
boramtime is slow. i can't wait for ubuntu 12.0400:25
glosoliboram: get it now00:26
boramit's beta !?00:26
mkultra_so far so good for me00:26
mkultra_just test it right now, and report tons of bugs lol00:26
borami don't want bugs to bite me00:27
mkultra_they are not too bad for me right now00:27
mkultra_plus your making sure that bugs not in 12.0400:27
Jeruvysadly there will always be bugs, but its a very noble effort of course.00:28
Dmoleboram: use virtualbox so you can time travel to before the bug bit you00:28
mkultra_essentially yes they are unavoidable00:28
mkultra_electric sheeps buggy as hell00:28
Dmoleso no one else is having menu bar bugs?00:29
mkultra_i can never get the rewrite to compile00:29
glosoliDmole: what kind of menu bar bugs ?00:29
mkultra_i have cairo-dock bugs00:29
mkultra_xfce4-menu works good though, as usual00:29
boramxfce seem to be quiet these days00:30
boramlxde is more hot00:30
mkultra_lxde is fugly00:30
mkultra_but yes functional00:30
* glosoli happy with default Ubuntu setup00:36
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LirusaitoHow would one register a protocol handler in unity?01:17
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Sly__Why is it that 12.04 won't show the desktop in the "Ubuntu" profile without using the guest session, but will in the "Ubuntu 2D" profile?01:37
Sly__At most, it shows the mouse and you may see the desktop background.01:37
Sly__Running in 2D, everything is fine.01:38
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ghostconnis it easy to dual boot the new kubuntu 12:04 with ubuntu 11:1002:22
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Seiji23Hello :) after the last update I lost my network card... sort of... I had to enable my integrated one which works fine02:34
Seiji23Network Manager says Device not ready for my PCI network card02:35
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seven1anyone here have a laptop with pangolin06:41
boramwhat's that?06:52
jussihrrr. How do I use skype in unity? it starts minimised to tray, its not in the message indicator?07:03
tr0ndouble click?07:03
jussitr0n: double click what?07:04
tr0nthe icon07:04
jussitr0n: I can start it. just that unity doesnt have a tray anymore...07:05
tr0ndash home > search for skype07:05
tr0nthen click on it07:07
jussiI did. skype starts, but is minimised to "tray" in the settings - but unity does not have a tray anymore....07:08
jussitr0n: got it07:13
jussisee comment 4 http://askubuntu.com/questions/74229/how-to-access-skype-in-unity07:13
seven1appl/mac is for faggots07:15
jussiseven1: please keep the comments to a family friendly level07:16
tr0nhaha yep07:16
seven1i say what i want jussi07:16
seven1i bet your a fat nerd07:16
jussihrm, is there any way to adjust the size of the unity launcher bar ?08:05
jussiie, I'd like it a trfle smaller.08:05
tr0nnot that i know of08:07
psypher246hello all, has anyone been having issues with the multi monitor setup randomly loosing it's setup and switching back to low res mirror setup. this happens to me about 3 -5 times a day for no reason. It has been ongoing for about as long as 12.04 has been in development09:16
VolkodavI used janitor to clean up the system and also unneeded configs now I am stuck at grub and it will not boot?10:22
Volkodav1I used janitor to clean up the system and also unneeded configs now I am stuck at grub and it will not boot?11:07
DaekdroomVolkodav1, do you remember - what - you removed?11:10
DaekdroomJanitor was removed from the default install because it was breaking systems.11:10
sagacirough cleaner11:11
Volkodav1Daekdroom: all configs it pointed as unneeded11:14
Volkodav1I did it from Ubuntu tweak - there is janitor still left there damn it11:15
Volkodav1all of them11:15
Volkodav1should I try alternative CD to repair a system ?11:15
arandWell I guess It would be either the grub.cfg or kernels/initramfs..11:15
Volkodav1I see grub's entries though11:16
arandSo is there an error then?11:16
Volkodav1no error since entries in grub are not responsive11:16
Volkodav1just the menu - it boots other systems though11:17
arand[E] ... [ctrl] + [X]   on one of the entries?11:18
Volkodav1arand: have to reboot to try - brb11:31
arandThat should at least give an error11:31
Volkodav1ok thanks will try now and boot another machine for easier diagnostics11:32
Volkodavarand: did not work - grub editor opened on e and then closed back to menu on Ctrl+X11:40
arandVolkodav: Hmm, well, try chrooting into the system and run "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc"11:42
arand"mount /dev/sdX# /mnt; mount /dev/sdX# /mnt/boot; mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev; mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc; mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys; chroot /mnt" should be it I think, with sudo.11:45
arandOmit mounting /boot if you don't have a separate /boot partition11:45
Volkodavi do11:55
Volkodavhave /boot11:55
Dr_willis having a /boot is differnt then having your /boot/ on its own partition.11:59
Volkodav /boot is on a separate partition12:01
Dr_willisthen you will most likely want to mount it to the proper location befor chrooting as shown above12:02
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jwtiyarwhen i need test ubuntu 12.04 in VB gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/900327/12:08
Ian_Corneyou need to enable PAE12:14
drbobbhello, the kubuntu alternate iso for amd64 doesn't fit on a cd, isn't that a bug?12:19
Dr_willisdrbobb,  common 'bug' during beta testing12:19
drbobbnot much I can do other that waste a dvd-r, huh?12:20
Dr_willisi always use usb12:23
Dr_willisset up grub2 to boot iso file. copy new isos over as needed.12:24
arandOr DVD-rw ❤12:28
Volkodavshould xubuntu daily built work for chroot or I need to burn fresh ubuntu beta? mine is alpha 212:34
Volkodavarand: I booted from alternate cd and it gave me shell in repair system option so I mounted / and /boot and reconfigure grub failed asking if /dev is mounted I mounted it on /mnt/dev12:45
Volkodavupdate-burgpc went ok though12:46
arandVolkodav: You need to mount proc and probably sys as well12:46
Nosophorushi, will Mate DE work on 12.04?12:47
Volkodavit should not really matter if it's xubuntu's disc right ?12:48
arandVolkodav: Since you need to chroot, it likely does12:48
arandAlso, if you are using BURG, then all bets are off, it's a fork of grub that I know nothing about12:49
Volkodavit's based on grub and hardly any different under the hood12:50
Volkodavso I'm better off burning a fresh ubuntu beta disc or daily build and chroot from there? or alternate CD ?12:51
arandYou can chrott from anywhere, doesn't matter, as long as you're not crossing different arches, and remember to mount all pieces.12:52
Volkodavthen xubuntu cd should work and it did12:53
Volkodavthe difference is that I mounted / and /boot as in fstab12:55
Volkodavnot on /mnt - does that make a difference if I mount the rest on /mnt ?12:55
arandAh, yeah, I re-read your above comments, I was thinking you were saying that you didn't need to mount /proc since it was the same, not asking if the xubuntu CD was ok :)12:55
arandVolkodav: You need to mount it all in one place as if the "/" was "/mnt"12:56
VolkodavI got it thanks12:56
Volkodavexcept /boot which should be the actual separate partition it is on12:57
arandYou mount the /boot under /mnt/boot along with the others, in order for grub to see it whilst inside the chroot12:58
Volkodav1arand: I managed to boot with Super grub2 CD and it turned out to be a borked BURG, so I just purge it and stick with grub13:20
Volkodav1I really though I killed the system with janitor but it's all good13:23
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ochosihumm, any easy way to check why i can't login? (i'm using the same /home as with oneiric)13:58
ochosiit simply takes me back to the login-screen once i try to log in via lightdm. the guest-account works though13:58
