
cowlicksjalcine: copy pasted something from the web into xorg.conf.d and it's working now00:04
gizmobayI have dual monitors. I have two PDFs open in Okular on the second monitor. They're in separate windows since they were dl from links. I would like to tile them side by side01:44
gizmobayAnyone know how to do this?01:45
DasKreechumm? window snapping?02:35
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frogonwheelswtf? I just discovered window grouping.. how long has that been there?04:42
jalcinefrogonwheels: Quite some time :P05:14
jalcineA lot of theme engines use it05:14
jalcineQt Curve uses it (it's togglable)05:14
jalcinethough Oxygen (in 4.8.1) has it by default05:14
jalcineI haven't found a way to disable it.05:14
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obelusHi, I've got a script that changes my apt proxy when I connect to a WLAN network, base on SSID, is there any way I can extend this  affect to the KDE system proxy?06:10
Tm_Tobelus: I suppose KDE allows proxy being set via dbus atleast06:26
bigbrovaranyone running kde 4.8 backport for kubuntu 11.10, since running it i noticed akonadi does not start with the system and would have to restart it everytime I log in. Anyone else experience this problem?06:31
lordievadergood morning06:47
sjihsHi, I am running Xubuntu 11.04 on my laptop. I have added the kubuntu-ppa repository in sources.list file. Which package should i be installing to get kde 4.8?06:50
lordievadernot sure if the kubuntu ppa has it, i do know that the backport ppa has 4.806:51
sjihslordievader: Thanks for that info!06:53
lordievaderno problem06:53
sjihslordievader: I have added the repository. Do you know the meta package name that will install kde 4.8.x?06:57
Erik_Lehnsherrhey guys07:02
lordievadersjihs:  what I yesterday have done was simply add the backport ppa and update, and now i have 4.8, so im not sure of a meta package.07:02
sjihslordievader: ok. I probably will to first install 'kubuntu-desktop' and then do an 'apt-get dist-upgrade'. Am i right?07:04
lordievadersjihs: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade, works too, not too familiar with dist-upgrade07:05
lordievaderhey i found the difference, perhaps everybody here knew it already, but what the hell: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/apt-get-question-dist-upgrade-vs-upgrade-219920/07:07
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DasKreechsjihs: install kubuntu-desktop08:03
DasKreechhi lordievader08:06
lordievaderDasKreech: hey08:07
lordievaderDasKreech: how are you?08:07
lordievadergotta run, cya08:08
* DasKreech scared off lordvader :-(08:11
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pvivekwhere can i find this package TelepathyLoggerQt4? i am not able to find it in muon package manager. I use Kubuntu 11.10. Any help would be appreciated10:31
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olajonHello i wonder if it's possible to put kubuntu mobile 11.10 on my smartphone?11:00
lordievaderPerhaps, although I do think it will be difficult what kind of proccesor is in your phone?11:00
olajonNvidia tegra. Dual core, its an lg optimus 2x11:01
lordievaderPhew going to be difficult, if it is even possible, perhaps google has an how to?11:04
olajonOk I'll check it thx11:06
olajonIt seems like kubuntu core hasn't tegra support yet so it will not work on my device but the plasma active team ran it successfully on a tegra2 device but unfortunally the target isn't smatphones yet11:13
olajonAnd the plasma team is another project so :/11:14
olajonI look forward to when i can run kde on all kind of  devices i have11:15
lordievaderI see, good luck, perhaps in the future the team will add support for mobile devices.11:17
olajonIt must be so or else they won't be following the evolution.11:19
lordievaderThe evolution of everything going to smart-phones/tablets?11:19
olajonNot everything but it should be ported cross platform so u can use it no mather what11:22
lordievaderNeed to run, olajon hope you get it one day, would be cool!11:26
olajonHow to get xmpp to MSN gateway to work in kde telepathy,  i try to login with my Gmail but it wont work11:35
olajonIt popups a directed page to windows live login when trying to connecting but Microsoft won't accept my Gmail plz help11:37
obelusWould anyone here be able to tell me how I would edit the KDE system proxy settings by using the command line? I have a script which runs in if-up.d and sets the apt proxy based on the SSID, but I'm not sure how to set the KDE proxy with that method11:40
