
haseebi am trying to load the current trunk of gtg, but getting error as04:42
haseeb[haseeb@localhost ~]$ bzr launchpad-login haseeb04:42
haseeb[haseeb@localhost ~]$ bzr branch lp:gtg04:42
haseebPermission denied (publickey).04:42
haseebbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.04:42
StevenKhaseeb: It looks like Launchpad doesn't know about your SSH key.04:42
haseebStevenK,  i have uploaded the key on launchpad04:43
stewartknown current issue? "bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch-id/41661/.bzr/repository/packs/d12c3b2f38af0cdab110a25c1f50dd7d.pack: Unable to handle http code 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable"07:33
wgrantstewart: Yeah, we're working on it. bzr+ssh should be working fine.07:35
stewartwgrant, yeah, but my jenkins slaves don't do bzr+ssh :(07:36
wgrantstewart: It's been stable for a few minutes now.07:42
stewartwgrant, great, i'll give it a go :)07:42
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l3onHi all... does somebody know how much data (in term of MBytes) I can upload in a team branch ?10:03
wgrantl3on: There's no hard limit.10:05
czajkowskil3on: I just explained this to Gwaihir :)10:07
l3onczajkowski, wgrant: thank you! :10:08
fabohello, the merge proposal https://code.launchpad.net/~deeptik/linaro-license-protection/publish-to-snapshots/+register-merge never succeed11:09
fabois it a known issue?11:10
wgrantfabo: Sounds like it might be bug #961126. That causes the page to appear to hang if there's a validation error on the form.11:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 961126 in Launchpad itself "+register-merge JS doesn't handle form validation errors" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96112611:15
wgrantAre you sure you specified eg. the reviewer correctly?11:15
fabowgrant: reviewer is optional. I try to set the default one11:17
fabosame result11:17
fabowgrant: yes, seems the same issue.11:18
wgrantfabo: "There is already a branch merge proposal registered for branch lp:~deeptik/linaro-license-protection/publish-to-snapshots to land on lp:linaro-license-protection that is still active."11:25
wgrantfabo: That's the error.11:25
faboit explains11:27
fabowgrant: thanks11:30
ugocis there a blacklist for accessing bzr.launchpad.net?12:13
ugocSince this morning we can't get to our branches on launchpad servers :S12:13
jelmerhi ugoc12:14
jelmerugoc: I think I saw reports of a host hitting our connection limits this morning12:14
jelmerwgrant: still there?12:14
wgrantjelmer: Hi12:15
jelmerwgrant: ^12:15
ugocjelmer: do you have it's ip?12:15
wgrantugoc: You were making about 1000 requests over 10 seconds every 5 minutes, which seems slightly abnormal.12:15
wgrantIt was you :)12:15
ugocAre you sure?12:15
wgrantThey were ~shadowrobot branches, and that's a team owned by you, so it seems likely.12:16
ugocyup indeed12:16
wgrantugoc: So, can you scale that robot back a bit?12:16
ugocdamn.... We're setting up a test server to test our branches :S May be something went wrong there12:16
wgrantIt's checking lots of branches at the same moment, every 5 minutes.12:16
markpitchlesshi wgrant (it was me setting up the test server)12:17
markpitchlessit could be but surprising it was making that many requests12:17
wgrant   1033 2012-03-26 09:0112:18
wgrant   1033 2012-03-26 09:0612:18
wgrant   1033 2012-03-26 09:1112:18
wgrantHTTP requests to ~shadowrobot branches from that IP, by minute12:18
wgrantAnd the requests are over ~10s in each of those minutes.12:18
ugocIf we disable our test server for now12:19
wgrantWe can unblock you immediately, sure.12:19
markpitchlesswow! I'll scale the checks back to once per hour. would have still only expected about 100 requests each check though12:19
markpitchlessok, will stop all the jobs12:19
ugocOk great.12:19
wgrantWhat command are you running? bzr info?12:20
markpitchlessnot sure. it is jenkins12:20
markpitchlesswhat ever its bzr plugin uses12:20
wgrant'cause it's checking for some pretty strange stuff.12:21
markpitchlesscan you mail me some logs and I'll investigate? It is only supposed to checking if the repo has changed or not.12:22
wgrantmarkpitchless: So, scaling back is good. If you can stagger the checks to not be 100 requests per second, even better.12:22
wgrantSure, let me see.12:22
markpitchlesswgrant: will do12:23
markpitchlesswgrant: i have disabled all our jenkins jobs, so we will be back to normal, human generated, traffic levels. can you unblock us please?12:27
wgrantmarkpitchless: A sysadmin is on it. Should be bac kshortly.12:29
markpitchlesswgrant: many thanks. sorry for the hassle.12:30
ugocwgrant: thanks a lot, we'll probably setup an internal repo for our test server...12:31
gnuoy`wgrant, markpitchless: the ip is unblocked12:32
wgrantmarkpitchless: I've just emailed you a minute of the relevant logs.12:32
wgrantgnuoy`: Thanks.12:32
wgrantmarkpitchless: I'll probably look at the jenkins-bazaar plugin tomorrow and see if there's anything obvious that can be done.12:33
wgrantUnless jelmer beats me to it.12:33
markpitchlesswgrant: Cheers. Too many requests was partly my fault, used a script to generate 130 jobs, which were checking every 5mins. Plus 2 active builds that would also do a branch. But thats doesn't add up to 1000.12:36
Laneylooks like caph (the buildd) is busted12:39
Laneyoh, maybe not, ...12:40
wgrantLaney: Yeah, the chroot file in caph's cache seemed to be randomly corrupted (correct length, incorrect content). We forced it to refetch and it's happy now.12:41
Laneywgrant: good news, thanks12:41
wgrantAny builds that were hit will need to be manually retried, though.12:42
Laneyhrm, they don't show up as build failures on +synchronised-packages12:49
Laneywgrant: are you aware that it's happening on other buildds too? (chort)13:03
yann_hello! are there problems on launchpad today?13:07
yann_getting 503 on 50313:07
yann_trying to access that page http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yannh/kt-replication-plugin/trunk/revision/513:10
czajkowskiyann_: I can access it13:15
czajkowskigranted it's a bit slow but it does resolve13:15
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Laneyperhaps someone else can take a look at (ping the ops about) chort?15:02
czajkowskiLaney: link ?15:02
Laneyczajkowski: https://launchpad.net/builders/chort/+history15:03
Laneysounds like they did the same fix for caph a while back15:03
Laneyi just gave back my builds until another buildd got them15:04
Laneywhich is why you don't see them on that list15:04
czajkowskiLaney: being looked into15:12
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czajkowskiLaney: can you explain to thedac what the issue is exactly please.15:35
LaneyI don't know what it is, just that the chroot on chort is broken in the same way that it was on caph. wgrant seemed to know about it earlier.15:36
LaneyI guess you can fix it by getting it to refetch its chroot15:36
czajkowskiLaney: it's been cleaned out and refreshed so we'll wait and see15:46
Laneycool! good work chaps15:46
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