cordovalhas anyone used dotdeb installs for php and mysql and now having problems updating to ubuntu 12? how to proceed? I am getting this error http://pastie.org/367147714:03
Picicordoval: I was under the impression that dotdeb was for debian, not Ubuntu.14:05
cordovalit is however there is a compile I think and a blog post for that, I did it sometime ago, they have support for that14:06
cordovalPici: the need was that the php for default ubuntu packages was old14:06
cordovali needed 5.3.7 or something greater14:06
cordovalhowever the main thing now is I want to go 12 and i can't, I wish someone can point me in the right direction14:06
Picicordoval: Okay, and 12.04 has
cordovalyeah that is perfect14:07
cordovalI want to forget all about dotdeb, please take me to 12 I beg you, can you help me?14:07
Picicordoval: You'd need to remove your conflicting packages.14:08
cordovalhow to do that, how to proceed, I think is just the mysql thing14:09
psypher246hello all, has anyone been having issues with the multi monitor setup randomly loosing it's setup and switching back to low res mirror setup. this happens to me about 3 -5 times a day for no reason. It has been ongoing for about as long as 12.04 has been in development14:10
PiciThe data in the mysql-client-5.5 package that you got from dotdeb conflicts with the data in mysql-client-core Ubuntu package.  You'd need to remove the dotdeb package to continue.  You can do that with dpkg --remove14:10
cordovalPici: which one though https://gist.github.com/19bcc24bc7dc6125221114:12
Picicordoval: at least mysql-client-5.5 at this point.14:13
cordovalPici: if everything breaks i can always reinstall and that is it right? i am just fearful this will not bring up anymore14:15
cordovalPici: https://gist.github.com/301d075f720dd1cdac8514:16
cordovalmy knees are shaking14:19
Picicordoval: You'll need to remove all of those then.14:20
cordovalok i am also told that I need to unlock dpkg db14:22
cordovaldo you know if that makes sense?14:22
coz_hey guys.. ctrl+alt+del no longer brings up the logoff dialog UI   ,, anyone have a command for that?14:27
rockyhrm after logging in today my graphics are all wonky, weird graphical effects on an intel sandybridge graphics chip (laptop) ... anyone else see anything like this?14:29
cordovalI will come back to this another time14:36
cordovalthanks Pici14:36
Prettoi am  not able to install any package, always got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/900566/ does anyone could help me?14:50
Rigorm0rtisI'm installing Ubuntu 12.04 server beta and hanging on "Configuring keyboard-configuration". How can I get past this?14:55
DulakCan someone confirm an issue for me?  I used Dvorak as my main keyboard layout, but I keep the normal keyboard layout in second position so I can easily switch it.  Everything is defaulting to the normal layout even though I have Dvorak as the top layout.  This was not the case in Lucid.14:58
Prettois there a way to install base system?15:03
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h00kwoo, unity is ugly today.15:04
Picih00k: today? :P15:04
h00kPici: er, well, flickery with Intel chipsets :)15:04
rockyh00k, yeah i observed the same thing ... unusable, had to go back to gnome classic :(15:05
h00kI just did gnome-shell temporarily.15:05
rockywell having no compiz makes it work15:07
rockyh00k, but it's good to know someone else is having the problem, was worried my graphics adapter was dying lol15:09
h00krocky: nah, same here on a laptop and netbook15:09
h00kboth have Intel chipsets15:09
MrChrisDruifI'm not even going to fuel the fire.... ^_^15:09
_d4vidhow stable is 12.04?15:30
_d4vidready to use=15:30
_d4viduse for web surfing and play games..15:30
_d4vidplay under wine15:31
MrChrisDruif_d4vid; for me stable enough, still sometimes do the upgrades break stuff that wasn't broken15:31
* MrChrisDruif doesn't use wine so can't confirm or deny there15:31
_d4vidwho play games under wine?15:31
_d4vidplease tell me how stable is 12.0415:32
bazhang_d4vid, dont repeat15:32
_d4vidbazhang, sorry15:32
bazhang_d4vid, its beta, not very stable15:32
bazhang_d4vid, wine questions? apps? #winehq15:33
philinux_d4vid: It's fine on a spare partition or spare machine.15:36
Whiskey`Wonkaanyone know where network-manager stores its saved wired/wireless/vpn settings? and how to get kubuntu 12.04 to display the icon so you cna quickly switch profiles with out having to go to system settings first15:38
_d4vidthanks guys15:38
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philinuxWhiskey`Wonka: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148082615:47
philinuxI dont think things have changed15:47
Whiskey`Wonkayay ok got all my old network configs15:50
Whiskey`Wonkaty philinux15:50
Whiskey`Wonkanow, any idea why the igksudo nautilus /etc/NetworkManagercon isnt showing in the system tray?15:50
n0ydI'm trying to install 12.04 on a original centrino laptop (pentium-M).  Apparently the new kernel requies pae instructions be built into the CPU.  So when I boot the CD, the kernel won't load because the CPU doesn't support pae.  Requiring PAE seems like a dumb move imho, there are plenty of PC's out there still with chips that don't support PAE instruction set,l let alone need them (4+gb of ram on 32bit).  Is there someway I can use an option on loading15:51
n0ydthe CD to disable pae, or maybe there is another kernel on the disk for non-pae?  It seems it wouldve been better to make pae-enabled an option rather than forcing it on people and alienating a userbase15:51
=== EyesIsServer is now known as IAMACorrect
Dulakn0yd: that's interesting, I thought the installer detected if you needed pae or not and used the correct kernel, that maybe changed for 12.04.15:54
n0ydFrom what I'm reading (i havent used ubuntu in ages, been using debian) the other version of ubuntu did not have it required, merely an option15:54
n0ydDulak, i have 1GB on these machines15:54
n0ydI have 5 toughbooks sitting here waiting for ubuntu15:54
n0ydlooks like  12.04 thing15:55
DulakI have not tried to install 12.04 on my older machines, they run Lucid and it correctly selected the non-pae kernel for those at install time.15:55
n0ydthats crazy, default kernel in 12l.04 requires PAE15:56
n0ydthatr is crazy, thats killing a whole userset15:56
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n0ydpae should be an option as to not force users that are upgrading with old hardware to NOT use ubuntu.  Besides, most people with a need for PAE are going to be going 64bit anyway, which is gaining in popularity constantly.  So with normal i386 installs already becoming less popular, why kill it even more?15:58
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n0ydThe thing that irks me the most is these laptops won't boot from15:59
n0ydDVD media for some reason.  And I just used my last CD to boot 12.04.  So now I gotta setup PXE botting just to get another distro installed15:59
n0ydapparently there is a non-pae minicd, but that does me no good with no more media compatible media for these machines :(16:00
Sly__Something about fglrx causes the windows' title in Ubuntu to fail to change title, color, etc.16:01
n0ydHmm, so xubuntu reveted back to non-pae? but ubuntu is still forcing it? jeez16:02
trismn0yd: the non-pae kernel is supposed to be dropped completely in 12.10 (they actually wanted to drop it for 12.04), bug 89778616:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 897786 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Q-series) "Kernel is dropping non-PAE flavour" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89778616:07
n0ydtrism, great. thats rediculous16:08
n0ydMight as well take a ton of current users and count them out16:08
n0ydThat's some microsoft games quite frankly.  Design software so the userbase HAS TO upgrade16:08
n0ydAs I said, in 95 percent of the cases where PAE would be needed, most people would be going to 64bit anyway16:09