hateballobelus: there is probably a dbus call to do it, but I dont know it11:46
hateballobelus: you could find out using qdbusviewer I think11:47
obelusKDE has an option to read it from environment variables, but I'm not sure how to set them properly for that, as setting /etc/environment doesnt seem to work - I imagine because it's only read on startup, and using export doesn't either.11:47
obelushateball: =( 104mb of packages to install qdbusviewer11:48
hateballyeah, it pulls in a large dev package11:48
obelusOnly recently started using KDE, I'm used to using Gnome, but Gnome3 and Unity use so much battery, and KDE seems to have more power options, and so far I like it, except for the plasma-netbook interface11:50
tsimpsonyou can change that back to the "desktop" interface11:50
obelustsimpson: how? I tried killing plasma-netbook and starting plasma-desktop, and it mostly works, but maximised windows don't have titlebars or minimize/restore/close controls11:51
hateballYeah, I dont find the netbook/active interface offers any advantage on say a netbook11:51
tsimpsonSystem Settings -> Workspace Behaviour -> Workspace11:51
tsimpsonchange Workspace Type to Desktop11:51
obelustsimpson: Thankyou so much =D11:52
tsimpsonno problem :)11:52
obelusWill this make plasma-desktop my default interface now?11:52
olajonCan i ask questions here about kde-telepatht?11:53
tsimpsonobelus: yes11:53
obelusNot getting anywhere with qdbusviewer =/ I wonder if I can just have my script write to a config file and do qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin reconfigure to load it or something11:57
hateballobelus: it should be .org.freedesktop.NetworkManager I think12:10
BluesKajHowdy all12:11
drbobbhello, why is the 12.04-beta1-alternate iso too large for a cd-r?? and how do I work around this?12:13
uberdubuse thumb drive12:13
drbobbI have never had any success in preparing a bootable thumbdrive12:15
drbobbanyway isn't it a bug if the image doesn't fit on a cd?12:15
BluesKajdrbobb, use a dvd , if you have oe otherwie you can upgrade thru the 'net in the terminal , sudo do-release-upgrade -d , if you're on 11.1012:15
drbobbI need a fresh install on a virgin machine, not an upgrade12:16
BluesKajthen copy the iage to dvd , as well 12.04 info and support can be found at #ubunt+112:17
drbobbok thanks, i did try to join #kubuntu+1 but it's by invitation only (?)12:18
Pici#kubuntu+1 forwards to #ubuntu+1, but you're already there.12:19
BluesKaj#ubuntu+1 handles kubuntu as well12:19
drbobbnot what my client said, but yes I recall it used to forward12:19
Picidrbobb: The way that forwarding works is that you will get that message if you're already present in the destination channel.  ITs weird, but its the way it is.12:20
drbobbPici: thx for the tip12:22
drbobbtoo bad k3b doesn't report what the problem is, just disables the start recording button12:25
BluesKajdrbobb,  if you have a new pc then it probly has boot from usb option in the bios12:27
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:27
drbobbBluesKaj: I have a drawer full of blank cd's/dvd's and not a single thumbdrive to spare ;) I'd need to go out shopping12:28
BluesKajdrbobb,  use a dvd then12:28
drbobbdoing that right now12:28
BluesKajok , good :)12:29
obelusHm... been looking around online and through qdbusviewer, but haven't found the system proxy yet... maybe I'm just too tired, I might sleep and try to solve this tomorrow.12:38
reisidbus-daemon is using 100% cpu BUT dbus-monitor cannot see anything spamming/DOS'ing12:47
reisioh yes, kmail couldnt' send any emails again, killing it allows apps to start again12:49
obelusOkay, I ended up finding where it's stored - in kioslaverc, can I simply use kwriteconfig to set the proxy and then make kwin reload to make it take effect?12:50
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lordievaderBluesKaj: how are you?14:08
BluesKajjust fine lordievader , and you ?14:09
lordievaderBluesKaj: good too, trying to get synergy to work... i don't want to manually write a config file...14:09
BluesKajsynergy ? never used it14:10
lordievaderLets you control multiple computers using one mouse and keyboard14:11
BluesKajyeah, I checked it out14:13
hypershockque pasa mi amigos! --- Where does kubuntu store the monitor definitions (because mine resets everytime i log in) and where does it store the auto starting applications (because mine ignores .config/autostart and the application "autostart")?14:20
BluesKajhypershock,  you'll find those in kmenu>computer>system settings14:22
