz_and try to avoid inline js and css14:23
Amoz_basically he's just saying a lot of "normal" stuff14:23
Amoz_best practices, so browser can make use of caching for example14:24
Amoz_for instance*14:24
cjohnstonbut the right14:24
cjohnstonbut so because this js is only used on one page, the daily.html page, put it in the ending block14:25
cjohnstonif you look at daily.html, it has inline js in the header14:27
cjohnstonhe wants it to be at the end of the page, is my understanding14:27
cjohnstonbecause the js is only relevant to the one page14:27
Amoz_but still14:33
Amoz_it's open source14:33
Amoz_and it will work anyway14:34
Amoz_it's just "better" to have it in the end14:34
Amoz_and if he really wants to fix it, he can do it14:34
Amoz_that's my opinion about open source14:34
Amoz_cjohnston, what's the rest of your plans?14:52
Amoz_all website stuff14:52
cjohnstonthe form stuff14:52
Amoz_and how are you gonna tackle that one? :P15:17
cjohnstonhoep that you will15:18
Amoz_I don't even know what to do15:21
cjohnstonwe can try looking at it later15:22
cjohnstonmhall119: have you seen the feed for #linaroconnect on http://summit.linaro.org/lcq2-12/16:04
mhall119cjohnston: looks like something is wrong with our twitter search, it's returning 0 results16:20
mhall119so you're only getting old stuff from identi.ca16:20
cjohnstonmhall119: imbrandon is going to work on redoing it16:20

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