n0ydIt makes no sense to alienate a bug chunk of the userbasxe when they could merely make it an option, not a requirement16:10
trismn0yd: there is a bug for similar hardware as yours but it is marked won't fix, bug 93044716:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 930447 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unable to Install Ubuntu 12.04 on Pentium M x86 Laptop due to PAE kernel" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93044716:10
n0ydA machine doesnt need 4GB to boot into an installer16:10
n0ydtrism, of course its not, it cant be fixed unless they include an option for a seperate kernel on disk16:11
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Seven_Six_TwoI can't figure out how to get the status of a package that I need (to make my internal mic work). It's linux-backports-modules-alsa-*16:13
n0ydSimply make the install media non-pae on boot (or add an option in the special options F6 or whatever it is at least).  Then during install have it autodetect if the machine needs a pae kernel because it has 4GB+ of ram (cause god forbid the installer actually asks, it might _confuse_ people? ram? what ram? I dont drive a dodge pickup!")16:13
Seven_Six_Twoit hasn't worked in 11.10 at all (not since 2.6.* kernel was removed) and 12.04 seems to work well for me so far16:14
dellwhen is the release date?16:15
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:15
philinuxdell: April 26th16:16
dellty philinux16:16
n0yd12< year, 04< month16:17
rockyh00k, don't suppose you happen to know which package is the culprit for the wonky intel graphics issue? so i know when i do an update i can watch for that package to be updated?16:18
jussirocky: whats the issue you are having?16:19
jussirocky: is it flickering on unity?16:20
rockyjussi: yup16:20
jussirocky: do: unity --reset16:20
jussishould fix it16:20
jussi(i had same issue)16:20
rockyoh cool, gotta log out then, brb16:20
Whiskey`Wonkan0yd: na you easily boot from usb16:21
Whiskey`Wonkause ardu to make the bootable usb stick16:21
n0ydI cant boot from usb16:21
n0ydlegacyt hardware16:21
Whiskey`Wonkaits /that/ old?16:21
Whiskey`Wonkai usb boot things that are 10 years old16:21
n0ydIt's a 1.6Ghz pentium-m16:21
n0ydYes, most machines that old can boot from USB, these devices cannot16:22
h00koh really, jussi, I'll try that16:22
Whiskey`Wonkachecked for bios updates?16:22
n0ydOf course16:22
n0ydPanasonic has some of the worst support for their devices ive seen16:22
Whiskey`Wonkacd-rw time16:23
rockyjussi: looks like that did the trick16:24
n0ydi guess im just gonna use PXE on these16:24
jussin0yd: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-November/034399.html16:25
jussirocky: great :)16:25
n0ydMy plan is to get Linux on these things and give them to a friend of mine who teaches computers in a local high school16:25
n0ydThey are old US govt toughbooks that were declassified and decommisioned and I got them for next to nothing16:25
n0ydjussi, well, thats obviously wrong16:26
Dulakn0yd: Lucid runs great on my old machines, if you don't want to compile your own non-pae kernel16:27
jussin0yd: I suggest you read the whole tread16:27
n0ydAparently all Pentium-M's do not support PAE, not just the 400mhz model or whatever hes trying to say16:27
jussimind, tim knows what he is tslking about16:27
rockyactually that brings up an interesting point... at home i have an old pentium3 i want to use as my mediaserver connected to my tv but i find most recent ubuntu releases are a bit too heavy weight for it... what's a good distro to run say xbmc in barebones mode on ?16:27
n0ydjussi, Im not going to waste my time, I'm just going to find a distro that works.  Reading about why some ubuntu developer doesnt want to support non-pae hardware isnt going to magically make my hardware work.16:28
jussirocky: thats a bit offtopic for  here, probably #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux ;)16:28
* rocky wanders off16:28
jussin0yd: debian ;)16:28
n0ydHe already wrong in what he says. 400mhz pentium-m? wtf16:28
n0ydjussi, as stated above16:28
n0ydIve used debian for years (since before ubuntu was even around).  I guess I will just have to come up with another solution for easing new users into Linux from Windows16:29
h00kjussi: worked here.16:32
jussih00k: :)16:32
h00kjussi: huh, I wonder what/why.16:32
DulakThings advance.  Change happens, and railing against it is a bit childish.  I think they should have waited till the next LTS to drop non-pae, but that's ok, I will run lucid until EOL and then EOL my old hardware.16:33
h00kjussi: worked on both machines.16:33
h00kjussi: thanks.16:33
DulakIt's an excuse to get new super fast cool computers and push down my existing machine(s)16:33
Dr_willisThere are disrtos with 'low end hardware' being their focus.  - You cant always be tied to the past.16:44
n0ydWow, great excuse16:48
JorkyI didn't test and use precise yet but I am hoping it will be better than 11.10. What's yours oppinion on that (and precise)?16:56
Jorkyis faster, stable etc16:56
Whiskey`WonkaJorky: mine is that stick to 11.1016:57
Whiskey`WonkaJorky: so far, its a bit sharp on the edge16:58
Jorkywhat are the reasons?16:58
Jorkyno I mean when final release will come?16:58
Whiskey`Wonkai dunno when final is, read it somepalce16:58
Jorkyok bitch16:58
bazhangJorky, no cursing here16:59
PiciJorky: Mind your language and attitude here please.16:59
DulakFinal is targetted for april 26,  iirc16:59
philinuxYou did Dulak17:00
Jorkyno shit, I alredy know that I just wanna know your's firs impresions on precise as testers17:01
bazhangJorky, dont curse17:01
Jorkyso no impressions than17:04
Jorkybye I see that ubuntu comunity isn't so nice as it says17:04
Jorkyfuck ubuntu we have other distros17:05
Dr_willisIm not sure the comunity needs people like that joining us....17:16
DulakYeah, I answered his question and he attacked.  Complete downer.17:17
Dr_willisYou needed better impressions...17:18
doug_<doug_> I updated one of my systems to ubuntu-server 12.04 beta, and now cups won't broadcast the attached printers anymore.  I have checked that the cups config file is the same as earlier, and haven't been able to find anything that addresses this issue.  I also created a fresh install of 12.04 and found the same problem.  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?17:18
doug_<doug_> I updated one of my systems to ubuntu-server 12.04 beta, and now cups won't broadcast the attached printers anymore.  I have checked that the cups config file is the same as earlier, and haven't been able to find anything that addresses this issue.  I also created a fresh install of 12.04 and found the same problem.  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?17:18
Dr_willischeck your cups logs for starters17:18
shaneoanyone in the ormond/daytona area interested in getting a release party setup17:18
shaneomaybe even port orange area17:19
Picishaneo: You probably be better off asking in Florida's loco team channel (#ubuntu-us-fl), they've been rather active in the past, so they probably do have at least one release party setup.17:22
shaneooh lol thought that was where i was sorry the chan is right under this one17:22
lotuspsychjeis activity-log-manager going to be default in precise?17:22
bazhang!find activity-log-manager17:23
ubottuFound: activity-log-manager-common, activity-log-manager-control-center, activity-log-manager17:23
bazhang!info activity-log-manager17:24
ubottuactivity-log-manager (source: activity-log-manager): blacklist configuration user interface for Zeitgeist. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 70 kB, installed size 217 kB (Only available for any all)17:24
bazhanglotuspsychje, see above17:24
lotuspsychjebazhang: would zeitgeist still be default then?17:24
lotuspsychjeoptional right17:25
lotuspsychjea handy tool it is17:25
shaneohey guys does ubuntu by default on amd versions check both 86 and 64 repos or is there something wrong with my sources17:25
