[07:04] aloha [07:09] good morning === jalcine_ is now known as Guest2983 [08:49] o/ [10:31] mornin [10:46] good morning! [10:47] cjohnston: go over to mhall119's place and wake him up, I want to complain to him about Unity :P :P :P [10:47] jussi: comlain some for me too [10:47] :) [10:48] jussi: complaining about unity wakes him up. [10:48] heh [10:48] I actually like it lots, just some little things that annoy me :D [10:48] * jussi is trying it on the work pc [10:48] yea tooo many little things for me, stickin to kde and osx [10:48] :) [10:49] i broke down and put xfce in a vm, thats about as close as i get for now [10:49] like the drag and drop is badly broken. in KDE, I can drag a file from dolphin, hover over a icon, it will open up that program and I can drp the the file into the new program. [10:51] yea there are many things i could go on for days,but wont [10:51] i mean its "ok" but not worth the effort, its more worth my time to tweak kde the way i want it [10:51] and 99% of the time i'm in osx anyhow [10:51] lol.. I'm only about 20 minutes away from him right now [10:52] me ? [10:52] it is definately something Id put on the in laws PC... if moonlight supported that horrible silverlight drm - which it doesnt [10:52] (but my inlaws "must have") [10:53] nah, i put it on my stepdads , actually he's been running gnome since dapper [10:53] and just bought a mac cuz he hated unity [10:53] and he is 72 [10:53] lol [10:53] imbrandon: you could have just installed gnoome panel for him... [10:53] i did, but by that time he had his mind made up [10:54] he is actualyl good, knows how to package apps and such [10:54] just dont hang on forums and irc [10:54] oh, cool [10:54] suprised the hell outa me for a 72 year old [10:54] lol [10:54] but yea he took to dapper like it was water and learned a ton [10:54] never used linux before then [10:55] but if your retired and got nothing better to do either ... [10:55] lol [10:55] he does still dual boot though, but only to a terminal and byobu [10:56] tried to show him vmware, ohhh no [10:56] ok gota get some work done, getting side tracked [10:56] ttyl :) [10:56] mind, wrt to packaging, I still think we need an online editor for packaging bugs - how easy would it be to log into LP, click the file you want to change, edit, click save and put a reason and it automatically creates a patch, which you can specify a bug to attach to. [10:56] hrm [10:57] might be intresting [10:57] thats similar to the drupal patch queue [10:57] its intergrated into git and patches [10:57] like that [10:57] and makes a branch [10:57] yep [10:57] and runs tests [10:57] and you dont need to do any setup, it just works from anywhere with a browser [10:58] yea, it makes alot more work for the maintainer [10:58] hrm? [10:58] but the contrib is alot less [10:58] dunno really how to plain it good, but step through their process [10:58] its all open [10:58] on modules.drupal.org [10:58] just pick any module and gotot the issue quwuw [10:59] queue [10:59] * jussi assigns nigelb to make it happen :P bwahahah [10:59] lol [10:59] yea its kinda hard to explain but makes more work for the maintainer(S) but manageable and its a way diff workflow than the old scholler are used to [10:59] so you;ll get flack htere [11:00] but it makes the crtib almost no barier [11:00] so its a tradeoff [11:00] one i think is good, but still a trade off [11:00] fair enough [11:01] and its not terrible dont get me wrong [11:01] but it is noticeable [11:01] ok back to work for me [11:01] laters [11:03] whatever I got vlunteered to do, I nominate cjohnston to do. [11:03] :P [11:04] nope [11:12] nigelb: sorry, t wasnt volunteered, it was voluntelled! [11:12] you have to do it now :P [11:13] hahah [11:14] if you can give me 40 hour days, sure [11:19] jussi: stop torturing the kid! [11:19] czajkowski: Im NOT! :P [11:19] poor child looked tramatised! [11:22] nah, she just likes yo make faces. (and has wind) [11:22] :p [11:30] who's complaining about unity? [11:45] mhall119: me :P [11:55] jussi: black screen/wallpaper only? [12:03] mhall119: nah, I had flickering like crazy which unity --reset fixed [12:05] jussi: every0one did [12:06] jussi: bug reported friday adnnupdted early with that fix [12:06] czajkowski: not everyone [12:09] "Bilal Akhtar - It worked straightaway for me, no need for reset. Weird." [12:10] Maybe it only works for unity devs [12:11] hehe [12:22] It only happens to people who don't know how to fix it. [12:40] mhall119: btw, do you know what happened to clipper? [12:51] jussi: no, is that a clipboard manager? [12:52] mhall119: yes [12:52] I've been using Glipper for years now [12:55] oh, it works. lol [12:55] sigh, why isnt this in by default? [12:58] why isn't what in? [13:00] mhall119: glipper in ubuntu by default. I had to install it a few mins ago [13:00] jussi: probably because most people won't use it [13:01] also it needs a mono-color icon for it's indicator [13:01] really? o.O Its like in my top 10 used apps... [13:01] jussi: mine too [13:01] yes, and a nice integrated menu colour [13:01] but my parents still highlight and choose copy/paste from menus :( [13:03] mhall119: hehe, mine do not, but I know people that do :/ [13:04] a part of me dies when I see someone go to the menus instead of ctrl+c/ctrl+v [13:04] mhall119: I have a strange habit of right click -> copy, but thats mostly because I still have the mouse in my hand. [13:15] mhall119: I don't use Ctrl +c/Ctrl +v [13:15] I use Cmd :D [13:16] shift/ctrl-ins [13:16] nigelb: it's like I don't even know you anymore [13:16] mhall119: haha [13:16] my servers still run ubuntu [13:28] oh hey, reminder [13:28] <--- at a conference from tomorrow until friday [13:28] so if you need me for something, today is your day! [13:29] Not allowed jcastro [13:29] cjohnston, woooo [13:31] What conference jcastro ? [13:33] POSSCON [13:34] sweet [13:34] jcastro: Do you know who's coming down for Ubuntu Cloud Day? [13:35] no idea [13:35] prakash maybe? [13:35] jcastro: Yeah, but tech folks. [13:38] * jussi thinks about what things he could "need" jcastro for... :P [13:45] nigelb: ME! j/k , well I am but i'm no one :P [13:46] imbrandon: you are coming down? [13:46] srsly? [13:46] i was gonna be near there, thought about crashing you guys [13:47] so not really attending but i may pop in for a lil bit [13:47] imbrandon: if you do make it, let's plan to catch up :) [13:47] kk [13:47] I live in Bangalore... at least for the next few months. [13:47] wow heh [13:48] I dunno if I'll mkae it to the event itself though. [13:48] i got to be down in orlando toamrrow afternoon, then i got a little time to kill [13:48] not a ton but ya know [13:48] err day after tomarrow [13:49] wed [13:50] maybe i can talk jorge into the Flying Saucer [13:50] :) [13:50] haha [13:58] linkedin is rather interesting [13:58] and very useful at times [13:58] amusing to see people viewing my linkedin profile given there is no way they are viewing it to give me a job [14:21] czajkowski: heh [14:21] czajkowski: i get that on g+ alot, i have a ton of followers on g+ i have no idea who they are [14:22] and twitter, omg no idea about that one, somehow i got 5k followers and i only follow like 150 ppl [14:22] crazy [14:22] and i dont tweek but like once a week [14:22] imbrandon: you are a "ubuntu celebrity" [14:22] :P [14:23] bah, there are bigger rock stars than me, like you and czajkowski :) [14:23] meh, me a rock star? no way [14:23] hah [14:23] I'm not [14:23] czajkowski: nah, but you are a superstar [14:23] I just find it amusing people watching my activity :) [14:23] lol yea [14:24] jussi: not the way I'm feeling today [14:24] though I did bake a cake at lunch time [14:24] czajkowski: nice [14:24] yummy carrot cake with butter icing [14:24] czajkowski: so what did ya have for breakfast ? huh ? i'm still waiting on juju to make me some breakfast [14:24] hahaha [14:24] j/k [14:24] czajkowski: even superstars dont feel great evreryday [14:24] czajkowski: the fact is, you still get stuff done, even when feeling crappy [14:25] imbrandon: juju breakfasts, what a great idea! :D [14:25] imbrandon: tea toast standard breakie [14:25] and one I can mucnh and sort through mail [14:25] trying to get 5 days work done in 4 days [14:26] haha i was just playin :) [14:26] yea i know the feelin, not for me right now but i've been there many a days [14:27] and what is a breakie, i was kinda jokin but now i gotta know :) [14:27] ohhhh [14:27] never mind [14:27] imbrandon: breakie = breakfast [14:27] :P [14:27] yea [14:27] * jussi hugs imbrandon [14:27] i read it wrong the first time, like that was a 3rd thing to eat [14:27] lol [14:28] * imbrandon gets more mt dew [14:28] maybe i need to switch to coffee [14:28] lol [14:29] * imbrandon was expecting her to say something with vegamite (sp?) on it, eww lol [14:30] vegemite is lovely! [14:30] >.< [14:31] ewwwwww [14:31] hehe [14:31] thats liek saying marmite is nice [14:31] evil smelly old socks are nicer! [14:31] * jussi has a big jar in the cupboard [14:31] lol [14:31] \o/ marmite hilight [14:32] btw, anyone know marks location / tz currently? [14:32] not i [14:32] mhall119, I think I fixed my sound, wanna test? [14:32] jussi: probably BST [14:32] he gonna be in NC with jcastro tomarrow ? [14:34] morning jono! [14:34] howdy jussi [14:34] hows things? [14:35] jono: apart from the fact I havent slept? not bad [14:35] lol [14:36] :D [14:36] jono: welcome back all refreshed after you holiday [14:36] sleep is over-rated [14:36] mhall119; +1 [14:36] jussi: sleep is over rated. I do my best work at 2am and wide awake! [14:36] mhall119: "you can sleep when the war is over son" [14:36] * czajkowski hugs mhall119 [14:36] hah, I am still on vacation :-) [14:36] another week yet :-) [14:37] "You can sleep all you want once you're dead" [14:38] jono exists! [14:38] cjohnston, only just :-) [14:38] jussi: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-c8hvgXD4RhQ/T3B86nh8PTI/AAAAAAAACLM/autV8o55d9c/s522/IMG_20120326_150707.jpg lunctime baking [14:38] jussi: I'll sleep when bug #1 is Fix Released [14:38] mhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Not reporting large bug) [14:38] czajkowski: yeah, just saw it in the stream [14:38] hehe [14:39] right, time to cook dinner -wok on the way! [14:39] jono: I'm about to update summit with more than 5000 lines of code change [14:39] mhall119: see the CC agenda [14:39] cjohnston: is that your warning for things going to break take cover [14:40] cjohnston, yowzer [14:40] no [14:40] lol [14:40] jono: you lived in england long enough young man to call it a holiday :) [14:40] lol [14:40] czajkowski: linky? [14:40] jono: I can just about deal with your z's instead of s's! [14:41] czajkowski, lol [14:41] whatever, it's only words :-) [14:41] mhall119: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda [14:41] jono: :) [14:41] Jono is an 'merica now, spent the last week at Wal-Mart:) [14:41] czajkowski: um...ok [14:41] people of walmart is awesome [14:41] czajkowski: what is he going to discuss about it? [14:41] haha [14:42] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bug1 [14:42] I haz no idea [14:42] jcastro: ping? [14:42] * czajkowski pops the kettle on and makes a cuppa tea to go with her cake [14:43] yo yo technoviking [14:43] today I took a cooking class with the family, made handmade pasta, ravioli, tirimasu, and drank plenty of wine [14:43] was a good time :-) [14:44] czajkowski: oh, looks like he wants to s/windows/proprietary operating systems/ [14:44] so, the launchpad plugin on the test forums is having some issue, probably related to php-openid, but Stuart can't spare anyone to look into it [14:44] which, given than nearly all of "proprietary operating systems" on the desktop is Windows, I don't see the point [14:46] I LOVE HAVING THE LAUNCHER IN ONLY ONE WINDOW!!! [14:47] technoviking: hello [14:47] cprofitt: hi [14:47] jono: nice -- I love cooking... fresh pasta is great [14:48] technoviking, ok can you put that as the blocker in the RT ticket? [14:48] jcastro: can do [14:48] technoviking: it's always been that way for me [14:48] since I have only one screen [14:49] technoviking, from now on, blockers go in the ticket, so that it's clear to CC/Forums Council/sabdfl exactly what is stopping the work. [14:49] jcastro: roger that [14:50] I'm beginning to hate RT 16733 :) [14:51] cprofitt, :-) [14:51] * jono responds to yet another pointless discussion with Fab over software freedom :-) [14:51] technoviking, beginning?! Hah! [14:51] * czajkowski hugs jono [14:51] jono, oh I hope it's on G+ [14:51] jono: is it really worth it [14:52] indeed it is [14:52] jcastro, indeed it is [14:52] czajkowski, not at all :-) [14:52] this is why we can't have nice things [14:53] haha [14:54] jono: Fab ? [14:54] imbrandon: Linux Outlaws Fab [14:54] he's just contrary to be contrary [14:54] oh i blocked that dude months ago [14:55] imbrandon, Fabian Schnersal [14:55] yea [14:55] he just enjoys spending his days rambling on G+ about how other people are not free enough [14:55] yea i blocked him on g+ months ago, forgot about it [14:55] if you posted something about "Ubuntu saving stray puppies" he'd probably post about how evil puppies are [14:55] I would rather spend my time doing useful things [14:55] I've him blocked also [14:55] like makin it free [14:55] such as watching kittens riding roombas or something [14:55] :) [14:55] and working with him to organise a confernece [14:55] fun times :) [14:55] HAHAHAH [14:56] me hears the roomba sound mixed intot the next severed song [14:56] quiet as a mouse when dealing with him face to face [14:56] czajkowski: pseudononymous bravery? [14:56] czajkowski: most peple like that are, its quite funny [14:57] i worked with a fella the exact same way, even internally at work, but he was in the office next to mine. and NEVER spoke aloud hardly [14:57] even in convo [14:59] but man if his kde gentoo ricer box couldne t open some attachement from outlook cuz it was a .docx ( even when ubuntu could lol ) it was then end of days [14:59] imbrandon; ^_^ [15:03] I just responded again [15:06] jono: Florance is too nice (or so I'm told) to waste time on internet trolls [15:06] mhall119, heh [15:06] it is indeed [15:08] jcastro_: Prakash == Prakash Advani ? [15:11] * mhall119 is seriously considering working from the hammock today [15:12] mhall119: sounds like a good idea to me [15:13] but that means I have to re-assemble it [15:14] mhall119: I hope the jobs jump all over you and you have no peace! [15:14] mhall119: you know I love you dearly but that's just teasing us! [15:14] imbrandon, good to have you back here, dude [15:15] imbrandon, I will always fondly remember my very first UDS hanging out with you at the Oasis bar in the valle [15:15] valley [15:16] jobs jumping all over me? [15:16] * mhall119 assumes s/jobs/dogs/ [15:16] and only one of them can even reach the hammock's height [15:17] mhall119: dogs [15:17] HAHAH [15:17] jono: ONE TOOTH [15:18] dear gods my typing is dreadful today [15:18] imbrandon, ONE TOOTH [15:18] :-) [15:18] lol [15:18] good times, hey i'm gonna be in oakland btw [15:18] sooo that accomplihment stuff kicked me off doing some summit and juju stuff [15:18] and not i am back at it before ya knew it [15:19] * imbrandon spent a little time in the apple camp, shhh [15:19] now* [15:21] jono: I think me and cjohnston gonna have those community-web-themes rockin, he's already put a month or more in on em and i shoved about a week or so of hours in [15:21] they are shapin up [15:21] imbrandon, nice! [15:21] imbrandon, looking forward to seeing you in Oakland [15:21] will be great to have you back in the community :-) [15:21] :) [15:21] its like riding a bike [15:22] just missing jr, but he is still around just not on kde [15:22] :( [15:22] jono: he is only allowed to work on web stuff tho [15:22] hah [15:22] hahah [15:22] I claimed him first [15:23] i think i got some nginx and php packin to do commin up in 12.10, spamms and i are gonna try to get nginx in main [15:24] speakin of i need to post that second nginx blog post today before its tooo late [15:24] back in a bit [15:24] but yea def good times, and great to be back [15:24] imbrandon: I bet jcastro would like that [15:24] he and marco have gotten nginx powering their wordpress-omg charm [15:24] mhall119: heh probably, its about the same project we're all working on [15:25] yea i've been helping , i'm the brandon in jorges blog posts :) [15:25] ah, ok [15:25] there's so much going on with that, I've barely kept up [15:25] thus about to go into details about it on mine ;) [15:25] hehe i got a series of like 5 to post about the whole setup [15:26] this will be II [15:26] and 4 and 5 arent written yet [15:26] lol [15:27] but yea me jorge joey marco and spamms been rocking the nginx love and mysql lvoe and juju love all over it [15:27] someone will need to do a big over view when done, because it looks like a lot because it is [15:28] spamms and marc spent i know a week streight of 12 hours+ days [15:28] and that was just one week, we;re on week 3 now [15:28] if not almost 4 [15:30] mhall119: http://brandonholtsclaw.com/blog/post/2012/zero-to-88-with-juju-and-nginx [15:30] :) [15:30] that as #1 [15:31] jono: ohhhh one last thing before both i let you get back to work and i do something constructive ............. give me gnome pannel back on the default install even if unity is default session :) [15:32] imbrandon, heh [15:32] * imbrandon stops before flames begin [15:32] ;p; [15:32] :) [15:32] :-) [15:40] nice of Fab to throw me under the bus like that [15:45] mhall119, can you link me to the d.u.c pages for the Unity docs? [15:47] jono: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/unity/ [15:47] mhall119, can you put a link to this in the notes for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOpVhuB9sVk&feature=youtu.be so people know where to find the docs [15:51] jono: done [15:52] thanks mhall119 [15:57] mhall119, I just promoted it on the social media channels [15:59] jono: I did that last week ;) [15:59] mhall119, cool [16:00] a little more won't hurt :-) [16:00] mhall119, I didnt see you promote it on G+ [16:00] jono: I have "Ubuntu" on Facebook, and "Ubuntu Unity" on G+ [16:00] mhall119, dpm wonderful job on the docs [16:00] it looks really great [16:00] I don't have "Ubuntu" on G+ [16:00] mhall119, ahhh, gotcha [16:00] nor "Ubuntu Unity" (if that exists) on Facebook [16:01] test === jcastro_ is now known as jcastro [16:03] jono, glad you like them, kudos also go to the dx folk who wrote the source documents [16:03] :-) [16:19] dholbach, can you join #ubuntu-desktop [16:39] jcastro; did you notice the Unity Contributors Meeting is on the Fridge twice? [16:39] Every week? [16:39] no [16:39] I don't think we've had that meeting in a while [16:39] you can just remove it for now if you'd like [16:42] Indeed "Agenda for 22 June" ^_^ [16:48] alright my friends - it's dinner time over here [16:48] so see you tomorrow! :) [17:39] mhall119: I'm still working on your contributor list since our doc has not frozen yet... If I forget to give it to you do not hesitate to ping me === bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen [19:22] bkerensa: no worries, how long should I wait before I can assume you've forgotten? [19:24] mhall119: next monday [19:24] :D [19:44] jcastro: summit [19:44] hehe [20:01] jbicha: when are you going to be at the venue for posscon? [20:07] jcastro: if only you lived in EU, I could bring you to IReland for a weekend to give a talk on juju and charms for free [20:14] czajkowski: if only you lifed in Florida, we'd go do Disney and I'd make you BBQ [20:15] mhall119: meanie! [20:15] which I'm pretty sure one-ups more