lordievaderhe said that his box ignores the autostart application...14:23
hypershockBluesKaj: yep, but my installation is flat ignoring what I set in those, and by ignore, I mean, when I reboot/restart although I saved the settings, things start back up and that I said not to, and my monitor settings go back to what they were.14:23
hypershocks/up and/up14:23
fantihi! i've some errors in dmsg about: "Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region, inode 1319997"14:24
fantiwhat is this message about?14:25
fantiinode 1319997 points to some file in /home/.ecryptfs/....14:25
BluesKajhypershock,  in system settings>startup&shutdown , once you set your preferences, go to session management , upon login check 'restore previous session'14:26
BluesKajfanti,  do you encrypt any files ?14:27
fantiBluesKaj: yes... i'm using the encrypted home-directory feature of ubuntu14:27
hypershockFirst extremely annoying thing, I have a huge external 32" HD 1080p monitor plugged into my laptop. I don't want my laptop screen on at all. right now it is on but very dim. I goto the kmenu->settings->display and tell it to disable the laptop screen and it does. I make "save as default" is selected and whack "apply", everything goes black and then the configuration comes with laptop screen disabled and huge monitor only, which is what I want. I can14:28
hypershock find no other method to force the setting to save or become persistent. Upon reboot it is forgotten. The same is true for Autostart applications, i even removed items directly from .config/autostart/ to no avail, they just restart as if I didn't do it. Also, I discovered when watching a movie, that my screensaver or screenblanker does its doody and pun intended, every 10 minutes. I checked power config and disabled all there and disabled the screen14:28
hypershocksaver there as well. while those settings retain upon reboot, they change nothing and are completely ignored. I have teamviewer if someone wants to remote.14:28
FloodBotK1hypershock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
hypershockBluesKaj: that settings is already set, i checked it.14:28
hypershockoh and I just upgraded kde 4.8.1 to see if anything changed and it didnt14:29
hypershocki just found one place. .kde/autostart - I don't know why kde is putting stuff in .config/autostart if it is using that other directory14:35
hypershockweird, it isn't using that dir althought it exists14:36
BluesKajhypershock,  what about the service manager>startup services in startup and shutdown ..have you looked there?14:36
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hypershockBluesKaj: are you not able to see my responses to you? I have checked there, "restore previous session" is checked.14:37
hypershockBluesKaj: sorry i'm getting bent, my apologies. i'll dbl check what you just suggested.14:38
BluesKajhypershock,  no , I mean the service manager>startup services list in startup and shutdown14:38
BluesKajthe Display management change monitor14:39
hypershockBluesKaj: yes, i got ya. there is an issue there as the "display manager" is not running. at least I hope that is an issue.14:39
lordievadersomething totaly unrelated, if you want synergy working, do not use the repos...14:39
numekaruhi there14:40
BluesKajhypershock,  ok , Power management too14:40
hypershockBluesKaj: power management is running14:41
numekaruhm, i have little trouble with chrome, can u help plz?14:42
BluesKajhypershock,  maybe it should be turned off if you don't want the screen saver on14:42
lordievadernumekaru: perhaps, what seems to be the problem?14:43
hypershockI want the screensaver actually, what I don't want is it ignoring my settings. I have set to 64 minutes, but it comes on in 10.14:43
BluesKajhypershock, if your settings are being ignored anyway , it's worth a try14:44
hypershockI seriously considering a boot & nuke. cause I started with Ubuntu 11.10, then added Lubuntu 11.10, then went to Kubuntu 11.10 and found a ton of Zen and Peace! but, these wonky issues. eeek.14:45
numekarui've updated chrome,and now, when i'm opening chrome in fulscreen, im losing control buttons(close,minimize) http://s019.radikal.ru/i602/1203/15/868d30c98937.jpg14:45
hypershockalso I cleaned out the other ubus14:45
numekarubut, when it is not fullscreen all the ok14:45
lordievadernumekaru: you mean when you maxize the screen? or do you mean  full-screen as in pressing F11?14:46
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numekaruno, just maximized14:46
BluesKajnumekaru,  for linux chromium-browser is more suitable ,and if you switch all your chrome settings will be retained14:46