Dr_williscant say ive ever noticed shaneo17:26
Dr_willisnever really noticed there being 2 differnt repos for the bittness. :)17:26
astraljavashaneo: By default only the arch that you're running. But multi-arch with foreign arch can be a different thing. pastebin, please?17:26
MrChrisDruifshaneo; I never really paid attention seeing I have a 64 install17:27
shaneook 1 sec17:27
shaneoi guess i could be running 86_64 but i d/l the amd64 iso17:29
shaneobeen running it a long time but just now noticing it17:29
MrChrisDruifuname -p17:30
shaneoyup its x86_64 so i guess that answers my question17:32
MrChrisDruifEvery once in a while my internet connection crawls to a hold and my xchat reports massive lag, can someone help me diagnose my connection?17:35
bastidrazorMrChrisDruif: your tubes are clogged17:50
MrChrisDruifHmm, how do I clean them?17:51
msch_hi, i figured out how to disable the super key binding in unity, but is there a way to disable the alt key binding? i want to stop having that "type your command" whenever i hit alt18:11
trismmsch_: you can disable it in ccsm in the unity plugin 'Key to show HUD', although I have heard that may break other things, don't know if that is still the case18:14
msch_trism: does that also work for unity-2d?18:14
trismmsch_: no, sorry, see bug 94761318:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947613 in unity-2d "Alt key summoning HUD needs to be configurable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94761318:15
msch_trism: ok, np, glad that it's a confirmed bug. does that mean that it'll be fixed before precise is released?18:16
MrChrisDruifNot necessarily ;-)18:17
MrChrisDruifIf more than one person is affected it is automatically confirmed on launchpad18:17
fernandocuevahello I need support for windows 9518:18
bazhangfernandocueva, pardon?18:19
fernandocuevayou ever heard of the game destruction derby18:19
bazhangfernandocueva, how does that relate to ubuntu support18:20
fernandocuevasorry sorry I'll ask differently, you know ubuntu comes with open office right18:20
bazhanglibreoffice actually18:20
fernandocuevais that how it goes now18:21
bazhangfernandocueva, what does any of this have to do with windows 9518:21
fernandocuevathat question was for another channel sorry18:21
chris535Is there a way to setup multiple monitors in Unity without using Twinview from nvidia-settings?  I want the extra control from the Display screens (hide the launcher on my second monitor etc..)18:21
fernandocuevaI just created a plain text document to save some notes and when I try to open it with word processor it is asking me for ascii filter options18:23
bazhangopen office?18:23
bazhang#openoffice.org fernandocueva18:41
fernandocuevano one is answering there18:53
dansulI'm curious and want to install 12.04 as my main os, is it relatively stable for everyday use ?19:12
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
glosolidansul: well, as it is beta, it's enough stable for me, but from time to time some minor bugs occur19:14
fernandocuevaeat the damn bug19:14
dansuli'm convinced19:14
PatrickCI'm gonna make the move once I get my laptop back working19:15
glosolifernandocueva: ?19:15
PatrickClast time I used 12.04 (a month or 2 ago) I had tons of kernel crash errors lol19:15
glosolidansul: for example, my asus laptop even finally got all the acpi keys working, unlikely in any release before when I had to use scripts :)19:16
dansulPatrickC, did you install it on a notebook or pc ?19:16
dansulI see19:16
PatrickCI know they are still working on one of the major kernel bugs I found as I stop get emails every now and then about it lol19:17
dansulDo you happen to have the link to the bug report?19:18
PatrickCprobably in my email19:19
PatrickCdoes this work for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/914319$19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914319 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "NULL pointer dereference at sd_revalidate_disk+0x30/0x2a0" [High,Fix released]19:19
dansulseems to be fixed thanks19:21
PatrickCI had like 4 kernel crashes in 20 min when I was using 12.0319:21
PatrickCso I went back to 11.10 ;)19:21
fernandocuevaI'm using 10.0419:21
PatrickCI have some friends still on 10.0419:22
dansulcan you upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 directly ?19:22
PatrickCmaybe via sudo apt-get upgrade ?19:22
fernandocuevawans't it distro-upgrade the command19:23
PatrickChmm.. might have been19:23
PatrickCthat sounds better then upgrade :P19:23
dansulwithout going to 11.10 ?19:23
PatrickCI think you can.. not sure though19:23
PatrickCright now I'm booted off of a LIve USB or I would try it lol19:24
PatrickCmy HDD seems to hate me. so trying to fix it19:24
PatrickCthats better19:27
PatrickCon the desktop now19:27
oconnoreis anyone else having problems with audio recently?19:31
oconnoreadjusting the volume causes sound to crash19:34
doug_<doug_> I updated one of my systems to ubuntu-server 12.04 beta, and now cups won't broadcast the attached printers anymore.  I have checked that the cups config file is the same as earlier, and haven't been able to find anything that addresses this issue.  I also created a fresh install of 12.04 and found the same problem.  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?19:43
doug_It receives broadcasts just fine, just doesn't send any.19:44
TheSimkindoug_: i don't quite follow what you mean by braodcasts fine but doesn't send any19:47
TheSimkinso you have a printer set up, and set it to shared, but other cups instances won't pick it up?19:47
TheSimkinor they see it but when you print it fails?19:47
doug_I said, it receives broadcasts fine (i,e. broadcasts from other cups servers) but won't send any related to it's own printers.19:47
TheSimkincan you pastebin your cups config file?19:48
doug_I'm talking about the every-30 sec broadcasts telling other systems what printers are connected.  Was working fine until I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and the broadcasts stopped.19:49
doug_I made sure the original cupsd.conf file was still intact (i.e., the upgrade didn't replace it), but still no-go.19:51
TheSimkincups behaviour has changed a bit with the new versions19:59
TheSimkinjust pastebin your config file19:59
fernandocuevaanybody knows why ubuntu stopped using openoffice?20:02
doug_TheSimkin:  Sorry, on phone20:04
mwhudsonso my window manager has died during the upgrade to precise20:04
mwhudsonis this a known failure?20:04
thedonvaughnfernandocueva: isn't it using libreoffice?20:05
fernandocuevayes it does now20:05
thedonvaughnfernandocueva: oh you mean why libreoffice instead of openoffice?  libreoffice is openoffice basically.  it forked from open office when oracle aqcuired it20:06
fernandocuevathedonvaughn, so open office is not open source anymore20:08
TheSimkinfernandocueva: ?20:11
TheSimkinopenoffice is still open source20:11
fernandocuevaI want to open a doc file made with word xp and when I try the file comes up empty20:12
fernandocuevathe file uses an avery layout 649020:13
TheSimkintry uploading to google docs20:13
TheSimkinsome word files are pretty nasty though20:14
TheSimkini get some weird ones at times20:14
fernandocuevaI won't upload this is a confidential document20:15
TheSimkinyou can delete it once you are done.20:16
thedonvaughnfernandocueva: libreoffice can't read it?20:16
fernandocuevaI tried openoffice from 10.04 I don't have the new ubuntu installed to test it I'll try the live cd of 11.10 if it cans but I'll beat it needs the avery layout20:20
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LetterRiphi all - i just updated and now when i try to update from svn i get 'Server sent unexpected return value (503 Service unavailable) in response to OPTIONS request for <URL>”20:39
fernandocuevawhat's 0x83 partition20:39
LetterRipso was a default setting for svn changed?20:39
fernandocuevacan file system and partition be of different types20:39
