[00:32] wow. Personally, I am not a fan of commit whole workspaces at once. That means bad checkin comments. And when I am the guy that debugs other's work, I hate bad checkin comments and large commits. [00:33] kbulgrien: you can commit less than the whole [00:33] kbulgrien: its merely a default [00:33] kbulgrien: however, all of (git, hg, bzr) share this assumption that you want whole tree versioning [00:34] kbulgrien, there's also some support for per-file commit messages [00:34] it's not generally used though [00:34] kbulgrien, i'm in favour of people making small changes and then committing the whole change [00:34] when people commit only part of the changes to their tree [00:35] there's a good chance that what they committed was never actually compiled or tested as a whole [00:35] I've just traditionally been the guy who had to fix other people's stuff. Normally its not the author that cares about commits. [00:35] i think you need a new tradition :) [00:35] and maybe a water pistol [00:35] Perhaps. It' [00:35] s a job. [00:36] Water pistol. hmm. never thought of that. maybe a super soaker. [00:37] But then that doesn't work when the other guy isn't around anymore. [00:37] that's true, what's done is done [00:38] as far as defaults on operating on the whole tree goes, that's not necessarily something I feel is worth getting bent out of shape about. [00:38] Not that there is much worth getting bent out of shape about, but... [00:39] its an expression. [00:39] Nono, it's _best_ when they're not around any more. That way they never expect it! [00:40] For me, I was glad to get the full-tree action by default. Took some getting used to, but still. [00:40] Look over my old CVS commits, you'll find way too many "Whoops, here's the rest of some recent change that didn't get committed 'cuz I wasn't high enough in the tree" [00:41] yep [00:41] won't happen for me. If I don't know what I'm committing, I don't have any business committing, IMO. [00:41] Typing "cd ../../../../../.. ; cvs diff ; cvs ci" gets old real quick. [00:42] I tried for a while having a whole separate freakin' xterm that always stayed in the root of the checkout so I could do my diff's and ci's from there. It was just too stupid though. [00:42] people think fast is fast, but its usually not. slow (careful) is faster than fast. [00:43] I see it all the time. [00:43] True, but stupid tools are slower than slow. [00:43] :-) [00:43] And some discussions are like tarpits ;-) [00:44] fullermd: pushd $(cvsroot .);cvs diff -Nrup; popd [00:44] fullermd: where cvsroot is something you can write [00:44] Things that make committing less convenient tend to make you less likely to commit. And that leads to way worse commit logs ;) [00:45] hmph. [00:45] Discipline is discipline. [00:45] :-) [00:45] And eventually to the guy whose every commit log is "It's 4:30 on Friday, here's this week's work". And then there's yelling, and screaming, and discharge of firearms inside city limits, and lawsuits, and... [00:45] That really slows things down. [00:45] That's a management problem. [00:46] Not any more 8-} [06:29] hi all [06:50] hey poolie [06:51] hi there vila [06:53] vila, we can have a chat whenever you like [06:57] poolie: see pm ? [07:58] morning all! [08:01] hi mgz [08:15] hello former colleagues, would anyone like to a peer performance review for me? [08:18] less of the former [08:21] maybe vila or jelmer would like to [08:21] well, I'd like to, but am less useful. [08:21] mgz: hey ! [08:22] Riddell: As long as it doesn't require any comment about driving, no problem ;) [08:23] vila: :) === quicksil1er is now known as quicksilver === jam1 is now known as jam [09:07] <|_emming> hello, could anyone help me out with bzr basics? [09:07] <|_emming> which command do I use to just display the current revision of a remote branch? [09:08] hi |_emming [09:08] |_emming: bzr revno [09:08] <|_emming> I tried that but it somehow does not work and always keeps telling me "not a branch" [09:10] |_emming: what sort of URL are you specifying, and what's the full error? [09:10] <|_emming> ah it works now, thank [09:10] <|_emming> just forgot to specify which branch to look at (stable/testing) [09:20] hm, it seems like bugs 839426, 958551, and 963161 are all basically bug 663593 [09:20] Launchpad bug 839426 in Bazaar "bzr crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in write_revision_to_string(): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 4759: ordinal not in range(128)" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/839426 [09:20] Launchpad bug 958551 in