numekaruBluesKaj, the same trouble in chromium too14:47
lordievadernumekaru: I think i found it.14:47
hypershockis kde supposed to be using xrandr for monitor management?14:47
macothere's a kde gui frontend for it, but yeah14:48
numekarulordievader, you know the solution?14:48
lordievadernumekaru: go into Preferences->Personal Stuff->Appearance, here make sure "Hide system title bar and use compact borders" is ticked14:48
numekaruit's ticked14:49
numekarusec, ill show you in screenshot14:49
lordievadernumekaru: really? hmm that is odd, because when i check "use system title bar" it hides the window controls, like in your screen shot...14:50
numekarui've not changed any http://s019.radikal.ru/i637/1203/7f/6571b2a79c9c.jpg14:51
BluesKajnumekaru,  Use system title bar and borders , then reload or restart14:52
numekaruearlier, there was buttons in maximized mode, but now :S14:53
numekarualso, in windows the same version is ok14:53
lordievaderWhat theme are you using? GTK+ or classic?14:53
lordievaderNot sure if you have the option in Chrome, perhaps it is a chromium only thing...14:53
numekarulordievader, the setting are same. but troubles in both14:54
lordievaderTry GTK+ there  with both options of system title bar, perhaps that fixes things...14:54
hypershockIs there a way to completely reinitialize all of the kde required configs and make it check everything and ensure that it is not using something that it is not supposed to be using?15:04
lordievaderjup, renaming .kde to something else, like .kde-old15:05
lordievaderresets everything related to kde15:05
hypershock"everything" including startup applications, services, monitor defaults, everything ... I really want that. here goes.15:06
lordievaderyou come back to the default setup15:06
meganerdYour amarok podcasts are stored in there if you use that15:06
hypershocki don't, it's ok. here goes. brb hopefully15:07
* hypershock crosses his fingers, *CRACK*, "You see a bone pop out!"15:07
lordievaderif you keep the folder, you still have your settings/podcasts...15:07
sjihsHi all, I have installed ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports repository on my xubuntu 11.04 machine. Can somebody guide me to install kde 4.8.1 on my desktop15:30
lordievadersudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?15:31
sjihslordievader: the prev cmd installed kde 4.615:31
sjihslordievader: I have the following line in my sources.list file15:32
sjihsdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu natty main15:32
lordievadersjihs: perhaps you need to upgrade to 11.10?15:33
sjihslordievader: I tried 'apt-get dist-upgrade' to upgrade. But that is not working.15:34
BluesKajsjihs, ,  did you update and upgrade first?15:35
BluesKajthen dist-upgrade15:36
sjihsBluesKaj: yes, I did an 'apt-get update' and then 'apt-get dist-upgrade'15:36
BluesKajtry apt-get upgrade15:36
sjihsBluesKaj: I get '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.'15:37
lordievaderNot sure if this will work but on the ubuntu forums someone suggests doing this: sudo do-release-upgrade -d15:38
lordievadersource: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183778815:38
BluesKajlordievader,  no thaty upgrades to the next release15:38
lordievaderexactly, I don't think 11.04 has kde 4.8, and sjihs wants kde 4.815:38
BluesKajdevelopment release at that ,12.0415:38
lordievaderhmm, not to 11.10?15:39
sjihsBluesKaj: Weird, do-release-upgrade prints 'No new release found'15:39
BluesKajdo-release-upgrade -d is dev release command15:39
lordievaderand without the argument d?15:40
BluesKajsjihs,  you sure you're on 11.0415:40
sjihsBluesKaj: yes, very much15:41
sjihsBluesKaj: Confirmed that from 'cat /etc/issue'15:41
BluesKajlordievader,  it should upgrade to the next release , but if the OS isn't completely updated/upgraded and contains ppas then the release upgrade may be blocked15:42
sjihsBluesKaj: found the dist-upgrade fix at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades15:44
sparrHow do I get rid of the "Printer Applet" popup in the top right corner of my screen that is telling me one of my printers is disconnected?15:46
valermalkoi am from Kazakhstan15:46
lordievadersparr: check the notification settings.15:47
lordievadersparr: in System Settings->Application and System Notifications15:49
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* BluesKaj shrugs , didn't see anything new about upgrading to a new release , using the gui maybe15:53
lordievaderI'm not sure on how to do that either...15:53