LetterRiphi can someone please test if svn works - i just updated ubuntu and can no longer check out svn from blender.org which has an untrusted certificate21:20
LetterRiphere is the command21:20
LetterRipsvn co https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender21:21
LetterRipi can't browse svn via chrome or firefox either21:21
LetterRipthe browsers won't let me21:21
glosoliLetterRip: is there any way to test21:21
glosoliwithout installing svn ?21:22
LetterRipie in chrome i can't do 'proceed anyway'21:22
LetterRipglosoli: try pasting it into chrome and see if you can do proceed anyway21:22
glosoliI can21:22
LetterRipjust the https stuff21:22
glosoliit loads fine for me21:22
glosolihave you tried pinging it ?21:22
LetterRipglosoli: well it works for others in blendercoders channel - just trying to find out if it is an ubuntu+1 issue or what21:23
LetterRipglosoli: so it allows you to do 'proceed anyway'?21:24
glosoliusing precise here21:24
glosoliIt didin't asks me to proceed anything21:24
LetterRipwhat did it show, can you do a screenshot?21:24
glosoliLetterRip: I just opened that link https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender did I need to do smth else ?21:25
LetterRipglosoli: what appears though when you open it?21:25
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LetterRipis it ia link of directory structures?21:25
LetterRipor blank?21:25
LetterRipor what?21:25
glosolidir of structures21:25
LetterRipcan you do pastebin or pasteall i don't have permission to access it21:26
glosolido you have permission now ?21:27
LetterRipok thanks21:27
LetterRipso something screwy on my computer only21:27
glosoliMight be mm or Internet provider21:28
glosoliwith dns caches21:28
glosoli ?21:28
itaylor57yea the latest updates is making my unity a little flacky21:30
imarkis anyone esle noticing firefox not appearing in the launcher when it should be?21:33
itaylor57no but i am getting screen flickering now21:34
mongoitaylor57: ya I had to do the unity reset21:35
imarkjust after todays updates i cant lock it to launcher21:35
fernandocuevacan file system and partition be of different types21:42
itaylor57well that is the buggiest i have been in a while21:47
itaylor57compiz crashing unity flickering21:47
KM0201poor unity21:53
FernandoMiguela LOT21:55
FernandoMigueland the Super NUM is driving me crazzzyyyyyyyyy21:55
roastedso I just installed 12.04 from today's daily build and everything looks very gtk2/4.10 era. Any ideas?22:21
roasteder, I think I know the answer already. I'm using my existing home dir and of course I don't have the theme installed...22:21
mcamareti want to install mirall/csync for owncloud sync but the ppa has nothing for precise. what should I do?22:22
logmcamaret: You could try using the PPA for oneiric and installing it from there.22:24
log(i.e. add "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/zeppelinlg/mirall/ubuntu oneiric main" to your sources list)22:24
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mcamareti'll try22:24
logYou should add that line in Ubuntu Software Center --> Edit --> Software Sources.22:25
roastedman unity in 12.04 is a heckuva lot nicer22:25
logmcamaret: You could do that too, yes.22:26
logIn that case, add "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/zeppelinlg/mirall/ubuntu oneiric main" as well.22:26
logI personally prefer adding sources through Ubuntu Software Center, as it does that second one automatically.22:26
mcamaretit's actually software-sources-gtk, not usc22:28
logmcamaret: Hmm, I just tried mirall with that PPA, and it didn't work in my 12.04 installation.22:28
logOh well.22:28
FunnyLookinHatIs anyone else's compiz crashing every time they install something in the software center?22:30
FunnyLookinHatSeems to be a recent addition...22:30
logFunnyLookinHat: Try updating.22:31
logI believe they just fixed that.22:31
FunnyLookinHatlog, just now?  I updated about 2 hours ago w/ no luck22:31
FunnyLookinHatSeems to be this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/96350122:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963501 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message() from g_variant_unref() from unity::launcher::SoftwareCenterLauncherIcon::OnPropertyChanged()" [Medium,Confirmed]22:31
logYeah, try now.22:31
itaylor57yes compiz is having a cow today22:31
FunnyLookinHatlog, kk22:32
roastedAm I crazy, or does 12.04 comes with gnome shell installed?22:32
logroasted: It shouldn't...22:32
roastedI swear I didn't install it yet it's here as an option...22:32
itaylor57well i dont see any update pending22:33
itaylor57roasted, no gnome-shell installed here22:35
roastedthat's so weird22:36
roastedI went to install it and it said it's there. I was like, what the?22:36
roastedlogged out and sure enough it's an option...22:36
anthroposif i format a partition myself will the ubuntu installer insist on reformatting it, or can I have it install without doing so22:39
anthropos(the installer for 12.04 beta)22:39
itaylor57anthropos, depends on the format22:39
roastedI've installed before w/o formatting, as long as it's what you need22:39
roastedI've used gparted to set up partitions, then boot ubuntu and just use it w/o formating22:39
roastedguys, what are your thoughts on unity in 12.04?22:40
roastedI used to passionately hate unity but I'm digging what I'm seeing22:40
roasteddual monitor setups work without raging me22:40
anthroposI think you can switch desktop environments if you desire22:40
roastedoh I know22:40
roastedbelieve me, I was all over gnome shell like crazy22:40
smwroasted, I still hate it. I hate it even more now that it has HUD. Now I hate that it has the most awesome feature ever but sucks in every other way ;-)22:41
roasteddon't get me wrong, gnome shell is flippin beautiful... but unity seems significantly better than the "wow this sucks" I felt before22:41
roastedsmw: I'm not even sure what hud is. can you elaborate?22:41
anthroposI use gnome shell, too.22:41
smwroasted, click the alt button22:41
anthropositaylor57: do you know if it'll work with ext4?22:41
smwroasted, and be amazed22:41
anthropositaylor57: i.e. not insist on reformatting my partitions22:41
roastedyou mean on keyboard?22:41
smwanthropos, I am just now switching to gnome shell22:41
smwanthropos, but it is still not ready to replace my 11.04 computer with gnome two22:42
roastedmaybe I have to tinker wtih it, but I'm not seeing what it even is...22:42
smwroasted, the HUD is the file/edit/etc menu at the top of the program22:43
smwroasted, but no mouse necessary22:43
roastedthat's uh... pretty dang sexy22:43
smwroasted, and it makes me hate unity much more.22:43
roastedyeah. I dig it.22:43
roastedlol why22:43
smwroasted, I told you. I see this awesome feature and in order to use it I would need to deal with unity22:44
theq_Guys, could you help me to fix some issue after upgrade to 11.10? People on #ubuntu don't know how to fix it, and I need it to be fixed a lot22:44
roastedwhat is it you dislike about unity?22:44
itaylor57anthropos, ext4 will be fine22:44
smwroasted, all the above. I want my old gnome 2 back22:44
anthropositaylor57: thank you very much22:44
roastedsmw: please don't take offense to this, but I do have a sincere question.22:44
smwroasted, my desktop is still on natty.22:45
roastedsmw: have you used unity for a length of time with a "sit back and see what it can do" type of mentality?22:45
smwroasted, yes22:45
anthroposi tried that. it didn't take.22:45
roastedsmw: because, don't get me wrong, I used to hate gnome shell and unity... I was testing gnome shell before people even knew it was in its birthing stages....22:45
smwroasted, gnome-shell took much better22:45
theq_guys... please22:45
anthroposmy body ultimately still rejected the desktop transplant22:45
roastedsmw: but gnome shell grew on me, and now that unity is looking much nicer it's growing on me too22:45
mrdebwho has 1204 from today22:45
roastedI do22:46
roastedinstalled it a half hour ato22:46
