
=== blackbox is now known as black-box
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brendandi have a system that can't resolve domain names unless i remove bind9, is this a known issue?10:25
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
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=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
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RedSingularityAnyone know when the daily spins will be done?18:03
hggdhwe hope soon now, the last pieces are being built18:04
RedSingularityhggdh: sounds good ;)18:04
LaibschIs it just me or is a http://www.streetauthority.com/energy-commodities/forget-oil-could-be-biggest-story-energy-458736 creating 100% CPU both in FF and Chrome?19:25
RedSingularityLaibsch: no problems here.19:27
LaibschRedSingularity: thank you for testing.  I wonder what's causing it here, then.  I'm running lucid, but I believe these days we still get the latest browsers.19:28
LaibschI'll treat it as a singularity then and ignore it ;-)19:28
RedSingularityLaibsch: lol!19:28
greg-gLaibsch: I'm getting a slow script warning from Fx19:29
greg-g(the space in the url is because I had to trick the paste service I didn't have a link)19:29
LaibschRedSingularity: are you blocking scripts, flash or anything like that?19:29
* greg-g isn't blocking anything, and has flash nonfree install19:29
RedSingularityLaibsch: nope.  Running lucid as well.19:30
* greg-g is on Oneiric19:30
RedSingularityLaibsch: what version ff you have?19:30
LaibschRedSingularity: javascript enabled?19:30
RedSingularityLaibsch: yep19:30
LaibschI have 11.019:30
Laibschupdated yesterday, I think19:30
RedSingularityLaibsch: version:  10.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.119:30
RedSingularityon mine19:31
LaibschI see19:31
Laibschmaybe a regression, then19:31
Laibschtry to update FF, please19:31
RedSingularityLaibsch: alright standby19:31
RedSingularitythere was an update.  installing now.19:32
RedSingularityNew version: 11.0+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.219:32
RedSingularityLaibsch: still no problems here19:33
Laibschjust to be sure, you restarted FF?19:33
RedSingularityyep, killall firefox-bin19:34
Laibschsingularity it is, then ;-)19:34
Laibschthanks, guys19:34
RedSingularityno prob ;)19:34
RedSingularitydaily iso's are still not done :(19:37
notgaryHi there. Could I ask someone with the correct permissions to close this bug please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/144797 It's four and a half years old, was closed upstream last year, the steps provided are not sufficient to reproduce, and the stacktrace is too outdated to use. The Rhythmbox code has changed so much that it has probably been designed out.22:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 144797 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in rhythmdb_entry_get_playback_uri()" [Medium,Triaged]22:08
notgaryAh, sorry, I didn't realise I could close it myself :P22:11
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk

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