BluesKajsparr,  system tray settings , maybe15:54
BluesKajok , BBL , stuff to do for a few mins15:54
lordievaderOk, cya15:55
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lordievadergotta go, bye15:58
DasKreechhi BluesKaj16:19
AnalabrieHi, beta1 upgrade from lucid.. anybody running into adobe-flashplugin upgrade errors?16:33
* Analabrie ignored the error during the upgrade. But I can't remove the package now from within Precise.16:33
DasKreechAnalabrie: You jumped from Lucid to Precise ?16:34
DasKreechAnalabrie: adobeflashplugin has been replaced with adobe-flashinstaller as far as I know16:35
hypershockBluesKaj: hey dude. renaming .kde and allowing all my settings to reset to default solved everything.16:36
hypershockguys, how do you inspect what is in the session? reason: I need to remove something from it so it doesn't get restored on reboot.16:36
AnalabrieDasKreech: yes, from LTS to LTS.16:36
* hypershock spocks ...16:37
Analabriehypershock: applications?16:37
hypershockAnalabrie: I'm not entirely sure what you are suggesting ...16:38
AnalabrieDasKreech: I ran into the error during the upgrade. I ignored it then. Now the package is broken (in Precise) and I can't get rid of it either.16:38
Analabriehypershock: do you want applications running during the current session to not automatically be started upon reboot?16:39
hypershockAnalabrie: I only want applications I have explicitly allowed to startup through the "start manager", vs I clicked it and so it was open at reboot and therefore comes back. The latter behavior I do not want. But I also need various desktop and system settings to be left unscathed.16:40
Analabriehypershock: There's a setting for that. Let me see if I can find it.16:42
Analabriesomething along the lines of "save session" oslt.16:42
hypershockAnalabrie: I just added the offending application to the "exclusion" line in the session management interface. However, I would've preferred the more 1337 method of manually munging the right file. let's see if this helps.16:44
hypershockbrb, testing16:44
AnalabrieAnybody know how I can force-remove adobe-flashplugin?16:48
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hypershockJust let everyone know. All my problems for today have been solved. I am now back in the mood again for KDE :)17:02
* hypershock rubs up on KDE like a ...17:02
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soeeis there some plasmoid to manage google docs ?17:26
bazhang!find plasmoid17:32
ubottuFile plasmoid found in kalgebra-common, kapptemplate, kde-l10n-ca, kde-l10n-de, kde-l10n-el, kde-l10n-et, kde-l10n-it, kde-l10n-lt, kde-l10n-nl, kde-l10n-pt (and 83 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=plasmoid&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any17:32
BarkingFishEvening guys. I'm in need of a little help, and I'm hoping someone here knows how to fix what's wrong.  I have 2 sets of sound sockets on my PC, front (phones, mic, line in) and back (those, plus digital in, out and spdif)17:37
BarkingFishthe back ones work fine, but the front sockets do absolutely nothing. Instead of muting the sound from the speakers when I plug in there, the sound continues to come through the speakers and I get nothing through my phones.17:37
BarkingFishI'm using pulseaudio, which I know has caused problems in the past, but I can't remember how to get it off and go back to alsa only.17:38
sparrBarkingFish: step zero, wait for an answer.17:42
BarkingFishsorry about that, restarted kdm. I got pulseaudio off, I need to get alsa working now :)  Any ideas?17:43
sparrBarkingFish: what does alsamixer have to say about things?17:46
BarkingFishCard: HDA Intel - Chip: ALC88017:48
BarkingFishshows a full mixer, but I can't get any sound out of the system even with the volume up17:48
BarkingFishnothing is muted, that much I can see from kmix17:49
BarkingFishi've had trouble before a long time ago, on another linux os, where the card was detected incorrectly, there are other versions (6ch, 8ch and 8ch Digital)17:51
BarkingFishi can't recall what it was picked up as, but I know it was the wrong version :)17:51
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gRmml-Kubunhi =)18:09
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BarkingFishSo, anyone got anymore thoughts on my sound issue?  Pulse has never been controllable enough for me to use properly, at least with alsa I can see all my channels.  Now how the *myxzptlk* do I get sound out of them? :)18:11