mrdebis it good22:46
roastedtheq_: what is your issue?22:46
bastidrazormrdeb: i have been using the beta since it became a beta. its does well for me22:46
roastedshut up boram22:46
boramis this a fud?22:46
mrdebis it better than 111022:46
theq_roasted: after upgrade I've got some services unavailable from localhost, but available from any PC from network22:46
mrdebcan u close things fast and start up22:46
roastedboram: Canonical stopped funding Kubuntu, but Kubuntu will remain active, alive, and well. Lubuntu and Xubuntu have NEVER received funding from Canonical and they're officially supported. It makes zero difference.22:46
boramso it's a truth22:46
mrdebso kubuntu is over22:46
mrdebis that it22:46
roastedboram: not to mention, I think Kubuntu only had 1 paid Canonical employee. They simply shifted him from Kubuntu to other activities within the company.22:47
boramno for what?22:47
roastedKubuntu is not over.22:47
roastedHowever, Canonical dropped financial support that was barely existent o begin with.22:47
mrdebwhy dont they stop kubuntu and make unity better22:47
smwroasted, you need to understand that what the linux world (not fair to just blame ubuntu) is doing is throwing out old interfaces and years of people figuring out how to be productive (and adding of options so people can choose what makes them more productive) and making people just deal with it.22:47
roastedBesides, I thought I heard Kubuntu just received some major endorsement?22:47
smwroasted, you can see how this might offend people?22:47
borambut somebody said it's a fud22:48
roastedsmw: You need to reconsider the "linux world" term there, bro. OSX and Win 8 are going the same direction.22:48
boramnow he is a liar22:48
roastedboram: because it's not a big deal. Period. It's not a big deal AT ALL but you keep speaking as if it is.22:48
roastedIt makes no difference. None.22:48
smwroasted, I am most efficient on gnome 2. There are damn obvious features still missing from gnome shell where I wonder what the hell was going through their minds.22:48
theq_guys... please help22:48
theq_I'm done in this, need help22:48
roastedsmw: there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with the new interfaces. I definitely find myself quite snappy on the old menus.22:48
theq_sitting here from hours22:48
smwroasted, I can't see when I get highlighted on xchat in gnome shell. That is probably right now my biggest gripe22:49
TheSimkinthey should drop unity and go headlong into kde really22:49
roastedsmw: I'm just saying, I gave it a very solid shot, and I am easily more productive on Gnome Shell.22:49
TheSimkinkde is fantastic22:49
roastedsmw: I agree there...22:49
smwroasted, I don't use old menus, I have gnome do ;-)22:49
roastedtheq_: what is your issue exactly?22:49
anthropostheq_: i don't see where you mentioned a problem22:49
roastedsmw: my gosh gnome do is beautiful :D22:49
smwroasted, absolutely. And it is configurable!22:49
smwroasted, I found that I was best when I removed all the plugins and had it just do apps, commands, and calculator22:49
roastedsmw: I've stopped using gnome do since both unity and shell have gnome do-like features built in....22:49
smwroasted, same22:50
roastedwe use it on oru fleet of systems at work22:50
smwroasted, I am retraining my reflexes so I click ctrl before pressing enter22:50
theq_roasted anthropos some services can't connect using localhost or or address, I have fixed issues in mysql and apache by setting IP in config, but it doesn't work in postfix, courier, ejabberd, bind - I just can't connect to these from that pc which we are talking about, from any pc from network which see this PC I can connect22:50
roastedwe have a heavily customized xfce desktop and everyone loves gnome do on it22:50
smwroasted, stuff that I would rather just configure22:50
roastedtheq_: have you asked in ubuntu-server? Some of those things you said make my head spin.22:50
smwroasted, but they have not seen fit to add those types of customizations yet22:51
roastedsmw: I hear ya.22:51
smwroasted, a new interface like this should have been given years to develop and let people switch over at their own pace.22:51
roastedsmw: I agree, there are certain things tha bug me about the new interfaces. But I've grown to really like the idea and work flow behind them. It ook me a while, but I'm there...22:51
theq_I would try, however I've got serious headache here...22:51
smwroasted, next thing I want. the gnome shell cover flow extension to only work on the workspace you are on.22:52
anthropostheq_, do the connections just time out22:52
theq_anthropos: yup22:52
anthroposwhich services don't work and which do22:52
smwroasted, these are all things that with time I am sure will be fixed in one way or another. But they pissed off a lot of people in the process.22:52
roastedsmw: sometimes I get heated by it, but then I think about how much better off we are than windows and OSX.22:52
theq_anthropos: at the moment apache, mysql are working great, but postfix, courier, ejabberd, bind not22:52
roastedsmw: now THERES some companies who sincerely don't give a damn.22:52
anthropostheq_ is port 25 open22:53
smwroasted, I don't feel better off :-P22:53
theq_anthropos: yes, I can use the services from internet, but not from localhost22:53
roastedsmw: I work in a mixed environment, so I deal with all 3 platforms rather extensively.22:53
smwroasted, I feel like they are stealing interface designs from apple. Especially the parts of apple I hate ;-)22:53
anthroposare there any errors in your logs that look relevant, especially regarding name resolution22:53
roastedsmw: Linux, despite what ever desktop environment I'm on, is my happy place vs what I'm seeing in the other areans :P22:53
roastedsmw: absolutely disagree there.22:53
mrdebyes roaster22:53
roastedsmw: we have more Apple than anything else at work right now. I just don't see the connection.22:54
smwroasted, when I click the icon for an application, I want to launch a new one. I do not want to be brought to a current one!22:54
anthroposand does /etc/hosts look correct to you. e.g. does it contain a line like: localhost22:54
mrdeblinux is good and solid like a box22:54
mrdebso u can put things in it22:54
smwroasted, I can name many ways they are similar. Gnome shell and apple22:54
roastedmrdeb: lol?22:54
roastedsmw: and all through it I'd have to disagree. I have a macbook pro right next to me. I just don't see anything tha screams Apple Apple Apple.22:54
theq_anthropos: yes22:54
theq_Login failed for theqkash@theqkash.pl from MY_IP. Could not connect to SERVER_IP:143: Connection timed out22:55
TheSimkinmy biggets beef with OSX gui is the lack of a proper maximize button22:55
smwroasted, you have gnome-shell?22:55
roastedTheSimkin: I agree.22:55
mrdebmacbook is good22:55
roastedsmw: yes22:55
TheSimkinit's really silly.22:55
theq_anthropos: Login failed for theqkash@theqkash.pl from Could not connect to Connection timed out22:55
roastedTheSimkin: that enrages me.22:55
theq_for example22:55
anthropostheq_: are the there any corresponding entries in the logs in /var/log22:55
anthroposthe syslog for example22:55
smwroasted, do you see how when you start an app on the side bar (that looks very much like the bottom bar of the mac), it lights up underneath?22:55
TheSimkinfinder is pretty annoying too22:55
theq_anthropos: nope22:55
roastedsmw: my mac dock doesn't light up underneath.22:56
smwroasted, now click on that icon again. Do you notice how it brings you to the already open window?22:56
anthropostheq_: can you ping localhost22:56
theq_anthropos: nope22:56
anthroposcan you ping
roastedsmw: my mac dock has a dot underneath each item that it's on. nothing is lit up or highlights.22:56
smwroasted, old ones did. Does it now have that arrow icon to mean it is running?22:56
roastedsmw: how old?22:56
roastedsmw: we have some systems as old as 10.3 at work22:56
roastedand as recent as 10.722:56
roastedall the same22:56
theq_anthropos: nope22:56
