
highvoltagejbicha: btw, thanks a lot for taking care of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcompris/+bug/91413702:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914137 in gcompris (Ubuntu) "Please package gcompris 12.01" [Wishlist,Fix released]02:07
jbichahighvoltage: no problem, I got it into Debian too :)02:12
jbichagcompris's too massive to really test but I figure it hopefully fixes more bugs than it causes02:13
highvoltagejbicha: yeah and getting it in early at least gave some chance for people to test it a bit (hopefully some people who are really familiar with it :))02:32
highvoltagejbicha: it's probably not to late to blog about it and call for testing on the edubuntu blog, is it?02:33
jbichahighvoltage: it looks like there's several fixes in git.gnome.org , maybe ask Bruno if he'll do another release soon02:49
sheenzzah the educational os from linux that inspirer to leave my windsow os =21:32
sheenzzi only wise the age range would be a little higher21:37
highvoltagethat's a common request, we've started to include some more university level software like melting and lightspeed. we might include things like fritzing too in the future21:38
sheenzzyes i think they should have a edubuntu for any age group as a main learning os for persons in general =)21:40

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