gRmmlcan somebody help? i wanna now if there is a programm like skype or a programm were i can phone to my skype contacts?18:12
gRmmlsorry for my bad english long time ago im writing english :/18:12
gRmmlno response? or is everybody sleeping/ watching tv?18:16
troopergRmml: i don't think there is an alternate program. you can download a deb from skype.com i think.18:16
troopergRmml: try installing from http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/downloading.ubuntu3218:16
gRmmlthanks a lot trooper..  i check this one..18:17
gRmmldidn't know that there is a version vor linux on skype site18:17
gRmmlis it also for 64bit version? or only 32bit?18:18
BarkingFishgRmml, a lot of companies are becoming aware of linux as a market now, even the BBC have versions of their software and downloads for us.18:18
BarkingFishit's simply because they know that we'll moan like crazy if they don't make it :)18:18
gRmmlfirst time im using linux longer then a week.. im a linux newbie =)18:19
gRmmlsorry when im bugging u with poor questions18:19
troopergRmml: its ok. *looks around* http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/ click and hold download now. select ubuntu 64bit18:20
dizhiIt is the first time I use IRC..18:21
gRmmlthank you trooper..18:21
gRmmlwhat type of linux did you use? ive installed kubuntu on my laptop and ubuntu on the big one18:24
gRmmlsome one from germany?18:25
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:26
oratedHi! I'm facing no system sounds issue exactly as described here - http://www.kubuntuforums.net/archive/index.php/t-52523.html - but the fix mentioned there is not working for me. Can anyone guide me on how to fix it?19:00
BluesKajorated, system settings>application&system notifications>manage notifications>player settings tab,"use kde sound system"19:05
oratedBluesKaj: Already slected19:10
BluesKajorated,  then make sure the master volume insn't muted in kmix or alsamixer19:11
oratedBluesKaj: Done ...19:12
oratedActually, what you suggested is also suggested in http://www.kubuntuforums.net/archive/index.php/t-52523.html19:12
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BluesKajorated, actually myexperience with system sounds is rather limited since I find them annoying and turn them off19:15
oratedBluesKaj: Umm... From what I could understand with the help of that forum, my pulseaudio is blocking the device19:21
BluesKajorated,  make sure in phonon your device prefernce includes notifications , click on all of them video, communications etc and click apply after each choice19:23
oratedBluesKaj: I said it wrong , this is what lsof returns - http://pastebin.com/KkjGM9bj . And when I tried to configure Phonon, I got this message - http://imagebin.org/20525619:28
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lordievadergood evening19:40
BluesKajorated,  you must have changed your soundcard or driver , or upgraded to newer kubuntu recently. correct ?19:42
oratedBluesKaj: Umm, no. If you remember, I asked you about sound before and had a similar error window which phonon have now.19:44
oratedBluesKaj: I only upgraded KDE19:44
oratedBluesKaj: Kubuntu 11.10 KDE 4.8.119:44
lordievaderwhat is the problem? perhaps all of us together can help you out19:45
BluesKajorated,  you must choose the device preference in phonon , check each of the devices listed there and click the test button, once you've decided which device works for you , then also choose the same on in pulse audio or check pulse audio first for your options. Sometimes pulse will limit them19:47
oratedBluesKaj: But what should I do about the window - http://imagebin.org/205256 - first19:47
BluesKajclick no19:47
oratedBluesKaj: In device preferences, I got only one device - PulseAudio Sound server  listed19:48
BluesKajyou want some options rather than autoselect by default ..it will sometimes be wrong19:48
BluesKajthen you have to reboot19:49
oratedI'm getting sound in Amarok though19:49
oratedHow would restart help?19:50
BluesKajit will let pulse audio reconfigure the options it gives19:51
oratedOk, brb19:51
BluesKajthat's been my experience , unfortunately19:51
oratedBluesKaj: I rebooted the system and found only two devices in Device Preferences(Phonon) - Internal Audio Analog Stereo and Dummy Output, out of which only Internal one works19:57
oratedand Dummy Output is greyed out19:59
BluesKajwhat options does the audio hardware tab(pulseaudio) give ?20:03
oratedDo you mean Phonon > Audio Hardware Setup > Hardware > Profile ?20:04
mokushcan anybody tell me how often does project-neon get the source from master?20:04