anthroposdoes ifconfig lo22:56
roastedonly difference is, older ones are a tiny black triangle, where newer ones are a white dot.22:56
theq_127.0.0.2 too22:56
theq_and the server IP to22:57
anthroposdoes that look as you expect it to22:57
theq_anthropos: http://pastebin.com/NHVyaRpU22:57
smwroasted, same thing. The point is that they took the apple "an app is on or it is not"22:57
roastedsmw: how else would you isolate active vs non active apps?22:57
theq_anthropos: and whole: http://pastebin.com/yM9WcDmc22:57
smwroasted, when you click the button it brings you to the currently open instance, not a new one22:57
mrdebwhy do they put apps now into mac22:58
mrdebthis is bad22:58
anthroposi think that might look wrong. perhaps it's not being assigned the ip
smwroasted, a taskbar?22:58
roastedsmw: yeah, because the unity bar/gnome shell bar replaces the functionality of the task bar.22:58
theq_anthropos: it comes like it by default22:58
theq_should I change it22:58
roastedsmw: I'm not seeing how else you'd expect it to operate?22:58
mrdebso unity is like mac now22:58
=== haz3lnut_zzz is now known as haz3lnut
smwroasted, stealing the interface from mac in the process22:58
anthroposmy loopback shows assigned to it22:58
roastedsmw: lol?22:58
roastedsmw: I just had a legit "laugh out loud"22:58
anthroposyour loopback seems to have no ipv4 or ipv6 addr assigned to it22:58
roastedsmw: we're going to have to agree to disagree, because I'm not going to argue nonsense. (no offense)22:58
theq_lol and here is the issue :|22:59
smwroasted, when I tell it to open a program, I want a new window ;-)22:59
anthroposwhat is the content of /etc/network/interfaces pertaining to lo22:59
theq_I have set it by hand at it works like a charm22:59
theq_now tell me please where to set it to be permanent22:59
anthroposit should have configured properly based on the content of /etc/network/interfaces22:59
theq_anthropos: these is auto generated22:59
anthroposso it just says auto lo, yes?23:00
theq_no matter what I wrote there it will clean after reboot23:00
smwroasted, they stole the horrible idea that selecting an app means you either want to run it or see the current instance of it.23:00
smwroasted, for web browsers, terminals, office docs, etc that is not the case23:00
roastedsmw: this argument is as bad/worse as apple's "swipe to unlock touch screen" argument.23:00
roastedI mean, SERIOUSLY, some things you just can't avoid, yet people default to "they stole it!"23:00
anthroposare you saying your changes in /etc/network/interfaces are not persistent?23:00
roastedHow else was Chevy supposed to make a car steer? Use a square steering wheel? Use left/right foot pedals?23:00
theq_anthropos: yes23:00
smwroasted, what do you mean can't avoid? I want my taskbar back!23:01
roastedI mean, after all, Ford had the first idea, right?23:01
mrdebbmw made first car23:01
theq_# WARNING: Do not edit this file, your changes will be lost. # Please create/edit /etc/network/interfaces.head and # /etc/network/interfaces.tail instead, their contents will be # inserted at the beginning and at the end of this file, respectively.23:01
mrdebwhile blue23:01
roastedmrdeb: which makes zero difference.23:01
mrdebthen ford stole from bmw23:01
mrdebbec they also made better plane23:01
anthroposmy file is different on this computer, but it is a different distribution.23:01
roastedmrdeb: who was *insert second car company here* supposed to do about the steering wheel?23:01
mrdebyes roaster23:01
anthroposdo you have the files it references?23:01
roastedmakes ZERO difference.23:01
DulakTHe first car had a stick that worked like a tiller on a boat iirc, not a steering wheel23:01
smwroasted, wtf?23:01
TheSimkinsoftware patents are completely stupid.23:01
mrdebit means they stole ideas23:02
theq_anthropos: no23:02
smwroasted, they removed the old system and adapted the method apple uses23:02
mrdebso if bmw had patent, they would make all cars and ford would pay23:02
anthropospresumably you could create them and insist that be assigned to lo, but you really shouldn't have to23:02
mrdebdo u understand what i mean23:02
smwroasted, apple did it first and they get the credit for this type of interface.23:02
smwroasted, everyone else did it differently23:02
smwroasted, no one else made a car before ford ;-)23:02
theq_anthropos: what should I wrote there?23:03
roastedsmw: You're looking at such a little thing in regard to an entirely new way to people interact with interfaces and banking it ENTIRELY on it being an Apple clone.23:03
roastedsmw: citing how active/inactive app icons are used and associating them as a complete clone.23:03
roastedUnity is entirely different from OSX.23:03
roastedGnome Shell is entirely different from OSX.23:03
roastedAny idiot can see that. I'm sorry, but if you fire it up and just look at what's going on, they're both very distinct to one another.23:03
anthropossomething like address \n netmask for the lo interface, but its a little disconcerting that this is necessary23:03
anthropos\n is a newline of course23:03
smwroasted, it is not all an apple clone, I was saying the stole the parts I did not like ;-)23:03
TheSimkinanthropos: what23:04
roastedAnd with that, we'll conclude that convo. :D23:04
smwroasted, sounds good :-)23:04
roastedsmw: good talk my friend.23:04
anthroposTheSimkin: this is directed at theq_, whose lo interface is apparently not being assigned
roastednow to get more acquianted with this hud thing..23:04
mrdebwhat hud23:04
mrdebdo u need help23:05
roasteduh, no. thanks. :)23:05
mrdebok good luck23:05
roastedsmw: does hud by chance remember items you've selected before?23:05
smwroasted, no idea23:05
roastedsmw: like, I never use print preview, I just print. I wonder if it'll populate as option 1 instead of option 2 the more I use it23:05
anthropostheq_: do you have an interfaces.d directory23:06
theq_anthropos: where?23:06
anthropospresumably in /etc/network23:06
smwroasted, I will not be happy until hud is ported to a better desktop ;-)23:06
anthroposit is mentioned in 'man interfaces', but I don't have that folder on this computer23:06
theq_anthropos: none23:07
smwroasted, hopefully I will not start another debate, but I think gnome shell would have been less polarizing if it had been available with the old gnome 2.23:08
smwah he quit23:09
anthroposdoes your /etc/network/interfaces file also say iface lo inet loopback23:09
theq_anthropos: yes23:09
anthroposi don't know why it isn't working, i'm tempted to suggest something is messing up the address assignment after the fact23:09
TheSimkinwas someone actually argueing that apple's patent suits are reasonable?23:09
mrdebyes anthropos you do it in etc hosts i think23:10
anthroposyou could try rebooting or removing the address assignment, then doing ifdown lo; ifup lo23:10
smwTheSimkin, what patent suits?23:10
anthroposmrdeb: he says /etc/hosts if correct23:10
theq_-> http://pastebin.com/qhWcJu6S23:10
anthroposi.e. he says it contains localhost, as one would expect23:11
theq_it is hosts23:11
mrdebi mean if you famly control or something23:11
TheSimkinsmw: not sure.. i came in mid conversation, just saw someone saying osx was first and apple owns some idea or something.23:11
anthropostheq_ you appear to be missing the localhost line23:11
anthroposnm, its there23:11
theq_anthropos: I have it near other names23:11
mrdeb wow23:11
smwTheSimkin, that may have been me. But I was talking about the fact that gnome-shell copied quite a few things from mac.23:11
anthropostheq_ try removing the address assignment, then bringing down lo and bringing it back up with ifup and ifdown23:12
smwTheSimkin, not that apple "owns" it, but that the ideas came from there23:12
anthropossee if it's still broken23:12
PrettoI am having "No file name for libssl1.0.0" when trying to install any package, does anyone knows how to fix it?23:13
TheSimkinsmw: what an absurd way to think.23:14
TheSimkinsmw: ideas are always based on previous ideas.23:14