bzr (Ubuntu) "Crash while committing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/958551 [09:20] Launchpad bug 663593 in Bazaar "String inputs should be clearly defined and validated in commit builder" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/663593 [09:20] ah, hmm [09:20] but what I don't get is why this new form is only showing up now [09:20] bzr-builddeb's commit hook? [09:20] they're all on bzr-builddeb 2.7.0dev [09:21] the fix is in 2.7.8 [09:21] but... why the run of recent reports with the different traceback? [09:22] wait, linked the wrong bug [09:22] maybe from oneric-proposed picking up a newer bzr version? [09:23] but there not being a corresponding builddeb backport? [09:24] ah.. [09:24] bug 853664 fixes it I think. [09:24] Launchpad bug 853664 in bzr-builddeb "tries to decode debian/changelog as ascii, and fails when it's not" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/853664 [09:41] hm, maybe I should have duped against the original bug and opened an ubuntu task for Oneiric? [09:41] mgz: I think that'd be the most sensible thing [09:41] not that I'm sure backporting dev stuff is really the right thing, we expect everyone doing this to switch to Precise shortly right? [09:42] yes [09:42] (to both questions) === jam3 is now known as jam === yofel_ is now known as yofel [15:22] anyone knows a way to *change* a root-id ? [15:22] bug #965403 took me off-guard :) [15:22] Launchpad bug 965403 in Bazaar "all bzr plugins use TREE_ROOT as their root-id as does bzr itself" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/965403 [15:31] vila: I know how to do it programmatically, but not from the cli [15:31] vila: perhaps we should have a (hidden) 'bzr refresh-file-id' command? [15:35] jelmer: it's a delicate issue as I'm not sure you can still merge branches with different root-ids then [15:35] vila: you can, but you get conflicts when the other branch has added files [15:35] those conflicts can be resolved though [15:35] I have a few projects (especially packaging branches) where that's the case [15:35] hmm [15:36] I seem to be able to work around my issue by join'ing twice [15:36] whu? [15:36] (and some more hackery) [15:41] I created an empty branch to get a new root-id, join bzr-webdav into that, moved files, joined the resulting branch into bzr [15:41] ah, right - that's another way of changing the root id [15:42] oh, committed --unchanged after 'bzr init' to make sure jion won't get the webdav root-id ;) [15:42] yeah [15:42] at least in this use case, I won't ever try to merge this branch back into lp:bzr-webdav === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] [17:03] vila: any chance of a quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/2.5-config-help-topics/+merge/99372 ? [17:04] jelmer: EOD'ing, but I will PP as hell tomorrow, I swear :) [17:04] nevermind, you already merged it :) [17:04] * jelmer should've updated his 2.5 branch [17:04] * vila blinks :) [17:04] that's the help topic fix for config options [17:05] yeah, merged long ago no ? [17:05] ah, actually - no [17:06] I'll let you look at it tomorrow [17:06] have a great evening :) [17:06] ah, it's not in 2.5.1? the bug is wrong? [17:07] and 2.6b1 isn't active any more... [17:07] * mgz does some juggling [17:08] mgz: it's not fixed in 2.5 yet, only in 2.6b1 [17:08] jelmer: make sure it doesn't trigger the doc building error for sphinx ? [17:09] jelmer: not sure they are related but ~worried [17:09] jelmer: bah, I'll check it myself tomorrow, don't worry [17:09] vila: I'm not sure why the two would be related? [17:09] works for me :) [17:09] jelmer: I don't remember the details 'make dosc-sphinx' ? [17:10] no, that's a different issue [17:10] this is 'bzr help branches' [17:10] ok [17:10] * vila really off ;) === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [18:42] ha, its great when writing some silly trivial test... and it actually fails because of a bug [19:23] Hi. I just pulled an ubuntu source package using bzr (bzr branch lp:ubuntu:precise/package) and fixed a bug. I already pushed a private branch to launchpad (lp:~me/ubuntu/precise/package/fix). Do I just propose this for merging now, or is the process for ubuntu packages different? [19:42] hi [19:42] is there a way to create a branch from a subdirectory of a branch? === jml_ is now known as jml [20:21] hi all [20:21] hey poolie [20:22] must be time for me to descend [20:22] ah, probably [20:23] yeah that is pretty late [20:23] you're on dst now? [20:25] poolie: yep [20:25] sleep well, i'll see you tomorrow [20:26] 'evening wgz, poolie [20:27] hi there [20:33] :( [20:33] ? [20:33] jelmer: what does "AssertionError: Invalid sha for : fc4e5248d29cf7264481cbff82343eade5fcc2ca" in a failing import mean again? [20:34] jelmer: it's killing https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/notmuch/trunk [20:34] mwhudson: most likely that it's an import with a merged tag in it [20:34] ah [20:34] which is a new thing in git [20:34] mwhudson: there's an open bug against dulwich/bzr-git/launchpad about it [20:34] i thought git forbade new things :) [20:34] that I've been working on - it affects a fair few imports [20:34] jelmer: how can i tell if that's the case on the git side? [20:35] mwhudson: git cat-file -p [20:35] mwhudson: it doesn't really forbid it, but it requires you preserve those fields [20:35] mwhudson: dulwich does this, but bzr-git doesn't round trip them properly (since it doesn't know about them) [20:35] mergetag object 9325cae5f46e543aedb790cfe62a4faabcba949c [20:35] yep, that's it [20:35] ok [20:35] should be fixed soon :) [20:35] cool :) [20:36] anything i can do to help? [20:37] hello [20:47] o/ [20:47] are there any plugins or planned features to have nested trees in bzr? [20:47] like svn does i guess [20:47] yes, i think the best at the moment is bzr-scmproj [20:48] what doe scm stand for? oo [20:48] o.o* [20:48] software configuration management? [20:48] there is also some work towards built in nested trees [20:48] oh [20:48] that just seem like it would be nested trees, probably why my google came up empty [20:49] mwhudson: some help testing would be great once it's done [20:49] mwhudson: also, you should get a more appropriate error with lp:bzr-git [20:49] im just getting tired of extracting source releases of a library and then copying them over to a source tree i have and then updating =P would be nice to have it automated and just do update or something [22:11] what project should I report a bug against if I want to complain about lp-propose-merge? [22:13] might just be the bzr project [22:13] i dont see a bzr-launchpad page on launchpad [22:14] idnar: yep, just the bzr project [22:14] okay, thanks [22:17] filed bug #965759 in case anyone else watching is as terminally curious as I am :) [22:17] Launchpad bug 965759 in Bazaar "lp-propose-merge has poor error reporting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/965759 [22:26] idnar: hmm, that looks like a dupe [22:26] bug 704606 [22:26] Launchpad bug 704606 in Bazaar "launchpad.branches.getByUrl() doesn't support properly urlencoded URLs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/704606 [22:28] but the idea of that it should also say the underlying error so its easier to debug =P [22:28] hmm, maybe I was a little unclear [22:28] although I'm pretty sure #704606 isn't actually related to either of the error messages in my report [22:29] but I'm just complaining that it's impossible to tell what operation actually caused the error messages [22:29] not any of the specific error messages, those were just examples to show how hard it is to figure out what went wrong [22:31] that should be pretty easy [22:31] you just have the original error message + the exception that originally got called [22:31] unless there is some standard on how error messages should look that im not aware of [22:31] I believe the first error message was actually caused by having submit_location set to something not on launchpad (at least once I fixed that, it stopped happening) [22:33] (not really sure what caused the second one about diverged branches, I reran the same command later and it worked without me apparently changing anything; I think it may just have been Launchpad's bzr mirror catching up too slowly or something) [22:34] hmm maybe [22:35] (the last thing I did to the branch I was submitting before trying to run bzr lp-submit was a push --overwrite) [22:35] anyhow yeah, not directly relevant to my actual bug report [22:36] idnar: bug 704606 is the cause of the second bug in your bug report [22:36] Launchpad bug 704606 in Bazaar "launchpad.branches.getByUrl() doesn't support properly urlencoded URLs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/704606 [22:37] sorry, the first [22:37] huh, okay [22:37] I don't really understand why urlencoding would have anything to do with it [22:38] the URL would have been something like file:///home/mithrandi/code/blahblah without any + signs or anything like that [22:38] oh it might have had a . in it [22:39] ah, oh [22:39] so it's just the same error message but a different cause [22:39] never mind me then :) [22:40] okay :)