BluesKajorated,  yes20:05
BluesKajorated,  well , what kind of setup do you have ...you have to choose the one that your speakers and setup are closest to .20:12
mcamaretwhat is a good qt-based tomboy-syncing notes application?20:15
oratedBluesKaj: Yes, I was doing that. I've no idea about IEC958. lspci audio returns - 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05). I'm on laptop and its JBL 2.1 Audio: 2 X 4W + 12W sub-woofer.20:16
BluesKajorated,  for example i use the "Digital Stereo (IEC958)Output , because I have no speakers connected to the pc , the digital audio feed goes to my digital inputs on my audio amp20:17
oratedBluesKaj: Only Analog Stereo output is working20:30
JMichaelXthe ghost task manager icon problem... it appears to finally be gone!!!!20:31
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lethuhello, I have noticed that the Muon package manager auto updates my softwares, without prompting me as it did before20:39
lethuat least the Muon history says so20:39
lethucan somebody help please?20:40
lordievaderLet me see if muon has a setting for this... hold on a second20:41
lethulordievader, ok sure, thanks20:42
lordievaderlethu: Do you wish to see what he will update?20:42
lethulordievader, I wish it asks me whether to update or not20:42
lethunot just update automatically20:43
lordievaderlethu: you mean muon skips the review stage?20:43
lethulordievader, yes20:43
BluesKajorated, what do you mean ..if you're using built in sound , that's your only option anyway20:43
lordievaderi see, hmm... i do get the review stage, lets check google.20:43
lordievaderlethu: can you check Software Sources for me?20:45
lethulordievader, ok20:45
lordievaderlethu: under automatic updates to what is that set?20:46
lethulordievader, unde muon?20:46
lordievaderlethu:  muon->settings ->configure software sources ->updates tab20:47
lethulordievader, Check for updates: enabled / Install security updates without confirmation: disabled / the second radion button as well / the third (Only notify about available updates is enabled20:49
lordievaderhmm, so that ain't it...20:50
lordievaderlethu: is the button "preview changes" in muon enabled?20:52
lethulordievader, grayed out20:53
lordievaderlethu: could be a work-around: in muon under filter select "by status" then Upgradable, here you see all the updates, select them all click "mark as upgrade" (not sure what the actual button says) then preview changes should no longer be gray20:54
lethulordievader, I select "Upgradable", but it doesn't list anything20:56
lordievaderlethu: did you update your sources?20:57
lordievaderelse it could be that everything is already up to date...20:57
lethulordievader, by updating my sources, do you mean "Check for Updates"?20:58
lethulordievader, otherwise the issue is not my software being outdated, but rather being asked before the updates20:59
lethuMuon seems to update automatically without confirmations20:59
BluesKajlethu,  or you could disable muon altogether and just use the konsole to update/upgrade ..no more annoying notifications21:00
lordievaderhmm, very odd... I'm not sure how to fix that right now..21:01
lordievaderYou could also try the forums, see if someone knows a fix there.21:01
lethuok, lordievader, BluesKaj, thanks for the help21:01
lethuI will check the forums, etc...21:02
lordievaderlethu: good luck21:02
lethulordievader, thanks!21:02
BluesKajmuon is buggy anyway , I don't trust it to install/remove anything21:03
lordievaderit has indeed failed quite a few times on me...21:04
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avreidyis anyone here a Kubuntu contributor?21:35
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avreidydoes anyone here talk?21:53
mydogsnameisrudysome times21:54
BarkingFishHi all. I have got a beauty of a problem for you :)22:35
BarkingFishI installed some fonts yesterday, which my system won't allow me to use. They're the package from tv-fonts, and when I went to reinstall them using kfontviewer, it said "Cannot install these fonts: Bitmap fonts are disabled on your system."22:36
BarkingFishI'm like, what the hell?22:36
BarkingFishI didn't do that, so what has happened, and how do I fix it please?22:37
SentynelBarkingFish: have you tried this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts#Enabling_Bitmapped_Fonts22:39
BarkingFishSentynel, no.  I don't understand how they got disabled in the first place, they worked on my last install of 11.10, so something's gone wrong this time.22:39

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