smwTheSimkin, how is it absurd to describe features as being copied from mac?23:14
TheSimkinbecause two people can have the same idea23:15
smwTheSimkin, of course. But I was saying they took all the things I hated about the mac interface.23:15
anthroposi don't think smw is suggesting it ought to be illegal23:15
smwTheSimkin, I am not suggesting it is illegal, but it is a legitimate way to describe it.23:15
TheSimkinoh good23:15
smwthey all steal ideas from each other.23:16
smwbut I was specifically complaining about the mac influence because I don't like the mac interface23:16
anthroposPretto: you could install apt-file and try to see what package libssl belongs to, or try to use google to this end (if you haven't already)23:16
theq_Okay, I got thing fixed, thank you guys :)23:17
anthroposwait, you get this error for _any_ package?23:17
anthropostheq_ what fixed it23:17
theq_mostly anthropos23:17
TheSimkinsmw: well, at least they didn't go with the idea that nobody should be able to change their interface that osx employs :)23:17
TheSimkinsmw: do you use kde at all? it's a dreamy desktop ui.23:17
TheSimkini won't settle for anything less than kde these days.23:17
theq_anthropos: I currently leave it as is, I have no time to fix at the moment, because it is rebooted once per year ;-)23:17
Prettoanthropos: I think I fixed it. Thank you anyway23:17
theq_however it have fixed23:17
anthroposPretto: sure23:17
theq_have a good night23:17
anthropostheq_ np, take care23:17
smwTheSimkin, more like "no one is allowed to change to the interface that osx employs and have me use it"23:18
TheSimkini hate how apple 'rents' you their products.23:18
Roastedsmw, I'd like to add something that RAGES me about gnome shell.23:18
TheSimkinthey never really belong to you.23:18
Roastedsmw, the printing setup menu.23:18
smwRoasted, sure23:18
RoastedIt's so terrible.23:18
smwhaven't seen that yet23:18
smwnot been using it too long23:18
RoastedI have a Konica Minolta printer, but Konica Minolta drivers don't work. I need to use a "Minolta" driver.23:18
RoastedI cannot select the flipping driver I want.23:19
RoastedI'm stuck using CUPS @ web interface for any shot of it working normally in gnome shell.23:19
RoastedUnity on the other hand uses the regular printer tool (same as in gnome 2 etc)23:19
anthropossimilarly, fglrx works poorly with gnome-shell. but i think it's an ati problem23:19
Roastedyeah, it is an ATI problem.23:19
RoastedUnity just doesn't utilize the problematic areas of the fglrx driver.23:19
RoastedWhcih is why Unity is preceived to work better with ATI/AMD when really the driver sucks either way.23:19
anthroposaside from vsync do you know what other capabilities are particularly problematic23:20
RoastedTheSimkin, I hate that too...23:20
smwTheSimkin, right now, gnome-shell needs 3 things. 1. me to be retrained (yeah not their problem. But allowing configuration would be nice) 2. better separation of workspaces. 3. better notification (so I know when I am pinged in xchat)23:20
RoastedTheSimkin, my boss used to be a huge, huge Apple fan. He pretty much despises everything about them now. He has so many jaw-dropping stories tha have happened23:20
TheSimkinsmw: it has one problem imho, it's not kde :)23:21
smwTheSimkin, you are not going to like this: http://blogs.kde.org/node/453123:21
RoastedTheSimkin, have you ever ran kde on ubuntu? I find it to be quite horrific. I left some free space to run Kubuntu on its own independent partition...23:21
TheSimkinRoasted: i use kde on ubuntu23:22
smwTheSimkin, I used to be a kde person. kde4 drove me away23:22
TheSimkinsmw: it almost drove me away23:22
RoastedTheSimkin, KDE and Gnome on the same OS is really weird. Fonts look strange, etc.23:22
smwTheSimkin, I have tried to go back since, but there are too many things going on23:22
Roasted4.8 is pretty sweet. I can't lie...23:22
smwTheSimkin, it actually drove me to lxde on arch for a while. When I got tired of it and wanted a real desktop, gnome won because kde had too many fades, moving status icons, etc23:23
smwTheSimkin, (and I was used to lxde's no nonsense)23:23
smwI went from gnome to xfce for 11.10 because I lost gnome2.23:24
TheSimkini just went back to 3.5.10 for a while23:24
smwbut I kept my desktop on gnome2/11.0423:24
TheSimkini really think the distrobution managers are the real problem with kde 4.x23:24
smwTheSimkin, did you see http://blogs.kde.org/node/4531 ?23:24
TheSimkinkde 4.x wasn't ready for mass consumption.. the kde deves knew it23:24
TheSimkinbut the packagemanagers forced everyone to upgrade anyhow23:24
TheSimkinif they wanted till 4.5 or so it would have been just fine...23:24
smwTheSimkin, we are back to the idea that 1. iterative improvement is better and 2. if you want to redo everything, you need a gradual transition23:25
smwpeople need to CHOOSE to switch23:25
k-rAdis realtek ALC892 supported under beta ?23:25
TheSimkinwell in the end kde 4.5 as more like 3.5.10 than 4.0 was....23:25
TheSimkinwhen they pushed 4.x it wasn't even ready for anything23:26
Roasted4.0 was a really, really bad joke23:26
smwTheSimkin, people need to also be able to use both at the same time and gradually transition. Then you won't see backlash.23:26
smwRoasted, actually, I did not find 4.0 that bad...23:26
smwI left around 4.223:26
Roastedsmw, people will still complain.23:26
Roastedsmw, whenever we switch software at work, we've given 2 years notice for the simplest of programs. Still complain.23:27
smwRoasted, fair enough. I still hate the new interface at google ;-)23:27
smwRoasted, they stole the space for the words in gmail!23:27
RoastedWe told everybody we don't see Apple being in the future of our district. This was a year ago. People crapped their pants. Yet the switch for the teacher systems isn't until summer 2013.23:27
RoastedNot to mention, we already have Linux laptops for ALL students, so teachers know the flipping interface and have already for a year.23:28
smwRoasted, the idea is that people need to choose to switch. If they don't choose it, you did not do a good enough job ;-)23:28
Roastedsmw, sometimes it enrages me to the point I sincerely just want to throw their mac out the window and say, too bad. You'll deal with it, and you'll like it.23:29
Roastedsmw, that's not always the case. I have given countless, countless +1's with moving to LInux.23:29
RoastedBut because Linux isn't an Apple product, people crap their pants.23:29
RoastedLiterally, we've seen jaws DROP at the idea of Apple disappearing. I kid you not.23:29
Roasted"But, there just has to be a way to waste more tax payer dollars so we can utilize this overpriced gear!"23:30
smwRoasted, I am like that with my taskbar23:30
smwRoasted, but I believe that they did not need to get rid of it.23:30
Roastedoh wow23:30
Roastedsmw, do you know what just happened.23:30
Roastedwhen you pinged me, I saw xchats icon move.23:30
RoastedI've been in gnome shell for months. I haven't seen that action in forever.23:30
RoastedI'm almost giddy to have that functionality back.23:30
smwit worked?23:30
RoastedYeah, but I'm un Unity.23:31
smwRoasted, ah, that makes sense23:31
RoastedI'm starting to warm up to Unity in 12.04 so I'm trying to give it a fair chance.23:31
RoastedI'm also in Gnome's IRC asking what's up with those kind of noficiations.23:31
Roastedand the terrible, terrible printer gui23:31
RoastedI like how Unity is intelligent enough to know which monitor to open the dash with where the mouse is23:32
RoastedI like that quite a lot...23:32
RoastedWhere in 12.04 can you adjust certain unity features?23:43
Roastedwasn't it removed from compiz in 12.04?23:43
anthroposare you talking about ccsm ?23:43
Roastedwasn't unity's ccsm dependency removed in 12?23:45
itaylor57no unity still uses ccsm23:45
Roastedthat sucks23:47
zzecoolis it only me  ? i lost unity 3d  on the latest update im on nvidia23:55
zzecoolfor some reason unity 3d fails23:56

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