conference speaking [20:15] right need to find an oracle speaker and a canonical speaker in eu [20:15] you'd think this would be easy [20:15] it's not [20:15] you dont take me to disney or make me bbq ever since that first time [20:16] cjohnston: I don't harass him over summit :) [20:16] cjohnston: you had the opportunity to come to the last one [20:16] you chose not to [20:17] jcastro: I live here :) why? [20:17] oh ok, I'll be there tomorrow [20:17] around 2 or so [20:19] jcastro: cool, I'll probably be at the Convention Center or in the IT-oLogy tower then [20:20] ok, so just walk around until I find you? [20:21] I'll pm you my phone number [20:41] jcastro: Is contest ended? :D [20:41] yeah [20:42] your readme needs some work though [20:42] you don't tell anyone how to use the charm. :) [20:45] jcastro: blame your reviewer :P [20:45] jcastro: I will fix now [21:46] jcastro: mhall119 http://summit.ubuntu.com [21:48] my 2 factor auth is broken today for some reason [21:48] !fil [21:48] Factoid 'fil' not found [21:48] !fail [21:48] Shaka, when the walls fell. [21:48] what is it? [21:50] jcastro: I just pushed ~8k lines of code live on summit [21:50] lines of code changes [21:57] whoa.. 8k eh? in one commit? [21:58] well [21:58] many commits [21:58] one release [21:59] balloons: test her out ;-) [21:59] you have special powers [22:43] cjohnston: I really don't like the dotted border around the columns, is that intentional? [22:43] cjohnston: also, I get scrollbars on the twitter messages now [22:43] not really.. we could remove imo [22:43] mhall119: i do too [22:43] but its only in chromium afaik [22:43] everything feels so big now, why the larger font? [22:44] ah, chromium, ok [22:44] guidelines [22:45] cjohnston: hey, we should probably only display the "propose a meeting" when the summit is in the scheduling state [22:45] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/ <-- it's not much good there [22:46] its supposed to be [22:46] is uds-p still in scheduling [22:46] I hope not... [22:46] but, yes [22:47] jcastro: YubiKey for the win :) [22:47] * mhall119 needs to reprogram his yubikey [22:47] mhall119: Do you use it with LastPass? [22:48] I have one Yubikey for LastPass and another for ssh authentication [22:48] bkerensa: I don't use it at all currently [22:49] mhall119: ahh [22:49] mhall119: my code aint the problem [22:49] bkerensa: but they've started using them for 2-factor auth in Ubuntu SSO [22:49] but yes, they all need to be turned to public, or whatever it is if they are done [22:49] mhall119: what? I can use one for Ubuntu SSO? [22:49] :D [22:49] cjohnston: yeah, I turned uds-p to public and the link is gone now [22:49] mhall119: you should see what happens if you put it in sponsorship [22:49] it dances [22:49] bkerensa: it's still in internal testing I think [22:50] but lastpass kind of makes 2-factor for just ubuntu sso moot since LastPass can do 2-factor for everything web-based [22:50] =o [22:50] bkerensa: but it's coming soon, and baked into the django-openid-auth we use for summit and LTP [22:50] bkerensa: how does lastpass make everything 2-factor? [22:51] mhall119: http://helpdesk.lastpass.com/security-options/yubikey-authentication/ [22:52] bkerensa: that only adds 2-factor to LastPass, not websites [22:52] or am I reading it wrong [22:53] mhall119: oh yeah... I am just tired... It adds 2-factor to lastpass correct [22:53] ok [22:54] mhall119: But if passwords are of secure length and form and stored securely on the site your visiting then surely there is no need for 2-factor at the service level if using LastPass? [22:54] Problem is using sites that do not store passwords and other sensitive data in a secure nature [22:55] bkerensa: yeah, technically a sufficiently secure password and transport/storage is about the same as 2-factor auth [22:56] but let's be honest, none of us follows *all* the password security best practices [22:57] mhall119: nope not all of us :)